Game RP ( Dragon Warrior ) A New Den Queen, A Hidden Threat to Rise

Once her body hit it's release, valentine would feel thw thick hot seed of the dragon flooding into her own womb. The growing sensation of weight, and sloshing as the wicked love spear continued to move rougher, deeper, and slower now.

Suckling and teasing her hyper sensitive ear, the beast loving the cute sounds his new den mother was making. As the claim was now successful. Val would find the growing pleasure and unwanted desires in her, growing beyond what this experienced woman had ever felt with any of her prior partners l.
With the first mrk now successfully formed and sealed upon her. Valentine would be unaware of it as their would soon be two more marks to form upon her. As the elf broke free for now. Her body hitting the cold hard floor with a moist thud.

The beast smirked knowing she could no longer leave this dungeon, his den now. This he could enjoy the chase until he breaks this beauty and make her his alone. As it was, now she belonged to all the monsters of his domain.
Valentine grits her teeth and stands, green eyes sparking with rage as she glared. She stalks towards her discarded jacket and picks it up. She pulls it on, using it to cover part of her body.

Valentine could feel something different. A different kind of magic in her body. Not hers. . . But it was a similar feeling to an enchantment. She narrows her eyes on the male, "What did you do?"
A playfully dark smirk came across the dragons face. As his tail came around, aiming to wrap around her ankle and lift the elf to dangle her upside down. Unless the tails action was swiftly noticed and dodged.

" oh, it is but the first step. You will be mine, bit this is only the first stage. After all, you are to be made into my personal pet."

As he said this planning to try and capture valonce more. Planning to enjoy her in a manor to get his second mark upon her body. However it having endured one round thus far, little did Val know that the second round would break her body in a manor to where it would hunger for this beast. For right now she would be unaware of the so called blessing of this first mark on her, until running into monsters other then the den lord.
Val's gaze flicked to the tail and sidestepped. She shakes her head, her nose wrinkling in distaste. "Like hell I am. Go fuck yourself."

She stands still and lifts her chin. While shed never fought, or come across, a beast quite like this one, she wouldn't be cowed into submission. She'd only submit to Death, when the dark spirit came to pry her soul from her cold, dead body.

"I am not a toy, nor pet."
Valentine stepped away from the male moving closer to her, avoiding his tail was easy, very much like dogging vines or roots when running through the woods.

Her nose wrinkles, "I'm not something to be owned." There was a reason she left the elves to do what she'd done with her life. Become an adventurer.
Chuckling as the beast heard the declaration from this elven maiden. As it's wings suddenly spread out from behind. In the sudden gust of wind, pushing Val back as it would be hard to keep balance.

It woukd be right at this moment, her back would hit the hard chest of the dragon which was but a blink ago intront of her.

Her powerful scaled, clawed hand moved between her thighs. Two fingers would aim to slip into her as the thumb would a to press into her clit.

The other clawed hand moved around to grasp one of her wrists. As the beast did this, his tail moved to smack one of her ass cheeks, then the other. Giving Val a playfully rough assault. As it found her strong will, making this maiden appear all the more appealing.
Managing to get a small bit of distance with her kick. However the kick to the ground did not seem to do any damage to the beast, despite it being an obvious weak spot for any male. as he licked his lips. moving to straighten his posture, eyes locked upon her, as the reptilian clicked his tongue.

"So you do not wish to indulge, then perhaps a bit of submission will be needed then?"

the reptilian stud would crack his knuckles a bit, before moving to lean forward for a moment. the body language was all their, however the speed this beast had shown, warned valentine that this thing was toying with her, and if it truly wanted to, or grew agitated enough. she might be in some real trouble, meaning for the skilled Elf, she might need to be pro active, instead of reactive, in this scenario, as their would be multiple spots of walls with cracks. shinning light through it, showing spots which could be used as a weak spots in the walls.
Valentine bared her teeth at the male, hands curling into fists as she shook her head. "Just leave me alone, prick." She could feel her hair falling about her face and back, more strands falling loose from her braid crown.

