Fantasy RP Dungeon of Hero's

Nov 18, 2022
Hidden in a mini cave just outside the mid-level boss chamber, the trio sat with their mini fire blaze as they boiled water. Maeve was mashing up some herbs she had brought, wrapping them in bandages for Jackal, who got severely injured in their last battle. They would recover for the night before striking out early in the morning to defeat the boss after an okay night's rest. "take off your shirt," Maeve instructs, moving closer to Jackal to apply his bandage, but his blood was not yet clotting; he not survive the night. "If he only listened, he would not have gotten caught in the crossfire," Fallon spits out in annoyance, looking out of their little campsite to keep watch for danger. "you are not helping," Maeve sighs, being the more level head, sweet side of the group, she would not anything in her power to make a living feeling better, most minor bring them comfort. "this will help clot the bleed and lower the pain enough for you to sleep, tomorrow I should have mana replenished to heal you fully" Maeve would explain with that adorable smile. Fallon rolled her eyes in the background. "He better be; the mid-boss will be along harder to defeat with just me," she huffed out as she glanced toward the large double doors.

@Lord Sesshoumaru
"tch, Tch, Tch, I get it, I get. Remember I am a saint, not a warrior, I can use some magic to attack, but it is better for defense, and support. "
as he spoke up saying this, with a coy smirk, only for the one sister to get a reason to cause him a bit of pain. the two would be here to rest, as the time passed almost to peacefully.
however a small slime would inch into the camp sight. unseen by most, as it moved tours the healer, the faint glow of this gelatinous fiend inching tours the unsuspecting maiden. as it was more like an small scout then anything to see what would be coming to challenge it's master soon enough. however it was unknown how much it would be able to see, or how close it could get to the healer before being noticed, and easily dispatched.
"Good, rest up" Fallon ordered, shifting into a more comfortable position, leaning against the wall as she closed her eyes, still alert to everything around her, just allowing her own self to rest for a few minutes knowing Maeve was cooking them up some dinner, was nice having her as a sister, no matter one Fallon always would be cared for. Maeve cleaned up the mess she made, storing some of the medicine for later while rinsing her tools in the boiled water. "Hope you guys are alright with soup," she gleefully informs of dinner, not even noticing a little scout inching close to their camp for Inntel of who they are. Fallon was in scandalous armor, mostly covering her thighs, hips, chest, and shoulders while the rest of her was exposed, hinting she was able to handle pain and enjoyed looking good while she fought. While Maeve was more modest, keeping her clothing more respectable, having little bags of powder, and a back pack of her all her supplies that she kept close, also was a chef and a wonderful tracker.
as the small unseen little ball of fluid inched into the camp. the saint which was now out cold, his body slowly beginning to heal. this left the sisters as the ones to be seen. however as the creature silently entered the camp. it would divide itself into three. one to remain the eyes to show the boss the soon to visit foes. as the other two split up, one heading for each of the sisters. as the slimes planned to try and assault, thus binding, and feeding upon the maidens. even if they could be one shotted by even the weakest of foes which knew where to aim, if they knew of the small core in the slimes. however the fact remained, this creature was as dangerous as it was weak. feeding off of bodily fluids to grow stronger, and changing from an almost clear color to more solid colors when stronger. as it would soon be discovered which of the sisters was sharper with instincts, and which would be an easier target. as the slumbering male seemed to be of no interest at the moment.
Unaware the first hour, Fallon had been pretending for half that time to be resting when instead she found the little bugger, pin-pointing his source of life before striking it with a dagger, watching it spill into a lifeless puddle. While Maeve was paying zero attention as she settled the soup to remain warm, finishing up her night with some reading, she always enjoyed a good book. When she felt something creeping up her leg, she squealed. Fallon was quick to her defense, striking the second bugger out. "Where did those things come from?" she grumbled in annoyance, wanting to rest before tomorrow.
as the two women dealt with the weak annoyances, it would be the skillful Fallon which would notice how their slumbering saint was unnoticed by these creatures. warning her of how these tiny things were out to feed, most likely meaning their were more near by due to their size. appearing like new born slimes, instead of what they actually were. as it was, the two ladies would now be the ones needing to figure out who would nap first, and stand guard. as it seemed this would be a long night for them, as their useless saint would be little help until he could be fully healed.

