Game RP Cherishing the Master Mind

Jill lowers her glance to the floor and saw the blood on the ground. The dirt was move and it wasn't regular prints, it looked like Rylie was dragging her feet. "But if you two look closely, she isn't walking like she is okay. She is hurt and injured." She points out as they continue forward.

Once then they arrive at a open area in the cave, there were glowing white stones around them when they shined their light on the stones. They also notice it was getting a bit warmer too. Chris raises up his flashlight as the disturbed dirt and blood continues to lead the trail. "Only one way to find out." Chris mumbles lowly.
"I said stagger for a reason." Wesker said ti himself they approached the widening area. "Temperature is rising..." he said as he looked along the trail. Bit as they were getting further out...

"Barry. Check in." He tested out to his radio, he shifted his rifle to the side, letting it hang off his shoulders to free up his hands.
"Barry here Wesker. I'm surprised we are still getting a signal Captain."

Chris and Jill can hear Barry too, which means he is close by, but not in the area they were in. "Hey, there could be a opening around here." Chris says. "It could help with the signal a lot. That means this area isn't closed off."

They continue to walk around and look around with flashlights, their footsteps echo in the halls and they soon saw light. When they approached the light, it was only the hole above them shining sunlight down. Chris looks up and covers his eyes. "Damn, we must be at least 50 feet below." Jill says as she looks up as well.

"At least your sunglasses are coming in handy Wesker." Chris says mockingly as he takes a couple of steps ahead.

Soon they heard a low groan, it was faint, but audible. Jill glances down as she heard that and took a couple of steps ahead of Wesker and Chris. "Did you two hear that?"
Jill and Chris look at each other before going to try and follow their captain who recklessly goes back into the dark. They weren't sure if it was Rylie, but it was a soft groan and it sounded feminine but also hurt. Jill was shocked by this, Captain Wesker was unusually showing this much care to Rylie. Rylie has been through so much in the past weeks no one could blame her. She was always getting caught in the crossfire.

In the dark, laying on her side, Rylie slowly opens her eyes as she heard someone calling her name. It was close, extremely close to her. Thanks to the serum in her blood she was able to recover from her injuries, but the problem was it was slow so she was still somewhat bleeding from her head and the concussion was still prominent. She saw beams of light frantically moving all over, probably trying to pinpoint the area of her voice. " me..." She groans as loudly as she could, hoping it was her teammates, not some random hikers that decided to check out a cave.

Jill blinks as she heard the voice, it WAS Rylie after all! Her eyes widen as she, Wesker, and Chris tries to find her voice. "Rylie?! Where are you?!" She calls to her in the dark, her flashlight looking all over for her.

"Over here..." Rylie wails painfully, tears filling her eyes. She didn't know if she was either scared or happy to hear that it was Jill looking for her. That means if Jill was here, Chris and the others weren't too far behind. As she moved her head slightly, she felt the caked blood move around in her hair, soaking her blonde hair in the bright red residue of her dry blood and a bit of bleeding was still persistent.

Jill listens to the voice and moves ahead of Chris and Wesker and follows suit. Almost there... Jill thought to herself as she moves, her boots echoing every step she made before her flashlight shined upon Rylie, who was on her side facing her. Her eyes widen at the sight of her friend covered in bruises, blood, and scratches. "Rylie!" She yelps, dashing over to her. "Oh god're alright..." She murmurs softly.
"You really must want paid sick leave." Wesker said as his eyes fell on Rylie. Her regeneration was still effective. At least enough to keep her going. If he had been examining her for accelerating it, he would have sent samples to Burken or into the labs. But now. Even in the cold reaches if his heart he was relieved to see her still awake. "I may have to make a special clause in our team insurance if you fall into danger this often." He said as he circled around to her other side. "Can you move?"
With those words, Chris glares at Wesker, but he remained silent a he stood by and watched Jill and Wesker care to Rylie. He was relieved to see her still alive, and he was surprised she managed to trot on her own before collapsing. She was a trooper after all. Rylie was the toughest amongst them.

Rylie looks up at Wesker and chuckles lightly, her eyes flutter to filter out the light before she groans. "Not really, I-I think I have a concussion, that light hurts my head so much." She mumbles to him as Jill rolls her on her back.

"Sorry Rylie, just trying to see where your bleeding because your hair is covered in blood," Jill grimaces as she moves the flashlight to the side of Rylie's head and combs her fingers through the red stained hair, as she touch the scalp Rylie hisses in pain. "Okay got it. Rylie, I got to take your hair out of the bun, is that alright?"

The blonde nods weakly and swallows. "Yeah..."

Her hair was soon down, fanning around her, stained in blood, and the cakes of blood fall onto the ground from her scalp. Jill manages to put the hair accessories away in her cargo pants pocket, then focusing her attention on Rylie. She uses antibacterial ointment on the cut and then gazes up the wound. Making Rylie look like a mummy in a way.

