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Fantasy RP Dungeon of Hero's

Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Before she knew it, she was in his lap, which was rather a surprise to her; a feeling of comfort overcame her; usually, a strange doing would lead her sister to decapitate their head in a split second, but Maeve was able to enjoy this. She smiled as she was fed, adorable giggles rising from her as she wiggled in his lap of pure, innocent joy. "This is so yummy," she exclaims, licking her lips, unaware of the growing curse on her soul that would overtake her heart and will to freely fall in love. Love may not be what he truly wants, but he does like a partner who would remain at his side. "So, how many times have you made this deal?" she questions him, meaning that one of the party remains here and gets a free portal ride to the boss room.

A deep sigh sounded as she settled into her chair. Watching Jackal scamper off like the fool he was, she was quite annoyed with him, for it was his fault all this happened. Then a motion sat by her, their group hovering nearby as a pint of beer slid her way, drawing her attention to the feline warrior that had a plan of going into that damn dungeon. Fallon glanced him up and down, then over to his party before humming with a shrug. "I dunno, do you really think you can even get to the mid-boss without dying?" she questioned. A benefit of rushing back in there would not allow fear to slither into her mind along with losing some memory of the paths and enemy. "If so, then I will happily lead you all the way to the top," she adds on.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"You and your sister are the first, I have never ran into any who appeared to have potential. I will admit, your potential for magic, and hers for physical power, I can see true potential to become strong enough for this, However Something about you. Makes me want to just keep you, however even a demon like me has to have some rules, as I guess one cant say we have morals. " as he said this, almost sounding human to Maeve, despite knowing the truth. however the two would spend more innocent like time growing closer like this, as the duo enjoyed each other, allowing the demon's curse to grow more powerful, and influential upon Maeve. at this rate it would only take a day or two, before the two could end up close enough to do something which should be taboo or worse, as if this happened, her fate to remain his and vice versa would truly be set.

"Oh we made it to the mid boss door before, but something truly impressive was felt. we took the expensive way out, and trained before going back. "
as he said this revealing a group class teleportation crystal which would teleport all those registered to the party which used it. he would smile looking to the impressively skilled warrior Fallon. " so what do you think, we giving you enough incentive to ditch the weakling over their, and join us for a dungeon run?" asking this, as jackal was busy doing as he was told. however Fallon could have him wait for her return to this town, for even if the group failed, and she escaped, then perhaps, Fallon could have jackal prepare things for another attempt. as things would play out, the fact remained, in her mind, images of her sister being bound, gagged, whipped, abused, and enjoyed by that fiend would flash in her mind. despite how it was the exact opposite in reality with in the abyss of the hero eater dungeon.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 18, 2022
A blink of surprise crossed her face; he had never made a deal like this before. She blushes as though she feels special and that he is impressed by her magic and her sister's physical battle skills. But she deemed all this play as something to not dwell on; she was seeking information to take back to her sister once they met again; she was already missing her dearly, which led to her eyes darting toward the door. She could not leave; her sister escaped and, knowing that stubborn nag, would return soon before she was properly ready. Maeve nods her head as she looks back at him. "You sound so human; I mean, you can look like a monster and trick like a clever magician, but to me, you don't seem so bad," she shrugs with a smile. "I am glad to keep you company for now."

Downing a few swigs of her beer, she sets the cup down before answering, imagining in her mind these fiends would up and desert her if they saw fit since they teleported out the first round; the mid-boss was not even that scary other than puppeteering Jackal; also tricking her sister. "So teleporting this time around," she demands. "The mid-boss is serious, and the big boss sees anything as a toy to be played with," she explains. "You have to use your wit and your weapon," she told them, her eyes spotting Jackal. If this ends poorly, at least she will have some gear to return to; Jackal can remain here, get a room for them, and get crafting on her supplies. "When can you head out?" she questions.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"We plan to eat a fine meal, and head out after dinner. to enter at night, is the best time, as most upper layer monsters are inactive at night, unlike those in the deeper levels. as we go lower, they go from day dwellers, to nocturnal, well time frame. " as he spoke showing how this group knew their stuff to some degree. yet Jackal would soon be heading back as he motioned for Fallon. asking for a list of how many supplies, and equipment he needed to get. having completed a small portion of the tasks. but now needing to be given a proper list, as it was only a painful reminder of how much her sister did for her with supply management. however this group could give fallon a chance to get her sister back all the quicker, or worse case scenario perhaps their group could help her learn a bit more from the puppeteering prick which took her sister, for another match, as she had not seen his direct way of fighting yet, unlike the true boss, which treated her as a mere child play toy.

in the boss chamber of the mid-boss. . .

