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Fantasy RP Dungeon of Hero's

Local Time:
8:41 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Rushing the gate that was believed to be fake but showing what could truly be happening, one strike and it came crashing down to reveal the worst of what Fallon believed. Maeve was riding the cock of some demon lord that made a deal with her to save Fallon and stupid Jackal. "What the hell!?" not even blaming her innocent sister but ready to take on this damn lord that stole her soul, her life, her chance at real love. "You fucker! You took advantage of her!" swinging her sword around to try and strike something of his while Maeve literally just froze in his lap, staring at her sister with eyes that knew of the disappointment and anger Fallon felt. "get out of her right now!" demanding as she waits with her weapon over her head to strike another blow.
Local Time:
8:41 PM
Nov 19, 2022
before much could happen, a simple snap was heard, as Fallon soon found herself bound in countless shadow tendrils. snaring up her arms, legs, wrists, ankles, and even waist. but no harm was befalling her. instead she was held in place, and even disarmed.

"Now, Now, you should not be so angry until you understand all that is transpiring. " as he spoke in an oddly gentle, and alluring tone,

it would be like sweet venom to Maeve's ears, as if she was taming this beast, and making a gentle man out of a monster, by simply accepting his love. however this binding would hold her sister, but not silence her. as he would stop his movement. his one hand still around Maeve's belly. as he kissed gently on her neck, and nibbled her ear before speaking, to snap Maeve back to the moment.

"Would you care to explain before freeing her, or do you wish to keep Fallon bound for a bit longer. with our bond, you have full control to free her, or even remove her from the room until you feel ready to speak with her. "

as he spoke giving full power of this unique scenario to Maeve, it would be two completely different scenarios before the sisters. one of utmost trust, passion and love in the mind and eyes of Maeve, as well as Manipulation, corruption, and foul play in the eyes of Fallon, as it looked like this demon was manipulating her sister into a monster in a slower manor at the moment.
Local Time:
8:41 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Grunting and gasping in surprise as Fallon was bound in place, disarmed of her weapon, and forced to remain as this demon spoke in such an alluring tone toward Maeve "Transpiring? You have got to be kidding me? You are abusing her, raping her really!" shouting until a tendril covered her mouth by the mind of Maeve. "This is fully consensual," the healer reassures with a soft smile as a cube engulfs Fallon to where she can not see out nor be heard. "Sorry, I thought the fight would have entertained her a little longer," apologized to Adonis, rolling her hips against his lap.
Local Time:
8:41 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"She is your kin, so it would only be Natural for her to end it swiftly, However did you simply place her outside the chamber? or perhaps back out of the dungeon?"
as he asked this, the playful tone of the demon came out, as he reacted to how the healer moved her hips, enjoying the over size meat which was filling her lower maw. all the more his hands once more moved upon her frame, adding even more pleasure to Maeve, allowing her mind to run wild, with this lustful and enjoyable act together. the two both each other's first, and as far as it seemed, even after freedom unless Maeve wanted it, they would be each other's only partner. however this freedom would depend on her sister defeating the true lord of this dungeon.

