Game RP ( Dragon Warrior ) A New Den Queen, A Hidden Threat to Rise

Moving the claw away from Bruno, as it released the orc brute. the dragon would look to Val, before shifting into the all to familiar massive humanoid form. Before Valentine knew what was happening. she felt the powerful clawed hands upon her. one moving between her legs, fingering the elf, the other moving under her coat, and fondling her. as the dragon moved to nip, and tease her ear.

Their was no mistaking what was happening now, he was putting on a show to ensure that the orc knew, this elf was his woman, and not up for grabs. As much as Valentine herself might hate this, her body would seem to melt into pleasure, however if she allowed this to happen, two things would become known real quick. One her pleasure fed the growth of the egg in this chamber, and secondly the message being shared would also ensured she would have the freedom to enjoy Bruno safely visiting. However at the same time, the more she would squirm, and struggle the rougher the actions would grow, even risking a reaction from the injured orc to react to try and aid her.
Valentine gasps, and scowls, her green eyes shuttering into her all tok familia glare. She squirms slightly, mildly uncomfortable. Though it takes but a moment for the pleasure to wash over her and have her moaning softly.

Her head tips back, her long cascade of Auburn hair, long since freed from the braid crown, hairpins lost or broken, falls about her hips, sliding free from the knot shed managed it into earlier in the morning. Though it had miraculously stayed put through her swift movements, assumedly coming loose.

She moans again, her hands grasping the male's shoulders.
Now with the show beginning, Valentine would be able to try and communicate with Bruno, as he growled, moving to stand weakly. preparing to trigger a skill which he had shown hints of prior. the berserker skill. However as he stood, the tail moved to press him against the wall once more. this time not moving with any more force, then to simply force him back down.

as this happened, the wicked thing's erection could be felt forming, and moving between her thighs, as the way it handled her, and increased the oddly enjoyable sensations upon the elf's flesh. unlike the prior assaults, their would seem to be no pain at all, only pleasure, as it's touches were much more gentle, and precise to trigger pleasure for her. showing it was ensuring maximum enjoyment for Valentine's body, however at the same time, giving the show quiet a vivid, and audible display for Bruno.

gritting his teeth now, as he was knocked back down.
"Damn lizard, Let pretty Knife Ears go, she should be mine or another above ground not yours. not your toy. "
as he spoke the tail prepared to keep knocking the orc back down to ensure he was forced to watch this show, as the fiendish dragon planned to violate, and lay it's full claim once more upon Valentine, as she would feel how it's actions were far more dominating yet gentle this time. perhaps giving it an audience would cause this beast to ensure the over whelming pleasure was given as to make the visible sight of her belonging to it clear as can be?
Valentine moans again, shaking her head and biting down on her lip. She casts her gaze to Bruno, already panting as she shook her head,lips parting sleeve slightly. Another moans slips out before she can speak her words, still staring at Bruno, "S-Stop. . ."

Not at the male, she knew that was futile. But at Bruno. She didn't want him to do something to angel the male. She didn't want him hurt. She'd rather have an angry friend than a dead one.
Hearing this, Bruno mistook it as Valentine wanting the dragon to stop, as he moved once more to stand, only this time to have the tail hit him hard enough to knock the wind out of the orc.
as this happened, he would be on his knees, panting, and coughing up fluid from the impact. however as he looked up, seeing what was happening to Valentine before his eyes, unable to do anything like this. the elf would hear her orc companion apologizing for being to weak to properly rescue her.

as he looked on and whimpered his weak apology to Val, she would feel how the clawed arm which was originally invading her depths finally left, now moving to grasp her one leg. lifting it, as the thick reptilian spear began to push into her. giving quiet the beautiful view of the elf maiden to the ord. this beast having no shame, would slowly move his other claw from her breast to grasp valentine's other leg, as he could then lift her in a nelson like position. as to really go to town, and put her entire beautiful body on display. as such, once the claws had her legs pulled up, he would move to hook Valentine's knees with his elbows, thus the dragon would be free to grasp the elf's shoulders and begin to make a show even Bruno could not look away from.

As her body seemed to go limp, become a m8ch more enjoyable cocksleeve for her draconian mate. The elf, valentine would be pulled into each powerful thrust. All the more, Bruno massive, and rough hands moved to take val's own hand in the two of his. Weakly holding her hand as she was being filled, bloated with lewd actions in the shape of the spear filling her.

