Fantasy RP An Elf Amongst Orcs (Open)

He scoffed, keeping ahead of her to hide the blush that touched his face. "You are too obvious, before is not going to alter that odds, after the ritual...there may be residual magics left over, so if you must really attempt to be certain, I suppose I can attempt a second coupling of there is enough moon light. " He said as he composed himself. "That is the only way you will find yourself graced to lay hand upon me twice in one night."
"We will see big boy, But most important is to ensure I have been successfully given a Bun for this oven. Unless I will be offered another sibling by your father, while you are away to battle. after all no strong hybrid child, then we have no future with this pact and you know it well. "

as she spoke, using actual facts to her advantage, the fact remained. that due to the treaty made by the elven noble's own father, he was in a situation where he did have to give her a child, however it was not as important to his people to have this treaty as it would be for her own. However the fact remained, now she was being more social at least, and open about her needs, and demands. despite how she would still doe what was needed to ensure safety for both their people as long as the treaty stood.

However as they continued on, Maeve would have to keep his guard up, for if he slipped up even a moment, with her near him. the Orc would use her position, and natural strength advantage to pin the knife ear stud, and begin to rock his world, or more so her own. however she would not make a move like this until an ideal opportunity presented itself, regardless how long she had to be patient for such a scene to play out.
"My father has better duties to deal in that indulging you. As such, for this treaty, I am acting on the crowns behalf. Until you are with...ah. Bun, was it? I suppose, I shall be providing your with the batters. " He said simply as they came to the ritual site, a cleared section of the courtyard, that would gather plenty of the needed moonlight. A hoard of elvish chests were laid out, carrying the necessary goods. "At any rate, the strength you indeed crave is not within my fathers branch. " Meave said simply, a sly sense coming unti his tone. "I underwent a path that many of my people do nor, so you seek my strength." He said as he leaned to open a chest. "That strength is what bruised you, and suppressed you, no one elses."
Hearing his proud, and sly tone, the orcish queen would smirk, as she cracked her neck. Maeve would see it, the sudden glow like a bright pink flame which glowed from her right eye. licking her lips, as the moment soon would present itself. It would be right when was positioned, with out noticing the mistake the noble made himself. for it would be this moment when his defense was down, and his pride showing itself, where the green futa made her move. swift, and unexpectedly skilled. with a sudden and painful impact, the Noble prince would find himself tackled over a chest, and in a amazoness, or pile driver like position. as she did not hestiate to grasp his groin, in the moment of impact, tearing away any thing which would keep her from his package. the wild tiny vixen knew what she was doing in this position, which would make him hers, at least for a short while, until Maeve could break free.

