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Fantasy RP Dungeon of Hero's

Local Time:
12:00 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Maeve blinked with confusion by the trail question as to why she was standing here, gripping his wrist desperately in hopes to get him to release their friend "I...I just want you to stop hurting Jackal, he is a kind soul, he only came cause we needed him" she explains. Looking up she gasps as the sight of Jackal doing his best to attack and harm Fallon who at the wishes of Maeve was doing what she could to simply evade and defend herself. The sisters meet eyes for a moment resulting in Maeve digging her nails into the lords wrist "Anything, please!" she begs.
Local Time:
12:00 AM
Nov 19, 2022
a shadow soon coming from the demon as it wrapped around Maeve's waist, another soon snaking up her hands which held his wrists. the wicked creature smiled, an almost gentle smile at the healer. as she would soon find all her spells, and abilities unusable as long as he had her in his coils of darkness.

"I like that look, your emotions, your heart they are true to your feelings. So in Honor of your bravery, to seek a peaceful end, I shall make you a special offer. but you will have only a few seconds to accept or say no. "
as looked into her eyes. the wicked creature would pass his offer to her mentally, as to avoid letting the warring sister hear it at first. wanting to enjoy the show if it was accepted, and surprised the obviously stronger maiden who was struggling at the moment to defend herself from the puppet's who power continued to increase along with his speed, as her blade soon snapped. the impact point from the claw causing the metal to smolder. as Jackal would leap back once the blade broke, as this momentary reprieve was thanks to Maeve, as Fallon would see her sister beside the fiend, and in his clutches, however it would be impossible for her to get close enough to pull them apart or attempt any rescue of the healer, at least until her answer was given.

"So then my lovely little maiden, do you wish me to release your friend, and allow that powerful one to pass through? I shall keep you, until she defeats my lord, as such free pass through my domain of this dungeon, for as my attempts as she can live through. However in return for this protective passage, I will require your hand as my mate. For if the lord dies, I shall be free from this prison, with my freedom, I shall give you freedom as well from me. a simple trade no? Become my companion, and playmate until freedom is granted by the one who seeks blood shed, and in return, I free your friends, and grant safe passage to fight my lord as many times as it takes, if they escape any defeats. "

Giving this deal, Maeve would be surrendering herself as a demonic bride, even if temporary, however she would never be allowed to leave his side, or domain, as long as the demon's lord was alive. yet her friends, or more so friend and sister would be able to pass his domain safely, and fight the lord as many times as they needed. unaware of how truly one sided this deal was. it would seem to good to be true, however as he was in her mind, Maeve would be able to access the demon's mind. as such she could discover that he was once a heroic adventurer like them, before the lord defeated, and made him a mid boss for this domain. as a reward for being strong enough to almost kill the demon lord. thus showing it's truest feeling of loneliness, and desire for freedom. if nothing else she would be the source of one way of healing, but would this be worth the price of her body and freedom?
Local Time:
12:00 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Their eyes widened at the sight of his shadows creeping up her hands as, while around her waist to keep her close, he decided to offer her a deal for Jackal and her sister. Were deals allowed in this place? She glances toward her sister, wishing to shout to her for aid, but the voice in her head speaks of his deal, giving her mere seconds to accept or reject. She would be insane to remain here and watch her sister go to the next level in hopes of defeating the master of this dungeon, stuck with this beast forever. Her eyes returned to him, sensing his need for company, an ear to listen, and a body to touch, though she would rather not have him ever touch her. "Fine," agreeing to his terms with a nod of her head, which caused Fallon to falter in her movements of evading Jackal, a deal just struck between the lord and her sister. "What did you do?" she screamed, dodging Jackal and charging straight toward the throne.
Local Time:
12:00 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Suddenly jackal fell to his knees, finally able to talk, as he cried in pain." please let's run, we need to run now. "
his voice was heard, as he feel to his knees, the shadow like claws vanished, as the wounds all healed up, despite leaving the scars as if his flesh had recovered from horrifying burns. while this was happening Fallon rushed tours the demonic mid boss. as her body was suddenly snared in mid air. nothing could be seen on her, but if one looked. her shadow had become bound by the fiend's own shadow. as he looked to her, moving to calmly disarm the more aggressive sister. as the wicked thing smirked. before looking to Maeve.