as it was, the darkness which engulfed Fallon, could easily hold her in the void between floors, a darkness while she was held their until freed by Maeve, however if the healer wanted her sent away, it would be easy to remove her from the dungeon, and back to the open world, yet if a mistake was made, and she thought about a demon when transporting, Fallon could accidently be dropped right in the chamber of the true boss of this hellish domain.
Local Time:
8:41 PM
Nov 18, 2022
"Stop talking," Maeve whispers, closing her eyes to properly enjoy their time together. She moans softly as she moves within the frame of his hands, touching her body. Her hips would roll into his lap, lifting her lower half a bit to drop back down to move his demon cock inside her slick, tight inner walls. "Yes, adonis," she moans, laying her head on his shoulder, trying to get herself off. It felt so wrong that her sister saw; seeing the anger in her eyes at the moment made Maeve freeze, but she felt so free now. "I am so close!" she whines in frustration.
Local Time:
8:41 PM
Nov 19, 2022
The instant she said this, Adonis would make a more aggressive move upon Maeve. as his lips came crashing into her own. his grip on her waist tightening, as the demon pulled the healer maiden down with full forcer. his balls feeling as if they could be forced into her as well. despite this not being possible, but with the impact it would almost feel like that. as such, the combination of both their actions was meant to allow the two to reach their climax, and releases together at the same time. as the demon did not care if he knocked Maeve up, or perhaps more so it would make keeping her his woman all the easier? regardless, the healer would be the one he desired to completely break, as she was now his thanks to the curse having been completed by this very action when it first started.
Local Time:
8:41 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Her moans became more hitched gasps of air, surprised by his more aggressive approach, but muffled moans still sounded between kisses on his lips crashing against hers. Finally, she felt her first-ever orgasm, followed by a warm milk substance painting her walls from him. Smiling as she rests her head on his chest, catching her breath, she knows what sex leads to when not careful. "You are forever old, right, so can't conceive?" she questions between breaths. Even if she wanted to prevent getting knocked up, he had the true power in this bond; having a child with her certainly would make it impossible for her to leave him.
Local Time:
8:41 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"Honestly I have no idea, but I would think it is not possible for me, being immortal as I am. But we shall discover this together, and deal with it together. "
as he spoke being honest, despite his nature as a demon. Adonis moved his hands to hold, and caress Maeve with in his embrace, as she was on his lap. impaled upon his impressive spear which was now hers alone to enjoy, or so it seemed. However as they could allow each other to bask in this moment, the fact remained, she would have to deal with her sister one way or another. at least the dungeon had already devoured the remains of those who were slain, leaving only their equipment behind, as drops.

"I think I can get use to this, if it is with you, My cute little Maeve."
saying this in a playfully affectionate manor, the demon would move to tease her body a bit more, however if Maeve moved, she could discover how sensitive her demonic lord was, and how she could abuse this if she wanted to tease him some herself.
Local Time:
8:41 PM
Nov 18, 2022
His answer offered little reassurance; she was a fertile maiden that he had taken, so if possible, they would soon find out, which made her nervous, but luckily, she was a healer and dabbled in some of this. Maeve's mind was off the topic for a short time as she would wiggle in reaction to his teasing, which led to a discovery of his sensitive body. "Oh, you wanna play that game?" she giggles. Eventually, she had to speak with her sister, pulling herself from Adonis to clean herself up and cover her body correctly before summoning Fallon back into the dungeon. "Are you calm?" Maeve asks with her arms crossed.
Fallon was sitting on the floor, still in disbelief at all she had seen. "So, no longer a virgin, and you chose him," She spoke with a shake of her head.
Local Time:
8:41 PM
Nov 19, 2022
The demon sitting their in the chair which was his original skull throne, now converted into something more along the taste of Maeve's enjoyment. however the demon sat their quietly looking on with an amused smile. as he would listen to the sisters speak, however unlike fallon, her healer sister had been taken by a demon, and claimed as a lover, not a slave or bitch, like the dungeon boss had tried to do to herself. as such, the sensation of how the fiend took her own innocence, despite how she was saved before it got worse. and now that pain was felt by Maeve, but by choice with the pleasure Fallon did not get to enjoy herself.

as Adonis enjoyed the show, he would smirk, as a snap of his fingers allowed a shadow to form around, Maeve's finger, which she could craft the ideal ring, or band for herself, as this one would be to show she was now a properly taken woman. despite what had been done to her already. however the mark of lust now on her belly would be something else, as it was a mark which only appeared on those claimed successfully by a demon completely.
Local Time:
8:41 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Fallon glares toward the demon lord, climbing to her feet, but Maeve swiftly overtook her view. "Yes," she answers as she shows the band that appeared on her finger. "he honors me, cares for me, and gets along quite well, better than most men out there," referring to outside the dungeon. "You have got to be kidding me! He tricked you! He manipulated you! I'm just not here; if I was, I would have saved you!" Fallon tries to explain, but on deaf ears, such words fall. "Okay, okay, what happens when he knocks you up? Be his little baby maker for little demons to run this whole place," trying to paint a picture for her naive sister.

