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Fantasy RP An Elf Amongst Orcs (Open)

Local Time:
1:21 AM
Nov 9, 2022
As the air blades scattered across the broad axe blade, the Orc saw the prince had already shifted his stance, his hands unfurling from firsts, into a straightened spear stance. His arms steadied before her eyes, his eyes focused and face sterner. The Elf lowered himself briefly but as she watched, he kicked off tge ground again, his fingers thrusting out in a rigid thrust, angling his fingers to poor her helm and the mark all in one go to dispel it.
Local Time:
1:21 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as he moved past the small defending orc, the Prince would soon feel a sharp, and horrible pain, as several shadow like tendrils shot out of the armor's shadow. binding him mid strike, and piercing several spots of his body. as it was barely in time, his strike had manage to crack the armor before impacting it, just a few moments later and he would have been successful. however the tiny orc would move quickly, as she was no longer being attacked. with incredible speed, and skill, she would free the prince, only to get palm strike in the side, breaking a few ribs, and being sent tumbling away, but she freed the elven prince to allow him to try again. as the duo were now proving a challenge, as this dark elf's battle tricks were being learned one at a time. it was unknow if the same trick would work a second time on the elven prince to capture him again.
Local Time:
1:21 AM
Nov 9, 2022
As the Elf was freed, the prince fought through the sting of his wounds and blood spilling from him. He threw himself forward again,his battle focus sharpening itself as he got closer. His hands lashed forward again, starting to channel his dispelling magic again into his fists.
Local Time:
1:21 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as he moved in swiftly to strike, the Dark elf would swiftly, and elegantly as if dancing, moved to place her gingers along the side of his wrist, and twirl around him, causing the prince to move past her. however as the dark knight slave did this, it freed the orc to rush her. as she used this opening to kick the knight as hard as she could, in the side, causing the dark elf to tumble forward, creating an opening for the prince to twist himself and strike his just missed shot at her.

"Oi, knife ears, hit the bitch would ya. "
as she shouted this, landing with a thud from her kick into the armor. landing onto the ground. it would be easily missed, but the tiny queen's leg had snapped from the impact, her knee bent the wrong way, as a small portion of her bone protruded out of the knee cap area. as she hissed in pain. if this opening was missed, it would become a one on one with the prince, and the one she wanted to play with later.
Local Time:
1:21 AM
Nov 9, 2022
As the Elves tumbled, the two of them wrapping together, Meave focused himself, a hairs breath of space was between them. But in the midst of the landing, he would make his move. A brief Shockwave would ripple in the Elf slaves armor, but she would find the princes fist has sudden punched its way into her sift flesh, his magic lashing over her to end the enchantment upon her.
Local Time:
1:21 AM
Nov 19, 2022
after the blow was successfully struck, the way the dark elf would fall back, her armor suddenly melting away, as it reverted to broken shackles which were around her wrists, and ankles. as she was now out cold. however more then that, the prince would have won this fight, with the aid of the tiny orc, who was a mess. her busted knee, was now quiet the sight, however the flesh would heal quickly, yet she was in pain, gritting her teeth, as the orc struggled to try and force the bone back into place, which was easier said then done by one self.
Local Time:
1:21 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Meave stood up, his fist still pulsing lightly with the relaxants of magic while he held held out a hand to help. His nullting magic splittered, starting to gather up on his palm to start to cast healing spells on her. "This may help." He said as started to help her reset her broken leg while their two sides came together to secure their royals and make sure the humans were properly put down.
Local Time:
1:21 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as the forces freed most the slaves, some ran off, others join the group in dealing with the slaves, and freeing more of the slaves.

the dark elf now out cold, in nothing more then skimpy lingerie, and broken shackles which had once been her intimidating armor. it was quiet the sight to say the least, however this busty warrior was of a rare breed, one thought to have been extinct for quiet some time. looking her out cold body over, the orc queen would lick her lips.

"Looks like, we have new toy, Take her back, will make good use of her, once she recovers. perhaps she will accept offer hmm?"