"Take some time, get your goodbyes in. as I do not think she will win against my lord at least not at her current strength. "
as the wicked demon spoke honestly, his body melted away into shadows. leaving the three alone. however Fallon would find her sister no longer able to leave this chamber, at least unless she had the wicked monster of a male with her. Once it was just the three of them in the room, Fallon would fall face first into the floor before her sister with a thud. as her body would be free to move once more. however unknown to them, The demon was still in the room with them. as it would watch, and wait to act if needed, as this would be the last deed of kindness Maeve would be able to enjoy, or perhaps one should say this would be more so true for her sister.
Local Time:
12:00 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Fallon had not noticed nor heard Jackal's cries to straight up flee from the chambers, but she must reach her sister; she found out what the hell she got herself into, but she was frozen in mid-air, her body struggling against an invisible force. She glances behind her to find her shadow bound by his power, allowing him to approach and disarm her, informing her she must receive a goodbye from her sister before the beast vanishes. Fallon scrambles in the air for a second before hitting the floor with a heavy thud and groans "fuck you too," she growls as she sits up, rubbing her face. Maeve ran to her side, looking her over for any injuries, but luckily, her strong sister was just fine, though she knew she may be the one in trouble. "You need to go. I freed you from this chamber, and you passed to move on to the next boss, though he does not believe you will defeat him." hastily explained to Fallon, glancing around them as though she knew the lord had not simply vanished.

"What did you do?" Fallon questions, taking her sister's hands to keep her attention. "Did you strike a deal with him?" wanting answers and hoping she could undo what her stupid sister chose in a moment of desperation. "To stop Jackal, his control, Jackal, to save you, I made a deal to remain here with him as his bride until you defeat the boss of this dungeon." She bit her lip nervously as she saw the smoke coming from Fallon's ears. "Are you insane? I have no idea if I can beat that boss, I barely could handle myself with shadow Jackal," shaking her head with disbelief. " Come on," getting to her feet, she literally dragged Maeve to the door, only to experience a barrier, refusing to allow Maeve through. Fallon pulled and pulled with all her might, but in the end, Maeve yanked her hand free, sitting on the ground when she fell back. "Go, I will be okay," offering a small smile.

Looking up at the throne where she last saw the sick beast, Fallon shouted, "You better treat her right! She deserves far better than you" her eyes tearing up out of anger and frustration.
Local Time:
12:00 AM
Nov 19, 2022
As she shouted like this, suddenly Fallon found herself painfully lifted into the air, and pulled back to the center of the chamber. as the voice echoed from all directions. before she would be dropped. the wicked thing would speak once more, this time with a sickening playful tone.

"I seek a companion, and passionate playmate, not a fighter, but if you are so hell bent to take her, I can strike an alternate deal instead. I can take both of you to my lord, and instead of one of you being free, and the other protected by a shadow lord. I can let a true demon lord play with you both while I restrain you for his amusement. so choose your words carefully. "

as the beast spoke up like this, it was unknown what it took offense to, but something Fallon did or said. However if Maeve looked to her hand which had been pulled, she would see minor bruising beginning to form, due to being pulled into the barrier by her desperate sister. which would reveal to the healer, how this demon already was showing a possessive nature tours the one he struck a deal with. yet it would become clear to the gentle healing maiden, that she could be the leash to his wrath, perhaps she could over time convert him from the monster he was, to a gentler being. however as it was, a dark vortex which she could not touch began to form, as if it was preparing to toss her sister bound, and gift wrapped to it's lord as punishment with out remorse.
Local Time:
12:00 AM
Nov 18, 2022
A scream sounded from Fallon, surprised to be jerked back into the chamber, the center floor, as the lord clarified what he sought out of her darling sister but added another deal if she was so upset about them being separated. They were a rather lewd deal, torturing, to say the least, but she would much rather risk Maeve being on her own with this freak than being fodder for the big boss. Luckily, Maeve finally got her feet, eyeing her hand to see the bruising begin to form on her skin, revealing how strong the barrier to any exit for her to leave was. She makes her way over, to Fallon uncertain where the lord was "Stop it! We made a deal, let her go!" she calls out. "Maeve," Fallon whispers, finding it uncommon to see such fire in her sister but keeping her mouth shut; Maeve was already sacrificing enough to simply allow her to exit this chamber.
Local Time:
12:00 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"This one, has caused harm, it is not so easily forgiven even if deal is struck. "
as the voice echoed with seething tone. it would be an odd sight, and sound. more so for Fallon to see, let alone hear. However things would finally click for the stronger heroic sister. as it would seem her once helpless little sister was much stronger then expected. more then that, it almost seemed that Maeve could actually get through to this beast. However unknown to Maeve, or fallon. this thing spoke as if she was property at this point, but in truth, it did not want any one or thing to harm what it had yet to break or so it would claim. when it was showing the weakness of any human male, a weakness to become protective the instant it had a companion, regardless of gender or species.

