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Game RP ( Dragon Warrior ) A New Den Queen, A Hidden Threat to Rise

Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"Rest now, Knife Ear's acted odd, creature not dangerous, but Knife Ears seemed troubled by it?"
as the hybrid spoke up, chuckling softly, s he seemed to think she had a child like fear of it, not understanding how unique of a predator this thing for a maiden of Elven blood. due to how it could drain their unique magical ability with lewd acts, however this did not change the fact he did help her once more.

now sharing his dried meat rations, the two could rest, and mentally prepare for the boss room which was just beyond where Bruno set up the little camp site. Yet as the time would pass, Valentine would feel how her body grew much needier, and moist yet heated. the Orc easily missing this with her scent and flushing face, and ears. However the monster boss would it notice this growing vulnerability or would it be to busy with Bruno's blunt style of combat, giving her a chance to deal with the boss like a skilled assassin versus the way a warrior would.
Local Time:
11:58 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Valentine closed her eyes and then looked over at the Orc. "I. . . Am an elf. A female at that. We are highly susceptible to those creatures. They can drain our magic." She swallows, rubbing her face.

"It's one of the only creatures who can charm us."

She shakes her head, eating the meat and then lays back, staring up at the roof of the cave.
Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Sitting their, as the brute ate his portion of dried meat, he would think for a few moments, before speaking up.
"So Pretty Knife Ears is weak to smelly plant creature. Ok, then Bruno kill plants next time. "

saying this in an oddly cute manor, at least cute for a mass of muscle, sweat, teeth, and mangled armor. as he flexed his one arm in a playful show of muscle. however once this was done he would move to pull off a satchel from his belt. this odd satchel would be revealed to be a water skin, as he offered it to Valentine.

"We get boss dead, then we celebrate, good sounding yes?"
Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"Fun, strong enemies, fun to smash, Beautiful women, strong women. No like playing with tooth picks. Never meat strong women, until jobs like these. "

as he spoke up, the answer was typical of a more perverted mind set of an orc, or hybrid of an orc. those who value violence, strength, and looks in their females of choice.
If Valentine knew it or not, she had already placed herself on this brute's radar so to speak. However unlike a pure blooded orc, the human half of his blood seemed to help with his self control or so it seemed. as it was, this would be a rare occurrence, where an elf like her could rest safely, and not worry about being assaulted by an orc companion.

"Pretty Knife Ears get's rest, we have much fun, and blood shed come new day. "

saying this part with some excitement, he could be seen messing with the fire, ensuring it was crackling and burning bright, even in this dungeon as to keep the weaker monsters, and creatures at bay while they relaxed, as well as recovered their stamina. However as time passed, Valentine would feel her own core heating up, her body growing a need to be sated, little, which unintentionally meant her healthy womanly scent would become more alluring to male creatures, even to Bruno once the nectar's effect on her body had grown strong enough.
Local Time:
11:58 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Valentine nods, "Makes sense." She relaxes slowly, and shifts slightly. Despite her attempts to relax, she found it difficult.

She recognized the feeling inside her body one came to understand that with over a century of living, but that didn't mean it was any more welcome. She blows out a heavy breath, and looks around, "Were there any underground streams? I want to wash up."
Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"Not far from use, watering hole, but dangerous at night, best to wait till day. " as he spoke up, pointing tours the boss's chamber. revealing that right near the door, was a small watering hole which houses multitude of ambush predators. during the day time, when the dungeon had more light from the natural flow of solar enriched mana through the moss in the walls. it allowed for one to see threats all the easier, then the dimly glowing lunar charged moss which filled the darkness currently.

"Bruno suggest, resting now, and we can care for cleaning when safer, Unless Knife Ears want's bruno to go with her. "
saying this part, as if hinting tours wanting to have some fun with her, while protecting Valentine, albeit an offer which would not normally even be considered.
Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
After some time struggling with tossing and turning, finally Valentine would fall into a much needed sleep. as her mind would soon have the elf coming to in a dark and burning realm. a massive beast looming over her and the damaged, and blood Bruno. the shadow like figure smirking, as it's flaming red eyes looked tours the elf, as if piercing her soul.

