General RP Damnit, He’s Hot! (Firestarter)

Kalin squeaks softtly, and then leans into Derek, looping his arms around the other’s neck and kissing him back. He kept it slow and gentle, not wanting to ignite that fire waiting beneath his skin. He could wait until later. Is fingers slid into Derek’s hair slightly and he relaxes, enjoying the kiss.
The small squeak from Kalin had Derek smiling into the kiss. He was always able to see that Kalin wasn't the dominant type, but he sure didn't expect him to be such a cute submissive either. Derek's lips moved slowly and methodically with Kalin's before he slowly pushed his tongue into the young male's mouth. He wasn't going to go any further than that though. He would just let Kalin enjoy every inch of his mouth for now while Derek held him a little tighter, not wanting to let his assistant stand on his own until he absolutely had to.
Derek let out a possessive growl but nodded in agreement. "You're right...I must've lost track of time." Derek leaned down and gently nipped Kalin's neck just one last time before gently lowering him to his feet. Derek couldn't wait for the work day to end now.

Just as Derek stepped back from Kalin, he could hear the maintenance workers starting to fix the elevator. "Perfect timing, any longer and things would've gotten even worse." He winked and fixed the rest of his clothes to hide their little secret.
Derek changes his expression to his normal attitude filled scowl to keep the other workers from suspecting anything. He couldn't care less what people thought about him, but he didn't want to ruin Kalin's reputation after having worked so hard to get where he is today.

After about 20 minutes of silence, the elevator jerked and slowly resumed is decent down the many floors of the building.
Kalin blew out a breath and ran his fingers through his auburn hair, arranging it back to it’s careful disarray, pulling his shirt into place and then fixing his pants. He looks up at Derek, biting down on his lip and then blows out a breath, relaxing slowly. He blows out his breath, feeling relaxed in a way he hadn’t for weeks, which probably came from the lack of sex and then having sex For the first time in that period. He felt great, honestly.
Just before the doors of the elevator opened, Derek glanced down at Kalin and gave him a small smile. "Let's go ahead and get some lunch. The meeting with Mr. Richards might have been rescheduled, but my hunger wasn't." Derek made sure to keep his normal, everyday tone of voice again as he walked out of the elevator, hands stuffed into his pockets and walking straight for the front exit. Even though Derek appeared normal on the outside, his mind was filled with the images of him and Kalin using each other in the elevator. He had never slept with a man before, making this a whole new experience.
Kalin smiles back and then straightens his face into neutrality And walks forward with Derek, each step reminding him of what, exactly, had happened in the elevator. He clears his throat, looking at his tablet, “So, that restaurant on Salvin’s st. still has our reservation set, do you want to eat there, or somewhere else?”
"That restaurant is fine. I'd rather not be hounded by any press right now if I chose to go somewhere else." Derek had always preferred to go to lunch at Flemming's off of Salvin's st. due to there no press policy. It was the only place he could go to enjoy a quiet meal. This also made it the safest option for him and Kalin to go to for lunch since they no longer had the cover of Mr. Richards. Once he walked out of the building, Derek's chauffeur opened the back door of the car and waited patiently as Derek climbed in and scooted over so Kalin could join.
Derek nods softly and rests his chin on his fist as he stares out the window. Derek couldn't stop thinking about what happened in the elevator. When he was Kalin's age, he would never dream of having sex with a man, thinking it was just something weird and not for him. With Kalin, however, something had felt right. Yes, Kalin did a couple feminine things to himself, but it wasn't as though people were mistaking the young male for a woman.

Since the driver couldn't see anything behind himself, Derek slowly reached over with his free hand and caressed the side of Kalin's leg. Derek wanted to show Kalin that he was happy about being able to have lunch with him along with being eager for their plans later that night.
Kalin looked down at his nail, the deep navy blue color soothing slightly. He thought he might just get them done in a plain French tip this Thursday for the charity event and save the idea he’d had for his next nail appointment. He hums softly, tapping lightly against the back of the tablet before turning it off and sliding it into his bag.