As the dark hole finally fully manifested, it would take but a single motion for Fallon to be tossed in fully bound, and defenseless, however her sister's actions, and words were all that kept it from doing so at this point. however it could also generate a different lighter portal, to toss Fallon back out of the dungeon just as easily.
Local Time:
12:00 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Fallon was beginning to understand the depth this beast already attached himself to Maeve, deeming her own blood a threat for indirectly harming her. “She did not mean anything by it, let her go” maeve explains, hiding her hand. She was growing nervous of what may happen when Fallon does leave. Have to defend herself possibly but other thoughts came to mind. How or what would she eat, where to bathe and sleep? But she held strong until fallon was safely heading to the boss, hoping she’d win.
Local Time:
12:00 AM
Nov 19, 2022
As the unseen beast began to lower fallon once more. growling in a defiantly, protective tone.
"tch, very well. "

as the shadows finally began to release the sister of the healer, Fallon would see a second vortex forming, one which one could see through. as it revealed the outside world from this dungeon.
the vortex of pure black, inky nothingness led to the true boss of this dungeon, while the pure white one led to the outside world. as Fallon had a choice to head ether deeper right away, or leave, and prepare herself to try and earn her sister's freedom once more. little did ether sister know, that this thing was giving false hope, knowing all to well, that even if she got more help, or better gear, it would only give a weakling, impression of strength in stead of real strength. yet he painted a picture of giving her a chance to make good on an opportunity her sister created with this deal.

as both of these swirling masses of mana now stabilized. a choice would have to be made, as more shadows began to manifest around Maeve, as she would feel them moving along her frame. before beginning to gently tease her body in ways she did not understand, but the flesh enjoyed even if her mind did not.
Local Time:
12:00 AM
Nov 18, 2022
She is back on her own two feet with a decision set before her: a white portal leading to the outside world, freedom, and the other the boss's chambers where she may die attempting to defeat him and free her sister from this stupid deal she struck. Of course, she could attempt dragging her sister into the white portal but was uncertain if the room prevented her from leaving or if the lord set a curse on her, forbidding her from leaving his side. Glancing at her injured hand, she could not even imagine the damage if she tried the idea, so she tossed it in the trash. Stepping forward to grasp her sister in a tight hug, "Do not trust him, do anything to survive until I get you back, but also do not get knocked up," she hurriedly whispers. Letting go, she steps into the black portal, the circle sealing shut instantly, and the sisters are separated.

Maeve was speechless; she had no say as she tried to grab onto Fallon, not wanting her to go just yet. However, in one step, her sister vanished from her sight. Tears welled up in her eyes as she collapsed to her knees sobbing, already worried for Fallon's life along with her own, but she had to survive any way she could. Reaching into her little bag on her hip she sorts through some of her herbs to find what could help calm her.
Local Time:
12:00 AM
Nov 19, 2022
As she sought for the pouch, and some desired herbs. the shadows would move around Maeve, slowly creating almost a dome around her. as the realm she was in began to change. taking on the appearance of a strange soft, cushioned floor world. once the room shifted finally, The demon reformed himself, as he walked tours Maeve, placing his hand upon her shoulder in a gentle tone.

" If you worry for your sister's well being don't. I have given her a small shadow. it will only be done once, but Sense she is to weak, it will pull her out of the dungeon once, to allow the maiden to prepare for a proper fight. if you wish to watch, I can craft a shadow monitor for you to see in the dark chamber. "

as he spoke, telling her this, it was almost both kind, and cruel at the same time. however it would be up to Maeve if she wished to see what would befall her sister.


coming out of the dark portal, Fallon would step out, into the hard cold stone floored chamber. as a strange creature moved tours her. it would smirk, as the beast cracked it's claws. in an almost insectoid armor all over it's body. yet it was humanoid in appearance. two legs, two arms. however it had slick, black and white chitin armor all over it's hide. two massive eyes on it's head, which almost looked like goggles, as it would smirk, with it's white fangs showing. the odd amalgamation stood before her.

