Game RP Cherishing the Master Mind

"You have nothing to worry about, I was going to suggest taking time for recovery for both you and Jill. " He said as sge snuggled him,vknowing she was right. It had only been a Monday. He gad only had her back on the team a little while and he'd have to consider moving Bravo Team to take up the front running while he had Alpha Team examined, even if it would be just on paper at best
Rylie shook her head lightly. "I think I'll be fine tomorrow Wesker. Me and Jill have the best support we can ask for." She spoke, running her fingers down his muscular back. Tracing the well define muscles of his back as well as listening to the gentle lullaby of his heart beat. She hums softly, knowing that it was going to be another good night if Wesker stays the night with her.
Wesker curled his fingers gently, looping her hair in his fingers and giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Then I suppose I'll see you two at your desks." He said as he laid back down, bringing his arm around her. He settled himself at her side, his eyes looking deeply into hers a moment longer before he began to shut them.
Feeling more relaxed and the pulls of sleep taking her in, Rylie smiles softly at him. She snuggles closer to him as he settles, both looking into each other's eyes before she herself shut them. Gradually rise and fall of his fast, his soothing heart beat, and his arms around her. Rylie fell asleep in no time. The post orgasm bliss and having Wesker there made her fully relaxed and hopefully she was granted another night of a restful night.

The next couple of days was the normal routine, either go on a tactical mission or handle a tactical situation. Rylie was in charge of making sure all paperwork was squared away for Captain Wesker. The S.T.A.R.S. office was buzzing of activity then compared of last week. It seem to throw everyone off guard.

Though this day was different, Rylie received a radio intercom from dispatch that there were shots fired in a lodge resort about 15 minutes from Raccoon City. This resort was sitting on the edge of the Arklay Mountains. The dispatcher described the call scary, gruesome, and horrifying. This had Rylie's attention and she needed to let her team know right away, Bravo was out right now on another mission. It was up to them to handle this.

Rylie manages to gather information and intel about this, bringing it over to Captain Wesker in a hurry. She did knock on his door, to let him know she was entering. "Captain Wesker, I received information from the dispatcher that there were shots fired at a resort on the edge of town here. We are requested to head in and investigate and eliminate any suspects." She spoke, confident in her tone and stance. She handed over the paper with the information about the call on it.
Wesker scanned the Intel, his eyes skimming for any hints of Umbrellas fingerprints to be cleaned up at the scene. "Suit up, we're going to handle this ourselves. " Wesker said after he stood up. "I'll radio for transport." He said as he stepped out to the radio and started to get a rapid response chopper together.
Rylie nods, leaving his office quickly. Chris and Jill saw Rylie's look of concern when she left their captain's office. Her green eyes soften when they looked at her. "We are about to leave to a resort. There were shots fired. Captain Wesker is radioing for transport for us." She told them, not waiting for a response from them as she left quickly out of the office and towards their room to equip her weapons.

Chris glances at Jill, who sighs before gathering her stuff together, cleaning up her desk. "Well, so much for a good week." Jill spoke, leaving the office as well.

The young man sighs, mentally agreeing before going to look for Barry and Frost. The last two members of his team, he informed them they were on call for a mission.

Five minutes later, Alpha team was in a helicopter on their way to the resort that had called in about shots fired. Rylie was sitting beside Jill, her knee jumping in anticipation about the mission. The young blonde scans the area, seeing everyone was on edge.
Wesker sat alongside the pilot, keeping a wary eye on the ground for hostile vehicles or hidden spotters. All it would take would be one sneaky bastard wirh a rpg to get lucky. The pilot kept them on a full speed trajectory, the resort coming up over the small patches of suburban woods. The space was clearly on track to trying to be the top resort , modernized and sleek for investors. Wesker briefly thought of the dangers that truly would bring, umbrella wouldn't shy away from a testing ground no doubt. As the chopper hovered over the roof, a poolside bar and sun bathing set that looked to be tossed around was below them. It had enough space for a quick drop, but before they could attach the ropes, wesker looked to the pilot, giving him a nod. "HelipD, put her down and don't wait up for us. "
The pilot nods, carefully landing the helicopter on the helipad, the doors were already unlocked for the team to hop out. He raises up a thumb to Captain Wesker and his team to let them know they were good to get out.