as this was revealed to the wicked boss in his chamber. a smirk across his face, as the two maidens looked so much alike, yet they were so vastly different. it would be hard to decide which one to keep for himself, and which one would be more ideal for his lord. as he thought to himself, summoning a small black orb. the wicked thing spoke in an unknown language causing a small pool of shadows to begin to form near the entrance to the camp. as it seemed he would soon send in more harmless creatures just to keep the girls alert, and tire them out for the coming day. meaning only the injured man would be well rested, seeing him as no threat at all.
Fallon was far more alert on the grounds of protection, while Maeve was just freaked out by some slime creature crawling up her leg; she was easily spooked by gross little things such as bugs and reptiles. "Just rest, okay, I will stay watch for most of the night; they got to tire out eventually" picking up her daggers as Fallon returned to her post for the night. "Wake me when you want to switch, okay?" glancing over to Jackal, he seemed out like a light, and the slime did not even notice him. "Lucky," Maeve would mutter in envy. She wrapped a blanket tightly around her legs, propping herself up against the back wall, picking up her book once more to settle her mind. Now and again, she would hear Fallon toss her dagger, killing another slime, but she was beginning to grow sleepy, her eyes often falling shut for a few minutes.
After finally passing out, Fallon was finally asleep, her body out cold for a good few minutes. as such her sister would soon discover herself being silences as a small shadow like entity sprang forth upon her. as it's darkness was like that of a slime but at the same time no reside was their. as the one appendage formed, quickly wrapping around her mouth from behind, another moving to snake up under her upper shirt, and tours the sister's bust. as it did this silently. moving to assault the gentle healer, little did this shadow entity know, that it's task of marking the heal would be it's down fall. as it would disintegrate if any holy or healing magic was used on it. however it was unknown if Maeva would realize this in time, or if she would become a victim until her sister awoke, and saved her again.

as this was going on another shadow silently moved to invade the shadow of the sleeping saint, Jackal, as well as the powerful warrior maiden, Fallon. as these two were preparing for the job they would have very soon, when the group began to fight. however the one which was meant to mark Maeva had misunderstood it's task, and was now trying to mark her in a more lewd action, however if it managed to touch, and aroused her sensitive body, it would reveal to the mid boss, that this one would indeed be an ideal playmate for itself more so then the wicked lord.
With Fallon asleep and Maeve enjoying her book all was at peace for mere seconds it felt, hearijg subtle drips of water from the cave ceiling. Then in an instant everything went to silent chaos, muffled gasps sounded from Maeve as she struggled against her unknown assailant. Thinking maybe Jackal but he was still sound asleep on the other side of the fire. Her legs kick out as she jerks her shoulders trying to free herself, whining out of fear As something snaked under her shirt to grasp upon her breasts. Trying to keep thinking than allow the fear to swallow her she searches for some sort of weapon. Patting her hands on the ground trying to find something, her gaze flickering to Fallon who still remained half asleep.
Bound, muffled, and being groped and felt up, the delicate healer would soon hear an unfamiliar voice hissing sweet venom into her ears.

"Such an innocent young heroine. the other's are asleep, if you allow this harmless one to play with you for the night. nothing painful will happen, and do not fear, their will be no taking of your precious chastity. after all, We feed on pleasured emotions, relax and enjoy. " as the little shadow like slime demon spoke softly into her ear, as the mass of it which covered her mouth, would begin to shift in form against Maeve would feel the fleshy darkness against her lips, soon feeling like lips themselves. as it would form a phantom tongue which would strive to enter her maw as it kept her sounds muffled.

