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General RP Damnit, He’s Hot! (Firestarter)

Local Time:
3:16 AM
Dec 15, 2023
Kalin huffs, disbelief on his face as he sits up, “No. That won’t do.” He slides from the bed, grabbing his clothes and dressing.

”Get dressed. You need to have some real fun.” He rolls his eyes, facing Derek with his hands on his hips. His steps were slow, if a bit wobbly, but he seemed to be recovering just fine. He grins at Derek.
Local Time:
1:16 AM
Oct 31, 2023
"Wha- oh alright." Derek wasn't to happiest about Kalin ending their small cuddle session, but he did as he was told, being completely abnormal for him, and got dressed.

Derek quickly wrapped an arm around Kalins waist, resting his hand on the other's hip, to steady him after their intense romp. "Be careful, I don't want you getting hurt at all."
Local Time:
3:16 AM
Dec 15, 2023
Kalin leaned into him, smiling and leans his head against the other’s chest again for a moment. “I’m fine.” He grins and pauses, before pulling Derek from the basement. WHile he hadn’t had a tour of the house, he did remember his way from basement to bed room, as well as bedroom to garage. He moves about halfway back to the bedroom and faced Derek, “Do you have a. . . An inter tangent room? Like a TV or games or something?”
Local Time:
1:16 AM
Oct 31, 2023
Derek smiled and chuckled quietly. Was this young thing was trying to bring some kind of spark into his life? "Of course, follow me." Derek took Kalin's hand and lead him down a long hallway. He opened the last door and revealed a home theater with all the latest gaming consoles, board games, and even a mini bar with drinks and snacks. "Is this going to work for what you have planned little one?"
Local Time:
3:16 AM
Dec 15, 2023
Kalin rolled his eyes, “You could use my actual name, you know. Every now and then. I don’t need to be reminded how small I am.” He was teasing, though it was nice to hear his own name.

He looks around, “Damn— I was just gonna say we play a bored game or something- but you have like- everything.” He looks around, “I don’t even know what to do now.”

He giggles, and then walks forward, “A movie? WIth popcorn and snuggles?” He looks at Derek.
Local Time:
1:16 AM
Oct 31, 2023
Derek smiles and steps closer to Kalin, reaching out his hand and caressing the other's cheek gently. "I think that's a perfect idea Kalin."

Derek huffed out a quick laugh before picking kalin up like a bride again and carrying him over to the massive couch and setting him down. "Now you go ahead and pick out whatever movie you want and I'll make us some popcorn." After giving Kalin a quick kiss on the lips, Derek turned and walked over to the mini bar to prepare the snacks.
Local Time:
3:16 AM
Dec 15, 2023
Kalin watches Derek for a long moment, his fingers curling around the remote absently. He picks it up, turning the TV on and then slowly turning away from Derek. He looks at the screen and slowly finds a movie, looking quiet and contemplative as he chooses. Eventually, he pulls up Red Notice and leans back, tipping his head back and watching Derek again.
Local Time:
1:16 AM
Oct 31, 2023
Derek could feel Kalin's eyes on him and decided to have just a touch of fun by flexing his muscles and growling softly. He finished making the popcorn and bought both that and a couple sodas back to the couch as he sat next to Kalin.

"Come here Kalin." Derek said as he held out arms for the young male.
Local Time:
1:16 AM
Oct 31, 2023
Derek wrapped an arm around Kalin's shoulders and pulled him closer. He was denied snuggles in the basement, so now Kalin was going to make up for them here. As the movie started, Derek reached to the side of the couch and pulled over a large faux fur blanket, draping it over both of their laps.
Local Time:
3:16 AM
Dec 15, 2023
After a few weeks passed, Kalin was content. He still enjoyed showing up to work and he had more things to look forward to after work. He’d managed to work out a decent schedule between work, Derek and family, hauling up boundaries he managed to hold in place. He always had family dinner on Sunday evenings, had lunch with his sister on Wednesdays, spent Tuesdays and Thursdays after work with Derek And the rest f the time went to however asked for it first.

Today was Thursday, and shortly after his lunch break, he slumped down in his chair, running a hand through his red hair. He blew out a breath, looking at the computer screen and moving closer. Scheduling, scheduling and scheduling. Watching a blank Calder at the beginning of a month swiftly fill up was strangely sat is fine and Kalin was careful to meet the outlines Derek had set. He’d also been careful to keep Derek’s schedule clear on Tuesdays and Thursday, the man really needed the time to relax. Whether it was sex, cuddles, a movie, or anything else.
Local Time:
1:16 AM
Oct 31, 2023
As Kalin eas sitting at his desk, ex boyfriend Keith walked through the office wearing a pair of slacks and a tight fitting polo. Itt appeared that Kalin had a type since Keith had a similarly, yet smaller, frame to Derek. His muscles flexed and his eyes widened as he saw Kalin sitting at his desk amd started rushing over. "Kalin! Oh god, I've been trying to find you for so long!"
Local Time:
3:16 AM
Dec 15, 2023
Kalin’s gaze shot up and he reared back, “Keith, what the f—“ He clears his throat.

