General RP Damnit, He’s Hot! (Firestarter)

Keith laughed and squeezed Kalin one more time before letting him go. "Okay okay, I just want to show you that I'm different. I've been going to therapy to work out my problems with commitment. I just recently signed up for anger management classes to better control my anger, I know there were a few times I was too rough with you and in sorry for that."
"Come on Kalin, don't you remember all the fun we had together? We used to spend hours just staring at each other. I can still do that thing you liked in the bed. I can still send you to the stars like I used to do baby. Just give me one more chance to show you how much I love you." Keith reached out and touched Kalin's cheek as he smiled.

Derek sighed as he looked at the empty chair in front of him. Their dinner date wasn't for another 15 minutes, but Derek wanted to arrive early so he could be mentally prepared for what he was about to do.
Kalin swallows, the allure of sex. . . He shook his head, Keith knew exactly how to push his buttons and Kalin wouldn’t fall for it. Not this time. “Look, I have to go. This won’t work. . . I have a new commitment to keep and I’m not going to turn my back on it. Not for you, and not for anyone else. I’m not that kind of person.” He stands, his fingers raking through his hair.

Derek would be waiting for him and Kalin was determined not to disappoint the male. He’d found happiness and he didn’t want it to slip away just because of an offer of a good time between the sheets. Kalin had worked out his own problems, and he wasn’t going to let sex get between him and happiness. “You’re not the only one who can make me scream and send me to the sky, Keith. Not anymore.” He smiles politely and turns away.
Keith panicked as Kalin started to leave. He had struggled to find Kalin and he didn't want to lose his chance to have Kalin again. He was trying to change for Kalin, even though he didn't really feel that he had done much wrong. Sure he slept with a few other men when he was drunk, but he had always returned to Kalin. Keith could feel himself getting angry at the fact that Kalin didn't even want to give him a chance to show how he had changed. He quickly stood up from his chair and followed Kalin outside and grabbed his arm before pulling the young male into a the neighboring alleyway. "Kalin, you're not being fair! I'm trying to change for you and you're just running off to that asshole!" Keith's face was only a few inches away from Kalin's as he raised his voice and pushed Kalin against the wall, caging the young male between the wall and himself.

Derek sighed and rubbed his brow as he checked the time again. Kalin was running late, something that never happened. He could feel a lump in his throat as he thought about how Kalin went to go talk to that stupid ex. He trusted Kalin to not do anything that would hurt Derek, but he was worried about what Keith would do. Kalin wasn't necessarily the fighting type and Keith was almost the size of Derek. Feeling anxious, Derek tried to call Kalin's phone, wanting to at least know if he was alright.
Kalin yelps and pushes at Keith, “If you’ve changed then you’ll let me go. It’s been two years, and you’re still—“ He looks down when his phone goes off and then back to Keith.

”Just stop. You’re still pushing me, and I don’t like it. Just leave me alone.” Kalin’s voice grew soft, soothing, lulling into onld ways of trying to calm Keith down. “I gave you my time like I promised, but you’re too late in this.”
"No! You can't do this to me! I've been trying to change for YOU!" Keith slammed his fist against the wall close to Kalin's head as he stared at Kalin. He just wanted one more chance to prove to Kalin that he will be better. "You're not leaving me without at least giving me a chance!" Keith grab Kalin's arms tightly and pulled him into a forceful kiss, wanting to make Kalin feel his love through it.

As the call went to voicemail, Derek started to get both worried and pissed off. Why did Kalin have to agree to meet with that idiot? Was he not enough for Kalin? Did Kalin miss his call because Keith was hurting him? Multiple thoughts raced through Derek's head as he stared at the empty chair in front of him. He tightly clenched his fist and exhaled heavily through his nose before walking out of the restaurant. He didn't know if Kalin and Keith were still at the Cafe, but he sure as hell was going to check. He needed to make sure Kalin was safe.
Keith started to get even more pissed off as Kalin protested. Why the fuck couldn't he see what Keith was doing for him?! Keith pushed Kalin's back against the wall and grabbed a handful of the other's hair, forcing him to look into Keith's eyes. "Stop it! I know you love me now just accept me love in return!" Keith held Kalin's hair tightly as he kissed the young male again, forcing Kalin's lips to move with his own.