"he is immortal; he can not conceive." Maeve shrugs off, taking his word on being immortal, which makes Fallon laugh, revealing what she has suffered. "Oh really? Then why did the boss of this place try to rape me into becoming his babymaker? He is immortal too, right?"
Local Time:
8:41 PM
Nov 19, 2022
hearing this part, The demon Adonis finally spoke up.
"His body is not, he possess, the power to possess his own children. thus how he is still alive. this is not his first body. each new baby he makes gives him a stronger body. I am cursed as an immortal, due to the need for a gate keeper which can keep enemies away until his new body matures, and consumes the mother for her power as well. " as he spoke, revealing the worse part of the so called immortality of the dungeon boss. he did not have an immortal body like Adonis, but instead he needed to breed new bodies, to make stronger bodies for himself. the stronger the female, the stronger his next body would be. which would also explain his horrendous form, as it had attributes from females of so many species, orcs, succubus, humans, lycans. revealing this was why he granted the special protection of evacuation the last time she went to fight the boss.

as he revealed this, the demon would point back to the wall, behind his throne. as something was visible their, marks, so many of them, carved into the wall, all like small fingered slashes, tallies, which were years. so many, more then the eyes could count.

"If you want to know how long I been here, count each of those marks, one for every year, and the ones I make like Z's are the ones where the lord had a new body developing. "
revealing this, the beast was not the same as adonis, it was so much worse, however the fact remained. Fallon was the one which was the best match to defeat it, as Adonis revealed the current body is weaker then any of it's past bodies, due to the last mother, being a succubus, thus reducing it's physical resistance, but it was still a demon lord.

once he revealed all this, the dark lord of the mid chamber of the dungeon would go silent to let Maeve, and Fallon speak some more, even take in more of the news which was shared. info which had caused Adoni's arm to visibly light in black flames, and turn to cinders, as he tore his arm off at the shoulder and tossed it aside, as this was punishment for revealing this informing. however a new arm formed almost instantly, once he concentrated on it. revealing that the more he shared about his lord, the more painful a punishment he got, which revealed why he was cursed with immortality like he had.
Local Time:
8:41 PM
Nov 18, 2022
The sisters were astonished by the information given to them; Maeve was perfectly safe from this boss as she was with Adonis, but hearing Fallon was the possible next mother made her unsettled to even allow her to go up there. Maeve would turn back to Fallon watching her attempt to figure out how many bodies the boss has made "you can not fight him" she spoke in a tone that made Fallon pause "if you lose if he rapes you and you have his child, Adonis can never get out of here but if we prevent anyone ever entering then maybe he will die off..." looking to her partner "right?" hoping this was a plan.
Local Time:
8:41 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"Sadly his current body is from my attempt at doing such a thing, he simply took one of my minions, and used it for his new body. but making him insanely adapted to magic, but weakening his physical attributes. I hate to say it, but it would be impossible to wait him out to death. due to how he can summon female monsters to fill the need when his body is at the end of it's cycle. "

