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Game RP Cherishing the Master Mind

Local Time:
9:45 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Wesker suppressed a sigh while she pressed to see him sooner. Less for the desire she expressed, and more for his schedule. He had to take into consideration Spencer and goings on of the plans. Especially with certain...changes lately in the precinct. "I...will try to get in sooner."
Local Time:
9:45 PM
Dec 23, 2022
Rylie knew he would try, but knowing he was with Umbrella without Wesker really knowing was a stressful thing. She gave him a brief, silent nod before going to lay back in bed. Closing her eyes, she had to wait a few hours before going his things to try and learn more about her past.


Unfortunately for Wesker, Chief Douglas was looking forward to hearing about the clean up incident at the lodge from yesterday. His eyes scan the pictures from Umbrella taking pictures of the licker that attacked S.T.A.R.S yesterday. Then reviewing the documents that was found by Chris.
Local Time:
9:45 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Nothing as of yet crossed my desk. But I'm sure they would prefer a great deal that we kept this out of the news. If we can, we should bury this as far down in the files and records as we can get them. We found a hostile environment that was a hack and slash mess. We need to hang it on the right scapegoat for the Uni's to chase down and keep the fine details of that" Wesker tapped the scanned images. "In nice furnace shaped filing cabinet"
Local Time:
9:45 PM
Dec 23, 2022
Douglas nods, listening carefully to Wesker as he watches the man point at the photos of the bloody crime. "I see, good point right there. I'm sure Umbrella with their deep pockets can keep those press members away with money," He pauses, closing up the file. "I'll make sure to get this into records where it's never to be thought of again." Douglas stares at Wesker, noting his gelled back hair, impressive uniform press. "How is Rylie doing? Is she recovering alright from the nasty fall?"
Local Time:
9:45 PM
Dec 23, 2022
"Very good. She is young so I imagine that wasn't too much for her. I'm more shocked she didn't go to the hospital for a hit like that, but as resilient as ever," Douglas pauses as his phone went off, and he goes to answer it. The voice on the other end made him furrow his brows. "He is right here. We were discussing about the resort incident from yesterday, yes...yes sir...I will tell him to meet you soon." He says the last thing before disconnecting the call. Douglas then lifts up his chin. Staring right at Wesker. "You need to see Spencer as soon as possible."
Local Time:
9:45 PM
Dec 23, 2022
As Douglas closed the door behind him, he could only frown when Wesker wasn't as enthused as he was. It made him suspicious, but he could only brush off the feeling. There were more important things to be done.

Awaiting in the mansion in Arklay Mountains, there was a older man standing, looking out the window as he waited for the S.T.A.R.S captain. He coughs, grumbling, his sickness was getting worse as he got older. It worried him so, his goals to become a God for a superhuman race almost in reach, but until something happened seventeen years ago, he had to adjust plans. He knew she was still alive and the problem was she is in S.T.A.R.S with Wesker. He had to know was her memories coming back in his presences?
Local Time:
9:45 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Wesker approached the mansion gates, waved in by the security gaurd forces. He stepped out and looked up to the doors. The security team radio'd up to the personal gaurds of Spencer before allowing him to come though. Wesker held his patience, knowing the old man's paranoia and needs required such precautions. Wesker knew the pathway, he could probably walk through the manison to Spencer's office with his eyes shut. The gaurds opened the doors to allow him to step inside. "Spencer." Wesker said as the doors shut, hus hands moved up, pulled the sunglasses off slowly.
Local Time:
9:45 PM
Dec 23, 2022
Spencer heard the commotion outside. He knew Wesker was close. The man was pulled away from his S.T.A.R.S. duties to come to the mansion under his order. The door open and closed, a calm voice acknowledges him as he looks out the window before glancing at Wesker. "Wesker." He replies, taking a seat behind his desk, spotting his blue eyes from the shades. It wasn't often the man showed emotion let alone to anyone. "Long time no hear, well other than the time Irons decided to play fire with Umbrella. He has been an excellent subject, though I can't stay he survived very long thanks to Birkin."
Local Time:
9:45 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Irons always was better suited to his taxidermy table." Wesker said simply, his disdain for the man showing just as clear by his indifference. "But I know you didn't call Douglas just to reminisce over the failings of our late Chief." Wesker said as he stood across from him, his arms folding behind his back.
Local Time:
9:45 PM
Dec 23, 2022
"No, I didn't." Spencer simply spoke before coughing roughly in a tissue only to pull back the fabric to see blood. He glares before throwing it away. "Irons was useless, just a pawn on our chessboard, but he isn't the main reason I called." Going to his feet, he hands Wesker a file named, 'Subject 101: Project C'. "I thought I lost this file, it is lengthy, but I'm sure once you open it you'll know exactly who I'm talking about." He let's Wesker ponder on this file. "Its your fellow S.T.A.R.S. member, Rylie Cosgrove."
Local Time:
9:45 PM
Dec 23, 2022
"Are you certain?" Spencer inquired, lifting his chin to reveal his aged features to Wesker. "As I recall, she held quite an affinity for you. Memories may lie dormant, but encountering someone or something from her past could easily trigger those flashbacks." He scrutinized Wesker, observing the captain's unsettling calmness.

