Fantasy RP Dungeon of Hero's

Noticing one of the tendrils moving behind her, Fallon tried to kick at it with her free leg, but a sensation made her squeal out in a muffled fashion as her asshole was pierced, followed by her breast being overcome; her wiggles and fighting began to cease as her eyes roll back. Her mind fell into a haze of pleasure; of course, over time, this beast evolved in a fashion to make this breeding process more enjoyable to the body felt safe than in survival mode, so his seed would take. She was limp in his grasp, the venom doing its job of numbing the pain into pleasure no matter how fleeting it may be; he was dealing with a very strong-willed woman, and his biohacking would only work for so long.

"Okay..." Maeve murmurs as she looks down at her band, adoring all the little things he did to ensure her safety. she is not certain going out there is safe, but she has to find Fallon. "Can you still teleport me if I give this band to Fallon instead?" asking of him.
"I can but it will not be instant, so if you do that, I will need you to endure until I can get you back here. "
as he said this honestly, and not liking the idea, but not refusing it ether, the demon would look into her eyes, as he would move to snap his finger, which would create a black swirling vortex, one which would get her as close to the area which her sister could be sense, albeit not close enough to be in view, which could be ether good or bad. However he would grasp Maeve kissing her deeply, before wishing her luck and to come back quickly to him.

now her body falling into a more laxed, and limp state, the way her body bounced, the clothing and armor falling off little by little. the swelling cock could be felt stretching her depths all the more, as the tongue, now had her face looking like it was covered with clear slime all around the lips, and down her chin. the ass dripping pink, thick fluid with each thrust, as a smaller trickle of the same pink fluid escaped her pierced nipple. the beast was inching ever closer to it's release, slowly, and surely filling, and ruining Fallon. as it seemed like her strong will would begin to return the fight to her body, even with the pleasure now over whelming the pain, which could be both good and bad for her.
The thought of enduring anything other than Adonis made her even more nervous, she felt like such a coward not to go out there and save her sister. Fallon would run out there without a second thought. "May...maybe she is okay and made it out with no hiccups," she suggests in full hope. She fiddles with her fingers and then her hair as she stares toward the door. "Should I go out there?" she murmurs.

Even if she woke back up, even if she had a weapon in her hand, it was impossible to get out of this bind; the creature had a firm hold on her body as he was fucking her senseless. All Fallon could do was hope it would end soon and he would let her go. Gasps for air sounded from her muffles grunts and groans of his tongue down her throat trying her best not to pass out from lack of oxygen but already the black spots were forming, her eyes unable to remain open until they rolled closed.
as he moved to place hands on her shoulders, looking into the eyes of his lover, and now domain wife, the demon would speak honestly, and straight forward to her.
"If you do not wish to leave, I will not make you leave, if you wish to find her, and bring her back, we can do that, as long as you wish to remain with me, I can summon you as my life mate back to this domain, as long as you wish to remain mine. " as he spoke telling her this, the demon did not hide his lack of care or more so concern for her sister, as Maeve was the only one he cared for, but he would speak asking if she would be alright if something did happen? or if her sister did not come back, or was found injured? being honest, however the demon would make sure it was known, that the healer was his, and he would face the world to keep her to himself, as long as she wished to be his still.