as he spoke, the fact was being revealed in such a way, Fallon had been seen as such a powerful maiden the boss would not target any other females until he had no choice. however this also meant he would simply kill and devour any who faced him then. Before in a more serious tone, Adonis revealed that Maeve would be in even more danger if not for being sealed in this chamber, as the boss was felt a few times heading tours the upper floors to seek Fallon. but he did not reveal this until now. revealing it was not trapped in it's own chamber like adonis was, but could not enter Adonis's chamber at least. as this was the mid boss's personal domain, and now it was equally shared with Maeve, as his life partner, and lover.
Local Time:
8:41 PM
Nov 18, 2022
"He would not fight me," Fallon realizes as she takes a seat in a chair nearby, her motivation beginning to plummet while Maeve feels betrayed in a fashion. "He would breed me the second he sees me," Fallon spoke as she bowed her head down, trying to wrap her head around this. Maeve was certainly safe, but simply allowing the boss to die off was impossible. sending Fallon up there would lead to an even stronger boss. "How do we kill him?" Maeve questions, desperate to save all of them.
Local Time:
8:41 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"I hate to say it, but we simply need some one strong enough to cut his head off, while he has no pregnant partners. thus right now with this body, the bastard is at his weakest. however If you do not wish to return except to visit Maeve, I will not blame you Fallon, for I can not bless you with an escape curse again for some time. " revealing this to the sisters. However this would be the moment, where Fallon could play the whole if you love her let her go card, but even if Adonis did accept, would maeve accept this now as the two had become a true item.

as the three were in this chamber, Adonis's domain soon began to shake violently, as he would snap his fingers, stabilizing the room once more. as he sighed. before looking to the sisters.
"Well, looks as if he is on the move again, that tremor, is from the fiend leaving his chamber to stalk the floors once more. I would suggest, if you are to leave, do so quickly, or remain with us, until he returns to his chamber once again. " as he said this, giving an odd offer to Fallon, however it would paint an odd picture in Maeve's mind, as her body and mind would see images of her, and Adonis hiding in the room out of view, making out while Fallon slumbered. the thought of a young lover, but the fact remained, their were more important things to worry about at the moment.
Local Time:
8:41 PM
Nov 18, 2022
It felt like the situation had grown more out of hand, with more paths to take, and Fallon was mentally not strong enough to face this boss; she could not trust anyone other than Maeve. "Then let us leave; I do not care for your curse! But I want my sister back! If you love her, then let her go and be free out there!" begging of him. Maeve gasps at such an idea from her sister as though Fallon had not understood a single word said to her about what she saw earlier. But even if Adonis did let her go, if she agreed and left with Fallon, it was likely she would return with a swollen belly and a heart aching for his love. Then the tremors began; Maeve ran to Adonis for shelter until he stabilized the chamber. "Well, we can't go anywhere now," sticking her tongue out at Fallon.
Local Time:
8:41 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"The seal has been made, the deal had been accepted by us both. If she truly wishes to leave, I can allow it, However I can not protect ether of you, if he finds you in the floors. At least with our deal in place, with you as her blood relative, I can give some partial protection, as long as she desires you to be safe. " as he spoke honestly, however the part about Maeve being able to leave if she so desired, echoed in his words, as if it hurt the demon to say this. as Fallon's words, had caused the human side of this demon to show itself a bit, a side which was how Maeve was able to be cursed, and claimed successfully.

As it was, Fallon was indeed able to beat the boss, but would she be able to do so, in time? for if a new body was created before the warrior was ready, it would be even stronger, due to how old this body currently was, which was why it began to seek out a desired partner. As the demon spoke to them both, holding Maeve in his embrace, revealing this, Fallon would see images of her sister being snatched up by the true boss, the instant she left Adonis's chamber at this point. as even the mid boss, revealed the demon would take maeve over fallon due to the need of power for it's new body, if a healer as powerful as Maeve was used. this boss might actually create a true self regenerating, immortal body, even more dangerous then the fiend before her eyes now.