"So you made it this far warrior, I do smell some one delicious indeed. but do you come alone?"
as it spoke, with a wicked smirk, the creature would begin to stand, towering over Fallon, looking to be over 9 feet tall to say the least. as the beast would begin to calmly walk tours her.
Local Time:
12:00 AM
Nov 18, 2022
The shifting of the room made Maeve fumble, clutching her bag close as she watches everything change. She looks up to the lord as he finally reveals himself to her once again, reassuring her about her sister. Last thing she wished was to see her harmed or worse die. Quickly she shook her head “no but thank you for keeping her safe” noting he wanted to he freed of this dungeon as she much as she did. Fallon was his only key to defeating the boss.

Balancing her landing on two feet Fallon looks at her new surroundings, the portal gone leaving her here. She tenses when a voice spoke, a figure approaching, a very tall figure that made her step back as she readies her weapon. Realizing Jackal basically abandoned them once he was freed from the curse put upon him by the lord. “Seems I am” she spoke in a strong voice.
Local Time:
12:00 AM
Nov 19, 2022
As she moved brandished her blade. before Fallon realized it, the blade in her hand was broken. the creature standing behind her. as the sound of the blade clanking onto the floor. before the back split open at the one shoulder. a strange soft wing, like that of a dragon fly whipped out, knocking the maiden tours the bone based throne. as it would also cause some parts of her equipment to fall off her one side. as the beast retracted it's wing, moving to crack it's knuckles and begin walking tours her once more.

"So what will you do with the broken tooth pick their? You seem to be lacking in means to protect yourself from my Gravity?"
saying this, not even hiding how it increased, and decreases movements all around it, and itself.


"I can't promise she will be untouched, but I can at least promise she won't be killed, or permanently injured. However I can do this for you as well. "
as he spoke up, suddenly his body shifting around her. As Maeve suddenly found herself pulled up and against his frame. her back to his chest. his own arms wrapping around his new toy so to speak. as he nipped, and pulled at her ear lobe. his touching both causing an unwanted sensation with in her core, while adding an unexpected calming and enjoyable safe sensation for her. however was this forced upon her, or was it more of her body instincts reacting to this male's playful and gentle movements upon her at this point in time. as their was no mystery to how lonely he had been for who knew how long, and her sister was the key to both their freedom at this point.
Local Time:
12:00 AM
Nov 18, 2022
This was poorly thought out plan, her sword broken, her daggers and other weapons scattered when she was whacked. She sat up from the floor eyeing the throne made of bones, she felt like a lost little girl than a warrior. “Ah um, this was spur of the moment, today has been quite the rollercoaster” she admits with a chuckle. She was gonna die, she was so out of sorts with absolutely no back up or plan. “Any chance we can restart tomorrow?” She half jokes, half hopes she can get a second chance and rest.

Maeve still felt out of sorts as she and Fallon rarely were apart but at least her sister will not die. Sadly Fallon had no clue of that fact. When suddenly Maeve frozen feeling arms around her frame, an offer of comfort that she did not request. She whimpers a little by him nibbling on her ear “um, th-thank you” pulling out of his arms “but no” covering her chest with her arms. Clearly nervous especially around him as she didnt trust his intentions.
Local Time:
12:00 AM
Nov 19, 2022
a she asked, this the beast would suddenly appear directly before her. Fallon suddenly feeling how it would seem to strike her countless times with out even moving an arm.
yet she would feel each precise, strike. as it happened so quickly. her body feeling everything only moments after it had been done. causing her armor and clothing to almost instantly burst into shreds all around her. leaving the proud warrior maiden now completely nude, and exposed. however the beast would take hold of her head in it's one palm. lifting her up so that her feet dangled right above the ground. with only her boots, and gloves left on her, for clothing. looking into her eyes, the beast split the lower chitin part of it's face plate. as the elongated, tongue slithered out to lick from her cheek down to between her legs, before retracting.

"You are fertile, Perhaps I shall let you live, I do need a strong incubator, and you have a powerful will. " as it spoke up, the beast was revealing what it planned to do to her. However unaware of the small gift she had, Fallon would be unaware that before she could be broken or severely injured, she would vanish and appear out in the field by the dungeon entrance, but for now she was suffering, in a severely one sided situation.


"now that is cute, Perhaps I need to reveal something to you as well. " as he spoke, moving back from Maeve, the demonic hybrid would begin to revert himself to his former form. a human form, which was his true form long ago. before her eyes, Maeve would be taller then this athletic short man. as he smiled, his body covered in scars, and markings. his fully naked body laid bare before her eyes. as the young looking man would show her this form, which also revealed to Maeve his weakest form, a form where he could be seen as vulnerable to normal attacks.