Rylie sighs heavily, looking out the window on the door before opening the door and hops out first, raising up her assault rifle and looks around, covering for the rest of her team as they also came out one by one. The rooftop with the pool and bar looked like a disaster. There was blood everywhere, bodies strewn all over the places, and even some body parts spread out as well. It looked like something just destroyed the place, and it made Rylie very sick.

"Oh my God..." Jill whispers, but she wasn't audible to anyone as the helicopter took off. Her eyes couldn't believe it, she has never seen such a scene before. Shots were fired. Did someone go crazy? Did a animal go rabid? Jill was asking these things to herself as she looks around.

"Damn, someone made a call for shots fired? Why does it look like a slaughter house here then?" Barry asked, he wasn't really fazed by the horrors on the rooftop because he knew it would get worse inside.

Rylie lowers her weapon before turning back to her team, they all were looking around. Surprised and shocked as well, whatever it was had everyone spooked. She blinks her eyes before making her way over to Wesker and her team, holding her rifle close to her body.

"Okay, I'm already taking that we are NOT going in separately. We need pair up on this because I have a strong feeling this is only the tip of the iceberg." Chris points out, looking down at the ground as he tries to recover his composure.
"Correct Chris, we are not going to be soloing anything. Travel in pairs, and keep your eyes peeled. This is a Resort, its got plenty of places to hide. Sweep for and survivors and engage any hostile with extreme prejudice.' Wesker laid out his marching orders, looking at the blood bath at them feet. His eyes unseen but looking at every detail they could find. "I don't want any surprises, so if you catch a glimpse and can't secure the take down, radio it in and we'll converge on your location. " He added as he looked at the pool, a body boxing lifeless, younger than the operators there, maybe a early teens, a young boy. Wesker scowled slightly.

If they willing to butcher up civilians just think what they'd do for opposition forces. I want us all on the chopper back home by the end od this. "
Rylie glances at the body that Wesker was looking at, she could see hidden, deep claw marks in the young boys body. It had her wonder, what on earth could do such damage? A bear perhaps? But how would a bear get up on the roof? It wasn't possible. She glances back at her team and saw Jill approach her, placing a hand on her shoulder, marking their partnership in this.

"You and me Rylie, I'm not doing this without my copilot." The woman says to her with a wink, trying to lighten the mood of the darken atmosphere. The young blonde only smiles and nods.

Jill glances at Wesker, holding her pistol close. "Me and Rylie will check out the ground floor. We will radio anything if something comes up." She spoke, her and Rylie leaves the rooftop via the stairs to the ground floor.

Barry makes his way over to Frost, grinning a bit at Chris before raising a thumbs up. "Me and Frost will cover the two floors above the ground floor. Good luck you two!" The older man knew Chris and Wesker did NOT get along at all, but maybe this situation might erase some of that tension. Or make it worse.

Chris blinks, realizing he was the only one with Wesker before groaning lowly. "Fuck..." He whispers sharply before holding his rifle close to his body and turns to Wesker. "Alright then Captain...I guess you and me cover the floor below and this rooftop then?" He ask him, his nostrils flare in slight annoyance.
Wesker looked at Chris, his serious, icy stare drilling into him underneath his sunglasses. "I'll make sure you don't get yourself hurt." He said simply. Ofcourse Wesker would have been much more comfortable with literally anyone else, but he wasn't going to break up unit cohesion for the sake of his own feuds. "Lets get through the clear."
Chris glares at Wesker for saying that. He didn't need his captain to make sure he didn't get hurt, he could take care of himself. The man scoffs at him before turn on his heel and looks around. Trying to ignore that statement and move forward. "Whatever you say Wesker."