" stay strong, will get stronger eventually free pretty knife ears. " as he said this with a cracking voice, the orc knew her body enjoyed this abuse. But did her heart and mind?
As she silenced the words of the gentle green tusked giant. What would happen next would shock Val and Bruno both. As the dragon began to release it's thick healthy load deep into her. As the beast began to milk its seed into her depths, the beast suddenly pressed her body forward. Suddenly forcing her lips into those of the hybrid orcs. It would almost fel as if the beast was tempting the orc to give into desires wanting to feel the mewing mess of its mate, enjoying the littlengame it now played with her itself and thus weakling hero.
Getting more worked up, valentine would hiss her vicious words to the beast. as it only excited her dragonic lord, and unwanted lover. the beast got rougher, and faster with her small elegant, and alluring frame. as the first of two over size loads flooded her depths. bulging out her belly, as the internal sounds of sloshing from each powerful thrust could be heard by her sensitive ears. more then that, the beast would begin to fill her and hit the nerve bundle deep with in Valentine's depths. striking the very button to give the elf eye crossing pleasure, as it could be said. she was able to slay a dragon in lustful tactics. for this beast would nut into her two times, but would she only have the two releases, or would Valentine endure more violent, and enjoyable releases.

as all this went on, Bruno was wide eyes, as his gauntle covered clawed like hands move to gently take her cheeks. in a soft and weakening voice.
"Sorry, not strong enough to take you from this brute. "

as he spoke, knowing how powerless he was, however the fact remained, Valentine was being enjoyed, and used before his eyes. as the orc could do little but watch, as he would endure the sight, and sounds, his own body growing aroused, yet unable to act, despite the violent urges with in his own frame. as it was, he could do little but watch and wait for the duo before him to finish up.
As the show continued, the mixture of unearthly pleasure, and sloshing sounds and weight flooding the senses of the abused Valentine. her very flesh, and core turning against her, as if the very tight, warm coils, were naturally trying to milk this beast for all it was worth in order to be bred, despite how the now limp beauty could do nothing more then endure, and enjoy. however she would soon feel Bruno's mangled, yet gentle hands moving to gently touch her cheeks. his eyes looking into hers. as he spoke softly, to the woman he called pretty Knife Ears, asking her to endure and remain strong. promising something unexpected, and very unlikely but his voice, and actions showed this brute was serious.

"Pretty, Knife Ears, Endure, Remain Strong, I will not challenge dungeon, until strong enough to beat boss, take over domain, and take you properly, to keep you with your babies. sorry to weak for now. "

as he spoke, showing an unexpected desire to sooth her passionate, yet angry, and hurt looking eyes, however he could also be misreading the expression and eyes of this woman bound, and held like a folded fuck doll before him. as it would not be much longer, before Valentine would feel her lord, and unwanted master flooding her to the very limit her body could endure, as well as giving the flesh enough pleasure to pry an over whelming release from her core, and loins. it would be once the elf had been fucked silly to say the least, she would feel the fiend pulling her off his thick wicked cock, as he would drop the busty, and seductive woman into the arms of the half orc, before allowing him to carry val into the room she had come from prior, the room with the small ones in it.

enduring this unwanted assault, she had earned the right to have this orc visit her, stay with her, and even come and go freely as long as he did not kill any more of the dungeon denizens while in the domain of the draconic fiend. which would seem to grow more excited. however it was unknown if Valentine even noticed the odd egg, or how it had grew even more from this session, glowing faintly with a pink hue, which pulsated, as the new draconic small one grew a bit more, having absorbed the mixture of lustful desires, and mana which bled from a body that had been roughly dominated.
now well abused once more, her body left glistening and leaving a trail, as her entrance gaping from the abuse. however after enduring this, bruno the half orc aided Val to her own chamber now. as the runt of the cerberus pups would timidly approach. this tiny beast growled tours the half orc with two of it's head, as the third whimpered, and gently licked her palm. rubbing it's head against her palm.

it was clear this tiny beast was trying to be both caring, and protective of it's den mother, as cute, and harmless as it was. however the fact remained, the two would be in the room, allowing the for the excited fluff ball to recharge her batteries so to speak. while a bit of time would need to pass so Valentine's legs could recover, and regain the strength needed to walk, other wise she would need Bruno to aid her back to the den after escorting him to the exit.