as he would hold maeve in his embrace, looking to use his one hand to move her chin to look him in the eyes. a soft and tender voice spoke to her.
"Maeve, you are my first, and will always be my one and only, However if your sister feels this is an impossible task, and you feel the desire to leave, sense half my power now resides with in you, as long as we share this domain. You can break our seal, and leave, but I will be unable to protect you outside of this domain. " as he spoke honestly to her, and explained it to the best of his ability, it would be a moment which Maeve could easily move herself onto her toes, to kiss her demonic lover, if she wanted to assure him she would remain, or she could remove herself from his embrace to side with her sister. regardless the two would not be leaving right away, as they had some time before the boss made his rounds all the way up to the entrance, and back to his chamber. this momentary sight of gentle closeness, and passionate action, would show Fallon a sight a warrior like her would never expect. a scene of actual passion tours her sister, even a demon, in the art of charming, and manipulation could not mimic the way this would feel, and the aura the body gave off.
Local Time:
8:41 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Fallon grew hopeful with the need to protect Maeve on their way out. She could easily pass the boss that owned this dungeon but seeing how her sister went to Adonis for protection than herself did lead to doubt. This revealed how the sisters were already growing apart, and Fallon would have to lead her own life without her darling sister right there to have her back. Plus, if the boss got a hold of Maeve, his next body may never need to breed again and forever remain alive, becoming impossible to kill. Either way, Fallon could leave now or remain until it was safe to wander her way into her new life.

Hearing Adonis reveal he was willing to let her go made Maeve's heart ache and yearn for him, she presses close to him as her eyes water at his words "I don't wanna leave" she whines, lifting herself upon her toes to kiss his lips. "Please, I want to stay here with you," begging him not to have her leave.
Local Time:
8:41 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"I will never force you to leave, unless it is the only way to protect you, my beautiful little petal. " as he said this to her once the kiss broke, moving to form a small black flower he would place into her hair, behind Maeve's ear. however as this went on, He would look to Fallon, with a gentle tone, as he spoke up.

"you are always welcome to stay with us, as long as you wish. even if you want to spar, and grow stronger, I can generate stronger shadow bosses to train against. "
as he said this, revealing an option that even, Adonis never thought of, but it would be one which would hit Maeve's mind almost instantly, due to the way she could see things in a different view, if her mind allowed her to catch the idea, or remain over whelmed with the moment which just happened. as Fallon could collect different groups of fighters, and lead them to this chamber to take Maeve's test. as such each time, the ones which were as strong as Fallon could be spared to make a custom team, which could grow with each dungeon dive, and Fallon herself could use these shadow bosses as a means to grow stronger. However if the older sister decided to leave, and give maeve, and adonis their privacy, as it was, she would be snatched up right away, even if she could escape as it would not be in the boss's chamber.
Local Time:
8:41 PM
Nov 18, 2022
The sweetness between the two made Fallon want to puke; she flipped them both off as she stormed out of the chamber, not wishing to partake or witness such a love that she would never experience at this point in life. Sadly, the beautiful idea was spoken to someone no longer in the room, offering pure privacy to the couple who were in the honeymoon phase that would pass with time. Knowing Fallon would be back later, Maeve did not dwell on her disappearance. "So, how come the boss can make children but not you? LIke you both are technically immortal," she shrugs, not fully understanding. "maybe there is a loop hole for you"
Local Time:
8:41 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"My body does not age, as such, I do not think I can produce any healthy seed, Unlike that fiend, who is one with a mortal body, but immortal soul, thus needing new bodies every so many years. If you think of it like this. I am cursed to eternally exist, feeling more pain the pleasure, more suffering then passion. However he is one who can enjoy all of life, if not for his cruel desires. "

as he began to speak, slowly filling in the details, unaware of it could create such loop holes. more so, one which even Adonis never thought off, If he took Fallon as a wife as well, he could grant her the protection of his Domain as well. meaning that the boss could never successfully make her pregnant, no matter how often it bred Fallon, for with in the domain, Adonis could revert time of a body, and condition, thus removing the condition of pregnancy if need be. but this was also something the demon would never think off for himself, but would Maeve like the idea of sharing her man with her sister?