"this is the true me, But the curse is what makes my body remain in the form you met today. I can not keep it at bay for long. perhaps your sister will be the strongest one, and give us both our freedom?"
as he spoke, in an oddly gentle and alluring tone. this would be a rare chance for Maeve to try and strike his heart while the weakest and softest form of her new so called partner was revealed to her. showing that his intent, albeit unwanted, and most likely one sided were not meant to hurt, or make her suffer, at least as of yet. However if Maeve took the chance to try and strike this demon for a proper rescue of her sister, and herself, she would lose the gentle lord she had struck a deal with, and gain a monster of a master.
Local Time:
12:00 AM
Nov 18, 2022
The blows were brutal and unexpected, she didnt see a single one of them which left her feeling hopeless. He was going to kill her. Looking down she attempts to cover herself as not only her armor was gone but as were her clothing. But soon he was lifting her off the ground making her catch her breath in her throat. His killed blow? Shutting her eyes tightly she prayed it was swift but instead felt a warm wet substance run down her body. Slowly her eyes open to find she was alive but his words made her wish to be dead. “Excuse me?” She growls, grasping her hands over his wrist in attempt to free herself.

Cautious of herself as he found her adorable already to reveal his true form from long ago. She eyes him, looking down as he was shorter than herself which dod bring some relief. Violence never entered her mind with ease so she simply as this as bonding. “I hope so” she agrees with his question of her sisters strength. Still nervous she swallows her fears she steps closer to him though finding him nude was unsettling “where are your clothes?” She asks.
Local Time:
12:00 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"I never had any, what you see as clothing is purely demonic Miasma concentrated upon my body as a protective film. right now it is being stored inside of me, thus allowing this form to be revealed."
telling her this secret, it would give Maeve a small reveal about how the strongest humanoid monster's were so strong now. However if this information could be shared with her sister, then perhaps it could allow for a new tactic to be revealed for fallon's battle. However no adventurer thus far knew this secret of monsters.

"I will not hide my desires to both bond, and bed you, but I will not force you to endure such acts. Instead I wish for it to be mutually desired, thus if we are freed before such a thing is achieved, then so be it. "
as he spoke, moving to sit himself down next to her. tapping the ground next to his position, as he wished to hear about her prior experiences, and adventures, and in return he would reveal more about himself to her as well. Little did Maeve realize, that her actions thus far had already allowed a demonic bond to begin to form with in her. it would only take a small amount of actual bonding at this point, be it gentle, or forceful for her to become the willing playmate to this demon. However unlike her situation, the boss would be forcing the same level of binding to her sister through force, as this fiend was binding her in a gentle, and warm manor.


struggling more, and more, Fallon would soon feel how the wicked thing exposed itself. the cracking shell of the chitin in the crotch, allowed a monstrously thick spear to push out, as it slid up between her struggling legs. easily sliding it's log between her thighs, the bulbous and monstrously moist, and oozing tip kissing her pink tender lower folds. However the second claw moved to grasp one of her breast, as the one powerful claw held her head firmly, despite how desperately, Fallon grasped it's wrists, and arms to try and break free. Yet once her body received the pain of losing her virginity, she would also find herself rescued, as the blood which would be drawn would finally trigger the transport curse. as it was, it would take some internal damage to trigger it, as such this beast had been careful not to harm his new toy yet, at least internally, as such it's fun would be ruined once it began.
Local Time:
12:00 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Maeve found this information rather interesting, slowly moving to sit beside him once he admitted his wishes. Every man wanted to bed her, she was a heartless romantic so of course she fell for the tricks but Fallon always saved her. She takes a deep breath, nodding her head in understanding “okay, I will keep that in mind” seeing he was just lonely. But he was respectful which was new for her.