all the more the sensation of her breast being fondled and played with, and how it snaked around her frame from under the clothing. if one saw this from the outside, it would appear as if a massive black slime was ontop of Maeve's chest, and stretching itself all over, and under her. while the truth was far worse. yet the gentle and intoxicating words echoing into her ear. as if the creature was desperate to feed off of her, in order to survive, not meaning any harm and desiring only to feed and leave her be. the truth so much worse, yet it seemed like this thing was trying to play one some gentle emotions if they existed for monsters or not.
Glancing back to this creature, this shadow speaking to her, more like whispering. Maeve's eyes widened, unable to believe this was occurring only to her. Everyone was seemingly knocked out for the time being, and she was in shock that she did not move; she froze on the spot. Once some formation of lips began to form, she broke from her shock and jerked her head, biting down her teeth to not allow any entry. This creature may be hungry, starving even, but feeding on others, whether harmful or not, was simply not right. Finally, her hand grasped a bottle of purified water, holy water per se, popping the bottle open and splashing it upon the shadow and herself. The noise made by the bottle startled Fallon awake, and she jerked to her knees to hurry over and aid her sister. "What the hell?!" she grabbed one of her knives drenched in the water.
Managing to splash the water upon the crearure,, it would almost instantly release her. Trying to pull away swiftly as possible only for the blessed soaked dagger to pierce the shadow. Dissolving it as it was removed. This left the twins to each other for comfort and safety now. However Maeve would oddly have been the target twice in a row.

As this ordeal seemed over the sisters would have to take turns napping for any sleep to be gained. However it would still be to little compared to what they needed. Even more so as Maeve needed to heal jackal for the upcoming fight. As this went on little did she know, the mid boss they would soon be against, had now decided she was to be his
And her stronger sister to become the plaything of his master.
Even after such an encounter, Maeve was able to get a few short hours of sleep; Fallon, on the other hand, remained awake and alert all night long, stationed at her sister's feet to ensure her safety since their buddy in the corner seemed unnoticed by the creatures. When the morning light peeked into the dungeon from the many high windows, Maeve stirred awake with a groan; not getting enough sleep made her not wish to rise at all, but she must finish healing and then prepare breakfast before they began their fight of the mid-boss.

Fallon would move away, waking the fire to boil from water, not allowing her sister to make breakfast. "Oatmeal," she stated plainly, as they could use the simple meal that would warm their body and offer some energy. Tossing Maeve's pillow over to their sleeping partner, "Wake up!" snapping loudly, which startled Maeve though the command was not targeted toward her. "Did you sleep at all?" she questioned as she yawned, soon stretching her body that cracked and popped in a few places along her neck and back.

"Nope," Fallon answered with a sour tone. She was exhausted from yesterday and being up all night; this was going to be a rough battle.
as the two sister's came to, and had their morning bickering, it would be a discovery for them. as Jackal despite having been ignored, and slept peacefully through out the night would not wake. If the sisters checked closely, a small bite mark would be found on his neck. showing he was actually suffering from his prior injuries and an unnoticed venom in his system, weakening is already vulnerable body even more. meaning that if this was not noticed quick enough, the two sisters would have to end up, spending more energy then the could afford to, in order to prepare this man for recovery. however at the point in the dungeon they were now at, the only way out would be through the boss room. thus it would be a difficult choice to make, healing the would be sage, or leave him to suffer, as the sisters could then concentrate all their power on the boss and collect the man after words.

As the morning, breakfast, and potential discovery of the condition would be, the boss room door had began to crack open slightly on its own. which allowed a faint pink vapor to leak out of the boss room, and into the chamber with the group. most likely unnoticed for a bit with all that was going on in their little camp sight at the moment.
"Well, better get started on breakfast while I finish up Jackal's injuries," Maeve suggested, moving away to sit by Jackal, shaking his shoulder in an attempt to wake him. "Lucky bastard, sleeping through the entire night," Fallon mumbled with annoyance as she prepared the oatmeal for all three of them; this is if Jackal wakes up in time, or else he shall starve. "He is not waking up," Maeve gasps, roughly shaking him to realize the bite mark on his neck when his hair moves out of the way. "He got bit!" moving her hand along the wound to try and analyze what it was.

At first, Fallon did not react to Maeve freaking out that Jackal was not stirring from his coffin-like slumber but the mention of a bite snatched her attention to hurry over and investigate. "Well shit, who knows what bit him. There are sorts of critters, especially after those freaks from last night," pointing out they may not have anti-venom for the man. "Who cares? My magic can heal him well enough," Maeve snapped, moving her palm over the wound until Fallon grabbed her hand away. "Are you insane?!" growled in her sister's face. "We got a boss fight; we need all your mana and shield abilities since he is clearly out for the count," she explained their situation to her over-caring sister. Maeve stared toward her sister with disappointment in her eyes. "he is still alive now; if we leave him, he may die," adding to the decision Fallon was currently making for them both. "his blood will be on both our hands!" shouting at her in a heightened tone.