having chosen to leave the chamber while the boss was on the move. Fallon would soon find the door gone, once she left it. this was the first red flag, then as she moved to leave, the dungeon began to change around her very eyes. the floor's changing to tendrils, moving to grasp her ankles, and wrists. the door ways, suddenly becoming like traps themselves, to snare her in webbing if she moved through them. the sound of claws scraping the walls, feet clacking against the hard floor, the familiar sound soon hitting her ears. Fallon would soon find herself against the wall so to speak, to deal with the boss she wanted to avoid.
Local Time:
8:41 PM
Nov 18, 2022
A frown began to form at his reminder that he was cursed to be immortal, but at least she would be safe from getting knocked up, leaves more time for each other anyway, but the thought of how their deal worked did not occur that her sister would be bonded to him as well to protect her. Maeve sighs seeing there was no need to dwell "I am curious to see your shadow versions of the boss, are they as strong as him?" she questions wondering when Fallon will return.

Taken a few steps Fallon sound the chamber changing around her, tendrils grasping upon her body at all angles. She tried to run, jump, climb, anything to find some sense of direction but she wound up snared upon some fashion until having her back up against the wall and in sight of the creature she aimed to avoid. First time was pure luck she out, this time her luck was gone and she was screwed.
Local Time:
8:41 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"no, I myself can over power that fiend. but at most my shadows can only reach about half it's power at full strength. "
as he said this, the demon would reveal he could make them as weak as desired, or increase their strength slowly. revealing this to her, as such, revealing how this boss had grown stronger, simply by training himself against more and more of his shadows. able to make as many as he desired as strong as he wanted, up to a point.

the beast was soon in view, as Fallon would see it calmly approaching her, a vile smirk upon it's maw, showing off all it's vile teeth. more then that, having been grasped, and escaping the tendrils, and odd web like fluid. her armor and covering was mostly torn off, despite some segments still covering parts of her body. the weapon still on her, Fallon would soon find the creature moving to reach for her head, it's massive palm to press into her face, as it's long powerful digits would wrap around her head, to lift the maiden like a toy, if it managed to get ahold of her. as it moved to grasp the fighter's head like a toy to be tossed around.
Local Time:
8:41 PM
Nov 18, 2022
"Well, when Fallon returns, she will be pissy, so best let her battle it out," Maeve spoke, guessing half-power shadows were a good starting point to prepare herself against the boss. "has he returned to his chambers yet?" she questions looking toward the door.

"Shit," Fallon grumbles, looking for a way out, but any direction, she just ended up in a web or hitting the wall again while he was growing closer by the step. At last, she had her weapon and some armor left on her body. As he reached out to pick her up by her head, she swung her sword, slicing into the flesh in an attempt to cut off his hand.
Local Time:
8:41 PM
Nov 19, 2022
managing to severe the one arm, instead of bleeding, the bone would seem to snap the sword at the same time. breaking her weapon, as the nub would seem to sprout several ichor like tendrils. which would whip about. aiming to grasp Fallon, around the head, shoulders, and throat. however even with a broken blade, she could now make an attempt to escape, albeit fruitless. as the weapon did it's job, but broke upon doing so, which showed the mistake for taking such a low tier weapon, instead of one of those higher end ones in the magical bag, back when Fallon had the choice. the tendrils even if they missed their mark could snare her ankles or wrists. as this thing was not like adonis, it would do anything it wanted with out care for her safety or comfort.

Hissing in an excited tone. " You will make an excellent toy woman. Come here and surrender, You will enjoy it. "

"Sadly it has not, however while it is out and about the floor, I am unable to see the floors, due to it's influence, and power over the very nature of the dungeon. "
as he said this, in a serious tone. revealing until the boss returned to it's chamber, he could not see anything out side of his chamber, and domain. even his connection to the shadows outside the dungeon would be severed until the boss returned to it's domain chamber.
Local Time:
8:41 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Success was fleeting but worth a shot with her stupidity in leaving the safety of the demon lord's chambers. She whacked away with the broken weapon, trying to struggle and fight herself free, but she was caught. "Damn you, disgusting brute!" spitting at him in hopes of getting his eye or something so he would drop her and set her free, using her arms to cover herself and keep her legs closed while continuing to fight.