"Oh I have a fun, yet evil idea, something the two of us can both enjoy. How about we make a special kind of test. The next group which makes it to our chamber, Have you in a nice little dress, and set up a nice little healing bed, and chair. if they choose to ask for help from you, we let them rest, heal, and challenge the next level, but if they attack you, I can step in, and make them into wonderful show pieces for my collection hmm?" as he said this, Maeve would see the playfully sinister side of this demon, however if she inquired about his so called collection, Maeve would discover that this fiend collected weapons from stronger opponents. not even worrying that much about taking lives, just keep sakes from any who entertained him. however with this kind of deal, it would grant entertainment for the demon, and allow her to help more people escape, and those who did trigger a fight, she could ensure minimal suffering and death perhaps.

as he spoke, asking this, Maeve would be able to notice something a bit unexpected. as she was in his lap, despite how comfortable and safe she would feel. her body had already began to feel a bit of the unfamiliar heat, once again in her core. however slowly forming thus it could be ignored still. however it would also give the innocent healer, a momentary thought of how one could tease this demon and have some more fun, even if it was more innocent in nature, compared to the ideas he shared with her.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 18, 2022
She shot a glare toward Jackal as he aimed for her attention. A beer was enough for now; she had not truly rested, so maybe this was not a good idea. "Enjoy your meal, maybe your last," she spoke as she got up from her chair to meet up with Jackal "Listen to me," grabbing him by the collar of his shirt "get me a quick healing and rest crystal then I will give you the rest of the list I need you to complete" letting him go once finished speaking. If he could get the crystals before the group finished their dinner, she could be properly prepared to watch every mistake they make for her to prevent when she actually tries again for the boss. As for the Jackal scrambling with supplies, he was not accustomed to fetching; Maeve always kept up with their supplies and rather enjoyed shopping wherever they went, so they were rarely low.

Maeve had remained in the demon's lap for some time, enjoying their meal together in this moment of innocent bonding with the beast that she made a deal with. Then an unsettling heat grew in her stomach leading her to slide off his lap, sitting beside him now as she clears her throat finding his plan a rather good idea. I am not a fan of being straight-up bait, and what did he mean by attacking her, like weapons aimed and charging or touching upon her body in hopes of some sex? "You promise to not let anyone harm me?" she questions him, willing to follow his plan.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"Like I said attempt, Their will be no danger to you, unless I am the one to harm you. " as he said this, suddenly shifting his face into something akin to that of a wolf, moving to act as if he was about to bite her head off, only to gently lick her cheek and tickle Maeve. before shifting back to his normal self. winking at her. showing a more playful side, a side which she could perhaps enjoy luring more out in due time. however as he would then get a bit more serious, he would speak to her, about how if they did this their would be one thing that Maeve would need to endure. a small branding or marking. as it would be a special protective rune, one which would ensure that unless they both agree to it. no one with any ill intent could touch her. however it would only protect the healer from all others, but himself. yet the mark would be small, and the pain momentary. as he would then show her, as his claw made the mark on his own finger, as his blood from the mark began to glow as if it was burning hot.

letting Maeve choose to do this if she so desired to enjoy, and perhaps in her own way help others, yet now would be a kind of test one could say. Unaware of just how big of a boost this would be to the growing curse of dark lust with in her soul and heart.