One thing about Valentine, was she never backed down from a fight. Which would probably royally screw her over later, but she wasn't thinking about that.

She was thinking about how much she wanted to plant her fist squarely into the male's perfect, little face.
it would be instant once more, the moment Val would blink, his body would be right before her. his chest almost point blank before her face. as the massive palm pressed into the elf's face. his fingers tightly grasping along the sides of her face and head. lifting the woman painfully by the head with one hand. the other moving to smack her chest a few times, before the fiend planned to take hold of her leg with the one arm. wanting to pull it to the side, and force himself into her once more.

However if Valentine acted right away she could break free, yet if she endured long enough a golden chance to strike this thing square in the face would present itself, albeit right as she would feel the tip pushing back into her. thus forcing the elf to strike right away, or wait for the moment to present itself and strike a blow right in the face with an ideal moment that would present itself, when the beast would smile, while feeling her all to welcoming warmth once again wrapping around it.
Valentine grunts softly, ignoring the pain flaring through her and curling her fingers tightly. She pushes a hand into his chest, trying to pull her leg free.

She could feel the panic rising as she felt the male right at her entrance, she didn't want this stupid- She growls and slams her fist straight into the male's face, making firm contact with his nose and mouth.
As she struck with her fist, using all her might, the elf would notice how she caused the nose to bleed a bit. the face did not flinch or react to the impact as one would desire. however good it felt, with the sensation of her fist making impact, the sensation of the flesh crunching under her fist. followed by the sight of the seductively handsome face now bleeding from the nose.

the wicked thing would tighten his grip on her leg, and head, before pushing even deeper into Valentine. as he did so her fists would be able to get several more clean strikes, however if she did not hit hard enough or manage to use enough force with her one foot, against the dragonoid's frame with both hands, to free herself. the pleasure would quickly build up once more, breaking her body, and mind's resistance to what was happening once again.
All her hissing, demanding, and struggling only excited the beast all the more, as he pushed as deep as he could into the elf once more. Picking up his pace, as his swelling, and oozing member lubed, and pleasured her unwilling body. once more turning Valentine's own flesh against her. as this second session would begin to form a second mark upon her. one which would quietly form right above her heart, and on the breast. as the devilish dragon enjoyed her more and more. the struggling, the small amounts of pain she inflicted upon him only enticed the beast to rock her world all the more. breeding his unwilling dungeon mate, and soon to be life partner.
Slowly getting rougher, and faster, the bestial stud filling the elven warrior with as much as her body could endure. Each powerful thrust and slow gyrating pull out of her. The sensation of how the beast filled her, the ridged shaft moving to pull, message, and tease her sensitive inner coils. Leaning in, while her eyes were closed, this draconian lord would assault her ear some more wanting to break her, and entice all the cute sounds her lips could release. As it was felt , the warning signs of a full release into her precious baby maker, or core.
The way her body began to fall limp, her body being lifted and dropped. Her fine tuned belly extending in the shape of the cock invading her. The seed beginning to leak out and down her inner rhighs, and legs. Slowly forming a puddle of lewd fluid under the duo, as the long reptilian tongue moved all about her eats, moving from one to the other. Teasing and assaulting her senses. The tail moving around, as it playfully smacked her ass cheek at this point. Having released her once held leg, allowing them both to dangle, her toe tips scraping the floor, each time her body was pulled to take this hot missile balls deep.
Struggle as much as she could, valentine's body would be unable to deny the pleasure. Her body like an ideal and all to alluring flesh light of the mystical persuasion. Each time her body was pulled into the powerful thrusts. The ever growing sounds of her cute, albeit very lewd cries and moans. Slowly, valentine's slightly deformed belly began to extend with each over flowing release. Filling her more and more. As it would not be long before val's own build up would release all to soon. Once she hit her own release, the second mark would form fully on her breast above val's heart.
Slowly pulling out of her, the tight sensation of how valentine's depths hugged tightly to the invasive flesh. With a moist pop, the wicked meaty spear pulled free. However the fun was not over, for the elf soon found herself twisted around. Slaming onto the ground now in the prone bone position. As the hot slick rod did not hesitate to slowly push into her tight healthy, and flawlessly heart shaped ass. Slowly digging into the resistant entrance of her back side.
Valentine let out a sound of pain, pushing against the floor and squirming. She bites down on her lip, shuddering and dropping her forehead to the floor.