Now Maeve was growing worried "Fallon left..." she murmurs, staring at the door
Local Time:
8:41 PM
Nov 19, 2022
" I can not leave the chamber but you can, If you can find and get ahold of her, I can warp you both back to my chamber. But be warned, I will always choose you no matter what. "
as he spoke, telling her this, the demon did not hide anything from Maeve, however at the same time, nether of them knew, that if Maeve did find her sister, it would be in the middle of the act, and unlike her and adonis, it would be forced instead of pleasantly consensual.

Now struggling as she could, the left arm free, and swinging the weapon. as her right leg was lifted and held tightly, her head partially wrapped with her right arm, . the beast moving the struggling woman into position, as he began to push his all to familiar giant rod deep into her with out remorse. bulging, filling, and extending her belly with it's out line. forcing as deep as it could into the struggling Fallon. as the fiend would not hesitate to push itself into her quickly and painfully, as if moving to stir around her intestines, and guts with each thrust. however each impact of the broken weapon, thudding, and causing small squirts of blood. her spit having little effect, except for allowing the thing's tongue to practically shoot out of it's maw, and down her throat like an arrow. throat fucking, and gagging fallon with out remorse.
Local Time:
8:41 PM
Nov 18, 2022
That option could have been more promising as Maeve had little combat experience and always depended on Fallon for survival skills, so leaving the chambers would lead her to get lost or hurt. "She will come back...right?" she murmured, hopeful. "What if...he catches her?" biting her lip, not to imagine it.

This was a horrid mistake; she should have remained with the lovesick and could then endure this torture. "I will kill any child I bear from you!" threatened just before the tongue went down her throat, gagging her into muffled silence as she was being painfully fucked. Her virgin walls were slicked with blood and juices as the boss forced his way inside her and got himself off on her tightness. Losing the ability to hold her own body, Fallon dropped her weapon while being fucked like a doll, just as the demon lord warned. Her eyes filled with tears from the agony her body was in, and yet she could do nothing.
Local Time:
8:41 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Now with her like this, the one tendril moved up her bound leg, and snaked it's way into her tight virgin ass. as the tip swelled and split open. as it assaulted Fallon's untouched hole. releasing some odd venom into her depths, as the saliva which was coating her own lips, and face with each sloppy thrust, and throat bulging movement. slowly her body began to feel only pleasure, her mind finding a haze filling it, as a strange and unnatural desire to breed this thing began to slowly form with in her. as if it was doing this to her struggling frame in a response to the threat. with her legs kicking about, the one free to kick wildly in the air, the other barely able to move in the embrace of the tendril would allow her boots to fall off, as one foot would lose it's sock the other remained cover. her breast soon feeling a powerful and piercing sensation, as a needle like tendril formed, and pierced into her one exposed breast, as it fucked her nipple, while injecting the same venom which was being pumped into her ass. making the gagging, and slurping victim grow all the more enjoyable. as the thick log of a cock slammed into her over and over, faster, and faster, eventually getting deep enough her body bounced with each audible impact of it's balls into her pelvis.

"That band, will instantly swap you with a shadow if the boss touches you, but it will only work once, so I will re-summon you, if I sense the band breaking. " as he said this, admitting that he would protect, and keep her save, no matter the cost. however outside of the domain, the best he could do was summon her to his domain to protect her. However revealing this, would give Maeve a different option. one which even adonis did not think about. the healer could slip this ring onto her sister some how, be it simply throwing it at Fallon, as long as it touched her sister's skin, it would trigger, as she, and maeve shared blood thus the protective charm would work for ether of them. meaning the auto return summoning charm could be used in a way which Adonis would not think of.
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