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General RP Do furries need a Vet? (Knight)

Local Time:
4:01 PM
Nov 9, 2022
As she spoke her briefly story, sge saw Lock raise an eyebrow at her. "You did what?" He said as he leaned forward. "Was this while I out if the house, there no way you would have done this- and that only is good luck if it's cheerleaders. Abd better luck if it's the other teams" he said shaking his head.
Local Time:
4:01 PM
Nov 9, 2022
As she suddenly lifted her phone to show off the image of two burly looking football players, each laying claim to one side of her body, Lock looked away, coughing slightly as he was mid sip of his drink. "Ah-come on- I don't need to see my sister doing that-" he said pushing her phone aside gently. Well it was less the position and act, but the subject itself. "I don't know...uh.." he grunted as he cleared his throat and tried to sort through everything....mostly trying to think of a story he could tell her without it being too far over the edge. "Well...fine. I guess....uh. Ms. Cynthia." He said as he rocked his head side to side. Ms. Cynthia was the highschool PE and Health teacher, perhaps a little older than their mother. "It wasn't while I was in school, it was after I graduated and was in my first year of college, I was at a frat audition in some singles bar, we had to get juiced up and try to get some action going. I swung down alot of booze, started trying to do my thing...and she was there...well I didn't notice because she wasn't in that tracksuit, and i wasn't looking at her face....I think I started off kinda crazy, just rocked up and said something like...." he paused thinking. "I bet I could bounce a quarter off that ass. And then she turned around to shut me down, but kinda recognized me...guess she was flustered but I kept going, said she always worked hard to look that good...ahem. but yeah. After a while I got her to show off a new cardio routine."
Local Time:
4:01 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"I didn't even have to dig up pictures." He said shrugging slightly. "Its....alright, I guess, but I don't want you to think of me like that." He said sighing a little as he was none the wise of how she felt just imagining her brother, handling her teacher, apparently so well that she even warmed up t her. Well she had practically brightened up her entire semester, so whatever Lock had done it wasn't a one time thing. "Is that all?"
Local Time:
4:01 PM
Nov 9, 2022
As she stood up Lock would turn as sge teased him. "I'm good! I don't need the mental images of you-" he said as shecleaned iver the sink to start cleaning up, his eyes falling on her briefly, her shape , her curves were clearly following the path of her her mother. His skin warmed at the touch if memories and ingrained sensation, his pants tightening slightly. "I think that pictures are definitely a little much, it's like if I whipped out a video or something."
Local Time:
4:01 PM
Nov 9, 2022
His head tilted at her words, distracting him from the glimpse of her breasts. "I think you need to lay off the Only Fans scrolling if you think it's only weird if we're getting off on it." He said chuckling slightly. "And I- an not a horny teen, but you still count, Nineteen year old." He said as he shifted up, his pants staring out slightly more visibly.
Local Time:
4:01 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Lock flushed as he felt how sticky amd wet they were, juices still able to runnalong his fingers. "What were you doing, stewwing them all day-" he said as he walked to her clothing bag, dropping them on top of them. "You left something!" He called to the bathroom door
Local Time:
4:01 PM
Nov 9, 2022
He felt the sticky ectar 9n his fingers , his feet carrying him quickly to the kitchen to wipe them off, but he still could remember the feeling, the smell of her desire. He sighed as he walked to the couch. Sitting down as he picked up the remote to turn on theTV, trying to forget what he felt. What he knew.
Local Time:
4:01 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Hm. Nothing much...why you want to watch something? " He said setting his phone down, he angled the remote, flipping a few channels. "I'm just kinda surfing I guess." He said as a couple shows bounced by, some music channels. Some movies. Anime and other cartoons, but he was mostly in thought. "Unless you're really asking because you want some more alone time?" He teased as he pushed on her thigh with his foot playfully
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