As she dove inti him, the two if them doubling over and fluid in motion, while she managed to get at his rives and grasp on his cock, tearing away at his pants to find her prize, Meave ignored the pain in his back. "Are you mad- this is assuakt-" he said as sge felt him struggling, knowing exactly what sge was looking for. His longer limbs stretched out, his hands grabbed hmon her ankles, Elven nimbleness made the position only somewhat uncomfortable, but he was certain he h ad his range of motion to act against her.
With the odd position the two were in, Maeve would find with his power and reach, the best he could do in this kind of position was to make himself more comfortable, due to the naturally gifted strength of the tiny orc woman. how holding his ankles in a death grasp, as she lifted, and slammed herself down upon him, repeatedly. It would not take long before the over whelming desire to rut, and breed began to invade the noble knife ear's body and mind. as it was still unknown that this over whelming influence was thanks to the sacred spirit king which resided sealed with in this orc queen's soul, needing a powerful vessel to handle it's power. However for right now, her eyes had the deranged, pink hue to them, as she panted, riding with all she was worth. struggling to keep ontop, for one moment would be all the elf needed to flip them both over, however by this time would he be able to stop or give in and just give this orc queen enough of the D, that she would leave him alone until the night ritual came to pass?
As he grasped at her. Though he couldn't fight her furyer, the otc bouncing herself on him like she was the spirit or simply her natural urges, it was unknown. Likely both. Meave s member radiated heat inside of the Orc nicely, her brain feeling the itch she had getting scratched thecdeeper she plunged the elfs spear inside of her. The maddening need she fekt as he was bumping her womb already, but she couldn't angle herself lo enough in this position to get the prlenetration and punch she had when he was on her, using her like she was a Goblin fuck doll rather than the queen she was. His hands pulled at her, the feralness that infected him making thevekfc pant softly as her walls squeezed him intensely His hips were moving against hurler position now, hammering upwards as she smacked down against him.
Now the two were both getting lost in the act, as the elven noble began to move himself against the orcish queen, despite her tiny size. the power she had in her body was indeed impressive, and now her depths began to tightly coil, and devour all the meat his fleshy rod was offering her. all the more, each time her ass came down onto him, clapping with his flesh, making the green cheeks ripple with each impact. her own spear bouncing like it was dancing. which would become an obvious weak spot for the elven lord to use to make her climax all the faster. unlike himself, she had the sensitivity of both male, and female. yet he was under her, feeling the way she used, and enjoyed his flesh. panting and mewing with each powerful bounce.
While the pair were slipping into their strange connection, drawn in by the sensations they could draw out of the other. As the orc slammed down against him, every pump against the Elf feeling his cocktail throb inside of her, swelling bit by bit, pressing deeper inside of her. His hands jerked her ankles, forcing her to topple backwards against him to roll about to take control
Now managing to pull her by the ankles, Maeve would end up getting his little, aggressive green dominatix onto her back. thus taking control, however it would be an awkward, albeit very enjoyable position. As if they were scissoring, albeit his cock deep inside of her depths at this point. however with her ankles in his grasp. the elf would pull her into each thrust, as if trying to split the tiny green vixen in half as he filled her. the tip kissing the deepest bundle of nerves. however the sensation of her warm moist depths, constricting, sucking his flesh in with each thrust. it was as addictive for the elf as it was for the tiny orc. as if the two were made ideally for each other like this, even if they did not admit it, and were giving into both carnal desires, and other worldly influenced lust.
As her depths constricted around the elf, her deepest cluster of nerves getting battered as he pulled her by her ankles, the motions rough, yet forced much like how he fought, he was targeting her with a precision that others could not mimic. The most direct pleasures that would shoot into her from the most potent moment. As as she failed to wrestle her larger opponent for now, he reached out with his magic, conjuring another hand to grab the Irish smaller memever, striking it while he used his proper hands to yank her about like she was a toy.
Now adding his magic into the assault, Maeve would hear the cute moans, and whimpers from the orc queen.

"Hey, no fair, knife ears, if your gonna touch me, at least use real skin. "