as he would rush off to do this, Fallon was now free to relax in the bar, as the group could be seen getting their order, and other things done. as the one member periodically looked back to fallon, but then went back to his group. time would pass, as they would seem to be nearing the completion of their meal, and beverages. however right before they were finished, Jackal would be rushing back with the requested items. one could say it was just in time.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 18, 2022
The plans felt a little more solid with him ensuring she would be just fine, not actual harm to her as any attempt would leave the party becoming injured or losing their lives. She wondered about this dress he spoke of and why that mattered. She glances down at her attire, which is currently a slim-fitting top with hiking pants, boots, and a bag. Then, in a flash, she saw her life before her eyes as his wolf face lunged toward her, only to end in him offering a lick on the cheek, making her exhale relief but nervously laugh; he had some dark humor. Another choice she had to ponder came to light as he revealed a charm-like mark to set on her as a spell to protect her from ill intent. She tilted her head as he revealed the mark on his finger, making her hesitant, she would dare not ask if it would protect her from him, but she had earned a lot of trust so far; such a question could harm that. "okay, I will feel more comfortable with that mark you speak of" she spoke up glancing at herself again before offering him her hand, unaware he had a choice of where he wanted the mark to be set.

Sitting at the bar, Fallon was growing antsy with each drink she emptied, and no Jackal took a lot to get her drunk. Plus, the crystal would sober her up if he got there in time. She looks over, noticing the empty bowls and plates at the table of the group, leading her to stand up, It is almost time to go. In her hand, she crumpled up the paper list she made a second before Jackal at last appeared, which resulted in her fist relaxing. "Thank gods," she breathes, snatching the crystals from him. "Be sure to get a room, I will come find you," she told him as she handed him the list. Closing her eyes, she absorbs the energy from each crystal, her true strength returning and a healing aura surrounding her. Normally, Maeve did this; these crystals were cheap knockoffs compared to her, but this was all Fallon had.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 19, 2022
his one hand took hers, however the other hand which had the glowing mark on the finger was soon felt right on her neck, as it pressed gingerly right below where the hair line started. a faint sting was felt, as it would hide the devil's seal of cursed protection. as he did this, the devil would then pull her in close with the same hand. as he held Maeve against his warm frame. her body could hear the heart beat, despite how much slower it was then a humans. as he smiled, speaking softly.

"The seal is done, and once the deal is done, it will vanish, as promised freedom will be, but until then you are under my direct protection, thus if you do get hurt at all. I will take all the damage, and you will receive none. "
as he spoke, revealing this to her, it was as if he linked their lives together, in a manor where hers was dominant, and his the sacrifice. however this devil was already being saved one could say by how they were in this tiny chamber. the interaction seemed to be enough to bring back some of his once buried human side. however now the curse would be almost dominant over her heart, and soul with this mark. leaving the only factor left, was for her to choose him over a human, or submit to this devil as a more romantic partner to turn the deal into a permanent master.


"Yes, understood, make sure to be careful and do what we need. "
as jackal spoke up, sounding almost like a goofy, but loyal soldier, he would soon be shoved aside, by the good looking adventurer from the team which wanted her to join their party.

"So then you joining us? I can grant you access to armor and weapon which suits ya, for your aid. but we need to go soon if you are coming. " speaking with some seriously impressive confidence. it would almost make one thing they had a plan, to win atleast against the mid boss, however unlike them. Fallon had experience the dark lord which rules the dungeon first hand, however she would discover a new little fun game her sister, and that devil had come up with all to soon.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Focused on the hand taking hers, she felt her body fall forward as a sharp sting as though a bee landed on her neck; she winced just a little as she landed against his chest, surprised at how little it hurt, but where he put it did strike her as strange. She looked up to him while he further explained how the charm works; no damage would occur to her but would to him. A double-edged sword, if she were attacked, he would end their charge before she was hit, or damage would be done to her, which impacted only him. "you must have great trust in your abilities," she hums with a smile. "So, any idea when the next party may enter?" she questions, not wishing to pose forever on a bed.

With Maeve not around, Jackal seemed to respect Fallon, which made her smile fall when the leader pushed her friend out of the way; they wanted her to join them. "Yes, I will join," she answers in a similar tone as himself, confident and sure she would survive and they would die whether it was their plan for her to be bait or use her in another way. She finishes her last drink, hops off the stool, and is ready to head out once she gets her gear.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"My shadows seem to indicate a rather impressive looking group would be coming soon, and perhaps with a familiar face with them. would you like to see the views?"
asking this, as the playful fiend would wave a finger, holding her close, as he created a small shadow like screen. as it would allow for a blurry image of what his magic showed. it was limited, however this would show maeve his limited view of things. as it was, she would see a glimpse of her sister being approached by some adventurers, which were known by healers, as abusive and womanizing fiends. however the fact they approached a warrior like her sister would be something different.