-Nightmare Sequence -

the orc speaking for her to run, and seek help, that a second Dragon Lord has awakened. however the exit would be sealed, as the elf would need to fend off this beast with bruno at her side. this was a nightmare, yet it would feel real enough to be that of reality.

"Pretty knife Ears, run, Get help, Keep it busy, you leave now. "

shouting this, despite how his loud, and usually booming voice would come off as a whisper, the hybrid orc brandished his weapon, as the brute rushed tours the massive shadow being. it's tail moving swiftly, and precise with it's aim and intent. causing his shield wielding arm to get severed at the elbow. landing before Valentine's feet, as some of the red, and black organic ichor would splash upon her.
Local Time:
11:58 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Valentine stared, frozen. She couldn't tell if this was a dream or real. She rarely dreamt when she slept, but now. . . She shudders, Stepping back. She grits her jaw after a moment and picks up the swords, tossing it and then catching it. She never backed down from a fight. She wasn't a damnsel. She steps forward, taking a defensive stance.
Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
everything seemed to be real, the sensation, the smells, the sight, the way her senses reacted to the sounds. all the while, as she took the stance to fight. the now one armed orc hybrid rushed to her, as he used his good arm to toss his blade aside. grasping Valentine, and tossing her aside. only for the elf to witness her orc companion, skewered through by the tail. as the mass of darkness, now with blood, and ichor all over it's shape. lifted the one armed orc. he would be tossed aside with a painful, and bone crushing thud of impact. only to see how this beast stood. now with a gaping hole in his gut. the eyes glowing red, as one word would come to mind with this sight.


on the door step of death, his war lust finally showing itself. as the one armed brute began to rush tours the massive frame. despite this, his words echoed into her ears, like a painful whisper.
" Seek help, To strong, Escape, Comeback prepared. "
as this happened, her body seemed to be unable to move or react fast enough, as if something unseen was slowing down, Valentine's very legs.
Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Turning the glowing red gaze of the massive black form of violence. the booming voice would soon echo in her ears, as the beast could be heard laughing. the massive claw moving to try and crush Valentine. as it was, she would find this thing would be hard but not impossible to Parry, however rolling out of the way would allow for an attempt at a counter strike at it's wrist, if she made herself vulnerable to a second attack just to try and counter this thing's attempt at squashing the elegant, and skillful warrior.

"One Gnat gone, time to enjoy a bit of play time woman. "
Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as she defended herself, the claw smashing into the ground close to Valentine's location, the impact suddenly pushing her body tours this things bulk. as the pressure from the impact left an impressive crater like claw indent in the solid ground. the second claw now moving to try and grasp her, as if a sweeping claw attack tours the elf. if she was hit, the palm would impact her frame, allowing the finger like claws to wrap around her smaller, yet curvy shape of a body.

as all this was going on, the opening of an escape could be seen in the distance, the path they had come from, however it was growing smaller by the moment. as if being sealed in this horror chamber with the odd creature now trying to crush or capture her for who knew what kind of painful or evil intentions it held.
Local Time:
11:58 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Valentine shudders, closing her eyes for a brief moment. She cast her mind inwards, searching for the idea if this was a dream or not.

After the short moment, she opened her eyes and darted for the tunnel mouth, her mind made up. If she was able to discover this place as a dream world, she would use her elvin magic to pull herself free. If she failed to discover this, she would try to make it into the tunnel.
Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Moving swiftly to try and escape, Valentine would soon find herself caught, and painlessly held. before her eyes, the beast used one claw to fully strip the elf. before moving her tours a monstrous cock which would look as if it was about to tear her tiny body in half. as it was as thick as her thigh at the tip, and got thicker, as it moved tours the base. a wicked laughter, as the thing moved her ever closer to the horrible ordeal.

