Game RP ( Dragon Warrior ) A New Den Queen, A Hidden Threat to Rise

As everything seemed to go smoothly, the Irvine hybrid had what he needed and vegan to make his way back to the entrance. Before her eyes, the mass of darkness began to bubble and stir. If Bruno did not cross the threshold before it fully awoke, then Val would need to escape alone. However if she moved now their would be a chance to aid the orc in escaping, be it magically or simply showing off hr own form of strength.
Valentine friend and then moves forward, darting close and grabbing the orcs wrist. Her steps are soft and swift, moves learned in her childhood. Being a forest elf, shed long since learned how to be light.

She yanks on his arm, pulling the Orc behind her, "Get that to the guild." She hisses, looking at him
Managing to get Bruno out before the boss room sealed her in. The slime forming tendrils which quickly caught her ankles, pulling valentine tours the center of the room. All the while, her elven eyes would witness the brute bloodying his fists trying to brute force himself into the room.

As this began to go south quickly, valentine would be able to break free of the slime restraints, however little did she know. This monster was not in it's true form as of yet. As the wicked thing would move to tire its prey out or strip her with its unique tendril strikes.
the black ball of slime began to pull back, shrinking down in size, but looking almost like an egg. before parts of it began to bubble out, and suddenly launching more lewd looking tendrils, some oozing fluids, other with what looked almost like stinger ends. as they formed and launched tours Valentine, the more it generated the smaller the bulk of it's mass became. meaning the more it attacked the easier it's core could become, as the body thinned out, it's mass moving to try and capture the elf, in this confine space. all the while, the elf would hear Bruno shouting for Knife Ear to stay strong, and survive till he got back. rushing off to get help and get back right away. Valentine would soon be on her own, unaware that this thing was not the true form of her enemy, but a weaker form, which was used to play with prey.
Valentine watched, her jaw tight as she dodged the tendrils, careful to conserve her energy. She keeps the blade up in a defensive stance, green gaze flicking around the dim room, trying to keep up with all the moving parts. She shakes her head, feeling a few loose strands of hair brush her face as she panted softly.
time continued to pass, however before long, the tiring scenario would allow for a few of the beast's tendrils to snatch Valentine, but the left ankle, and right wrist, as she was lifted then painfully tossed against the opposite side of the chamber. before moving to drag her tours the mass in the center of the room. bubbling, as if laughing, the way it moved and formed, a bubbly mass of it forming into a claw which would reach out tours her. unaware that, all the elf needed to do was strike the core one time, to destroy the slime, however if she defeated the core to quickly then their would be a high risk of being caught in the explosive result of slime bursting in all direction, with how it was shifting it's form and attacking wildly. finally calming itself down enough to try and move to properly capture the elf, unaware if she still had the blade in her unbound hand, or if she would have enough strength, or air in her lungs after the painful impact into the walls, prior to being dragged tours the mass, to try and strike it.
As Valentine flew through the air, she could feel her body slide from her jacket. She didn't know how, but it happened, her fingers curling to keep hold of the hem. She let out a pained shout, her head hitting the wall as she fell to the floor. Her hand stayed firmly around the hilt of the blade and she lifted her free hand to the crown of her head. It came away bloody.

She shudders, hissing when she sat up
She lifted the sword and stood slowly, before throwing the blade towards the core. The following explosion as the blade paired the core and went straight through it threw her back against the wall, finally pushing the air from her lungs.
Now sitting their, her keep sake jacket slime covered and on the other side of the chamber. her body on display, as the slime seemed to dissolve the material which bruno gave her to cover up with prior. Before Valentine knew it, the elegant, and seductively curved maiden would see what looked like the core. the giant body size gem with the sword stabbed into it, pulsated and glowed. her blade began to melt before her exhausted, and winded eyes.

as the core began to grow larger by the moment, glowing, and cracking, it would finally down upon the elf, this thing was not just a slime, but a slime which housed a Draco Lord Egg, and now it was taking form due to her slaying the monster which acted like a seal. When in truth this body of a slime was actually a test to see if any one was strong enough to play with. but it would appear to the elf, as if she freed a monster stronger then the one she just defeated. giving her only a few moments to come up with a potential plan or to try and get herself in a position to defend herself. as it would not take long for this beast to fully manifest itself in all the scaled glory it possessed.
Valentine felt her head going light. A feeling she was, to be honest, used to in this line of work. After doing this like of worth for a century and 20 years, you get used to a lot of feelings.

She staggered up onto her feet, her breathing heavy. Her braid crow was finally starting to come apart, her hair pins falling loose. The long, soft strands of read hair curling slightly.