as she spoke this to the elven noble. as the orc took people they rescued as a form of slaves themselves. but no where near as bad as how humans used spells to make them unwilling dolls to obey orders, at least with orcs, they tend to fill in roles, which were fitting. as the noble would see it in this tiny queen's eyes. she wanted to use this busy warrior as both a tribal warrior, and her own personal toy, but the dark elf was closer to his people then her, even if the dark one was not actually a race people would except now adays. meaning the noble, Maeve would have his hands full with his new so called fiancé'.
Local Time:
1:21 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"These people are not to be your slaves, elven spirits are free, held by none but the divine." Meave said as the Orc learned at the dark elf. He stepped between them as she sat there. "All Elves are too be released back to their conlclaves. Even the Drakir." He said as he started to approach the dark elf, with a wave of his hands, his robes flowed up frim the ground into his hands, some how ever pristine as he covered the freed slave. "You shall have to do without them." He said looking g at her broken leg.
Local Time:
1:21 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"I agree with this for all the others, except for the dark elf, she had drawn blood, and more so she killed one of mine. as such the law of the lands are true, she ether serves, or she gives us a blood line heir to carry on the role of those she killed. "

as the orc queen spoke, these laws of the land were the very laws the orc's followed, which were also the very way the other races kept the war mongering race in check so to speak. as such, if the prince went against such an unwritten rule, then their would be issues for him to deal with. however if he was strong willed, and willing to come up with an alternative then the queen could be bartered with for the freedom of this dark elf.
Local Time:
1:21 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"An Elf in chains, one way or another." Meave said as he rounded towards the Queen, stepping to her. "Elven Law are sacred. As such her freedom is as well. I will not forsake her even if she is Drakir." He said as he stood over the Queen. "Perhaps we can find you something of equal value"
Local Time:
1:21 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"If you find us an equivalent trade, then yes we can make exception, for she is of an extinct race, as such her blood line is truly valuable, even more so to strong clans like our own. as she is now of the property of this land, and thus our people. we would not harm or force her to endure, but train her in our way of life. yet you have better offer, we can make exceptions. "

as the queen spoke, her one eye glowing now, as she spoke with an odd other worldly duo voice, unaware of this herself, the elven prince, maeve would recognize what this was. a spirit, partial merging with a host. which should only be possible for elves alone. however something about the odd green flame like glow in the eye as she spoke like this. it would reveal the laws which made the orc more controllable, and manageable for his people and others like, which the queen enforced. was a law set up by the unknown spirit with in the orc queen. meaning the main reason she was so desperate for an even half breed child was not the orc, but the spirit's desire. the orc just wanted the strongest genetics for her off spring regardless of the species which provides it.
Local Time:
1:21 AM
Nov 19, 2022
raising an eye brow, and suddenly smacking the elf across his face. as she would hiss at the noble.
"oi, knife ears, remember you already belong to me, at least for the night of the red moon, don't talk to your queen like that."

as she snapped at the noble, it was clear this spirit inside of the orc clan leader, and the orc maiden herself, were not two separate entities any more, but the fact that a spirit fusion something which was only known to happen to a very select few noble, or heroic elven warriors of ether gender. it seemed this tiny vixen had fused herself with one, unaware of it herself. which would only lead to more questions, also a need to figure out how to communicate with it, with out the orc losing her temper at him to talking like that, ether when she is out cold, or perhaps worse case scenario, bound, thus unable to interrupt.
Local Time:
1:21 AM
Nov 9, 2022
As the Orc made to strike him, the prince caught her wrist, twisting it aside to make her swing wide. He dragged the injured orc forward, pushing her face against the grass and dirt, and he shifted around to pin her arms behind her back. "I am your guest. And you are not well." He said
Local Time:
1:21 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as he did this, it would be right as the prince pinned the orc, that he would feel something off. as if the world around him began to dim, his body would feel the strength quickly leaving it. all the worse, would be how it seemed to also be draining from the orc under him. If the prince looked around he would notice a few of the elven slaves had been slaver's in disguise, still elven individual, but corrupted, and now they were using a forbidden spell to drain the magical, spiritual, and physical strength, in order to try and use a mass range enslavement spell on every one here.

this only made things worse, however it would also end up putting the prince in a bad situation, to let the almost berserk like maiden under him loose from his hold, and hope that once those who were doing this would be taken down swiftly, and he could contain her again. or he could try to reverse the spell, thus making those doing this permanently enslaved themselves, as it would be a mark that could never be removed if done this way. ether way he would have little time to choose for this was making it harder and harder by the moment to keep the unwell queen under him from breaking free, and going wild as she was currently.
Local Time:
1:21 AM
Nov 9, 2022
As the spells began to rise up, trying to I capture and bind the magics of the prince abd surrounding Elves, they gaurdain forces m I ved t I try to act, trying to d I stupid them with force and spells alike to safe gaurd the I r lord and Prince. Whole Meave was weakening, his grip on the Queen would fight to stay firm, to keep there berserker from fully escaping to try to contain the situation. He held onto her arms, ,feeling her bucking underneath hmm so wildly .
Local Time:
1:21 AM
Nov 19, 2022
his men began to deal with the secret slave trader's, Maeve had his hands full himself. as he began to struggle to keep the tiny titan of madness pinned under his impressive might. however as she squirmed and struggled, their would be something a bit unexpected. the elf would seem to find his body starting to get turned on, however it would be once he had a bulge in his pants, that she would seem to finally start to calm down, as her one foot moved to rub between his legs with her impressively flexible limbs. however the eyes showed a kind of feral nature coming out, but at the same time. something about this would seem a miss, yet at the same time all to familiar, as if he knew this wild nature from some where, or perhaps some time from his long almost forgotten past?