It would be the moment that it began to spread her tender, and moist folds, stretching the elf, and causing a swirl of all kinds of sensations and thoughts, that she would suddenly come to. a strange squid like demon with one eye on her head. it's tentacles around her the sides, and back of her head. an infant incubus. for this thing had trapped her in a nightmare for a short while, and was feeding from the dream, however if she looked another one could be seen on Bruno, a larger one, which seemed like it was struggling to feed on the orc. Most likely, due to how hard it was to force an orc, even a hybrid to succumb to nightmares, due to their natural and over whelming fortitude, yet thanks to her elven lineage, Valentine was able to escape the nightmare before it got worse.
Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
speaking half asleep with a yawn, bruno would move to suddenly grasp Valentine, revealing he was not fully awake as of yet. however with out warning the powerful brute pulled the elegant warrior into his frame.
the powerful muscular arm wrapping around her. as he moved to nip at her ear. speaking in a soft whisper, revealing his dream to her with out realizing it.

"Knife Ears strong, pretty, real woman, Bruno make happy. "
his soft almost sleepy whisper loud and clear to her, however it would not be hard to fully wake the orc if she forced herself out, which would cause some minor pain, however if she did nothing, how long would Valentine be held like a cuddly elf size body pillow by this hulk of a fighter, a few moments, minutes, hours?
Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as she elbowed the orc, he would suddenly speak up, as he felt the pain of the impact, as her elbow made contact with some exposed muscle.
"ow, ow, ow, alright, alright bruno up, no need for violent. "
as he spoke, before realizing valentine was in his embrace. the orc would smile, before releasing her, as he could be seen oddly blushed for once. however returning to his thought, asking the elf why they got up so soon? and why was she in his arms? thinking she moved to be close to him after a nightmare, unaware that she had actually just dealt with two weaker class dream eating demons.
Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"why, boss room right their, we just heal and move on, no worries right? besides job, we only need to confirm species of boss, so if you wish, Bruno can go in, and Knife Ears remains outside to see boss, report back. "

as he spoke sounding as confident as ever, the orc hybrid did not understand the true meaning of an elven dream, or perhaps he was to muscle headed to fathom a warning to be of a foe they could not win against. however the fact remained, she would have her hands full ether convincing the orc to leave with her, or trying to leave alone.
Local Time:
11:58 PM
Dec 15, 2023
She shakes her head, "Bruno, bi. We need to leave. I already know what it is. Don't be stupid and come on." She straightens and stares at him, her eyes narrowing at him.

"Just trust me. If you don't want to end up dead, you'll follow me and we can get more people to help us."
Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
The impressively larger hybrid would stand up, gently placing his hand upon the head of valentine. It would be an unexpected act from one who was part orc, as he spoke in a softer voice.

" Pretty Knife Ears, Bruno believes you, but we both know, guild need evidence to give us group that we need. So you stay at door way to escape, Bruno be bait to get proof then we leave right away. Good?"

As e spoke with a soft, gentle, yet serious tone. If they lacked evidence, at best they be sent back with one extra person or only one person be sent into this dungeon once they reported back with out a form of evidence.
Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Bruno looked into val's eyes before speaking once more.

" if pretty Knige Ears waiting on Bruno, then Bruno has reason to return from task quickly."

Despite how little they knew about it other, valentine would see the simple minded side of this orc hybrid showing his liking of her so quickly, even if it was more on sided. However due to the growing sensation with in her core, the thought of this brute sating her need after they got out of this hellish little dungeon would flash in val's mine. But would this idea be due to th groceries nectar in her system or a bond forming between them? Perhaps both, however regardless this simple minded brute had proven to be gentle and protective of her, unlike most partners valentine had from the Guilderland In the past.
Local Time:
12:58 AM
Nov 19, 2022
To valentine's surprise, the elf would see this brute of a man stripping out of everything but his under garments. As such he woukd suddenly move silently for a change. As he winked at the elf. Before taking his shield and sword. Moving like an assassin or rogue to pass through the door.

Before her eyes, in the boss chamber a giant black blob seemed to slumber. A gluttonous slime, indeed a dangerous foe but nothing like what she saw in her dream. However as it was the orc carefully moved to collect some residue from the walls and floor of of the boss chamber so he could sneak back out.
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