At the top level of the dungeon, Fallon was meeting her fate as her struggles were just like a pest to his beast. She dug her nails in his flesh when feeling his spear of a member force himself between her thighs. His claws gripping into her breast making her squeal out, kicking her legs until she felt his tip stretching her out. Fallon screams in pain, the blood soaking her folds as he barely got his tip inside her “god dammit!” She shouts. “You’re huge! You wont fit!” She jerks her head trying to bite the hand holding her up.
Local Time:
12:00 AM
Nov 19, 2022
As she struggled all the more, the painful sensation of the tip pushing past her resistant entrance would be as far as it got. Before Fallon knew what happened. shadow like tendrils suddenly snaked up her legs, around her frame, and blacking out her vision. at first it would seem as if the demon lied to her, and was helping it's master, which did not need any help. however sore, and humiliating her situation was. she would soon land with a thud on her ass, in the cold muddy watering hole, not far from her camp location, near the dungeon entrance. at which point the odd small bat like shadow would land on her shoulder. a message would be heard in her mind. this was the only time I can help you, so prepare yourself properly next time. with this message the shadow beast melted away upon her, but left her some cloth made from lizard, and goblin hide to at least cover herself with. meaning this was not over yet, but for now she could retreat, regroup, and plan more. however her innocent sister was still in that hell hole with the monster which had tricked them.


Rubbing the back of his head, the young looking man would sigh, as he moved to take hold of Maeve's hand, as he spoke up to her.
"well my little curse had been triggered. your sister is safe, but she had failed this time. Hopefully she would come back better prepared. so what you say we make a bite to eat hmm?"
changing the subject to a more innocent once. the chamber itself seemed to be one of only the most bare essential, however if she requested it, he would reveal how he could craft the means to make food, but the meat would be monster meat, instead of proper meat. however even monster flesh was delicious when prepared properly.
Local Time:
12:00 AM
Nov 18, 2022
The rush of chilling shadows made Fallon freak out more as they seemed familiar, that damn lord was helping this crazy beast. Her vision was suddenly dark, she hadn't even noticed the transport until she hit the ground. “Ow” mumbling as she watches a bird land close speaking a voice of the lord, least he helped this time. She looks over to the door of the boss then down to the clothes dropped for her. Quickly she cleans up before finally covering herself in clothing. She will be crafting all damn night for new weapons.

Maeve looks over when he took her hand, his demeanor changing as he admits her sister had triggered his spell. She gasps gathering she must have been in some serious danger for it to happen. Of course she was more concerned with that than a meal “um…maybe just some tea” she suggests.
Local Time:
12:00 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"Do not threat, she is fine, perhaps she will be back sooner then a day or so. as your sister is indeed strong, but now in need of new weapons and armor. "
as he spoke up, crafting a small shadow window, which revealed to Maeve, her sister's humiliating condition, however it would be after she had covered her body up, and was on the way back in only the cloth clothing, her high tier boots, and gloves. however as he created this, giving Maeve some fresh hot tea. as it was made right before her eyes with magic to heat and finish it quickly. before sitting next to her, each of them having a nice cup of hot tea. as he would create this window to show Maeve her sister's condition, more then that, he would ask if she wanted to see anything else, as he had eyes across the land, but no access other then his smaller shadow familiar which escaped with surviving adventurer's which had hidden in their shadows. revealing another little secret to Maeve, that this mid boss was the reason for so many escaped, surviving adventurers, having aided them in escaping to get small portions of his power out in the world to grant him some means to view, and enjoy the out side world, as if the actions of the outside world were like some kind of motion story for his entertainment alone.

Now in only some simple cloth covering for her exposed, and some what violated body. Fallon would be heading back tours the town, where Jackal would be at the guild. seeking help to tackle the dungeon, only deep enough to rescue Fallon, and Maeve, unaware of how things went once he ran off. however the panicking man had turn tailed and abandoned the two sisters at first chance. however once close enough to over hear this from the guild area, Fallon would spot several Demi humans, as they whistled at her exposed condition. despite the cloth armor covering her, it would not be hard for these hybrids, or half breeds to strip her down with their enhanced strength or claws. however as the one feline, and wolf like demi moved tours her. these were nothing more then bronze rank rookies, thinking they were big lads, and her current outfit, making Fallon look more like a homeless, or former slave, thus easy pickings, unaware of how the duo would soon be picking a fight for a piece of ass which would not be worth it for the price they would have to pay.
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Local Time:
12:00 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Smiling down to the tea at last in her hands, the warmth of the cup in her hands brought her comfort; just adding a sprinkle of her herbs, she happily began to sip as a shadow mirror revealed her sister was alive and well though in a state not preferred. Watching this allowed Maeve to be more at ease; her sister would be fine, but Jackal would not, as he abandoned them after Maeve sacrificed her freedom to release him from the curse that positioned his body. She looks over to the lord. "Do you have a name?" she asks him, curious if he remembers his name as it seems he was a real human a very long time ago; how long has he been trapped here?

