General RP Damnit, He’s Hot! (Firestarter)

Kalin shivered at the light tough, turning his head to look at Derek, his face pink, “Well. . . I do like it, but it’s not like you need to be incredibly strong to lift me. I am incredibly light.”

He grumbles, “Meanie. It’s amazing and delicious and you better make me more later.” He grins at Derek.
"I'll make you whatever dish you want, just keep being a good boy for me." Derek gently kissed behind Kalin's ear, slowly kissing and nipping down his neck as he squeezed Kalin's arms just a small bit. "It doesn't matter how much you weigh little one, I do it so you have more to hold on to as I claim your tight ass." Derek murmured against Kalin's neck.
Derek bit Kalin's neck just a bit before letting go. "Alright, go ahead and finish your dinner." He leaned over a bit more and brushed his lips against Kalin's before pulling away and sitting back down in his seat. He loved how easily he could get Kalin to do as he was told. Derek continued eating as he wondered if Kalin would want to try something new tonight.
Kalin grumbles, but starts eating the rest of his food. He looks up at Derek every now and then. He could feel himself already starting to fill out in his pants and bites down on his lip, “Oh, question. My parents and siblings have noticed I’m different. Happier, and they think it has something to do with a ‘new guy in my life’.” He rolls his eyes.

”But. . . If we want to make things official, they’ve been badgering me to bring you to dinner. I keep putting them off, but. . . If you want to go?”

(I’m realizing that Derek hasn’t seen Kalin in his out of work clothes– Like pj’s yeah, but not going out clothes (which, yes, is very different than his work clothes)
Derek almost dropped his fork as Kalin invited him to meet the other's parents. He had never thought Kalin would want to bring him around his family. The second Kalin brought up making things official, Derek blushed for the first time in front of Kalin. "I-I would really like that Kalin," Derek gulped as he thought about being able to be called Kalin's boyfriend, "and if you want to make things official....then I want that too." Derek said as he smiled.

(Omg you're right! I don't think Kalin has ever seen Derek in his casual attire either so this should be fun!)
(Just warning that Kalin tends to show skin 😅)

Kalin grins slightly and finishes the Mac & Cheese, looking at Derek, “I’m thinking just telling close friends and family. I don’t want the whole country in my business. They can fuck off.” He rolls his eyes.

”But I can tell them to expect you Saturday?”
Derek laughs at the idea of everyone knowing about them. He would need to put his security on high alert for any paparazzi when they visited Kalin's family to keep the news somewhat private. "Saturday sounds perfect."

Derek finishes his plate and starts to gather uo the dishes before taking them to the sink and washing them off. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and his shirt was unbuttoned just a bit, revealing a small bit of his pectorals as he leaned over the sink.
Kalin followed Derek, leaning against the counter next to him, crossing his arms, “I’ll tell them to cook extra th… My papa makes the best food. You won’t be left hungry.” He grins and watches Derek.

”Do you like giving acts of service? I never do anything for you. You’re always so pushy about doing it yourself.” He murmurs, his question genuin, and not wanting to come off as a complaint. He quite enjoyed watching Derek do most of the things himself.
"Please don't let them feel they have to do anything spectacular. I may be a CEO, but at the end of the day I'm still just a normal guy." Derek smiled as Kalin stay next to him. He loved being able spend normal time with Kalin.

"Yes actually, I grew up with maids doing everything for me. Even though to some that sounds very luxurious, it was annoying as all hell for me. So when I finally moved out I did everything I could to make sure I could do everything on my own." Derek glanced at Kalin as he thought about what he wanted to try with Kalin down in the basement. "There is something I want to try with you the basement."
Kalin nodded, “They will because you’re my boyfriend, not because you’re a CEO, they did the same for Keith, and my sisters husband, as well as my brother’s three girlfriends.“ He grins at Derek.

He nods thoughtfully thi time, “I can’t imagine having someone else clean and touch my stuff. If someone just take one pen from my desk I freak the fuck out.” He shudders.