”I’m working. What are you doing here? You weren’t even supposed to be let up.” He stands slightly, his hands flattening on his desk and he leans forward slightly.

(Would we say a nasty break up for more dramatic or just a ‘this isn’t working’ break up?)
Local Time:
1:16 AM
Oct 31, 2023
Keith clenched his fists as he looked down. He had been looking for Kalinfor over 2 years after they broke up. "Kalin please, I know I messed up in the past, but it's just like I said back then. Those guys didn't mean anything to me! It was just drunken sex!" Keith's voice was already loud enough as it was, but now that he had found Kalin again, he was getting even louder. "Please let's go somewhere private so we can talk. I want to make up for what I did back then. I'll even be rough with you like you used to ask for!" Keith grabbed Kalin's wrost and started trying to pull him close as he spoke.

Derek lifted his head as he heard the commotion outside of his office and growled the second he heard someone saying things to Kalin.
Local Time:
3:16 AM
Dec 15, 2023
Kalin snorts, “If it didn’t mean anything you didn’t have to lie and cover it up. I’m a forgiving person, but I can’t forgive cheating.” He glares, trying to pull his wrist free, his green eyes hard.

”It’s not just about sex the sex, Keith.” He huffs, “Let go of me and get out, or I will call security on you.”

Kalin had long since run out of patience with his ex, blocking him on every social media platform Kalin had an account on, blocking his number and eventually moving apartments once he had the money to do so. He didn’t like pushy and hated men with a lack of commitment and a tendency to lie.
Local Time:
1:16 AM
Oct 31, 2023
"No! You and I need to talk this out! We were perfect together!" Keith tightened his grip and starts yanking on Kalin's arm, trying to force the other out of the office.

"Who the fuck are you and what do you think you're doing with Kalin?!" Derek's voice was deep and gravely with anger as he stood at his office door, arms crossed over his chest with his eyes darkening. If he wasn't at work, he would've instantly grabbed the strange male by the throat.
Local Time:
3:16 AM
Dec 15, 2023
Kalin swallowed, “No, Keith. I told you already—“ He jumps slightly, startled by Derek’s voice. His gaze jumps up to the other and then back to Keith and swallows.

”Sorry, sir. I’ve told him to not come to my workplace, but Keith is. . . Instant, when he wants something.” He yanks his wrist free, crossing his arms.
Local Time:
1:16 AM
Oct 31, 2023
Derek growls as he steps closer to the two makes, blocking Keith's oath to Kalin. "Keith...you're the worthless ex I've heard so much about from Kalin." Derek had remembered everything that Kalin had told him after one of their passionate nights together. Just hearing how badly Kalin was treated had Derek wanting to find Keith and vent out more stress in a violent manner.

"You've heard of me?!" Keith peered around Derek and glared at Kalin. " you've been fucking someone else?! I told you that you belong to me and only me!" Keith yelled as he tried to reach for Kalin.
Local Time:
3:16 AM
Dec 15, 2023
Kalin steps back, “Actually, he’s been fucking me.” He deadpans, then waves his hand.

”I told you we were done. I told you you lost my loyalty the moment I found out that you had been with all those other guys. I’m not some simpering, whining puppy who doesn’t know when someone’s a toxic ass who needs to be kicked to the curb. Now get out of here, Keith, before I call security.“ Which would probably be better than letting Derek have at him. Kalin gave Derek a look out of the corner of his eye, noting how tense he was.
Local Time:
1:16 AM
Oct 31, 2023
Derek was too enraged to think straight as he swiftly grabbed Keith's arm and twisted it behind his back. You could almost hear Keith's shoulder blade fracturing from how much Derek twisted the other's arm. "You will leave my company and disappear from Kalin's life....or I'll see to it myself." Derek then shoved the other male while holding a protective stance in front if Kalin, muscles flexing and breathing like a riled up bull.

Keith was furious as he stumbled forward before turning to glare at Kalin and the other male. "Kalin don't fucking tell me you're acting dating this asshole?! His kind would never be in an official relationship with you! He's just using you to get his rocks off!" Keith's muscles flexed and his fists clenched as he started stepping closer again.

Derek quickly reacted and stepped towards Keith in response ready to throw the useless male out the window.
Local Time:
1:16 AM
Oct 31, 2023
Derek's breathing was even heavier than before as his muscles felt as hard as rocks. He was barely able to stop himself before Kalin grabbed him. "Leave my company and forget you ever knew Kalin...NOW!" Derek's voice roared as he yelled at the useless male in front of him.