Derek's car came to a screeching halt in front of the Cafe as Derek bolted from the car and charged at Keith. In a matter of moment's Derek had managed to pull Kalin from Keith's grip and slammed his shoulder into Keith's side, knocking the brute into a few metal trash cans. His arms wrapped tightly around Kalin's small frame while one hand rested on the back of the young male's head, gently pressing it into his chest. Derek glared at Keith as the useless male struggled to stand back up. "I should end you right now for touching Kalin!"
Kalin Let out a sound of protest, his hands pushing against Keith. He hated the feeling and his scalp burned slightly and not pleasantly. The grip was too tight, crushing really. “Stop—“ He gasps out, as of the word would do anything to dissuade the male. The moment Keith was knocked away, Kalin slumped slightly, only to be pulled protectively against Derek.

He blows out a breath, inhaling deeply and relaxing at the familiar feeling. He looks over at Keith, biting down on his lip, “No. Very much not. Lets just go, Derek.”
Keith stood there breathing heavily and glaring at Derek. How dare he ruin his chance to get back with Kalin! He wanted to rip Kalin from Derek's arms, but the fact that Derek was bigger and had more power within society kept Keith in his place. "Whatever Kalin! You'll come crawling back once he's done using you! That all his kind does! They used people like us until they find some rich fuck and be with them instead!"

Derek growled and flexed his muscles as he helped Kalin into the car, listen to Keith ramble on stupidly. It was true that Derek and Kalin had never made their relationship official, let alone public, but that was to protect Kalin's reputation. Derek didn't want people thinking that Kalin slept his way to the top. After closing Kalin's door, Derek glared at Keith with the promise of death lingering in his eyes if Keith ever dared to come near Kalin again. Derek then climbed into the seat next to Kalin and pulled him close as the driver took off. "Are you alright Kalin? Please tell me he didn't hurt you."
Derek gently wrapped one arm around Kalin while using his free hand to gently caress the other's cheek. "Shhhhhh, it's okay. He will never touch you or come near you again. I promise you will never had to deal with him again." Derek's heart snapped in two as he saw the fear in Kalin. He had never seen Kalin react this way and it worried him more than anything. While still holding Kalin, Derek changed the GPS setting in the car to notify the driver to head back to Derek's house instead of the restaurant. He needed to make Kalin feel safe again before he even thought about doing anything else.
Derek gently rubs Kalin's back as he wraps his other arm around Kalin. He would do anything to make sure Kalin felt safe and calm again. In all honesty, Derek wanted to turn the car around and run that bastard, Keith, over and off a cliff, but he would deal with those thoughts another time. Make sure Kalin felt better was his top priority. Derek carefully placed a small kiss on Kalin's forehead as he thought about some of the things Keith had said. How dare that prick say Derek was using Kalin. He knew nothing of what Derek truly felt. Then again, neither did Kalin. Derek had never voiced his emotions to Kalin before out of fear of scaring off the young male.

Once the car pulled into Derek's garage, he looked down at Kalin with a conflicted glint in his eyes. He wanted to tell Kalin how he felt, but he didn't think right now was the best time. "Come on, lets get you into something more comfortable and then we can just relax in bed until you feel better okay?"
Derek gently wrapped his arm around Kalin's shoulder and lead him through the house and into the bedroom. His heart was aching for Kalin as he watched his once energetic and spry partner turn into a quiet and scared looking male. Once they were in the room, Derek had Kalin sit on the bed as he pulled out a pair of pajama pants and cotton t-shirt for Kalin to change into. Derek knelt down in front of Kalin with the clothes in his hands and looked up at the young male with a small smile. "Do you want me to help you change or do you want to do it yourself?"
Kalin blinked once and then shook his head, “I don’t wanna change.” He pulled his knees to his chest, and blew out a breath.

”I want something normal.” He mutters, “A distraction.”

Thinking about Keith and everything else was starting to hurt, maybe at some point, he might have been willing to try with Keith. But it had been two years, and a third of that time had been spent with hours in therapy figuring his own life out and working on his own problems. Though if he really thought about it, Keith may have been the guy who had changed his life and made him a lot more dedicated to work than finding a good parther. Hook ups and flings had become often, and eventually, Kalin had sifted his way down to ‘trash’. The guys who didn’t give one shit, and had almost no problems but their ego.