Fallon was exhausted; she felt violated and angry as she stumbled her way into the town, aiming to eat, rest and craft her armor and weapons once more to attempt to win that damn dungeon and free Maeve. But what she overheard as she entered the guild, she glares toward Jackal, begging and pleading for others to join him in a raid battle which pissed her off more; other matters attempted to distract her, though. She looks over as some half-bred scum approaches her, she did need a win after today. Weaponless, tired, and yet burning with rage. "If you want to continue living your pathetic lives, I will change your direction," she spoke in a rather dark tone, chilling to hear from such a pretty female as herself.
Local Time:
12:00 AM
Nov 19, 2022
with a gentle smile the fiend would look to Maeve, as he would speak his name to her.
"The only name I know is the one this dungeon lord gave me at this point. Adonis, however I do not remember much of my life before becoming this. If you wish, I will accept a human name from you alone."
as he said this with a gentle, and slowly growing more alluring tone. the short time they had spent together already had begin to effect Maeve, even if she did not realize it as of yet. for the way the bond was being form, it would feel almost as if she was naturally growing to desire this beast, as a partner or more. however it would be unknown how long it would take for the sensation to grow over whelming, and dominating, thus allowing her to become his permanently, at what seems to be Maeve's own decision.


"Ooh, you hear that, this one has some fangs. shall we show her the difference between us and her?"
as the one spoke purring, the larger demi with the feline would would look over Fallon, as he licked his maw.

"i think this should be fun, so shall we go some where a little more private cutie or shall we do it right here?"
asking this as if the two of them had no risk of losing, the Demi human idiots were horny and cocky. however the fact remained. they were biting off more then they could chew, and did not realize it. yet they planned to try and have their way with this woman, unaware that they would be her win for the day very soon. be it a quick beating in public, or a more severe one in private.
Local Time:
12:00 AM
Nov 18, 2022
She nods her head, understanding he was given a name by the monster of this dungeon that held him prisoner all these years. Did the boss even know Adonis sent many warriors past him in hopes of killing and earning freedom? Maeve sighs, looking down into her tea. "I am not sure what I would call you, but I will let you know," she answers in her soft and gentle tone, smiling as she looks back up to him. This was quiet and nice; she did not expect this at all when she made her deal with him; it was reassuring, to say the least.

How annoying and a pain in the ass this was; Fallon rolled her eyes as she stormed her way up to the brutes, grabbing them both by their faces and slamming them down into the ground with the force of a hurricane. "Right here is fine," she scoffs as she continues past them. "Allows you to be humiliated," flipping her hair to flair as she continues toward Jackal, feeling less likely to kill him for running off.
Local Time:
12:00 AM
Nov 19, 2022
As she seemed to finally begin to relax, and enjoy the atmosphere in this small boss room, which had been converted for comfort. the wicked mid boss was now in a gentle, and caring state. as he morphed up several tools, and a fire. preparing to start making a proper meal for his new playmate. the scent would cause one's mouth to water, as he spoke up in a gentle, and enjoyable tone for her ears.

"We will need to eat a proper meal, and keep your strength up. after all, no telling when we might gain our freedom right?"
saying this, as the fiend had ulterior motives for wanting her to remain strong, and healthy, but the most forward one was the best to give in this situation.

now face first in the ground, groaning, the two would be a laughing stock at the moment. however as Jackal saw Fallon. he would rush up tours her, his arms spread, his tear stained face. as he rushed to hug her, as it would be easy to knock the man down or out if she wanted. He was always a bit soft, but now she knew how useless he was, with how this man ran at his first chance from a stronger foe.
Local Time:
12:00 AM
Nov 18, 2022
A look was given his way; not anytime soon would they be free, as Fallon had to put up her ass, and craft two weapons and armor before even thinking of entering to fight that boss again, who clearly injured her enough to trigger her to safety. "What are we eating?" she asks, moving over to the fire for warmth and to watch him cook; she always enjoyed watching others cook; it was like magic that always smelled amazing. She was not the best cook but she can heal any wound.