She stared at the forming creature, feeling nothing but bitter resignation.
Finally getting to an impressive size, the orb began to crack, as it unfolded. the sides pulling out, as shards of energy sparked through out the chamber. vaporizing the slime residue around it. the core unfolding slowly, as claws extended, smashing into the hard floor, leaving indents. the massive glowing eyes peering into the green gaze of Valentine. as a black and purple mix of flames, and smoke escaped from the closed maw. the beast began to real itself back, the massive form showing itself for all it was worth, as it opened, and stretched out the wings, creating a powerful gust of pressure. the beast released an ear splitting roar, before growling as the elongated neck slowly twist, and turned to face the elven maiden.

it would seem like this thing was still getting use to itself, as the tail suddenly swung from the side, aiming to coil itself around the elf's mid section with out remorse. the creature's claws large, and sharp enough to tear Valentine to shreds with but a touch. However this beast had something which many would see as a fate worse then death planned for this powerful woman. yet little did the elf know, her life would soon change, albeit for better or worse had yet to be revealed.
Valentine grunts softly, her gaze glittering with pain and she staggers at the sound of the creatures roar. She covers her ears, gasping when the tail wrapped around her bare body.

She scowls and digs her nails into the area,only for the tough scales to slice her flesh. She shakes her head, his vision dancing.
Now with the impressive warrior elf in the grasp of the beast. to Valentine's horror, the creature pulled her tours it's maw. the two powerful and massive claws would end up being oddly gentle, as they flicked at her perky breast. the rough tongue was soon felt. starting at the base of her feet, as it licked up her legs, the rough and massive oral appendage, tickling and slick as it moved up to her sweet tender honeypot. it would be upon the sensation of how it licked her, that the elf would realize, that this beast did not desire to kill her, but breed the warrior. showing that by soloing the form prior, she had managed to win the attention in a way the elf would not naturally want. however the fact remained, the act would begin one way or another.
The more she struggled and kicked the more excited the beast seemed to get, to the point that Valentine soon felt the bulking mass of muscle beginning to force it's moisten self into her. pushing past the natural resistance of her womanly folds, the tongue would begin it's work, turning her very body against her. as each time her feet made contact with the snout of the beast. the base of her feet would be cut slightly by the scales much like her palms from the tail. however the wounds seemed to always be shallow some how, unaware that her healing was due to the interest of the beast. making sure it's new toy would not be to injured to be enjoyed, as it squirmed and struggled.
As the assault continued for a good few minutes, moistening the struggling elf up. it would seem as if Valentine was finally getting some leeway, as she would soon feel the tail loosening. able to slip onto the ground, with a thud. however if she were to try and move quickly away, the easiest course of action would be to crawl away, however trying to get up would allow for a different kind of capture, yet as she would slip free, and fall. the sight of a monstrously large, thick, and overly long pink rocket would be seen. as this would be invading her all to soon, if the elf did not act carefully and quickly.
In her current state, Val was like an ideal piece of meat for this alpha predator to enjoy. with her quick attempt to crawl away, the massive claws would quickly move to take hold of her. grasping the elven maiden around her hips. pulling Valentine back. as she would feel the massive tip quickly piercing into her tight womanly folds. regardless of how experienced this beauty was, even if she was a well versed vixen. a beast of this size would feel as if it was splitting her apart at first. as the massive tip pushed past her resistant entrance, parting and stretching her entrance. slowly bulging the elf's belly with the outline of the draconic cock.

however as the tip dug into her, a surge of dark mana would pulse from the fleshy muscle into her core, as it quickly converted pain into pure blissful pleasure. a demonic kind of magic meant to break victims, however little did she know, once the act began, it would be bonding with her, in a way more intimate then a simple master, and fuck toy or pleasure slave.
The fiend began to use and abuse Val all the more, as it moved her body, as if the elf was nothing more then a mere flesh light. her breast swaying and slapping her own flesh. before long her arms growing weak, and dangling, her legs lifted so only the toes scraped along the ground. the darkness and pleasure over taking her weakened, and now bleeding frame. unaware that the dark mana which was flowing into her core from such a lewd assault was also healing her internally, as well as external wounds, yet the pressure of the over size fiend filling her. each thrust knocking the air out of Val with the impact of the monstrous rod, sheathing itself as deep as it could reach.

Slowly, the world around the now ragged breathing beauty would begin to face, darkness over taking her exhausted, and now well abused body, unaware that as this was happening the very fiend abusing her would begin to shrink in over all size. his body changing to better abuse, and use her. for the pleasure would not end, for the draco lord, even after Valentine passed out, but more so she would begin to awaken slowly to a large humanoid beast still filling and using her. in an oddly new position, one which would have her in his lap, her legs held up, with his clawed hands under her knees. her back to his chest, which would have finely toned soft fleshy muscle for the center but from the sides and on scales. from the shoulder to the elbow scaled, from the elbow to the hands flesh with spots of scales. the long rough tongue lapping along her neck to her knife shaped ears. this draconic fiend, still abusing her, but now a much more enduring, and enjoyable size.

Valentine only felt lost in the black abyss for a few moments. In reality, she didn't know how much time had passed, but she knew more than a few moments had. Her breaths were still ragged and heavy, but her head wasn't light.

