Game RP Cherishing the Master Mind

Irons looks up to him with calm, yet disturbing eyes. Those pathetic shades of his always block the emotions, but Irons could feel the rage from the captain. "Yes, I understand they are your team; however, most of the detectives right now are away and I figure have two of your best members go handle the job. I hope they don't run into any trouble since they are used to a tactical approach rather than a calming one. Though you seem very angry Captain Wesker, may I know why?" He leans on his desk, the smirk growing ever so slightly.

It felt like forever, but the girls were just getting ready to leave. Informing Chris that very little was taken and not much was to report. "This doesn't feel right. Nothing much was taken, just medicine, and some files that some idiot left on a desk." Jill mumbles, rubbing the beret on her head.

Rylie sighs softly, heading towards the exit with Jill before they suddenly heard multiple footsteps surrounding them. She gasp, looking up as she points her pistol at the multiple enemies around them. All had black mask over their faces, and they could tell it was all males too. Her hands shook as they all pointed their assault rifles at them. The blonde could hear the woman behind her scoff in frustration.

"Ladies, we don't want to hurt you. Go ahead and put your weapons down now. Nice and easy."

"Jill! Rylie! What's going on?"

"Oh? Unplug your headset too sweetheart and turn off that radio. We don't want your friends hearing in on our conversation now."

Jill scoffs, though left with no other choice, she had to turn off her radio and unplug her ear piece, gently setting everything on the ground. She turns over her shoulder to see Rylie was doing the same thing.

"Don't worry ladies, you two will be taken care of by us, we just want Umbrella to be a goody incorpation and give us some really good information our bosses need. S.T.AR.S. of course is like Umbrella's guardians, but hey having two here makes things more interesting."
Irons laughs. "You think I don't remember our rules? Things have been quiet the last few days I figure why not give your team some action." He shrugs his shoulders, brushing off Wesker's threat.

Chris eyes widens as the radio went dead on the girls end. He tries to call for them. "Jill? Rylie? Can you hear me?!" He yells into the mic, but there was still nothing on his end. "Fuck!"

Frustration was building, how did it go so well and then bad in the last second? He heard other voices. Men and they took the girls hostage. Nothing from that. Chris knew this was going to bother Wesker very much. He had to find him and let him know. This couldn't wait anymore. The brunette man made his way to Chief Irons door and he stops to listen in on the conversation.

"Trust me, you're going to want to leave this office soon Wesker and not pester me. Umbrella has their agenda and I have mine."

Chris blinks, what were they talking about? But he didn't think further, he turns the knob and opens it quickly. The picture of the girls flashes before him and both of the higher ups look at him. "Captain Wesker, we lost contact with Jill and Rylie. I...I think something happened to them..."

Irons eyes perk up when he saw the young man before a little grin shows through his lips, he then turns his attention back to Wesker. "You might need to go save your damsels in distress. I heard situations like this they don't have much time."
Wesker stood back, his hands aching to slam Irons's face into his desk a good hundred times. "This discussion isn't any where near complete." Wesker said drawing in his composure as much as he could. He turned around and stalked out of the room. "Chris! We're going now! Get your kit, im going to get a chopper, this is a now a rescue mission."
Chris nods. "Sir yes sir!" He runs back to the office, on the way he sees Barry walking in with another cup of coffee. The older man frowns, seeing Chris rushing in, he knew there was trouble. "Sorry old man, we got a rescue mission now."

"Rescue mission? What about Jill and Rylie? They haven't came back from their mission." He grumbles, putting the cup down at his desk.

"They are the rescue mission Barry. I lost contact with them, and there were men around them before communication was lost. Something happened to them Barry. So Wesker is getting a chopper ready for us." Chris explains, grabbing his kit and his rifle.

Barry sighs, grabbing his magnum and his own kit. Both of them hurry out of the officer towards the roof where Captain Wesker was waiting with the chopper. "Wesker! We are ready to leave." Chris says.
Wesker patted his Kevlar vest and adjusted his gloves as he waited for his team to come. He was armored up in the dark blue and black STARS body armor. His Samurai Edge holstered, and a Assualt Rifle slung over his shoulder. He even took a set of grenades, though he knew better than to throw them, he brought a grenade launcher for good measure. It was like ice water was flowing through his veins with the time to himself. His mind slowly honed itself, knowing getting in his anger would lead to mistakes. As Chris and Barry came up, he looked over, pulling out tge headsets and handed them over to Chris and Barry. "We're good to go!" He spoke into his headset, the pilot working on take off.
The pilot nods, taking off. "Captain Wesker! Where are we heading to?" He spoke into the headset as the chopper left the roof into the air. The sky was cloudy, and windy, but nothing the pilot couldn't handle.