"Well then, I want you to think of the dress you wish to be seen in, and I will alter your clothing into such a thing. " as he said this, it would be almost like a cute seen with how the devil held her close, and now with the mark added to her neck. the sensation of belonging, safety, desire, and even something more were very strong, yet slowly to fully manifest as to manipulate it, to feel natural.

snapping his finger, the smaller of the group would rush up to take Fallon's hand, and pull her closer to the table with the rest of the party. as they had an artifact grade storage bag. allowing her to reach in, and pulling out the items she desired. for if her arm went into the bag, and her eyes closed. her mind could see the items in the bag. as it was, all very dangerously high grade goods, which meant if they survived she would have to return them, and perhaps pay for any damages, but it would be worth the risk to rescue her sister surely?
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Maeve claps her hands in excitement aiming for no one to harm her and continue on with their quest. She leans forward to seem through the shadow mirrors not minding how close she was to him. For a demon he was quite cuddly but her warm thoughts faded as her eyes widened. There was Fallon with some low life adventurers that victimize women. But why go after a clearly season warrior woman? They usually kept to weak level skilled women. She didnt like this, glancing toward him with a worried look “they are coming here?” She questions him.

Fallon tensed up when she was yanked toward the table, ready to break the little ones neck until presented with their bag. She glances over to the leader and around the group before reaching her hand inside. No way would she go for the highest grade just enough to protect her vital organs and freely move. She added a dagger, shield, rope, and arrows to her weapons. “Mmm you guys get around uh?” Setting her gear on so they could head out.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 19, 2022
hearing this, he would raise an eyebrow, as the demon would then question Maeve after telling her of how this group abandoned a weakened girl prior which the demons living on the outer floor devoured, as the escaped. not even bothering to touch his door after making to the floor. however he would then ask if they are that bad, would she like the privilege to convert them into defenseless women, and send them off to suffer the fate they inflicted upon others, or simply see how fast they fail the first test run of the new game. as he would easily craft a curse mark which she could place on them, to change their forms, destroy their clothing and even swap gender so they can be the victims, which can never touch weapons or armor again. painting a bit of cruel fun which would be against Maeve's nature, but at the same time, it could also allow for her to taste a bit of dark fun, with out hurting any one, so to speak, that is if they fail the new test, or she chooses to just punish them for what they had done prior.

"Well then if you think that all this gear is enough? it seems you chose some flimsy goods. "
as they would look on, waiting for fallon to get herself ready, the group would smile to one another before preparing to leave, asking her to come with them, as the leader of the small group offered her a special badge. one which was known to make one a temporary member of any party, as all parties had them. however this party seemed to have a few of them. as it was, they would smile to one another. as they would seem to be in a hurry to get to the god eater dungeon.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Staring toward the shadow mirror that revealed them heading to this exact dungeon as she heard him explain what they had done prior; what made them think they could best fall on? Her eyes were wide with concern for her sister as she looked back to him at his offers of another curse: treat these beasts as they have treated helpless women. "I would like to see how they pass the first test; just promise me to not only keep me from harm but also my sister, at least when in your domain," she answers him. Turning her attention back to the mirror, she glances over her sister's armor; it was not her usual grade nor material, as though she knew this plan would not work. "She probably is just using them to come see me; she knows they most likely will not get past you," Maeve adds, smiling with pride at her clever sister.

Fallon had every intention of at least making it to the lord's room, checking on her sister, and possibly getting more information about the boss's room. She already felt the soreness between her legs straight from the entrance of the beast's tip, which angered her to march toward the Dunegon ahead. Easily, she led the group through the twists and turns, low-level gremlins in their way, until reaching The Lord's door. Did she pause, covered in blood on her arms and shoulders and an expression of determination. "he is clever," she spoke in warning.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 19, 2022
As she requested this, the demonic fiend would gently run his hand along Maeve's arm. as he spoke in a gentle and soft tone.
"I can only promise to keep an eye on them, and protect her from lethal actions, at least up to my chamber. once past this chamber I become powerless in this dungeon. "
as he was honest, this would mean that once they entered the upper floor, until this chamber, he could allow his shadows to stalk, and watch over Fallon, however it was very unlikely she would need the help. as he would then go back to a lighter, and gentle yet playful tone.