Keith gritted his teeth and clenched his fist tighter as he glared at Derek. This well dressed male was in his way and he was getting tired of it. "See?! He won't even say that he is your lover! He just refers to you by your name with even calling you his love! It's time to choose Kalin! ME OR-"

Keith was silenced as Derek cracked the male in the jaw with a heavy punch to the jaw. Derek had almost thrown his entire body weight into that hit, wanting to break the other male's jaw.
Local Time:
3:16 AM
Dec 15, 2023
Kalin yelped, pulling on Derek’s arm, “Both of you, stop! Derek, control yourself. Keith, fuck off. I never liked me calling me yours all the time anyways. It’s annoying. Makes me think you see me as an object, which you probably do, which is even more debasing. Just fuck off. If you wanna talk to me, we can do it in a netural area when you’re calm, if that wil make you feel better.” He pulled on Derek’s arm harder, pulling the man back a few steps.
Local Time:
1:16 AM
Oct 31, 2023
Derek tensed as he heard Kalin offer to still speak with Keith. Was he seriously going to give that useless male a second of his time. Derek didn't understand the feel in his heart as he felt this sense of betrayal and hurt from Kalin offering to speak with this useless male.

"Alright...alright, I'll go for now. Please Kalin, meet me after you get off work at the Cafe we used to go to all the time. I promise I'll be calm." Keith smiled before giving Derek one last glare before turning and leaving the office.

"Y-you're really going to give him what he wants?" Derek's eyes were full of pain as he looked at Kalin. He knew they had never said anything was official, but he had grown to want more woth Kalin. He was just too nervous to say anything. Derek took a moment and brushed his fingers through his hair, regaining his composure before taking a step away from Kalin. "Well...just call me if you need anything." Derek turned and walked back into his office, closing the door gently behind himself.
Local Time:
3:16 AM
Dec 15, 2023
Kalin stares at both males and then slumps down into his chair. He felt like he had done the complete wrong thing, though his mind was telling him that agreeing to do what Keith wanted was the only way to prevent an all out brawl. Which no one needed. Kalin runs his hand through his hair, his eyes fluttering closed. Of course when he’d thought he’d finally managed to get away from his crazy ex, move on and maybe find someone else, was the time said ex came screaming back into his life. Literally.

He huffs and silently finishes work, sending Derek a text, I can still do dinner tonight, if you want. I’m not going to listen to Keith. He’s an ass and he can go fuck himself. I just didn’t want a brawl in the office. He stood up and clocked out, leaving the office and walking the sidewalk towards the cafe, checking his phone for any reply from Derek.
Local Time:
1:16 AM
Oct 31, 2023
Derek sat in his office brewding over everything that just happened. He was so broken that Kalin would be so willing to talk to Keith again, but he had no right to demand him not to. They hadn't made anything official yet and Derek wasn't even sure if Kalin wanted that with him. As the text came in from Kalin, Derek held his head in his hands for a moment before standing up and leaving the office. He just wanted to crawl back into his secluded life and hide after everything, but he didn't want to hurt Kalin. Derek text Kalin back with just a simple message, I'll be at the restaurant at our normal time and table...

As soon as Keith saw Kalin walking put to the Cafe, he jumped out of his chair and ran over to the otherz wrapping his arms around him and lifting him up with a hug. "I knew you'd come! I can't wait to get our lives back on track together so you can forget that useless prick from your job!"
Local Time:
3:16 AM
Dec 15, 2023
Kalin smiles at the text from Derek, sending a thumbs up and pocketing his phone as he stepped ing to cafe. He squeaks when Keith hugsmhim and pushes the other back, “No. Keith, I’m done. I’m not going to be your. . , I don’t even know, fuck boy? I’m not going to just sit around while you fuck who ever you want and come back to fuck me if you’re not pleased. I lived it once and I’m not doing it again. Derek actually respects me and my work, and he’s a better guy than you ever were. I tried to let you down gently, I tried to be nice about it. But obviously, being nice didn’t work so I’m telling you straight up. Get out of my life. I don’t want you anywhere near me. You need to grow up and move on.”

Kalin took a deep breath before turning to leave.

(there was a typo that said ‘licked’ which could be taken to mean ‘liked’ but it was supposed to be ‘lived’)
Local Time:
1:16 AM
Oct 31, 2023
Keith quickly grabbed Kalin's arm and pulled him back, caging him in a tight hug. "No Kalin. You said we would talk and you need to hold you word. I'm remaining calm like I promised, so don't take this away from me." Keith held Kalin a little tighter, refusing to let Kalin leave.
(XD it's all good!)
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