Jill and Rylie made it to the ground floor where the main lobby was at and it looked the worst. There were more bodies everywhere, but the claw marks weren't as deep though they were mor promiment on the walls. Whatever it was, it was angry and did not like the sight of humans. Shell casings were everywhere along with blood and debris. The main lobby looked like a disaster. The girls cringed at the smell. "Did this happen a couple of days ago? Because it seems like it." Jill groans in disgust, covering her mouth.

Rylie shook her head no, looking around with the flashlight on her rifle. "No, the call came in today, but you're right. It smells like this has happened a while ago." She continues to look around the dark lobby. Trying to find if anything of a enemy was still around.

Jill and Rylie then made their way in a back hall, that lead to the maintenance area and security room. They were cautious, taking their time through the dark halls before they realize they were not on carpet floor anymore, but wooden floors now. Both girls moved slowly as the wood creaks underneath their boots. Trying not to make too much noise if anything was still near.
Wesker raised his rifle starting to follow Chris, keeping some distance to manage their six. "Check in." He whispered over the radio as they swept over the stairway for the next floor down. It was some kind of locker room they came into, no doubt for the pool above, but like everything else, it was stained in blood, and sorrow. She'll casings littered the floor, tinkling ar the soft brush of the two men's boots. Corspes? Only mangled ans ugly. The rows of lockers, they were thrown about, slashed and gnawed, body after body, a idol of misery to behold. "Check the shower stalls too." Wesker sa
Chris looked through the stalls, and again there was blood everywhere. Everywhere they went it was a complete disaster. The man didn't understand what could cause this much damage, it couldn't be a animal could it? He was so confused and lost he didn't know what to think anymore. Soon the quietness was taken when Wesker's radio came to life. It was Barry checking in.

"Wesker, it is a complete blood bath on the middle floors. No survivors, but so much blood. Frost did find some interesting stuff on one of the floors. It is from Umbrella. I guess one of the guest here was a employee."

Jill blinks as her radio came to life, hearing Wesker and Barry speaking. Grabbing her radio from her belt, she moves it to her lips as she looks around. "Jill here, same in the main lobby, nothing but blood and no survivors. There is absolutely deep claw marks in the walls. I'm not entirely sure what is going on."

Rylie looks at Jill when she spoke through the radio before venturing on her own. She knew better to stay with her friend, but her curiosity was struck when she heard Barry mention Umbrella. It sent another fragment flashback to her, the Umbrella symbol on the metal walls when she was younger and experimented on. It was slowly piecing together. Was she part of Umbrella? And why?
"Umbrella? It could have been some kind of company get away gone horribly awry. Wesker said, mentally swearing to himself. What blasted experiment did Umbrella pull to cause this bloodbath. A test? A mishap? Whatever it was, would be a interesting time covering it up. Jill's message came next as he stepped over a mangled corspe.

"Claws, what like a wild animal got in the building?" Wesker hypothesized.
"Wesker whatever it was. Cause major damage and death. Bear perhaps?" Barry spoke over the radio again, it crackles as Barry lost signal momentarily.

Jill blinks as she looks at the radio, listening to Wesker and Barry over the radio before she looks around and not notice Rylie wasn't around her. She was going to speak before hearing Frost and Barry yell over the radio.

"What the FUCK IS THAT THING?" A loud screech was heard on the radio as well as over the floors which caused Jill to panic. Her eyes widen as she hears gunfire from the upper floor.

"Barry! Frost!" Jill yells into the radio, running out of where she was to the upper floors. Following the source of the sound and gunfire.

Rylie looks up as she heard the gunfire and screech, her green eyes blink softly before she moves from her spot. She was looking at paperwork from the resorts manager. It seems they were getting ready to remodel thanks to the donation of Umbrella. It made her tilt her head in question before heard a crack underneath her feet. She glances down momentarily before the loud crack was heard under her feet again then she falls through. "Ah!!" She screams as she falls into the dark hole. She saw the light from the hole, then it goes back. Feeling the darkness and cold consume her vision and body.
Chris nods, following behind Wesker quickly to the source of the noise. They managed to follow the loud gunfire and screeching sounds which didn't sound like any animal he knew. As soon as the duo made it to Barry and Frost position, they saw a skinless quadiped thing with a long tongue trying to attack the two men, but it failed. Keeping its distance from the two men. "What the FUCK?" Chris has never seen anything like that, at all.