He blinks once at the touch to His thigh, looking over at Derek. He felt like pouncing on the other, sitting on his lap and kissing him, but he stayed where he was, his green eye bright as they looked the other over, “You’re not gong to let me calm down, are you?”
Derek smirked and huffed out a small laugh before turning to look at Kalin. Derek didn't say anything, he simply held his finger up to his own lips to tell Kalin to remain quiet. Derek then lightly brushed the back of his fingers down Kalin's cheek. "I'm just admiring your presence Kalin."

He chuckled softly and raked his eyes over Kalin' s body slowly. "Be a good boy and I promise I will be one as well."
With a small chuckle and head shake, Derek turns his head to look out the window again. He could tell that tonight was going to be very interesting. He didn't want to push Kalin too far, but Derek was having so much fun teasing and tempting the young male. Even Derek was going to have to restrain himself during lunch.

The drive to the restaurant alone felt las though it was taking longer than normal due to the sexual tension that was building between Derek and Kalin.
Derek had followed quickly behind Kalin after sending his driver off to his own lunch as well. He kept his hands stuffed into his pockets to keep himself from touching Kalin as they followed the hostess to their table. The dim lighting was making Kalin's auburn hair appear dark while illuminating his green eyes, making Derek feel a deep urge to lift the young male into his arms and claim his mouth. He would remain tame while in public though.
"Scotch on the rocks, please."

The hostess nodded politely and left them at the table to look over the menu, something that Derek didn't need to do anymore. He had come to this restaurant so much that he knew the entire menu like the back of his hand. One of the few perks of being a highly regarded CEO was being guaranteed your favorite table at the restaurant of your choosing. The table that Derek and Kalin now sat at was positioned towards the back, away from the other guests. The solitude was something that Derek enjoyed even when he dined on his own. Now he and Kalin would have some more privacy, allowing them to speak freely for the most part.

Derek looked over at Kalin with a confident yet curious expression. "I hope they have something you will enjoy here."
Derek chuckled and pushed his fingers through his hair. "Kalin, don't worry about the price. You have to remember that I was going to be paying for the meal even if Mr. Richards had joined us."

Derek gently pushed Kalin's menu down just a bit so he could see Derek's smiling face. "Just pick out whatever looks good to you alright? I would never expect you to pay when we go out to eat."
Kalin looked up at him, biting down on his lip. He liked the thought of eating whatever he wanted without worrying about the price, but he didn’t want to think about what it would mean. He swallows, “Derek, you don’t have to. It’s fine.”

He looks back down at the menu, ”I’ll probably just get a salad anyways. I can pay it myself.”
"Kalin please, this is just a simple lunch and nothing more." Derek smiles and places his hand over Kalin's to reassure him that nothing will change or be expected of him. "Can't I show my assistant how much I appreciate the hard work he has done for me?"

Derek smiled warmly and squeezed Kalin's hand just a small bit. "Please, I insist."
Kalin squeaks, looking up at Derek, his eyes wide. “Maybe.” He huffs, “Or maybe I just really want a salad. Are you going to get pissy with what I want to eat?” He rolls his eyes, managing to pull his hand back and using it to close the menu.

The hostess came back, setting the drinks down, “Anything else? Are you two looking for an apaiser? Or ready t order?”

Kalin looks at Derek, his green eyes bright with mischie.
"We will start with the burrata with prosciutto. I will have my usual order of the agnus beef ribeye with the side of roasted asparagus." Derek smiles and turns to look at Kalin for a moment before whispering to the hostess to add a side order of north Atlantic lobster chipotle cheddar mac & cheese to whatever Kalin orders. Derek had remembered the one time he had brought and order of that mac & cheese to the office and had seen Kalin lift out of his chair at the aroma.
The hostess smiles and nods, writing dowin on her pad.

Kalin looks up after a few moments, smiling at the hostess, “I’ll have a salad, everything on it, extra ranch please.” He smiles gently and then looks away, handing the menu to the lady and taking a long sip from his tea. He relaxes slowly, his eyes closing as he blows out a breath.

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