as she struggled to speak, her lips puckering like trying to kiss something while also being forced to open from forced moans, in an oddly cute manor. the way he was working her tiny frame over, would give quiet the view for Maeve. seeing a side of this power house of a pint size vixen. one which he would be unaware of, but would now desire to see even more often. as well as the second intercourse his body was enjoying, as the two would not know it at this point. but the influence from the spirit king which was sealed in her body causing the two to become addicted to the sensation of their bodies melding together in such carnal acts. as it would become even more apparent for the elf once the ritual was done. for his body would have such a powerful desire, which could only be kept under control if she was close enough to reach for the worse case scenario, however this would be discovered later, for now it was a battle of lustful dominance, and he had an upper hand, albeit a magical one at the moment.
While the orc seemed to break into soft meals and moans, her dominance crumbling while the elf attacked her on both fronts, Meave tilted his head to the side. "I touch where I please." He said pointedly as he lifted a hand from her ankle, grabbing the orcs bobbing breast. "And we will speak about your little name for me-" he aid as he pounded down upon her, his thrusts getting rougher, faster as the influences between them urged him to put pressure on the orc, to drive her body into submitting to him further.
Now falling prey to the growing desire for them both, it was becoming more and more like two feral beings rutting, and breeding like their was no tomorrow. However more then that, the elven noble would find himself acting like a barbaric orc in heat for better terminology. however the partner he was filling and drilling would be the perfect victim for such a need, as his hand worked to hold her in place, his magic working to squeeze, and stroke her in the ideal places along her thick ridged shaft. all the more, knowing the sensitive parts of a man meat, made this very unfair, as he hit all her sensitive area's both internal and external to the most part. as the queen was becoming more and more of a mewing mess.
Whole the orc was getting overwelhemed more and more, his thrust, his unbecoming roughness, his body drawn into such a frenzy that the gleaming blonde locks of the elf had been thrown out of its pristine braid. His spell tugg the orc savagely, his top slamming into her soft pocket. She felt him dig into her , hitting her stomach, vgrinfing against the back of her womb while he slammed himself into to his bade, bottoming out inside her. His shape was being enforced again, battering her tightness, forcing her to stretch around his shaft and force her body to accept the unique shape.
it did not take to long once the two both began to hit their very edge of pleasure. with the aid of his magical hand, Maeve would end up getting the orc maiden to orgasm, and soak him, while spewing her own seed out like a wild squirt gun, gone out of control. However more then that, her depths would squeeze, and milk him as she hit her own release, even if the elf was not ready his body would feed it's prize to the depths of her oven, as she soaked his very flesh. Yet the two were far from done, even if their sounds and actions seemed to look like exhaustion was slowing, their very instincts, and bodies as if acting under the control of another would get rougher, and wilder after the release of their seed upon and into one another.
As the queen started to cimlsx, the elf angled her cocktail away from him, forcing her seed to shoot back onto her own face while she was rooted and rutted by the prince. Her tightening slit, her pushy sucking him in and milking him desperately as he bathed her body in pleasure. She felt the elf crash into her, starting to gush his loads into her womb, the sensation of the thick filling feeling heavier than the first time he stuffed her. But he couldn't stop, the draw forcing him in and out of even once he finished, neither of them able to do much more but slam together, the last taking more and more control of the prince.
Before it finally came to an end, Maeve would find his body under the orc once more, once his magic weakened enough from mana, and physical exhaustion. she took dominance once more. riding the prince of the knife ears like he was one of her play things. her cum stained, green breast with perky pink nips bounced, and swayed wilding, as her nails now dug into him a bit more. yet before the two would be fully aware of it. the two of them would both become to exhausted to move, or pull apart. as something inside both of them, had now marked their internal needs, and desires. as such the desire to breed non stop until a new blood was baking in the orcish oven would over whelm both of them all the more. yet Maeve would be the one in more powerful self control, being able to resist such urges much better then any orc, no matter how powerful. yet now he had the busty tiny vixen passed out on him. her cock spewing hot jizz onto their flesh, as his own was buried deep in her depths right now. Leaving the elf to remain their and allow the two to rest, or call out for some help, which would be even harder, as she would try to silence his lips with her own lips.
As the orc swept in to take over, using the brief bout of satisfaction to her advantage to jump at the prince and use her strength to push herself even further over iher edge. While rode him hard, seeming to be unable to stop her frenzied needs for the elf inside her, he hadn't stopped fighting back. Even as she dropped against him, his hips would drill upwards into hers, her bouncing breaststroke grabbed at and slapped . As she peaked again, her dominant position tettering as she fucked herself stupid on his prick, finding hee milking pressure only met with harder thrusts, and the sensation of his tip grinding un her womb while he would shoot again and again. As she would collapse against him , veering to have driven herself to her limits , the possessing desires retreating back into her body while the Elf was stuck trying to wrestle the orc off again.
as it took a bit of time, the elven noble would find this wicked little lady being far more like a lewd cock prison then expected. the way his member was trapped, and kept erect by the constrictions, as well as suction like sensation from her depths. with a great deal of effort, Maeve would free himself, but finding it even harder for the knife ear to pull away, even with the burning desires died down now. their was now a new sensation or longing to keep this little green vixen close to him. despite how this was not possible, due to his own needs.