Jill finally makes it to where the men were at and she too saw the skinless monster. "I think that's the thing that caused the resort to call 911!" She points at it. "It has to have a weak spot somewhere!"

The wind rustled around her ears, causing weak green eyes to open. Blood was seeping from the side to the back of Rylie's head, covering her blonde hair in caked dry blood. She felt nauseous, dizzy, and a massive headache was arising. Like the ones she had with the nightmares, but this was worse. Rylie shook as she grabs onto the cave walls, her body unable to response as she fell deep into a underground cave. "Wh-where am I?" She asked herself, before trotting slowly towards warm area in the cave. She was freezing and losing blood on top of that would sure her death soon. Her body swaying to and from, dragging her boots in the loose dirt below. "Sh-shit..."
Wesker pulled up his rifle on the creature, the skinless horror lashing its long tongue around before them. He moved, focusing on the creatures head. "I'll give it a shot!" He said as his rifle barked off a short burst, the bullets digging through way along its side and its grotesque bony temple. The creature however seized up and whirled at the threat, seeming to take the volley like it was being whipped at with pebbles from a sling. "What in the hell!" Wesker said starting unload but it suddenly jumped upwards, flipping onto the ceiling.
Chris eyes widened as it jumps to the ceiling, and they managed to shoot at it creature, it screeches loudly in pain as many bullets were put through it. "Captain! It won't die!" He yells loudly.

Barry suddenly pulls out his magnum and shoots it in the head. This caused the creature to screech extremely loud. "Guys! I think it doesn't like the magnum rounds!

Because of this, it exposed its head, it's true weakness shows to everyone.

Jill aims her pistol at the exposed head and shoots it over and over. It falls to the ground from its weakness being shot at over and over. "Fucking die!" She yells angrily, watching it wither and collapse dead in front of them. Everyone was breathing heavily from the strange encounter, the creature was surely dead afterwards.

"What the FUCK is going?" Chris demands, looking around before glancing at Wesker. "Captain, do you have any idea what that could have been?" He asked suddenly.
"Chris, If you have to ask me what this thing is, you are clearly beyond your depth. I don't know what this monster is" he said as he kept his gun on it. "My concern is if there are more than one of these could be anywhere." He said as he approached it. "Rylie, I want you and Jill to...wait." Wesker looked back, scanning the ground. "Where is Rylie?' He said as he reached foe his radio. 'Rylie check in..." he said, pausing a beat.
Jill eyes widen in horror. She left Rylie downstairs in the main lobby! "Oh my God..." She whispers sharply before leaving the guys in the room. "RYLIE!" She screams for her down the hall, running to the main lobby area.

Chris listen as Wesker calls in his radio for a response, but there is no response from her on the radio. "Oh fuck..." He murmurs. Looking around before seeing Jill rushing out of the room. Jill was the last person with Rylie.

Barry and Frost look at each other with concern. "Captain, can you get a hold of Rylie?" Barry asked, his frown grows in concern.
"Rylie come in! Do you read me!" Wesker said pacing a bit, only half listening for Barry or Frosts voice. But as he held the receiver all he got back was static. "Nothing-" he hissed in frustration. "Barry, Frost, you two cover this build, we don't need any more surprises. Chris go cover Jill, we aren't going Solo around here." He said as he though on it all. Was this a test? Was Spencer setting them up just to kill Rylie?
Chris frowns before leaving after Jill on the order of Wesker. He follows after her yelling for their lost friend and follows her to the main lobby, he looks around as he heard Jill down the hall screaming for Rylie still. "Fuck..." He whispers sharply as he runs after Jill.

Jill was looking around frantically for Rylie, the last time she saw the young blonde was in a backroom, she looks back to see Chris running up to her. "Look, I'm sorry okay? I didn't mean to leave Rylie...I thought she was behind me..." She whimpers, seeing Chris holding her shoulders.