Fallon stood up, letting go of Maeve's hand. "Leave him. Eat up. We got to defeat the boss. Hopefully, the reward for the mid-boss will have to revive or some medicine for him," walking back to the fire to dish out the oatmeal into two bowls. The choice was made; they were leaving Jackal here with the fire going while they saved his sorry ass by beating the boss themselves; it just sucked. Fallon got zero sleep, and Maeve would be worried about Jackal the entire time.
Sitting in the wicked room of his, the small looking man in a cape, with a single horn smirked. sensing what was going on outside his room. as the plans he set into motion began to play out flawlessly, for very soon it would be only the sisters to come to his chamber for the battle of a life time, well for their life time.

outside, Jackal began to groan, and whimper softly, as he laid their unable to do much. however more then that, the sisters would now know time was not on their side if they intended to aid their fellow warrior. Yet the softer hearted sister would be the one to seem like her heart suffered from such a situation. As her hardened, and more experienced sister made the hard yet precise choice to save the strength for the battle to come. as it was something which had been determined one way or anther to decide their fate from this point on,

as they went on to finish their meal and prepare for the battle, the massive doors not far from their camp site began to slowly creak open. as if inviting the girls into the room of pure pitch black nothings, hiding the boss which awaited their arrival.
"See, he approves," Fallon pointed out while stuffing her face with breakfast after Jackal groaned in his paralyzed state, "sorry buddy, maybe next time put a shield on the campsite or at least yourself," Fallon snickered as she sat a bowl of oatmeal next to him. "Alright, let's go!" called to her sister as she poked her head out of their little cave to find the door opening, she had no idea the door was potentially locked "Shit!" rushing back in to gather her stuff "Hurry, the doors are opening!" hurrying Maeve along with her herbs, cloths, bottles, and her own portable shield. Within minutes, the sisters were out of there and heading toward the doors, pausing along the wall to allow Fallon to peek in, narrowing her eyes in an attempt to see. "Should we use a light?" Maeve asks as she fishes for her light stick until Fallon smacks her hand over the bag. "No, easier to see us," speaking in a hushed voice. Maeve bit her lip, feeling quite dumb at the moment, while they slowly made their way in, keeping along the wall to at least have their backs defended.
Once they were deep into the darkness walking carefully tours the main chamber of the battle or boss room. the path way they were in would soon fall dark, as the door behind them suddenly slammed shut, and sealed. Which would only be followed by small blue flames suddenly flickering to life, and hovering along the walls, lighting up the path to the boss room. where what looked like a boy sitting on a throne, caped in all black, with flowing hair behind his back. one horn protruding from the right side of his head. as he sat their, appearing to be asleep, however the most menacing thing about this short body would be the monstrous scythe which rested against his chair. Little did they know, this body was only for show, meant to get foes to let down their guard. thus the appearance of a child at first glance, when the true form would be something far worse.
Both girls whipped toward the door that once remained open, now was slammed closed, sealing it shut to refuse them any chance of escaping when things grew dire. Fallon swiftly took hold of her weapon, swinging it in her hand as she faced where the boss sat upon his throne; she was no fool that this was to cause their guard to drop; she had seen shapeshifters, she had seen magical tricks, but her sister was a doe-eyed Bambi that knew very little of being tricked or fighting. "He doesn't look so bad," Maeve whispers, hovering behind her sister with her shield ready.

"I am Fallon, this is Maeve, and we are here to defeat you!" she announced with a powerful voice, the tone of a warrior motivated to win this battle while her sister hid behind her, eyeing the boss on his throne. Of course, Fallon never began a struggle as being the first to swing; she always waited for her opponent to start as a mercy for them choosing their defeat.
"It is a pleasure to meet you lovely ladies, I am known as Dark everlust, Incubus at your service. "
saying this, with the voice of a child, but the demeanor of a very well experienced, and dangerous noble. the small frame got off his thrown, and walked tours the two sisters with a wicked glee.