all the while the elite guard would soon have their foes taken down, however the elven slavers would kill themselves with poison before being captured, yet if the guards were quick they could perhaps capture at least one.
Local Time:
1:21 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Whilst the slavers began to start take theor poisons, choosing death iver capture, the gaurds were quick to adapt, pinning and starting to force medical herbs into the mouth of one of the slavers, a powerful herb that would suspend the body and prevent any ill effects from the poison. Usually this was reserved for the gaurd or their prince, a safe gaurd against poisonings or sudden infection or disease. But to prevent this slaver from evading punishment, Meave likely would have demanded they would go so far if he wasn't so occupied.

"What are you doing-" the prince said as he felt the Orc pushing her feet upon his hardening cock, the Elf however didn't pull away, unsure if she would still leap to cause trouble. He shuddered at the feeling, the unexpected sensation and fire that was spreading under his skin. Had she done something to him?
Local Time:
1:21 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Finding the right way to touch her noble little knife ear stud. The pinned tiny orc woukd smirk as she teased him with her foot, very skillfully. Getting his own body turned on, and acting against the elven man's own thoughts. His body unable to deny what it was starting to desire all the more.

Little did ether of them realize that the ideal time for their bodies to intertwine would be upon them very soon. Thus both there desires and instincts like this would over take there mental process. Unaware if it was nature of some spiritual which was influencing these physical desires at the moment. For the powerful stud pinning her was what made this berserker go into a more lewd mental state then the blood thirsty one she was in moments ago. Thus if freed shebwould go wild but not in the way the elven prince, Maeve was thinking.
Local Time:
1:21 AM
Nov 9, 2022
As the Orc kept rubbing him, he flushed faintly, realizing that by holding her down, her berserker fury may not be fury at all. Quite the opposite. "Stop." He demanded as he shifted his knees, pushing her legs away...the only way to do so likely only excited her more, as his knees pushed in on her own, forcing her to spread her legs as if he was going to claim her so boldly. "Control yourself-" he said as he held her tighter, though, he wasn't quite sure if he was also speaking to himself.
Local Time:
1:21 AM
Nov 19, 2022
The sensation growing with in the elven prince himself would cause his body to act out more and more. the longer he pinned this tiny orc queen, the more his own body wanted to take and break her right here, and now. despite how the two were struggling against one another. it went from pure blood lust, to the lustful frenzy growing with in them both. unaware of it, the odd spirit.

the instant his hold on ether of her arms, or legs weakened, the orc maiden, if she got her a foot free from his leg keeping them spread apart, would move back to teasing him. if one of her hands broke free, she would move to pull his face into hers to kiss the knife ear deeply, so she could try to strip him while lips were locked together.

as all this went on, their elite men, both elite orc, and elite Elf's were taking care of the slaves, and slaver's. as they managed to capture the head one, which was an elf of all things which made little sense, however the fact remained. now they had work to do, but at this moment, both of the leaders would be busy with each other. as even the orc saw this as the knife ear guest, keeping their queen from going feral, and blood lusting for any one or thing near her. as they had never seen the kind of growing lust which was dominating her now.
Local Time:
1:21 AM
Nov 9, 2022
As the strange feelings surged in him, the two feeling drawn closer abd closer Wilhite they wrestled, Meave would lift his arms slightly to try to keep her suppressed. As she would push against the shifting pressure, grabbing him to try to force her lips to his, the two began to scuffle again. Her aggressive kiss and his confused frenzy, trying to slide loss of her grip and resist the overwhelming feelings inside of him.
Local Time:
1:21 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Slowly and surely, the struggle began to grow more and more into an unexpected, and enjoyable wrestling match. as even the noble and well trained in self control, Maeve would soon find himself stripping the tiny orc woman under him. with out meaning to, due to her own struggling. as her one foot would manage to get her toe claw into his pants enough to cause a tear. freeing his own member. before the two would both realize it, their meat would end up, rubbing against each other, as his was longer and thicker then her own. however her impressively little cock was like a giant, monstrous clit with how it grew off her. however her womanly slit under it, was unable to hide it's oddly strong and alluring scent which would hit his senses.