Chris chuckles lightly. "Might need to be a mummy for Halloween this year Rylie, you look good with some wraps on you." He teases her, he saw she was blushing lightly.

The young blonde glances her attention at Wesker, her reflection in his black lens, she knew his focus was on her. She felt he was worried, and gradually she reaches up to touch his arm. "I'm going to be okay Wesker." She told him with a soft smile.
"Down Chris, you know you haven't had all your shots from the vet yet." Wesker said with subtle smirk for a moment. As Eylie touch him, assuring him he looked back at her. "I know you are." He said. His tone was firm, certain, as ever. To them it may have been him affirming and comforting a wounded team member, to remain the leader without weakness, but it was easy to do when he knew the reasons. "I'll carry her, Chris have Barry and Frost set up a evac."
Rylie heard Jill snicker from the side from Wesker's comment to Chris, then follow by a scoff. Ah her team, she knew they are a big family. She smiles in response to his comment then closing her eyes to try and rest against the headache that still lingers. She knew Wesker was trying to hide that side, the 'partner' side of him the rest of the team can't see. It is against rules to date Wesker, but it was obvious neither him or her cared in the slightest.

Chris took a couple of steps back, slightly annoyed by Wesker's comment still before leaving to give Barry and Frost a call about setting up a evac and a copter to come their way.

"Wesker, haven't you heard? Chris might need a collar with his actions." Jill teases, looking down at Rylie and caress her cheek to comfort her friend. "Don't worry Captain Wesker, I'll keep the leash short on my end so he doesn't get into trouble." She spoke as her attention is on him. Jill watches as Wesker gets in position to lift Rylie up, she was so thankful this was over, but someone needed to answer the question. That monster...the media cannot know about that at all.
"I'm sure Chris will prefer you holding it." Wesker said as he lifted Rylie into his arms. The creature ...would have to be destroyed. If this place was umbrellas, no doubt they had a failsafe to destroy such evidence. He just would have to make the signal for further damage control first. A gas leak? A poor electrical system, a tragically poor fire suppression system? He pondered as he started to take Rylie out of the caves again.
Jill lifts up her chin with a smirk as he said that. Deep down, she has feelings for Chris, and she almost wasn't joking about the leash. After the stunt he pulled with Rylie, she got slightly jealous. Observing the way Wesker held Rylie close to his body, she sensed some kind of care from him. The look on his face that wasn't covered by his sunglasses, it was a extremely rare to see him so caring and almost affectionate? She blinks before shrugging to herself when Wesker walks past her with Rylie and follows behind him.

Rylie eyes open slightly when she felt herself float, but arms wrapped behind her knees and her back. A warm body she was leaning against, and she heard a similar heart beat she knows too well. Her eyes widen slightly, looking up she saw Wesker was focusing ahead. He was carrying her through the caves! She folds her arms against her chest in attempts to keep herself warm. "I'm getting cold..." She mumbles softly.

Jill walks next to Wesker and looks at Rylie's gauze, there was a bit of blood seeping through. "Don't worry Rylie, we think there is a opening here so we are following Chris." She told her with a reassuring smile.
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Rylie chuckles weakly. "Ah Captain Wesker, growing soft on me now?" She teases him, but she knew the truth. He does care about and he probably wasn't joking about watching her all night as well. She snuggles her head, tucking it in his shoulder as he presses her against his body more.

Jill laughs before she moves ahead where Chris was waiting at the beginning of the cave. "What do you see Chris?" She ask him as she approaches his side.

"The resort is on the side of a mountain, and this cave used to be used for mining, it's old and abandoned." Chris explains as he sees Barry and Frost running over to them.

"Helicopter is on its way to the coordinates. Is Rylie alright?" Barry ask, concern paints his face as he approaches Chris and Jill.
Rylie had to squint her eyes because of the sun, she goes to cover her face. "Wesker it's too bright outside..." She mumbles to hum, turning to hide her face in his shoulder now. Her headache was returning in full force.

Soon everyone heard the helicopter approaching them from a distance, Frost and Chris ran out in the field to wave to the pilot on their location and land not too far from them.
"It must be some kind of concussion." He said as he took her to the helicopter, putting her on the medical cot and started to tie her in to keep her stable. He took off his sunglasses and put them over her eyes, hoping they would tone down the lights enough for her. "I'll have to put you somewhere with less light for a while, if it hurts so badly."
Rylie opens her eyes to see everything was darker. She blinked, her lips open slightly. "Captain? Am I wearing your sunglasses?" She asks softly, she went to go touch the sunglasses as she felt her body tied down to the cot, making sure she didn't move when the helicopter took off.

Jill looks over at Rylie and giggles. "You sure are! You actually look good with Wesker's sunglasses on sweet girl." She smiles happily.