Chris and Barry were in the back, adjusting their rifle, checking their ammo pouches and situating their Kevlar vest where it was snug around their organs. The young man glances up at Barry.

"They are going to be fine Chris. Whoever has them right now is going to wish they let those ladies go. Jill and Rylie are a pair you don't fuck with." The older man reassured him, but Chris shook his head with a sigh.

"I know, but we should have gone with them. This would have never happened if that was the case. Chief Irons set them up for failure." He says to him in the headset, feeling the slight turbulence in the air as they made their way over to the facility where the girls were being held. "I hope they are okay."
"Damn right Wesker. You get that slime of a Chief out of office. This is ridiculous. Sending our best operators into the dark." Barry added, cocking his rifle, a bullet in the chamber to take out anyone if those men were going to fight back.

Jill and Rylie were sitting back to back. Ropes holding them in place as they watch the men before them talking amongst themselves. The brunette woman watches them carefully, trying to plan out her next move. "So, what's the real reason for us being here? Was this a set up?"

Rylie glances behind to see Jill staring at the men, her eyes soften. Remembering that Jill told her softly to let her do the talking, the young blonde then glances back to the man who was walking towards them. Clasping his hands behind his back. Reminding her the same posture Wesker does, the aching feeling in her heart. She misses him, and she wishes he was there.

"Ah sweetheart, I can't share much, but I can tell you a facility that is just like Umbrella is wanting...information so to speak. S.T.A.R.S. is like Umbrellas guard dogs. If anything ever happens to their precious S.T.A.R.S. I'm sure they will do anything to make sure they are safe." He chuckles lowly, before turning his attention to Rylie. "You haven't spoken much dear. Are you nervous? Are you scared?"

Rylie glances at him with angry green eyes, she didn't want to be bothered, but being in a Umbrella facility was making the memories worse for her. "I am neither. I am contemplating what to do to your sorry asses when we get free." She sneers.

The man only laughs. "Too bad for you sweetheart, both of you ladies look hot tied up. Hell, gives me ideas on what to do to you ladies to help pass time."

"You better not lay your disgusting, fucking hands on us! You're going to wish you didn't!" Jill retorts, wiggling in the ropes. "These ropes aren't tied well! My grandmother does a better job tying up pigs like you!"

Rylie flares her nostrils, she would only allow one person to touch her and that is her captain, who she hoped was on his way to show these men the real boss.
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The two men nods, determination paints their face. Wanting to save their comrades from the enemy that dared to take them hostage. "No one will ever think to look above for a attack, we will definitely get a surprise look from them assholes." Chris adds, holding his rifle close to his body.

Jill and Rylie watches the men leave them for the mean time. Leaving them alone in a dark, isolated room. Unfortunately due to them not wanting to be quiet, they were gagged. Cloths in their mouths as the ropes held the ladies close back to back.

Barry grabs at Chris's shoulder, feeling the younger man's tension in his shoulder. "Ready to kick ass?"

The man nods. "Hell yeah, let's show these jerks not to fuck with S.T.A.R.S."
Chris lands on the ground behind Wesker, sweeping the area as Barry makes his way over to the tinted window on the roof. It helped conceal their shadow if the enemy was below them.

The chopper flew away, just enough mileage when everything is done that the pilot will come back in a short period of time.

Barry dashes over to the window of the roof and squint. He didn't see the girls, but he saw men all over the place. "I'm counting at least 20 bad guys. All armed and dangerous Wesker." He says, looking up at the two men.
Barry nods. "Best get the party started then." He says, slowly opening the window from above. All three men looks down to see the suspects were just casually talking to one another. It was quiet and calm, perfect for a surprise attack.

Chris frantically searched for Jill and Rylie, though he didn't see them. "Where are they?" He whispers, it began to worry him. He needed to see them to make sure they were truly okay. It wasn't fair if they came out there to see they were hurt.

Chris then loops his rope and Wesker's around a strong bar. The perfect support to zip them down, shooting enemies from above. Testing the ropes, he pulls on them hard as they were stable. "Okay, we are good to go." He said, dashing back over to the open window. "Ready when you are Wesker."

"I'll stay up here and signal the chopper when we get the girls. I'll also provide support from above." Barry adds.
Chris nods, zipping down behind him. They had to be quiet because these men have no idea they were here. Chris was sweating slightly, nervousness hits him hard, but the adrenaline was amazing. He was waiting for Wesker to set off the flash round, holding his rifle tight to shoot any enemies he could see. As they hit the ground floor, Chris taps Wesker on the shoulder and pointed at a cement pillar. Wide enough for three people to hide behind.