She squirms slightly, gritting her teeth. Her nails search for flash to dig into and tear, breaking on scales instead. She pulls slightly against the creature, trying to break free.
Now coming back to, and struggling as she could, the nails of her elegant and skilled hands soon finding the powerful arms around her. the claw under her two knees, and holding the elf's legs together. as she would become more aware of the thick log which moved in and out of her. the impressive spear, was no where near as invasive had it been when the beast first violated Valentine at the beginning. having shrunk down enough to be an ideal, yet still massive size for her smaller frame. as it filled and moved with in her. the arm which did not hold her legs, reached around to grasp one of Val's plump, healthy breast, playing with it, however this would be the chance for her eyes to see the more humanoid, and scaled claw playing with her, also meaning, that if this thing was smaller now, she could perhaps take it out if the elf broke free.

her legs able to kick fruitlessly like this, however her arms free to move, thus meaning if Val could concentrate through the invading, and unwanted, yet slowly mind numbing pleasure, perhaps she could use magic to break free of this lewd embrace. all the while a growling tone whispered into her long sensitive ears.

"Strong woman, Ideal mate, and Den mother, submit be made happy. "
Valentine shudders, a low moan in her throat. She finds purchase with her nails, jagged and broken tips digging into the flesh of the male's thigh. "Let- go!" She turns her face away, still panting.

Her mind whirled. Mate? Den mother? Oh, hell no. She wasn't going to be a mother of any kind, much less a mate. She very much enjoyed her freedom, thank you. "Find some other bitch-" She snaps, driving her elbow I to the creature's belly.
Feeling the sensation with in her core, the pleasure turning Val's own body against her, however slowly it seemed to be taking. As the elegant and lustfully well built Elf struggled, she would manage to strike the beast in it gut with her elbow. suddenly feel the fleshy spear with in her depths suddenly swell, and double in size, however at the same time. a bit of loosening of the grip was felt. thus showing she could break free, but Valentine would also run the risk of causing this reptilian bastard to nut with in her core before she got off this ride.

"Tch, want to play hard, Make you mine by force then. "
growling this statement slowly into her ears. the beast would soon follow up by running it's long rough tongue along the sensitive Ear, playing a bit dirty one could say.
Valentine squirms again, preparing to break free when she feels that things tongue on her ear. She let out a low moan, her head tipping back and fingers curling.

Her ears, like all of her kind, were sensitive. Not only on hearing,but touch as well. Able to detect the subtle changes on the wind. A useful tool when hunting deer in the woods.

She lets out a string of curses, trying to angle her head away.
A devilish smirk creeper across the maw of the draconian, as his one claw moved from grasping, fondling and playing with val's exposed breast, to grasping her chin. The beast repositioned her head to allow him to clamp his maw upon the rip of her ear gingerly, the fangs scraping cautiously along her sensitive flesh. As the tongue lashed upon her ear ip, combined with the gentle suckling to try and cause as much over whelming , and pleasuring sensations, to coax out this elven maiden's cute squeal like curses for his ears to enjoy.

As the beast did this, her one hand would find itself against val' own belly. Able to feel the massive cock shape bulging as it grew and shrunk in rapid succession. Each powerful thrust able to make her beautiful frame bounce in his grasp. Hugging her upper thighs together tightly I'm his one powerful arm. Causing it to almost look as if her feet and lower legs were performing bicycle kicks with each aggressive yet pleasuring strike into her core. Unaware of the worse part happening to her, Val would discover the new mark on her body soon enough, once the claim was done.

As the beast assaulted, teased and claimed his new unwilling bride, and den mother. A small pink lust mark would begin to form. On the soft section of flesh below the belly and above her clip. Forming to look like pink vines growing from above her ground, taking shape and even forming a draconian seal in the center of fhe heart. It would forever mark her as Claimed, however allowing for incredible pleasure to be shared, as well as granting the ability to communicate with all species of monsters.

( feel free to fine tune our claim mark however you want it to appear and look once fully formed upon Val wink 😉 😉 )
Valentine gasped and tried to pull her chin free, cursing again and squirming. She gasps and moans again, a little louder and higher pitched than before.

She squeezes her eyes shut, whimpering and trying to ignore the sensations inside her body. Yet, try as she might, she felt her core tense with the telling of a release not to far away.
It was not long now, for when both Val, and her assailant would hit their release. her Elven depths feeling how the draconic member deep with in her love tunnel was swelling, throbbing, and digging out her bundle of sensitive nerves. hitting all the pleasure one did not want, but could not deny. all the more, adding to this, the assault upon her sensitive ears. with each powerful thrust, as well as the increase of spikes of pleasure allowed the mark which was forming to grow stronger, and more vivid. Little did Valentine know that once she hit a release with this dragon, she would become bound to him, and this den, however as the pleasure built up, her own resistance seemed to slowly grow weaker if Val realized it or not.
Valentine moans, her breath panting heavily as her back arches slightly. Body begging for more, her words panted out between breath harsh curses.

She tenses more, her hips pushing forward and shuddering in the moment before her release, a cry leaving her lips as it hits. Shuddering through her climax, she goes limp against the male, eyes closed.

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