"This one of the babes you spoke of Knife Ears?" asking this the brute seemed to take a gentler tone. as he would move to support the elf to the best of his abilities.
Valentine smiles and picked up the small runt, holding him close to her chest and petting him, "Oh, shush, baby, he won't hurt me either." She nuzzles into the soft fur, relaxing slowly.

She peers at Bruno, smiling slightly, "Yeah. He is, there's more, but they're a little shy." She peers to the other side of the room and then kisses the top of the pups head.
The half orc chuckled softly, as he reached for the pup in Val's hand. however two of the three heads moved to nip at the orc's finger. one even getting a bit of blood, as the pup would shake it's one head, and stick the tongue out. not liking the taste of orc blood. however it would almost look comical, as he pulled his hand back with a soft laughed.

"Well then, Pretty Knife Ears gonna have one protective playmate here. But what you have for me to cook? Make us a proper meal, and perhaps some meat to prep for your lil friends?"
asking this, the oddly gentle side of this brute was showing itself once more. however unknown to Valentine, images would begin to flash in her mind, of him visiting, and helping her raise, and train the younger generation of monsters. However the fact remained, this was a dungeon, as these babies as she knew them would need to feed on the life force of failed adventurers, as the dungeon would feed on them. converting their lost equipment into treasures for other adventurers to claim. Yet perhaps she could talk Bruno into luring evil, or corrupted adventurer's into the dungeon to feed the monsters, thus not harming the good ones.

this would leave the only main issue, of her so called lord, master. the dragon which claimed, and marked her. Even if valentine wanted to avoid and stay far away from the brute, in this domain, he could easily take her at any moment, however when he got to play with her in his chamber, it would prevent any risk to her little ones, which would be a task to deal with later. for now the mighty beast had been sated, and she could feel the soreness from it, as a reminder.
Valentine laughs softly, petting the little pup and clicking her tongue at him, "No, bad." She lightly and gently swats one of his nuzzles, just enough to surprise and not hurt. "We don't pite Mama's friends." She kisses each top of the pup's heads.

She glances at Bruno, her face falling slightly. She shakes her head, "We don't have much. The goblins who go out to get the food lost two yesterday while hunting. I was going to ask if you could hunt for us. Most other hunters kill goblins on sight, no questions. If you could hunt for us, the goblins would be able to pay respect to their fallen friends." She pets the pup anxiously, nervous about what Bruno would say.
enjoying the show before him, Bruno would smile, with his goofy buck tooth grin, before answering to Valentine.
"Can do that, but will cost pretty knife Ears, will demand to go on dungeon date in return. "

saying this, the beast was making an oddly playful demand, to spend time with her, be it with the small monsters or with out them around. including the exploration of the dungeon in a kind of walk, cooking and sharing meals with her. even though she had been claimed by the very beast which rules this dungeon, even more so abused and claimed before this half orc's eyes. it did not deter his simple desires. most would have abandon one like valentine once it was discovered she had been soiled, and claimed by a beast like the dragon, but this odd ball half breed was something else.

as he said this, moving to gently take one of Val's hands, which also caused one of the three pups to bite onto his exposed green skin, drawing a bit of blood, but not doing enough damage to even make the half breed flinch. as he looked to Val for her answer. while it was almost comical with how little this runt could actual do to this brute, but at the same time, showing it's bravery to protect the woman it saw as mama.
Valentine presses her lips together, "Bruno." She glares at him, "If you're going make this strings attached, you can leave. I already have to deal with one male pursuing me, I don't want another."

She keeps petting the pup, slowly getting up and carefully walking back towards the other little babies. She carefully sits down amount them, letting them get close and cuddle her. She looks back over to Bruno, "I already went through hell to have you be here, the least you could do is help make sure none of us starve."

She pets a few of the excited kits, and holds the runt close, nuzzling her face into his fur.
the half orc, would smile, as he heard her. before the brute would speak up.
"No strings, simple requests, that doesn't sound to bad, Besides, I lost friends as well getting in here to try and rescue you. "
as he spoke up saying this, his one hand becoming a fist, as it grasped the ground a bit. however the orc would look to her, waiting to hear if she would make an acceptance for his request or not,
as their was no denying she would need to find a way to hunt, however little did Val know. the dungeon would need to feed on some adventurer's periodically or it could cause issues for her little loyal pups and kits.

however after a few short moments he would move to stand, and prepare to leave if she did not continue to talk with the half orc.
She sighs, "Fine. . ." She presses her lips together, *I'll show you around the caves a bit."