In the depths of her mind, Rylie stared into the darkness like she was back in her mind. The gag held her words in, but not the tears. She felt the past slipping back, the words of Wesker echoes telling her it is all night terrors, but the feeling being back in the past she couldn't ignore no longer. The searing pain was coming back tenfold.

"Is she ready for the injections Dr. Marcus?"

"Yes, this will be injection number one. This little girl will be the catalyst for the new world and kill those who are not worthy. She will also seek out and kill Wesker for us when she is trained."

Rylie shook violently, never she wanted to hurt Wesker. Her feelings and love for him were strong like a tsunami. Consuming all over feelings and hatred in the depths, but she is confused and lost. Why was she picked? Who was she before?

Chris aims down his sights to the unsuspecting men. "Ready when you are." He whispers to his captain, the darkness fills the air, and the soft whispers amongst the enemy was heard, but soon will be filled with gunfire and screams.
Chris hides behind the pillar as Wesker shot a flash grenade towards the enemy. The loud bang and flash causes the men to scream out in surprise and yell they couldn't see. The young man took this opportunity to shoot at the off guard enemies. Killing them one by one. Leaning over more as he looked down his sights, he shot any man that didn't wear a S.T.A.R.S. outfit.

Barry was above, shooting at any enemies that weren't affected by the flash grenade. "Haha! Take that you assholes!"

Jill and Rylie jumped to the sounds of the bang and screaming outside the room they were in. Jill screams under her gag, wiggling to again to see if the ropes would give way, but they didn't and Rylie wiggled as well. Screaming as if trying to make her voice heard whoever it was out there they were inside. Both of the girls felt the rope digging into their skin, though they kept trying. Saliva drips from their chins from having the cloth gag being in their mouths for a long period of time.

Chris saw a man raise up his hands quickly. "Wait!" He yelps, opening his hands wide to show Wesker and Chris that he was unarmed. "Wait please, we can explain!"

"Explain? You took two S.T.A.R.S. operators hostage! What makes you think we wouldn't have came for them?" Chris yells at him, eyes narrowed as he pointed his rifle at the man who was pleading for his life.
"Hold your fire!" Wesker came around rhe other side of the pillar, pulling out a set of cable ties from his hip pouch. "Lay down with your hands behind your head." Wesker said, with cold authority in his tone. "You move wrong and my companion hear just may get the idea your gong for something "
"Fuck..." The man whispers sharply as he falls to his knees then on his belly as he was instructed from the cold captain in front of him. He grunts as he felt the cable ties wrap around his hands, holding completely still. He moved to lay on his cheek to see some of his men moving and some weren't. They didn't hold back at all, his men didn't even stand a chance against the two men from S.T.A.R.S.. "Wait, please let me explain. We were paid to do this. To bargain Umbrella valuable information in exchange for the two ladies in the back."

Chris held his fire as he was told, watching Wesker tying up the man. He held the rifle down to the man, keeping him still for the fact he may fire at him if he tries anything. "Yeah? Think we are going to believe that?" He snarls at him, angry that this man place his friends lives in danger. "Where are they? Where is Jill and Rylie?"

Jill eyes perked up as she heard Wesker and Chris speak outside the room, and Rylie looks up as she heard them as well. Hope fill their eyes then their muffled screams tries to reach out there. Trying to get Chris and Wesker's attention. Both of them struggled in the ropes again, skin raw and red from trying to wiggle free from the ropes.
"Where are the girls?" Wesker said kneeling, grabbing the captive by the chin. He leaned close, by his ear. "If you tell us right now, maybe we can lessen your charges in court for you and your friends who aren't already dead." He offered. "But my offer ends the second we find them." He added as he stood up, walking around, hearing something faintly, he looked over his shoulder.
Fear instills him as Wesker was close to him, he could feel the blonde man's cold intentions if he didn't tell him and Chris where the girls were at. "Th-they are in the room behind us...they are not hurt in anyway. I promise..." He rolls on his back before leaning up, feeling the cable ties around his wrist hold him close. Now he was tied up, now he felt the same way the girls did.

Chris narrows his eyes, lowering his rifle. He watches Wesker stand on his feet, walking around the man before he stops and listen. Chris looks over his shoulder too as he heard soft noises. His eyes soften, walking over to the room where the noises were originating.