"Well then, Would you like to imagine your own new outfit, for this test, or shall I give my temporary bride to be, a proper alluring outfit?" saying this last part in both gest and seriousness, it would reveal something a bit sudden and unexpected to Maeve. as long as she was willing to remain his companion, this fiend would treat her not as a treasure but a wife? this would also explain why the sudden and over protective nature he showed so quickly. However after the brand being added to her, the gentle way his curse moved through her soul, and heart, with so many boosts. it was now the statement which would seem to cause a fluttering sensation, one of joy? excitement? embarrassment? it would be unknown, however would it show on her, or even be understood?


Despite her skill, knowledge, and expertise, Unlike Fallon, the rest of this small group seemed to struggle a bit. not with the actual fight, but with the organizations. thus once they had her giving proper battle orders, things began to go smoothly. the bodies of the monsters quickly melting into the floors of the dungeon, as it angered the men, as they could not loot the monster cores, like normal. which Fallon of all people would know why. due to the lack of speed, and organization of their actions. it took to long to eliminate all enemies, to get the freedom of time to collect such loot.

"Looks like were finally getting to the door, so any advice, what is he a trickster type? like some kind of slime monster or puppeteer monster?"
asking this, it would make sense to think of such things, however what awaited them in the room was far worse, to say the least, as she knew first hand, but none of them knew the kind of lewd, or perhaps playfully crude trap Maeve would be the bait for.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Reassuring to hear his aim to help and protect Fallon as much as his power could reach, she did appreciate it. Of course, the topic was brought up about her attire, drawing her to look at her body before eyeing the door. "I want to make them hungry to touch me," she smirked, narrowing her eyes as she wanted him to attack the group, as Fallon would immediately notice the trick. But will she advise the group to remain back or keep her mouth shut for her own benefit? What did stump her was his mention of the bride; she looked back to him, knowing he had no ill intent of taking her virginity for himself, at least not yet, but may change once he sees her attire and other males' attempt to ravish her.

Fallon did not have time to waste on the loot these men wanted too desperately; she needed to see her sister but did not inform the group that her sister was indeed trapped in there. "Puppeteer and mind fucker" she answers. She gazes up at the door, her bow and arrows becoming sheathed as she goes to open the door.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 19, 2022
As the entire room became blanketed in darkness, An oddly gentle and warm sensation would engulf Maeve. as the room itself became as dark as the abyss. nothing could be seen. however she could feel everything, as if Maeve suddenly had echo location. discovering that Adonis was now giving her a small ability to tap into his own ability to see through the darkness by sound when the trap was set. As the alluring scenario would form to the will, and mind of Maeve. as such it would appear as she would imagine to make herself as tempting as possible, however as the door's creaked open. the one opening it first would be her own sister, before the men behind fallon came in, whistling at the glowing room.

as the door's opened slowly, by the effort of Fallon, the familiar dark room greeted her, one which hid her sister, more then that, the blue and pink flames would begin to light up, leading to the room. the look of it changing, to something from a lewd romance story. as she would soon bare witness to her sister's outfit, as well as how it would tempt these brutes with her, as they would show their true color at the first chance to see a potentially innocent and vulnerable victim. as such it would appear like maeve was a piece of meat yet enjoyed by this unseen boss.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Set up on her comfy bed that was littered with beautiful colored sheets and pillows, feathers like, she could not see a damn thing and yet could feel the room itself. She glances around, wondering where Adonis wandered off to, but the opening of the doors snapped her to attention, adjusting her position to feel comfortable in a side lay. Her outfit was that of lingerie more like teasing her curving and assets to the eye. Of course, her face flashed red seeing her sister at the door, but so were the men behind her as they filed it. She sits up a little, running her hand over her legs as she looks toward the men and ignores her sister, not a word spoken by her. On a platter before them, were they dumb enough to fall for it that would lead to their doom? Fallon, on the other hand, was glancing around the room trying to find the Lord, knowing full well he put Maeve up to this, using her beauty as bait.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as the largest man stood by Fallon, he held his hand up, keeping his men from moving upon this woman. as he looked to Fallon.
"You said this was a tricky one, shall I take it this is a trap of some kind? and your facial reaction you know this girl, or is this an illusion?"