"I surmise from your reaction and your assertion that she remains unaware, she won't be divulging any information about Umbrella anytime soon," Spencer concluded. Leaning back in his chair slightly.
Local Time:
9:45 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"I think if she knew, we wouldn't be have this conversation." Wesker said simply as he set the folder down gently. "She would have ran. Or shot me when she had the chance " Wesker added as he looked to the aged man, grasping at the last chance he believed to be his chance at divinity. Wesker folded his hand on Spencer's desk. "The containment breach, has there been any more?"
Local Time:
9:45 PM
Dec 23, 2022
Spencer shook his head, a trace of irritation crossing his features as he recalled the reports of the resort disaster. "No, and I certainly hope not," he muttered, his tone tinged with frustration. "That incident was a significant breach of information, and I'm still baffled as to how that experiment found its way to the resort. The Umbrella employee responsible was a fool, but it appears he was attempting to leak information to the government. Unfortunately, fate intervened, leading to his demise at the hands of the very abomination he sought to thwart."

He paused, exhaling heavily, the weight of their situation evident in his weary demeanor. "This has been a trying ordeal," Spencer admitted, his gaze settling on Wesker with a mix of reliance and uncertainty. "I find myself depending solely on you and Birkin in this matter." Though he knew Wesker's reputation for self-interest, he couldn't help but hope that beneath the facade lay some semblance of empathy or loyalty.
Local Time:
9:45 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Birkin is trustworthy...and I am as well." Wesker said giving a gentle nod, though he knew that Spencer's usefulness and his company would eventually have to be moved aside. He would need more than Umbrella to take upon the task of growing his power. All in good time.
Local Time:
9:45 PM
Dec 23, 2022
Spencer nodded before coughing into a tissue, his expression grimacing at the sight of blood before discarding it. "I regret pulling you away from your duties," he began, his voice strained. "That will be all for today. And if you notice any signs of Rylie beginning to remember, you know what measures to take." He gruffled slightly, succumbing to another fit of coughing. He was afraid Wesker was lying to him. Remember from long ago when Rylie was younger, she took a interest in Wesker. If she had a slight chance of remembering, his company would be endangered.
Local Time:
9:45 PM
Dec 23, 2022
After another bout of coughing, Spencer reached for another tissue, his thoughts deepening in silence as he watched Wesker exit the office. There was an unsettling calmness about Wesker today, a tranquility that bordered on unnerving. Spencer knew all too well that Wesker's serenity often masked deeper, self-serving schemes. The lingering worry about Rylie's potentially resurfacing memories hung heavily in the air, threatening to unravel their carefully laid plans.


Inside the bustling yet controlled environment of the S.T.A.R.S. office, a sense of normalcy prevailed. No urgent distress calls disturbed the peace, no reports of missing scientists disrupted the routine. Under Chris's vigilant leadership, the team operated like a well-oiled machine. Jill and Barry were diligently organizing files, ensuring everything was in order. Chris, overseeing the operations, sought to keep the workload manageable for when Wesker returned. "Are those files in order?" he inquired, met with affirmative nods from Jill and Barry. "Great," he responded, "I don't want Wesker to return to any chaos."
Local Time:
9:45 PM
Nov 9, 2022
(XD his tranquility is from Rylie.)

Wesker opened the doors to the office, closing the doors behind his back slowly. He looked about, listening a bit....but finding the precinct to be calm, he hummed softly. The captain stepped into the bull pen slowly. "A quiet day for STARS?" He said looking between his sqaud.
Local Time:
9:45 PM
Dec 23, 2022
(XD Wesker had a ton of stress relief)

The members of Alpha team lifted their gazes as the authoritative, resonant voice of Captain Wesker filled the room. Chris, initially advancing towards Wesker, halted in his tracks, deterred by the unwavering stance and the reflective glare from those signature sunglasses. Respecting the unspoken boundary, he didn't venture any closer. "All's quiet on the front today, Captain!" Chris ventured with a light-hearted tone, trying to cut the tension. "Maybe it's the perfect day for a BBQ, given this rare break we've gotten."

Barry chimed in with his robust, infectious laughter, adding, "And let's not leave Rylie out of the mix. The girl could use a breather more than any of us, considering what she's been through. Yet, she's as resilient as they come—remarkably focused on getting back on her feet."
Local Time:
9:45 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Barbecue when the shift is over." Wesker said dryly. "Once we are finished, I will call Rylie and see how she is. If she handle the trip, I'm sure she'd be amenable to a bit of a party for her return." Wesker said after he thought on the invitation. He stepped to his office door, looking a the glass, considering what he and Rylie spoke of. Perhaps he'd have to request the 'security measure' to the chief.
Local Time:
9:45 PM
Dec 23, 2022
Chris was on the brink of explaining that the BBQ was planned for after their shift, to welcome Rylie back, but Wesker had already retreated into the seclusion of his office, shutting the door with a definitive silence. A shadow of concern crossed Chris's face as he returned to his desk, his thoughts clouded with questions about Wesker's recent behavior. The recent encounters with terrorists and the monstrous incident at the resort lingered heavily in his mind, igniting a curiosity about the fate of the creature involved.


Tying her blonde hair back into a neat ponytail, Rylie delved into the depths of Wesker's personal belongings. A burning need to piece together her fragmented past propelled her search. Despite the clarity of her memories with Wesker, vast gaps remained unfilled. Her keen green eyes scanned the documents before her, not particularly startled by the discovery of Umbrella files. Aware of Wesker's affiliations with Umbrella, what truly perplexed her was his silence on the matter. Why withhold such critical information? Rylie had heard Wesker claim care for her, yet deceit seemed no way to treat someone you cherished. In her heart, honesty was the foundation of genuine care, and Wesker's actions left her questioning the truth of his sentiments.
Local Time:
9:45 PM
Nov 9, 2022
(XD invasion of one's secrets and privacy Rylie? For shame! He even specifically said not to!)

Wesker picked up his phone, starting to place a call back to his apartment. Mostly for the sake if the get together, but also to check up on Rylie. While she picked through the files, she saw some where clearly redacted, abd edited, cutting out names abd dates, sometimes entire sections were removed frim context.
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