He looked at the blanket, picking at the fur and lifting his free hand, running his fingers through the hair where Keith had grabbed. He winced slightly at the sensitive, tender area and dropped hi hand.
Derek eyes filled with sadness for Kalin, even flinching as Kalin winced from touching the side of his head. He had seen Keith holding Kalin's hair but he didn't realize that he was doing it so roughly. "We can anything you want Kalin. We can watch a movie or play a board game or just lay here and cuddle. I can even cook for you if you want me to." Derek placed the clothes on the bed next to Kalin and gently reached out his hand towards Kalin's cheek. "Just tell me what sounds best to you and we will do it okay?"
Derek smiled and slowly rose up as he carefully wrapped an arm around Kalin and lifted him while crawling on to the bed. He laid Kalin down against the soft pillows and hovered over him. Derek stared into Kalin's eyes and gently placed one hand on Kalin's cheek, caressing it with his thumb as he admired the young male. Mentally, Derek was preparing to tell Kalin exactly how he felt. He knew there was a chance that Kalin would reject him, but he wanted Kalin to know that he saw him as more than just a sex partner. He had fallen in love with the young male. "Kalin...can I talk to you about something?"
Kalin smiles softly when Derek picks him up, streching out under the male. He blinks once and looks at Derek, “Um, yeah, anything.” Kalin had tried his best to make it clear that Derek could tell him anything without being pushy or pressuring the male into anything. He reaches up, lightly running his hand over Derek’s chest.
Derek took a deep breath to calm himself. His heart was racing and he could feel his mouth drying out as he prepared his words. "I know this might not be the right time but....I can't hide it anymore. Over the course of our time together I.....I've fallen in love with you. I want to spend every day with you and give you everything you could ever want and need." Derek continued to caress Kalin's cheek, wanting to make sure he stayed focused, "I don't want just sex with you. I want you to be with me as my life partner. I-I'm sorry if this is too soon, especially after what happened today, but I didn't want you to think that I was using you. I love you Kalin...I really do."
Kalin went quiet, his gaze focused on Derek’s face, he seemed to be considering the other man’s words. Kalin was not one to fall in love quickly, and once he did, he usually fell hard. He was mildly surprised by Derek’s words but he kept his face neutral. He stays quiet, not saying a word, his green gaze flicking across the other’s face.
Derek gulped and exhaled shakily as he stared at Kalin. He had never felt this way about anyone and was pretty sure that he would never feel this way again about another person. "I'm sorry...I-I shouldn't have said anything. I should've just kept that to myself so you wouldn't have to feel like I'm demanding something from you." Derek honestly believed that Kalin was about to reject him and leave due to his words. He could feel his heart pounding in fear as he got ready for Kalin to scold him and run from him. "I'm sorry....I-I'll back off so you don't feel pressured." Derek slowly started to pull away from Kalin, wanting to give him some room in case he decided to leave Derek's arms and his home.
Kalin’s hand flashed out, lightly gripping Derek‘s waist, “No, wait. Stop.“ he clears his throat, his voice raspy.

”No. . . I. . . I don’t love you, but I like you, a lot. I could love you.” He looks up at Derek, biting down on his lip. He wondered at Derek’s reaction to his words, of the other would be hurt by the admission that Kalin didn’t exactly love him.
Derek smiled just a bit at Kalin, trying to mask the slight amount of pain that he felt in his heart from not having his love reciprocated. He leaned closer to Kalin and placed a gentle kiss on the young male's forehead, holding it for just a moment as he closed his eyes tightly before pulling back. "I guess that's a start." Derek gently took Kalin's hand off of his waist and placed it on the other's stomach while still holding a small smile.

"I'm going to make us something to eat since we didn't get to have dinner like we normally do. Ill be right back." Derek pulled away and slowly walked out to the kitchen to start cooking, needing a way to distract his mind as it filled with horrible thoughts. Even though Kalin had stated that he really like Derek, the man's mind was still telling him it was all just a ruse to keep Derek from feeling too hurt.

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