"Hey, I'm not Wesker. I'm not gonna get angry, but after this he might have some stern words with you." Chris says calmly, and she turns to a back room, they both look around before he heard a whoosh of wind coming up. He blinks, seeing the massive hole, he grabs Jill by the arm and pulls her back to his chest. "Jill WAIT! There is a big ass hole in the floor."

They both look at the wood and the hole. "It looks like it went through recently..." Jill spoke, looking around before seeing Rylie's pistol on the floor next to the hole. "Oh God...her pistol...she was here...she-she might have fallen in."

"Fuck..." Chris snarls angrily before speaking into the radio. "Wesker, me and Jill found a huge hole in the floor that looks like something fell through it recently, we found Rylie's pistol next to it. We are thinking she fell in the hole."
"Understood. Prepare a repel line, we're going in after her. Do you see anything in the hole?" Wesker said as he leaned into his radio. I'd thos was just a freak mistake, it would be most hideous case of coincidence for Rylie. Constantly pulled into yet another web of Umbrellas designs, always forced to ignore the situation while Wesker found a way to make it presentable.
"Negative, it's too dark to see." Chris before back away from the radio and glances at Jill. "Stay here, I'm going to find some rope so we can go there down." He told her as he left.

Jill waits as she heard the upwell if cold air bursting out of the hole. She shivers, if Rylie fell in that hole, she couldn't imagine the pain she was going through and freezing.

"Wesker the building is secure. Thankfully there was only one of those creatures in the resort." Barry said through the radio, and this gave Jill relief.

Chris eventually came back with rope and he tied the end of the rope to a safe. Using it as a anchor before tying more rope on the ends to make it longer. Throwing the long role in the hole, he then tugs the rope from the safe to check if it holds and it does. "Alright, we are solid." He says looking at Jill who was pale in the face.

"Dr. Marcus are you sure? Are you sure she is the one?"

"When was the last time you saw such green eyes Wesker? Yes I'm sure! She is the beginning of a new virus! We will make sure of that!"

Green eyes open slowly from the new memory that was clear to see. Rylie was in a new area, a bright area of the cave with the sun shining down above, thankfully there was a hole were it was warm. Her face was bruised, her arms tattered in dirty and her blonde hair was caked in blood. Unfortunately now it was extremely too bright for her to see, so she staggers on her feet again, moving towards the shadows. As she moves, she vomits bile from her mouth, Rylie groans in pain as finally she lays down in the shade away from the sunny side of the cave. "Need to talk to Wesker...if I make it out alive..." She mumbles weakly, closing her eyes again.
Wesker came down with the check in from Barry. "Barry, Frost, we have a breach from the lobby floor to the floor below, try to secure an alternative route to the basement in case Rylie can't make the climb back up. " Wesker said into his radio as he approached Jill and Chris from behind. Wesker pulled out a set of glow sticks, cracking them to activate them and dropped them down the hole to try to gain some sight on the way down. "I'll go first." He said as he glanced Jill's way, seeing her clear troubled state. "She's going to be okay Jill." He assured as he started to clip his belt to the rope with the carabiner that hung off it and secured himself to it with a knot.

Wesker looked down the hole, and started to climb his way down, sliding down the newly made line.
Jill nods silently, following behind Wesker, the sounds of the rope being slid down was heard in front and behind her. Chris was behind her, and when they made it to the bottom of the hole where Wesker threw the glowsticks, they saw how dark it was. Bringing out their flashlights, they begin to look around for Rylie. "Wait if she fell here, then why the hell is she not here?" Jill points out, feeling concern growing in her belly again.

Chris glances down at the ground and his eyes widen. He kneels to the tracks in the dirt and saw something else. "Blood...Rylie must have moved somewhere warmer because it's fucking cold in this spot." He mentions before going back to his feet. "I really hope she is okay because there is quite a bit of blood on the ground right now."
"If she can stagger her way from the point of impact, she might be a bit better than we think. Hopefully she'll stay that way." Wesker said looking at her tracks and flicking on the flashlight on his vest. "This way" he said as he started to follow the trail, moving pointedly.

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