He approaches the door, slowly reaching out to the knob. Glancing at Wesker before opening the door and flashes his light in the room. He gasped to see Jill and Rylie tied up and gagged. Their eyes soften, skin raw, and tiredness fills them. "Jill...Rylie..." He said, dashing over to them.
Wesker pulled out his Samurai Edge, instantly flicking the safety off and holding it at the ready as the man leaned up. "Stay." He said simply. The threat was clear, if he even moved in a way Wesker didn't like he would catch a bullet. Wesker moved around him slowly, backing to the door. "How are they Chris?" He said as he held his gun on their captive.
Chris saw Jill, she was breathing normally and her eyes were soft and tired. When he glances over at Rylie, there were tear stains down her cheeks and her green eyes were tired and lifeless. It worried him, Rylie wasn't used to something like this. Neither of them were. He glances back at Wesker who was by the door. "They are fine. A bit shook up, but they are fine."

He then proceeds to cut the ropes from them and remove the gags from them. The girls felt instantly relief and both stood up from the chairs they were bound to which felt like hours. "Couldn't get here any faster Chris?" Jill ask him, a little smirk to tease her comrade.

Rylie on the other hand, glances up at Wesker, who was standing by the door holding the main man at gunpoint. A little sniff as she wipes her face to clear the tears, a subtle sigh leaves her lips. Her plump lips open slightly, but nothing came out as she approaches him and presses her hand on his shoulder.
Wesker shifted as she touched him, his arm coming around her shoulders as he kept the other aimed. Her captain shifted his head, looking at her from ylthe corners of his vision. "I thought I told you to back out and get reinforcements rookie." He said softly, though his hand squeezed her shoulder. His voice had the slightly tremor of relief, only Rylie could sense it really.
Rylie felt his blue gaze on her from the corner of his sunglasses. The look had her still and his deep voice normally calm had a hint of concern. Wesker was showing that side again to her. Her captain exposing the gooey inside he has for her. The rookie heard his words, eyes soften even more. "We didn't get the chance to call in reinforcements captain..." She whispers, dropping her head on his shoulder in relief.

Chris was feeling Jill's wrist, the raw skin that was bitter by the rope. Looking at the woman before him, the darkness covers her face, but not her eyes or her presences. "I'm glad you're safe Jill." He spoke, his voice trembles. "I-I was afraid something happened to you."

Jill shushes him, shaking her head as she grabs his shoulders and squeezes them tightly. "Hey, you came in time to save me and Rylie. That's all that matters." Both of them turned, holding each other close to see Rylie leaning against Wesker as he held the man at gunpoint. The two watches as Wesker's lips moved, but couldn't hear anything just only for Rylie to hear.
(XD Careful Chris, you may get a sus look being so tender to your comrade)

Wesker moved his arm, briefly taking his hand off Rile as he turned to her fully, hollering his gun. "Its okay now. I wasn't going to let anything happen to you...either of you ."He said looking at the pair. He reached to his Radio. "We're all clear Barry, Our people are safe, we even swept up a hostage taker alive and some wounded, send in RPD and call Medical to bag up the rest "

An hour later, RPD came by to send the hostage taker to the station for processing along with the men who survived the surprise attack. Medical bagged the ones who didn't survive. Surprisingly enough the commissioner came hearing that two S.T.A.R.S. members were being held hostage.

Jill and Rylie were with the paramedics getting their wrist looked at from the ropes eating at their skins. Jill waves at the medic, telling him she was fine and didn't want to be bothered. Rylie stares at the medic as they put on bandages to keep the wound clean and help it heal. She was tired and hopeless.

"Ladies," the commissioner spoke, approaching them as they looked up to him. "I'm glad you two are safe. When I heard the chief sent you two here, I had to come by and make sure everything was okay."

Jill lowers her chin slightly. "Chief Irons set us up for failure can talk to Captain Wesker he will tell you everything." She said, voice slightly annoyed.

"I understand. In the mean time, you two need to take some time off. Take the rest of today off to clear your minds and come back tomorrow."

Rylie glances at him, still speechless and quiet. The memories were getting louder, and feeling more real to her as they continued to play and revealed themselves a little at a time. She watches as Chris approaches them when the commissioner left.

"Hey, you two gonna be okay?" He asked, mainly looking at Jill who was smiling just slightly as he was close to her again.

"Yes, the commissioner gave us today off too to rest. I'll take it. I need some sleep after this."

Chris smiles before glancing at Rylie, who was standing away, staring towards the crowd of people. "Rylie? You going to be okay?"

The rookie didn't answer, only staring at Wesker when he was approached by the commissioner. Her green eyes watches her captain speak to him, gripping her arms lightly.

"Captain Wesker, I was told by your lovely comrades to speak to you about Chief Irons. Is it true he sent them alone without your consent?" He asked him.
"He set the team before I even could see the report, or know the case. I wouldn't have ever sent any of my team into this. Our suspect even admits this was some kinda ploy to get Umbrella to give up something. What that is, I have no idea. " Wesker said he waved off two uniforms to let them get back to work. "He caused this mess."

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