His face flushes and he looks up at Derek, “I’ll try anything once, twice if I like it.”
Derek chuckled as he remembered a time, long before their encounter in the elevator, where Derek had taken a pen off of Kalin's desk when he wasn't there and noticed the young male freaking out trying to find it. He still hadn't told Kalin he was the one who took the pen.

Derek finished washing the dishes and pushed his wet fingers through his hair, sticking it back as he grinned at Kalin. "Well then if you're ready for dessert, go to the basement, undress and stand at the foot of the bed. I'll be down in just a moment."
Kalin huffs, “It’s not funny! It’s my pen, and it’s my desk! Do you know how much money I spend just so I have pens? I eve bought a cup of, like, 500 of those motherfuckers for people to take instead of my expensive special pens, and they were all gone in a month! A month, Derek. I never saw them again. But now, at least, I don’t share an office with a bunch of other people and it’s just me in front of yours. You’d have to be going out of your way to take my pens. And they still go missing every now and then. If I find the person who’s taking them, they have another thing coming.”

Kalin finishes his rant and notices Derek almost done with the dishes and pushes off the counter. He makes a playful face, “Ewww. . . Soapy watery haiirrr-“ He giggles and then squeaks, giving a mock salute, “Yes, sir.” He grins and then darts away. He makes his way down to the basement, looking around for a moment at the. . . Decorated, room and smiles slightly. He pulls his clothes off, neatly folding them and setting them on a small table before letting his feet take him to the foot of the bed.

He stands there, quiet watching the door for Derek to appear. He shivers slightly in the slightly chilled room, biting down on his lip and tucking his hands behind his back. He hated this part, the waiting, the anticipation. But he had a feeling that was kind of why Derek did it. To make him wait, to make him eager and honestly, needy.
Derek laughed to himself as Kalin's rant about the pens resonated in his head. Even he was surprised that so many pens were missing in such a short period of time, but that's what happens when no one at a tech company uses a pen until they are screwed. He contemplated telling him about the one he took, but he figured it would best to leave that for another day. He didn't want anything to ruin the moment. Kalin's joke about the wet hair and playful salute was already making it hard for Derek to not burst out laughing.

Once Kalin had scurried off to the basement, Derek start getting things prepared. He was serious about the frosting, but instead he was going to use whipped cream. He took a deep breathe and got undressed in his bedroom, leaving just his Black slacks and dress shoes on. He then grabbed the can of whipped cream and slowly walked down the stairs to the basement, making sure to make each step loud yet slow. He wanted Kalin's anticipation to drive him nuts.

Once he opened the door to the basement, a wide, devious grim spread across Derek's face. The way Kalin stood so obediently was making his cock harden just a bit. "You're such a good boy. Following my orders exactly." Derek then grabbed a leather collar that was lined with faux fur and a leather leash. "Now turn around so I can place this collar on you."
KaLin bites his lip, his gaze locking on the door, each step of Derek’s was throwing him into the anticipation full force. He bit down on his lip, fidgeting behind his back. Each step heavy and slow, calculated. He swallows, his hips shifting slightly. He stares at Derek when the door opens and watches him move and grab. . . His face flushes and he stares at the collar, “A- A collar?” He squeaks, looking up at Derek’s face and turning slightly.

”Why. . . A collar?” He mumbles.
"Don't worry, it's mostly just for looks. I've always wanted to see you in something like this." Derek gently turns Kalin around completely and slips the collar around his neck and attaches the leash. "I would never do something you didn't like Kalin." He gently kisses the young male's neck before turn him back around.

"Now if at any point you feel uncomfortable, just say the word 'cradle' and I will stop everything instantly okay?"
Derek reaches down and gently pets Kalin's head as he stares into the beautiful green eyes. They reminded him of emeralds each time he looked at Kalin. "Such a good boy, I love when you look up at me like that."

Derek then held the back on Kalin's head and guided his movements, making him move just a little faster.

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