Fantasy RP An Elf Amongst Orcs (Open)

The prince channeled his mana, pushing his counter spell to unravel her holding spell from his legs. "The sages ensured it had such preparation...but then again, we do not use the Shaded Flower's influences like you." He said seeming to assume she had found some such imperfections from mistaken translations or simply incorrect application of the runes. While he shook off her spell, he eyed her, looking close to her subtly. "You...never gave me your name." He said as he looked aside again. The Elf's senses were like any other elves, higher, stronger, emotions along with them. The dark elf could sense something a bit exciting...the prince's eyes would trace her face ever so slightly, her lips. Perhaps a natural interest rather than the forced situation that the queen had ensured. Sadly. with the spell altered so, she wouldn't beable to try to earn the prince's bloodline so easily, but..she too would be getting to try as often as she could get.
"Selvia Silverblade, I doubt any of our kin even remember the name of my clan, or home. "

as she said this, the busty, and overly alluring Dark elf would give a name from the old legends kept alive by the noble records. the ones known to have originally created both dark and light runes for elven people, as well as mastering elder spirit contracts. however these were old stories and legends, surely this dark knight elf was not the last of a noble blood line, however it would explain the odd magic she used in battle prior.

as this went on, the sensation felt by the elven prince would only grow all the more, Unlike the tiny short stack of a queen, this dark elf was more along his natural desires, and taste, even if she held her own secrets as well. yet as it was, he would have his hands full with the little green tart, but perhaps he could enjoy this one as well, as she was currently the loyal vassal of his wild little green companion.
"Sliverblade?...That bloodline was thought to be wiped away in the Division...I'm glad to meet the blood of Dethorath and see that his daughters are as fair as was foretold in the scrolls" He said as he tilted his head in a bow of respect to her. His eyes had fallen upon her armor, the clear view upon her bust "I-...ahem-I apologize" He said touching his neck, feeling flush as something crept through him. "I must have laid too much of my mana in the battle, I still feel somewhat strained." He said as he tried to look into Selvia's face again, playing off his pause.
Looking away from the noble high elf, the dark kin would get back to her own work. finishing it up with out hesitation, as she would speak to him, while not looking his way.

"tis fine, you are of the current generation, one so young and so innocent compared to my generation. I hate to say it, the blood thirsty ways of the green ones could teach you a thing or two, if your willing to bend more. But it is not my place, the world changes, and time waits for no one. But know this, if you learn what you need from our fellow hostess, their is a chance you could learn something which could bring you closer to what my family had once tried to teach others. "

as she said this, being both direct, and oddly obscure about it. however what the dark elf did not realize, as she worked, her body would almost scream to the senses of the noble to take, and claim her right their. as if something of the queen had rubbed off on him. such desires, instincts, and thoughts had never been so strong or dominant for the elven noble before, yet here Maeve was starting to understand something about the orc queen, as he had begun to feel what she felt tours him now, but tours what was her right hand, and shadow blade for the moment. would he take her words literal and act like the queen tours the dark elf, or would maeve show himself the better, and head off before giving into this growing desire with in him?
"The Greenskins have little habit for teaching others from what they've shown my people. " His hands brushed along her exposed side briefly. "And as for Bending...I am not sure that it will do one such as yourself much good if I followed the inclinations of Orc ways. Tradition may lead to required growth, but to wander too far from the ways of the past is to be anchorless in the vastness of the ocean." He said as he swallowed to himself, the simple touch on her skin making the Prince burn up. He drew the touch away quickly, folding his arms behind his back as he nearly...bent the dark elf over.
"Thinking like that is what got my people practically eradicated during the great war so long ago, and very soon it will begin anew. try to adapt, and learn from our mistakes. " as she spoke not even noticing the position she was in, as the dark elf worked, and spoke tours the prince. leaving herself vulnerable, and wide open. more then that, her clothing was not real, but rather made of mana, thus a small mana disruption, and it would melt off with out a trace. however she might not be as long or girthy as the orc queen, or the prince, but he would discover the dark elf packed a smaller but still potent tool of her own, which seemed to compliment her womanly assets even more. it would be odd, but not unheard off, for one to be equipped to fulfill ether needs but the body filled out more tours one need then the other, if the prince lost control and made a move upon the dark elf.
As the dark elf seemed only to bend more and more, giving the prince more of a view if her goods, he'd blink as he noticed that the dark elf was a futa as well. A extreme rarity in light elfs, but perhaps was different in the nature if dark elves. Meave caught himself staring at her womanhood, the pressure in his trousers intensifying. Her mana was pressured suddenly, pulled apart as she felt the princes mana clash over hers as his hands touched her hips, pulling her from her work and against him. "Shall I show you the green skins lessons ove seen so far?" He said, brazenly, boldly so.
as he made his bold move, the noble would suddenly find the dark elf melting in his grasp, as her body vanished, only to reform a distance away, leaning against the wall. as she smirked, looking at his action. the elf now fully naked, and ripe to be taken. but she was not making it easy.

"Oh come now, you did not take the little green one with such a weak attempt. I can admit, she did not even give me a chance, when she went for it, her aggressive and dominating nature is just like those of my own kin, but you have grown to gentle, to weak. your kin, are to kind, thus could never truly understand the true nature of dark magic, or as you call it, curse magic. "

as she said this, not even thinking how it could sound like a challenge to the proud, and skilled elven noble, to take her, and show her how much better he was as a partner then some short stack orc queen, however the fact remained. she had admitted, that she had been touched by the green queen, and enjoyed it?, or could this be some kind of provocation to try and tempt the noble to act out, in a more feral like mind set?
The elfs ears flicked his hands furling behind his back as she spoke to him. "You mistake my intentions then. "Meave said simply. "I was asking. But perhaps to you, such a thing is a weakness." He said as he met her stare. "If the thing you believe is best is force, perhaps we have to see what you think when I apply it." He said
"Well, your kind use to call us barbarians, brutes, savages, and monsters. your high and mighty ancestors always acted like being gentle would survive wars, when it failed. I do admit the select few of your kin could use proper spells, and spirit contracts, which you seem to possess that aura. but do you truly possess the skill to make full use of such power?"

as she spoke up, in a matter of fact kind of tone. something which would both anger the noble, due to hits at his pride, and people, while also show off a level of knowledge, and power which would only cause his instincts, to see her as a more fitting partner then even the orc queen. most likely thanks to how much closer she was to his own kin. even if her kin was said to be cursed, or evil by some stories. now he could test things out for himself, unaware how this could also effect the orc queen if the noble had the scent of another female on him when she awoke. was it possible the dark elf was trying to tempt maeve to act, and test him for her own amusement?

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