Hearing the laughter behind her lifted her spirits as that little tiff allowed some rage to roll over her shoulders, but now she was faced with the weasel she allowed to join the group. She halts as he runs up to offer a hug, his face stained with tears which was disgusting to witness. "You attempted to kill me, and when my sister sacrificed her freedom for you, you took off like a dog with his tail between his legs!" pushing him away from her. "I should kill you right now," growling, a threat that he knew she would do, but since it was spoken, it was simply a threat for the future.
Local Time:
12:00 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"nothing fancy, simple mimic flesh. it taste like any meat it was mimicking prior to harvesting, and as such we got a nice lovely cut of beef and lamb for this one. "
as he spoke revealing what kind of monster, and how it could be used to make delicious meals. the demonic mid boss, now known to Maeve as Adonis would move to fix quiet the impressive little spread. some vegetables, and fruit which all knew were poisonous. however he would reveal the dungeon's secret, if one extracted the miasma, and prepared them properly they would become safe, as well as very nutritious for all to enjoy.

this would compliment the meat, as well as the tea she had to enjoy. it would be odd, however as time passed Maeve would find herself growing more attached to this demon and quickly at that. more then just that, he would teach her a wonderfully simple, and enjoyable way of life in this twisted dungeon. as this allowed for her to even help the fiend come up with new tests as to avoid unwanted blood shed. perhaps only those who were truly heartless, or sinful enough to attack an innocent would be slain from the dungeon's nutrients. however this would mean that maeve would become the new mid boss in this room, and her partner an unseen protector, and weapon. as such if they tried to attack her, then they would be slain on the spot before they could harm her, however if they could pass the healer's questions and tests, then they could pass safely. however this idea would be one which would need to come from maeve if she wanted to share it, or not, despite how the idea would be fed to her by the shadow, as if one of the familiars had come up with it, seeing how it's master had changed so suddenly with her around.


as she said this, and moved past the former party member. jackal had been scorned, as he pouted, and apologized, admitting he was of no use against such monster so all he could do as a coward was to rush off and seek help from those who were stronger. at least he was honest, and admitted his own flaws, despite how the young man could not hide it at all. However unknown to most, If fallon was willing to give her body away to a dwarf for a few sessions. she could finally get some mithryl gear, which was normally out of the question. yet she had already had her flower plucked prior to the rescue. however would her prior allow this, or would she struggle to crafter the strongest tier gear she could make on her own, as it would always pale in comparison to that of a dwarven expert's runic, mythril equipment.
Local Time:
12:00 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Looking up at him as he explained what they would be eating, she was a little uncertain of the creature he spoke of, but mentioning what meat it would be made her mouth water; she was lucky to get some bird usually, but red meat was a luxury she never could pass up. Licking her lips she felt her stomach growl as the dish was prepared before her eyes, her naive mind not even questioning if he was aiming to harm her through food in any way. Maeve was ready to chow down the moment the dish was entirely made to eat. "Oh my!" she moaned with excitement. "Can't wait to dig in," possibly hinting how poor she and Fallon were, though she was a strong healer and her sister a warrior. Money was always relatively short.

In the guild Fallon of course forgave Jackal, he was brought on the mission due to Maeve so he was going to finish it whether he died or ran away again. She took a seat at a table "Get me some food and any information on spare metals and fabrics I can use to craft new supplies" she orders Jackal. He was a servant to her now, his life in her hands. Many took notice that she was without her darling sister, they were known for their beauty and strong will though Maeve was a delicate flower Fallon always had to protect.
Local Time:
12:00 AM
Nov 19, 2022
It was not long before Maeve would find herself eating a meal which was like a true reward, the kind she rarely ever got, however it was made fresh for her, and the most unique part, let alone, exotic part was how it had been made from monsters, instead of regular animals. the shadow lord would present it. as he would then do something both playful and unexpected. Before the healer knew what was going on, she would be pulled onto his lap, as he moved to feed, and tease her gently. playfully enjoying his time with his new companion, and allowing the unique dark bond to grow even stronger with in her. as if cursing her soul to belong to the fiend with out having to do anything forceful or evil to her, for such an act.

As jackal rushed off, to do as he was told, Several larger and well equipped adventurers moved to sit by Fallon. the bulky, feline warrior would look to her, as he ordered a pint for fallon.
"We are about to head to the dungeon, if you can guide is, my group and I, the Claws of Despair will gladly gear you up, and pay a portion or fee for the guidance. "
as he spoke, the two mages, which were an elf, and human, the knight which was a half orc, as well as the fact that this demi feline warrior spoke up. it seemed they were planning to head into the abyss dungeon, however having no clue the horrors, let alone the power of the mid boss, let alone the final boss, which she had endured only a few moments against. would Fallon take them up on this offer, and lead these warriors to their doom, in an attempt to at least see her sister, or leave them to their own demise, and get herself prepared slowly?
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