unaware of this, the spirit which resided with in the queen of the powerful little tribe was now effecting his body and desires as well. needing only the strongest heir for it's natural power to reside in, as none of this woman's currently off spring had been even close to durable enough. thus her unique gift, allowing this power house of a tiny fire crack to be bred, and breed others herself.
Local Time:
1:21 AM
Nov 9, 2022
As the Orc queen found herself bare, spear tp spear with the prince that she was drawn to, something inside the Orc just knew- this knife ear was powerful, his bloodline pure and prime. It stoked the heat in her body, like a wild beast that was before a mate. The allure of her scent made Meave feel so strange, his spear pushed against the Orc, rubbing her s, the meaty spear was almost strange on the Elf, large, girth, almost like a century. It was so stiff it easily stood against hee, baring its way to her womanhood, the battering ramm hurtling to slam onto her feral onsides.
Local Time:
1:21 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Finally giving in, as Maeve, the Noble knife ear filled the tiny orc queen under him. his impressive length, and girth could be felt, and slightly seen, as a small bulging outline was their each time he bottomed out into her. however each deep, and slowly increasingly aggressive thrust made her own throbbing little spear slap into his belly a bit. all the more, if things continued like this, ether the elf, would be rolled over, and ridden, or he would need to grasp her legs, and fold the orc, and roll her into a more suitable position for proper dominance. as the two were now loosing each other in the lustful delight. even more then that, it would only take one moment for the queen to flip them over, if Maeve wavered at all, before folding her legs up to keep her pinned under him.
Local Time:
1:21 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Yhe queen would find the prince's arms swept out as she tried to move her legs to wrestle. He caught her ankles, starting to bend her legs to control her, folding her legs up close to her chest as he pushed into her. His broad length slammed deep inside if her again and again, slamming his girth shape and forming her tightness around him. His the Elf grabbed the small orcs hair, using it to leverage himself into her. His eyes were hot with desire, uncharacteristically brimming with such tlraw emotion that Elfs normally seemed to ignore.
Local Time:
1:21 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Now giving into the growing and over whelming desire, as his grasp on her legs caused the tiny vixen trapped under him to squirm more. her maw opening to bite into the elf any where she could. not to draw blood but to grasp him with her maw to keep herself from making to many noises. however as this went on, her hot, silken, moist coils devouring, and strangling his very girthy and impressive spear, as it dove into her baby oven repeatedly. the sight would be something, even more so, as the noble knife ears was defiling a powerful albeit tiny orc queen. two species which would normally be at each other's throats, were in this case being filled by one another's primal, and feral desires. even more so, the fact remained, this woman had a cock, which rubbed against his abs, as her own hot baby batter oozed from the tip, coating his belly and abs each time he thrusted into her. however if Maeve used one of his arms, he could make it so, the hot orc cum would coat the tiny orc's own breast instead of him, if the noble elf desired.
Local Time:
1:21 AM
Nov 9, 2022
As the Orc tried to chomp the Elf, Meqve put his han on her cheek, turning her head away to hold her down, his monster was beating the orcs most sacred place, rutting into her womb and forcing his shape through her. The tighter she flexed and milked the more she felt the Elf thumping her into the Dorr, forcing the orcs prrick to gush as the prince was hammering her male sweet spots abd female alike. "Meaves eyes raked Aldine the pinned orc, gis lips placing themselves along her next softly, though she was resistant to magic, she'd feel a strange jolt as the Elf kissed on her skin, a pricking nerves underneath her dense muscles.
Local Time:
1:21 AM
Nov 19, 2022
now giving into each other's desires, and the over whelming burst of lewd heated, and much needed instinctive bodily actions. It began to turn into quiet the show, for if one did not know any better, they would think these two were wrestling to try and kill one another from afar. with how her green feet were pulled up to the elf's side, her long sharp black clawed toe nails scraped his arms periodically, with how she kicked, and squirmed. her one arm free now, as she ran her palm along his chest, leaving nail marks along the elven stud's chest. more then that, as his lips ran along her thick, and hardened green skin from years of battle and training, unlike the soft, and very delicate feeling flesh of the equally powerful prince. the two were physically opposites, yet their bodies seemed to fill each other to such a degree, where both were soon rutting like wild beasts.

her tight depths feeling like a combination of strong moist coils, constricting and sucking her prey deeper into her depths, with each equally hungering and powerful thrusts. making her body bounce against the ground softly. panting, and moving to try and lick and kiss the elf back as much as she could. the taste of his flesh, salty yet oddly sweet, to her taste buds would cause the aggressive little vixen to grow more and more excited.
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