Rylie blushes softly as she turns her head to see Wesker sitting down, his blue eyes was shown to everyone though it looked like he didn't mind. She was staring at him, watching him make his next move and she contemplated on whether to talk to him about the memories when they get back or wait until she is fully recovered. Though she felt that wouldn't take long at all.
"Light bothers you, I didn't want you to open your eyes into something that hurts." He said simply, folding his arms. "In this state, you might be better off with someone taking care of you a while. I'll see to it you get placed somewhere with the proper resources." He said giving her a slight nod to her.
Rylie sighs softly, if that was the case then her home was definitely not it. It is too bright, and the big windows would let all the sun in, making her headaches extremely painful. She didn't know where else to go. Surely not anyone's place. She would feel like a burden to them.

Jill rubs Rylie's boot to comfort her. "Its going to be okay. Unfortunately I'm leaving out of town soon to go meet with family, and Chris has Claire with him for when she is out of school." She tells her, staring at Rylie with Wesker's glasses on.
Rylie blinks under his sunglasses, she has never seen his place, and he has visited her place a few times now. She curls her arms up against her chest as she was still cold, the young rookie couldn't wait to be under a blanket and be warm and comfortable.

When everyone was back at the station, Rylie stayed in Wesker's vehicle while he was filing out the paperwork about the incident. She really hoped he didn't say what really happened, maybe this all could be hushed because it would freak out the public if they knew. She waits patiently in his car, closing her eyes to try and rest.

Chief Douglas was the new chief that replaced Irons, he looks at the documents and looks up at Wesker when it was just them both in his office. "What the hell is Umbrella doing Captain Wesker? Did they just released a B.O.W. in a resort by accident? Frost report says he saw a Umbrella employee with files on this...thing..." He says, raising a brow at the skinless monster picture. "And what about Rylie? How long is she going to be out commission? I know concussions are no joke." He also ask, looking up at the captain who still wasn't wearing his sunglasses. He got to see his blue eyes for the first time.
Wesker put a hand to his chin. "The creature may have been a loose experiment, I can't say the intentions of Umbrella one way or another." He said simply. He paced a bit, thinking of the reasons. "Rylie may be put for a while, it seems to be a very severe blow to the head. I will be taking care of her during this time."
Chief Douglas watches Wesker pace back and forth a bit, he hums lowly as he thinks as well. "Umbrella has been relentless. I'm not sure what is going on, maybe you have heard of something?" He pauses before he saddens. "I see, I'm looking at her file, well looking at all your members files, and Rylie is expectional in hand to hand combat, she is almost up there with you. I hope she comes back soon, we will need her again; however, I entrust you will take care of her and bring her back to health. I trust you Captain Wesker, Spencer has said many good things about you."
"Umbrella likes to keep things compartmentalized. I don't know enough to give a full speculation. This could have been a performance test for their little abomination." He said shaking his head as he thought about the matter of the skinless horror. But as they brought things back to Rylie, his face became less ponderous. 'We'll be back before you know we're gone.'
Douglas nods and leans back in his chair. "Well, stay on stand by then Captain Wesker. Knowing things nowadays are acting strange and bringing a lot more chaos day by day, but the public didn't know yet." He stops for a moment before glancing at the time. "Alright you're good to go Captain Wesker. Take care and take care for Rylie." He nods to him.

Rylie opens her eyes slowly as she looks around with Wesker's sunglasses on. She saw the underground parking garage, no sign of Wesker yet. She sighs softly, how long was Wesker going to take? She was ready to go to his place. "Wesker where are you?" She grumbles, rubbing her head a bit, her hair was still down and over her shoulders.
As Rylie wondered where her captain was, Wesker came down thethe elevator , the doors sliding open. He stepped out, dressed in hus offduty clothes. It was a plain look, perhaps because he preferred function over flash after such a long day. He approached the car, the locked opening as he clicked the small remote for it. "How are you feeling?" He said as he opened the door.
Rylie slowly turns to face him, the wrap made her bangs over her eyes and she tucks them behind her ear. "I feel like crap Wesker, I'm ready to go home and lay in bed." She says weakly, watching him sit down in the driver seat. "What took forever? Feels like you were in there for ages." She ask, leaning her head back on the headrest.
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Understanding that the new chief was probably curious about what happened, she remained silent for the rest of the ride to his place. Once they made it to his apartment, she leans her head against his shoulder as he carries her up the steps to his place. Her green eyes flutter under his sunglasses, the daylight was nearly gone, but having shades and the night sky helped so much for her.

Once they were inside him, she had to lower the shades to see his place was very dark. Her place was the exact opposite of his, he had every window almost covered by his black out curtains. Rylie took off his shades completely, feeling him walking her to his bedroom. "I take it you like things dark Wesker?" She asks him as he settles her down on his bed. With slow movements, she proceeds to undress herself of her uniform

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