"So then, will this be a two on one? or do you wish to take turns?"
asking this in a playfully wicked tone, he had yet to show his true form, however unlike the innocent sister, Maeve, Fallon would be the one to see and sense the true power hidden in this false form.
as he would stop short of the two sisters, as if taunting them to make a move, the smirking young man would begin to age up his frame suddenly before their eyes, from what looked like an average 8 year old playing super villian to an attractive, and dangerous looking young man, looking to be between the ages of 16 to 18 with the features. however once this form was done he would wink at the sisters, playfully asking if they liked older men? younger ones? or perhaps they preferred women? coming off a bit goofy and kind to the ears, of the healer sister, however the fact remained. this was a foe they had to defeate, if they were to leave, and rescue jackal before it was tolate from the venom in his system.
Once the young male stood from his throne speaking to the girls that presented themselves for battle, Maeve perked up, ready to speak, but was hushed by a swipe of her sister's blade in the air, which resulted in a frown, glaring gaze landing on Fallon until she found out why. The being before them began to rise in form, revealing his true self under the boyish appearance they first saw. "Both, we work together as a team," Fallon would answer, readying her weapon to defend the first blow while her sister collected herself. She was more accustomed to being far in the back, ready to rush up and aid health or mana, but with Jackal out of order, she was stuck right at Fallon's side.
The young looking demonic man would lick his lips. as he looked over the two sisters. before smiling, and motioning for one of them to make a move.

"Well then, such beauties to visit, which of you shall begin our little dance? or perhaps I should be the one to start our dance hmm? perhaps a lovely tango with the warrior or perhaps a waltz, with the healer first?"
saying this, as his eyes glowed two different colors, as if reading the girls base on their aura and mana. a wicked smirk across his lips, creeped into vision, as his eyes looked tours the more innocent of the duo, before he would begin to calmly and slowly walk tours his visitors.
Their skills were clear as day, so it was not alarming for him to quickly assess which was here to fight and the other to aid when needed, keep out of the way. But Maeve would just as easily make herself a target resulting in Fallon having to protect her and possibly getting clumsy in her skills. She kept her stance with her sister safely tucked behind her, moving only when the monster would round in an attempt to see Maeve as he continued toward the pair, "Are we gonna fight, or are you just going to talk?" Fallon growls with annoyance, her grip tightening on the handle of her weapon.
the demonic stud smirked, as he snapped his fingers only to melt into shadows, and reapear behind both sisters at once. as he leaned in whispering into their ears.

"So which of you lovely ladies which to dance first? or shall we have some real fun, one of you volunteer to be mine, and I will let the other leave, and even have the right to visit my woman hmm?"
saying this, he would lean in to tease both women at once. however which ever one would react via trying to turn and attack would hit thin air, while the one which would try to pull away would feel arms wrapping around her. one grasping a breast, and one between the legs. despite their being nothing visibly their.

as this was going on, the more skilled of the sisters, for battle would be the one to sense the real essence of this demon was still sitting in the throne, as he was manipulating the forms they saw before them. showing his true form was still masked from natural view, but his demonic aura could not be hidden, or perhaps more so he did not bother to hide it. as if testing to see if they would ether fall prey to his playful antics or see through his game, and a proper and aggressive move upon a powerful foe.
Glancing around in, Fallon could somewhat detect this being had great power, an unknown skill set, and quite a dirty mind, which she gathered by his whispering deal behind the girls. She, of course, whipped around in an attempt to hit him, but there was nothing there, resulting in Maeve leaping to the side to avoid getting hit. A squeal sounded from the pretty maiden as arms and hands hugged around her body in such a lude fashion. "Hey! Let me go!" struggling against nothing, it seemed as if Fallon held a dumbfounded expression on her face.

"Battle me already! We are not here to play games!" Fallon would shout in a rather frustrated tone; he was playing with them, attempting to put up a deal of one staying and the other being free to go. She sends a look over to Maeve, watching her struggle against a literal ghost. "But..." she adds on with a sigh, turning to face the throne he still sat upon. "I can stay, she can go," hoping Maeve can get out and find some help for their partner back there. "Fallon, you can not make a deal with any creature within the dungeon; you know that!" she snaps. "You would have a better chance of getting out than I; let me stay with him, then you come get me when you have help," Maeve suggests instead.
Hearing the stronger warrior maiden of the sisters speak up, the wicked entity would snap his fingers. as the healer of the duo would soon find herself falling to her knees. free of the grasping shadows. as he would looked to the stronger of the duo.