however as it was, their were still quiet a few hours before he had to finish up for the breeding ritual of the blue moon night.
As the unconscious orc locked around the Elfs spear, her coiled sex practically sticking in back in every time hw tried to pull out. He groaned softly as he fought to shift and drag his way out finally, her juices helping him snatch himself out finally. Though as the slumped over orc was in his arms, he couldn't consider leaving her or abandoning her to her attendants again. He lifted the dense woman , starting to carry her away from the ritual place to take her back to his personal quarters to rest until she woke back uo.
carrying her like this, once the tiny yet powerful body of muscles, and lustful thirst was laid upon his bed. Maeve, would find himself suddenly and easily pulled into the bed, and his face forced into her busty albeit smaller then an elven maiden's bosom. her arms wrapping snuggling around him. as the noble would soon hear the oddest, almost cute snore like whimper from her. instead of a common saw like snore, this was more like a faint, almost cute mew, or squeak from such a hardened warrior. something more akin to the sound of a small child having a snoring like issue. however now he would need to slip free, or submit for a short rest until her slumbering luck loosened. which would not happen for at least half an hour or longer, as she seemed to be holding him like a kind of body pillow or stuffed animal, a child would hold for comfort.
As she was laid to rest, the prince taken aback by her arms jumping out and pulling him into her , his head pinned against her smaller bust, but he hadn't intended on going too far regardless. He huffed to himself as he laid with her, wrangling her about a bit to wrestle his headway from her so that he could lay properly. He put a arm around her as she seemed to cuddle to him, seeming to be quiet soft in her resting rather than the show she constantly utilized. The Elf closed his eyes slowly.
Falling into an uenxpectedly enjoyable, and peaceful slumber. snuggled into his tiny soon to be wife of an orc queen. the elven noble would not understand it, but a strange spiritual dream would be happening to him. something his people saw as a message from the very gods, and spirits alike. one showing the elven noble that he was to keep this orc at his side at all times, until she had his child, after which it would be up to him to remain. However little did the elven lord, Maeve know, this oracle like dream was simply the spirit king with in the orc queen's soul planting another ploy into him, one which his people could not truly argue against, even if they had their own duties. For now his body was against hers, or perhaps it would be better to say she was the ideal size body pillow for the prince, now that his body was in a more comfortable position for his sleep. as it was unknown which of the two would awaken first, but both would need to be awaken with in the next 12 hours for the coming ritual to be carried out.
As Meave dreamed, the revelations that..he was going to be seeing this crazy orc a lot more than he would want made him uncomfortable even if the way they felt seemed to be quite strong. Who was he to argue with the divine, but to stay until the orc was pregnant...his duties would take him away from this realm. He would have to take her along? Trust that she could contain herself? He hoped that the ritual would make this divine settlement moot, that he would only need the one ritual and they would be on their separate paths. As the revelation passed, the prince would stir awake during the evening, still within the time before the ritual.
As maeve was now awaken, he would find the oddly cute sight of the tiny queen slumbering in his bed. something which would give an odd yet welcoming sensation, as if proud to see what he did to this high powered, and high strung orc queen. yet at the same time knowing she would be more of a hand full now then believed to be prior. Free to go about, and deal with the other orcs, his own men, and woman, as well as the dark knight, dark elf warrior which decided to side with the orc queen. as it gave him a chance to learn more about her if he so desired, he he could help with the ritual sight, or even commune with some of the spirits to try and decipher his dream.
As Meave sat up, looking over to sleeping queen he gently reached out, combing some loose hair from her face. The action perhaps the softest contact they had had since they began their tangled negotiating. He slipped out of the sheets, climbing out of the bed as she snored away. He thought on if he should commute with the other elder spirits on his dreaming, but settled upon cleansing himself and going to set about examining the ritual preparation one more time. Whether or not is was the will of the ancients that he and this orc would be together until they produced a child, his best chance would be using the spell to ensure that future.
Now moving on his own accord, Maeve would find many elf's, and orc's alike watching him. for he had done what no other had dared to do at the moment. however they would say nothing about it, however as he entered the area of the ritual sight. Maeve would spot the dark elf altering the ritual circle. as she knew something which most did not, if he looked over it. the marking would be almost like the marking of a curse, or the blessing of the dark goddess. one which could ether enhance or prevent the true goal of this ritual. however as it was, most did not know what these marks were, it was unknown if Maevbe's noble heritage kept these lost, and forbidden blessings alive via knowledge, however the fact remained. if she knew these markings, and how to write and alter them, it meant her blood line was of ether equal or higher elven nobility then his own, despite being a dark elf.
The dark elf would wave her hand, at first, waving the prince off or so it seemed. however he would soon find his legs unable to move. however she would finish her work before explaining what she was doing. how the old art of light, and dark could be merged, and it was meant to be for such rituals. as such all their work was only half done, for this ritual was the key to allow her people to get pregnant, which would be impossible with out it. however as she explained this, the dark elf failed to explain the one part she kept to her self. the queen had rewarded her handsomely for the aid to make alterations to ensure the prince would become the queen's plaything if not for any other reason, but to allow the dark elf to enjoy him as well. until the deed was done, as the truth was this ritual would indeed work, but now it would curse them with a delayed pregnancies', and reduced success.

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