now her body struggling weakly, and fruitlessly, as the lack of Oxygen began to cause Fallon to pass out for a short while, before the pain would surge her back to the world of the living. well what should be pain, but was over whelming the tongue pulled out of her mouth, and moved to attack her one exposed breast. all the while, the tendril and cock could be felt erupting in her depths, bulging, and deforming the warrior's belly. as it did not relent, instead now the over flowing cum escaped with lewd, moist sounds, as each powerful thrust slammed into her with out remorse.
Staring up to Adonis, he reassured her that as long as she desired to be his, he would do all in his power to protect her as his wife in this domain. "I want to come back. I want to be yours forever, but I want my sister to be safe," she answers him, taking his hands to kiss the tops of them. "I will toss her my band; the second you feel it touch her, flash her back here, then I will shield myself until you get me back here too," she explains to him. Tearing herself from him, Maeve runs out the door, finding the dungeon a hot mess of wild. She struggles against the walls making her way around until finally hearing what sounds more sexual than a battle, leading to the sight of horror; she covers her mouth to silence her scream of her sister being fucked by the boss. Covering herself in shadows she sneaks her way close from behind the boss, removing her band from her ring finger that was shaking from her nerves. With a deep breath, she tosses the band to land directly in the palm of Fallon's hand, out of instinct, her hand clasped around the band. Holding her breath, Maeve crouched down, hiding within the shadows, waiting for Fallon to disappear then herself.
the instant the hand grasped the band, she would suddenly vanish. leaving a puddle of demonic fluid where she was. as the demon roared in aggravation. the echoing power from the boss's roar, would cause the shadow's to dispel. as it suddenly saw Maeve, it's now free tendrils were quick to shoot out tours her next, however the wicked thing would find shadow puppets forming to be grabbed. as they were slowly crushed into nothing. it was not much, however it showed that even with out vision, her demonic lover was protecting Maeve as best as he could. trying to get her back to his domain as quickly as possible. however the fact remained, now the healer would need to move about, to avoid this thing as long as she could. as it crushed, and destroyed every defense which was tossed in it's path. moving to try and capture Maeve, as she was even more ideal then her sister for this fiend, despite being a spoken for woman.

appearing in the chamber, It would be quiet the sight, the demonic form of Adonis in full view, his body cracking, energy and blood spewing out of him, as his power was being exerted to the extreme. trying to get Maeve back as soon as possible, despite the painful interference from the boss. However this was a chance for the fucked silly sister to react herself, as she would land with a painful thud of her ass hitting the floor. as she had endure quiet the nightmare already if it looked as if her sister would soon face the same nightmare.
Letting out an exhale of relief, Maeve felt the second step of this mission was a success, but next followed rather quickly as her shield fell away, revealing her to the beast that was quick to spot her. Scrambling to her feet, Maeve bounced off the walls and through hallways, and the shadows behind her did all they could to slow down the boss. She was trying to muster any of Adonis's power gifted to her, but with the little she had plus him exerting himself, there was little she could do. The boss was gaining on her; she could feel the wind created by his tendrils as they attempted to snatch her. But it was like a map of this dungeon was downloaded into her head, so she was able to miss each one by a hair until she ran directly into Adonis' door that dispersed into shadows, allowing her to pass through while the boss would hit the massive doors like a stone wall. Not realizing she had gotten some cuts and bruising from her flee of life, Maeve crumpled to the floor, panting for air as her heart was racing with fear.

Fallon did not even know what happened; she was falling through the air and then landing right on the floor once again in Adonis' chambers; she could finally breathe, which led to coughing and puking up slimy pink liquid. She was covered in all sorts of liquids, but her body was tremoring from the trauma it had just endured.
as the sisters were now both in the chamber, Maeve would be the one to see the condition Adonis was in. as he panted, holding his hand out tours her. a weak voice echoing what was once a nightmare to hear for any Adventurer. one which would still cause fear to fill Fallon, if she heard it.

"Lord Of Night, Corruption"

with this, the darkness flowed from his bloody body, and rushed over Maeve, fully healing her to the point, where it would look as if she had been untouched, even before leaving the room or being bred with. Yet this would not work on Fallon, for the fighter had not made a pact or deal with Adonis, like her sister to be his.