Shed never let anyone take her backside except for one time. She'd never found the experience pleasing, only ragingly uncomfortable. But who the hell was she to say it made her uncomfortable when this whole thing made her uncomfortable?
Now with her legs tightly against each other, the dragon's own legs felt roughly against her thighs at ether side due to the scales scraping her sensitive skin. his tail moving down to coil around one of her ankles. as his thick hot slick prick dove into her tight back door. spreading and stretching her bowels, however the mixture of fluids having made it far more painless then one would expect, albeit very uncomfortable for now. however as this went on, his powerful palm pressing her one shoulder down, the other grasping Valentine's hair, and pulling her head back each time he slammed into her. making the elf's ass cheeks jiggle and bounce. the sensation of pleasure slowly ebbing into her depths. as it was like a strange side effect of the reptilian, secretion being absorbed into her moist, tight hungering depths. all the more, leaning in, his hot breath soon beating against the crook of valentine's neck. as it would not be long before two long, needle like fangs would begin to sink into her flesh. as it would be like a combination of a snake bite, and a hickie being forced upon her. more then just that, the odd fluid it would pump into her via the fangs, would cause the heat to grow with in her. hazing the elf's mind enough to make her think that she wants this, even if it was due to the mixture of forced lust, and odd yet harmless albeit desire causing venom. which was obviously meant to be used on females of it's own kin.
as she cursed, and struggled under the beast, now enduring the venom like high being forced into her system. causing the elven maiden's very body to turn on her. the sensations and desires causing her now glistening frame, rippling ass, and even cursing mouth to release, such sweet, sweet moans, mixed with her hatefilled venomous words.

it would not be long, before the tail pulled her one leg back, as if trying to fold it back enough to allow her foot to kick her own ass cheek, if his body was not in the way. leaving only one leg free to kick and squirm, while her arms were free, her hands only really able to scrape, and grasp anything with in a limited reach while pinned. her back arched, her hair being pulled each time, the beast slammed deep into her. all the more, the way it suckled her flesh where the fangs had sunk it. this would indeed leave one hell of a hickie for Valentine to show off or hide. However as her mind slowly began to turn on her as well. with desires, images of being bred, but the odd part would be, instead of the brute now using her. the image of Bruno, the clueless albeit gentle orc which had helped her prior, and went to get help was the one entering her mind for some unknown reason.

as this went on, it was unknown if the dragonic stud, laying siege to her ripe and now well abused chocolate starfish would finish up first, would she hit an unwanted release through such an undesirable act? would it fuck her to the point, where Val herself would black out? or would she be able to slip away after it began to release it's thick, and very fertile payload into her depths. if nothing else, each time this beast nutted into her depths, the elf would have been able to feel how it was only for a few short moments, but in this tiny window it's hold always weakened. thus would she be able to endure long enough? would she tire out herself, or even hit a release through an act the elf never found enjoyable prior?
Valentine shudders, trying to push the unbidden images from her mind. Of her previous companion, of being used by this beast, of everything but escaping. She lets out a soft whine, feeling something she had not felt for many, many, decades.


She was scared of this male, and the prospect that she would never be free. She was a creature of nature, living and being free was half of who she was. She couldn't be trapped, stuck, down here. In the dark with now sun or plants. The only growing thing some strange bio luminescent plant that grew along the walls and ceiling in places.

She blows out a shudders breath, voice cracking as she spoke again, "Stop. . ." Not anger or rage. Just fear.

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