Tipping her head back against the wall, she stares towards the ceiling. She looks back at Bruno, quiet as she watches her. . . Friend.

"Though, I haven't seen anything beyond this room or the one over there."
"Then we can explore more of it together, with your little ones, as they grow. "
as he spoke in a gentle tone, the orc would smile and place a hand onto Valentine's hand. as she agreed to his desired bargain.
despite how things did not seem to go ideally for her, but at least she had one humanoid creature which she could depend on, be it for aid with food, or possible supplies from the outside world. Little did Valentine know that in the coming weeks to worse, her body would begin to suffer in ways none of them could ever foresee.

however as it was, for right now, she could enjoy a pleasant night of recovery with the kits, and pups all around her. despite the hissing and growling tours the half orc, one pup seemed to move itself onto his lap and get comfortable. the largest of the cerberus pups, as this one was also missing two of it's six ears. and had some minor scaring tissue on it's paws. showing this brave larger pup had already begun to try and hunt long before it had any reason to in this dangerous dungeon.
Having fallen into a much needed sleep, Val would have nightmares of being ruined by the dragon, not in his human form, but his much larger monstrous form. however it would be one of these nightmarish scenes which would cause her to awaken in a sweat. as it would greet her to the sight of Bruno struggling with a few of the younger dungeon monsters. as he was trying to set up a small fire, and cook some food, they kept steeling his small logs, and wood, as well as the meat. it would be almost comical how the big bad half orc was being bested by a bunch of little creatures, however it also showed he was serious about cooking for them, she could easily go back to sleep, until he was ready or aid the orc, as he had yet to notice Val having come to. as the elf herself would be unaware that having been bred by this dragon a few times now, would go into cycles where her body would demand more. unaware it was not just the pleasure her body was being forced to take, but how the lewd act with the dungeon lord would help to raise more dungeon monsters with out the need of smaller monsters force breeding other victims. due to how rare it was for any one regardless of race to be taken by a dungeon lord.
Valentine shudders, waking into a cold sweat. She stares at the ceiling, petting the run gently before sitting up. She looks around, spotting Bruno and watching him. She lets out an amused laugh and slowly gets up, pulling her jacket tighter around herself. She'd have to get real clothes soon. . .

She walks over, taking softly, "Pups, come on, be nice. . ." She gently pulls a pup away from a log and then a kit from a piece of meat.

"You little babies. . . He's just trying to make food. . . Come on, come snuggle Mama. . ."
chuckling softly, as help finally arrived, Bruno would look to Valentine with a wink, before speaking up.

"Thank you, lil ones made hard to prep. "
now with his work free of distraction the chamber soon began to fill with a mouth watering aroma. as the orc cooked the meat of a cocatrice, as well as some basilisk tail.
which he had in his rations, making sure to set up a few larger bowels with cooked meat, to be prepped and soft for the little ones to chow down on, with two proper plates for him and the elf to enjoy as well.
Valentine hums softly, petting the kit and scratching behind it's ear. "It's nothing. I haven't had anything decent to eat in too long." She sits back down, pulling the small animals closer to her, giving each uncle attention.

She smiles and takes a strand of her long hair and drags it across the floor, trying to keep the attention of the energetic animals.
playing with the critters as she did, Valentine was learning and loving the other side of the dungeon life, the side which no one knew. this was a side of beauty, and gentle passion, the side of the growing little ones now under her care.

as the orc finally finished the food, he prepped the two impressive size bowels, as the small ones rushed over to begin to eat. as he moved to sit next to Val, and offer her a plate with one of his hand made wooden forks.
"Pretty Knife Ears, here eat good meal, you need strength, lil ones exhausting no?"
A small, soft smile graced Valentines face as she played with the animals, the kits getting more excited than the pups over casing her hair. One enthusiastic kit caught the end and chewed on it for a good two minutes before she could free it.

She blinks and looks up, watching the babies rush to eat. She glances at Bruno and takes the plate with a thankful smile, "Thank you. This is life saving." She laughs softly, eating the food.

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