as this went on, the domain trembled from the constant attacks upon it. the boss trying to force it's way into the domain, but unable to pierce it, at least for now. however eventually the tremors would subside, as the fiend grew tired of the fruitless waste of energy, only to move back on a hunt. however unlike Maeve, Fallon still had a bulging and over filled belly from the demonic cum which was escaping her cunt, as well as how she puked up the pink fluid, which effects had taken hold of her frame. leaving the strong willed maiden in dire need of being properly fucked into a sated state, or endure the growing need, which would cause more mental damage then anything which was the nature of this kind of attack, unless Maeve could remove the effects some how.
Sitting up slowly, Maeve looked up toward Adonis, eyes widening to see his state, but before a word came out of her mouth, he healed her up to total health, allowing her to catch her breath as she got to her feet. She was quick to make her way to Fallon; tying her hair into a low ponytail, she puked up whatever was in her system. Finally getting her to lie back down, Maeve manifested a small bed with pillows and a trash can for Fallon to rest in and properly be examined. Gathering the liquid was a drug inducing a heat-like state. Maeve got her small bag out, making tea to get down Fallon's throat to counter the effects and let her dear sister sleep. Concern for the swollen belly that leaked thick sperm between her sister's legs did make Maeve uneasy; was she already knocked up? For now, Fallon had to rest, and so did Adonis. "Why didn't you tell me this would hurt you so?" Maeve questioned as she came to his side.
A smirk came across his face, as the demon looked to the sisters, mainly Maeve.
"Remember I am immortal, as long as My domain remains, I can heal, physical wounds mean little. but I could not allow you to hold back from making sure your family was safe from fear of hurting me. "

as he spoke honestly to Maeve, The demon would say something almost perversely playful tours her, which was a bit unexpected considering the situation.
"So Once I am all healed up, I think You will have to Endure alot of abuse to make up for this no?" saying this part with a playful wink, and weak kiss tours her, however he would fall into a sitting position, as he breathed weakly, allowing Maeve to concentrate on Fallon's condition and needs right now.
She looked him over, guessing she would have to take his word for it; still not happy, he withheld telling her the cause of what this mission would do to him. Maeve giggles, blushing at his tease, quick to help him sit just as Fallon stirred. She started freaking out at the state of herself "the fuck happened? What is wrong with me!" she squeals, Maeve rushing over to calm her. "Hey, breathe and drink," handing her the tea again. "I can't believe that creature had this much load in him" Maeve mumbles glancing to Adonis wondering if he knew this was it for Fallon.
as she looked tours Adonis he would say something which would be both alarming, and some what relieving.
"All that is, just the boss's Pre seed, be thankful, if it is just that, then the chances of being knocked up would be low. Not Zero but low. "
as he said this to her, the idea that this was but the pre seed, it would hint tours a fate far worse for Fallon if she endured it much longer.

as he said this, the demon's body had already begun to heal, but he was no longer in the human form which Maeve had grown so fond of, however his demonic form was the form which was allowing his body to heal so quickly, as it would cause images for Fallon's mind, of being forced to endure this demon, just like she endured the boss prior. even if it was only a mental image due to the venom still in her system.
The sisters met gazes, both relieved but also terrified if the pre-seed was enough to plant an egg, but Maeve offered a reassuring smile, stroking Fallon's forehead. "Rest, okay? Once you can move, we will rinse you off," speaking softly. Fallon nods her head, returning the smile until noticing the demon lord's true form, she tenses up, staring at Maeve, who simply moves to block her sister's view, "Rest." reminding her as she fixes her bedding. It took some time but Fallon finally fell asleep allowing Maeve to make her way back to Adonis hoping he was recovering "Guess she is lucky, then?" she hums as she took a seat in a chair.
"This time it would seem so, However I do not know if she escaped being successfully knocked up or not, All I can say is that the chances are much lower with it being pre seed. However we got her out of that ordeal before it became to late. so tell me, Do you feel better with her here with us?"

asking this in a soft tone. the form which Adonis was in, would send most adventurers into a fight or flight instincts, which almost happened with Fallon. However Maeve having been successfully claimed, in multiple ways, could see his nature in only one way, or so it seemed. however the demon would stand as he moved tours her. taking slow steady strides towards his woman. before taking hold of Maeve, with ease, lifting her, and moving to sit in her seat, before setting her back down into his lap.

the playful devil moving to tease, and play with her body and hair. as he would speak up.
" You know the best part of being in this form for me, I can pick up scents, sights, and even touching sensations all the more, However How does it feel for your body to be touching one who is deemed by the world as a monster?" asking this to her, as it would be no secret that until fully regenerated both internally and externally, Maeve would be stuck with Adonis in this form.

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