"Well then, if you think you are strong enough to be the one to stick with me as a playmate? or do you think you be better suited to play with my lord, as which ever one leaves here will be the one to head deeper into the abyss, but it sounds like you do not understand the situations you ladies are truly in. "

speaking in a terrifyingly calm, and yet oddly calming tone. the demonic male would snap his fingers, as a mass of shadows began to bubble before him. as Jackal soon rose from the shadow, his eyes wide open, his mouth was sown shut, as his body moved on it's own. moving tours Maeve, as if his body was a puppet. however this was a test so to speak. the wicked thing wanted to see which maiden was gonna be the one to hit their own ally, or aid him. Little did ether of the sisters realize, that their fates would become even more twisted for the one which struck down their ally would be the one sent into a trap room so to speak, which would be the one to meet the lord of this dungeon, while the mid boss here smirked. planning to enjoy himself with which ever one he got to play with.

( time for the forced choice, will our warrior become the lord's plaything, or the healer, forced to defend herself, and trigger the trap? )
Looks were exchanged once Maeve was on her knees, catching her breath from a mini panic attack of being trapped in shadows like that; this situation seemed to be going in a direction neither of them desired. The whole intention was to defeat this being, not become a plaything, as one sister moved on to hopeful freedom and aid. Both were silent until hearing the finger snap, creating bubbling shadows that revealed Jackal; Maeve gasping as she covered her mouth to the horror. "Oh my god," unable to move or speak. On the other hand, Fallon was growing more annoyed by the second. "You did this to Jackal! You cheater!" she shouts. Sure, the lad was not much help anyway, but he was skilled enough not to get in the way like Maeve. Running in front of Maeve, preparing her weapon to strike down Jackal, knowing he was no longer of this world, "Fallon, no! He is still in there!" Maeve begged as she grasped onto her sister's shoulder. "No, he is not; he is under control," Fallon growls, narrowing her eyes to focus on defending her sister and ridding this puppet before them.
Laughing as the sisters argued, however the wicked entity would look to them both before correcting them.
"Well in an aspect you both are right, I am only controlling his legs, and arms. I stitched his mouth shut to keep all that crying and shouting from annoying me during the show. "
as he said this, moving to point his fingers tours the sister, Maeve. Jackal would kneel down like a feral beast before dashing far faster then he could do naturally. his one hand becoming engulfed in shadows, his skin visibly burning off, as it formed a large and wicked looking three pronged claw. the way this body would move, like a skilled martial artist, which was able to fight using bodily instinct with out thinking. Meaning it would be a handful for Fallon.

"Well then, will you two work together to save or slay this man? or will one of you keep him at bay, and try to destroy my little bracelet to free him from the control. "
showing this to the sisters, as this demon was making a light game out of it. however the worse had yet to begin, as this was but a warm up, or so he said.
His laughing drew attention toward him for a moment, allowing Fallon to fully understand Jackal's state. This only gave Maeve even more reason not to harm him, but the demon would easily make him harm them. Her assumptions were made true as Jackal lunged toward them, ready to strike, but nothing kept her from swinging her weapon to defend herself as Maeve disappeared. The healer of the duo had performed a spell to teleport herself to the beast's side, her hand grasping his wrist. "Please let him go!" begged of him while Fallon was doing her best to simply defend, jumping back, flipping side to side while deflecting with her weapon.
"My, My are you volunteering yourself to be mine, in return for your sister, and that man?"
asking this with a wicked smile, the devil of a mid boss would snap the fingers of his other hand. causing the facial expression of jackal to show horrifying pain, as the shadow claw grew, engulfing more of his arm, and searing the skin off where it formed. as a second claw formed on his other hand. moving to begin pressuring Fallon with impressive power and speed.

as this went on, the sister would soon find it harder, and harder to defend herself while worrying about her sister, who seemed to be preparing to make a deal with this fiend, unaware of what would happen to them very soon. but her weapon beginning to erode, and decay with each strike it deflected by the dark magical claws.
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