asking this, the other two seemed to be drooling, one even licking his dagger in excitement. as they were waiting to pounce, however as Maeve presented herself, it was becoming very obvious, that if not for the warning from Fallon prior to opening the door, at least two of these men would be upon Maeve almost instantly. this would be when, Maeve would hear a soft gentle voice in her ear, asking if she wished to give them an offer, any she can come up with, to see if they are worthy of sparing, or sending to the next room, however he also painted an image of swapping places with maeve, so he could make an illusion double of her the instant they tried to attack to give a front how seat to the view of a monsterized maeve beating them down, which would be as comical, as it was troubles. the image of a tiny girl beating these giant men into submission, even if it would be her companion masking itself as her, if they tried to attack maeve.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 18, 2022
They caught on, which was a surprise, Fallon had to give them some credit for that but there was a reason this was The Lord's trap so she offered a shrug "I mean, it could be a trick or he is being nice to offer a beautiful girl before you all die" looking over to three of his men. They were shivering with excitement to pounce on her innocent sister, who was just ready to be taken advantage of.

Maeve glances to the side when she hears Adonis speak to her; she did like the idea of these men being beaten to a pulp as Fallon had already caught onto the trick and was playing alone. She nods her head very subtly to teh second option, unaware she actually had grown quite wet from this exciting plan of his.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 19, 2022
As she said this, Maeve would suddenly her own voice, even though she was not speaking. a dark vortex forming before the bed to one, side, and a pink one to the other, with her in between. as the voice spoke in an alluring almost tempting tone.

"Brave heroes who come to seek justice or treasure, head into the abyss to challenge the true ruler, go into the vortex of passion to gain rewards, but be warned it is a reward for only one, or. . "
as the voice spoke, it would be the right moment for Maeve to move her own hand on her frame to seductively tempt the men once more. all the while, her sister would be able to see this. three kinds of ends so to speak. those who were to greedy could fall prey to the pink vortex, those who chose the black for glory would be right in the palm of the true boss, which Fallon had taken the last time herself. however it would seem as if Maeve herself was a helpless victim ripe for tenderizing. as it is, the men seemed more tempted by the allure of Maeve.

Now the final bit of the bait to have fun would be Maeve's next course of action, as if she lured even one of them to try and touch her, they would get adonis's wrath upon them, in the form of Maeve herself, giving his woman quiet the show. yet it was unknown if any of them would take the portals or the easy prize. The key to the show would be the actions taken by Maeve, and the words from Fallon, playing the experienced guide for the group. However if the group was taken care of, she could at least stay in the chamber and visit with her sister for a bit.

( I leave the choice of our small group to you wink wink. )
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 18, 2022
With the offer set before them, Maeve took her queue in stride, moving to crawl at the end of the bed, sitting in a fashion to spread her lips and reveal her clothed pussy for the taking. She was too alluring to pass up for any boss or loot they could desire. Of course, this was leaving Maeve feeling very wanting for once; she wanted to be touched and adored, but not by these men. Adonis could easily create an illusion to occupy her sister while he handled his needy bride-to-be.

Fallon crosses her arms as she watches the men charge their way toward Maeve, who does not flinch at their approach until they are a fingertip away. A massive hammer would slam one in the head, the other beaten to a pulp with a spiked bat, and the last taken out with his own dagger. Skills Maeve herself was unable to truly do unless Adonis made a version of her that could.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as she looked on, the one which got to her, would lung upon maeve, however as it appeared to be pinning her, the real maeve would notice how she had quickly been moved and hidden from view. the pink vortex had converted to a small barrier for her, one like a dress, which protected, and kept her from view. however the strongest of the group was lifted by the fake Maeve by the shadow double from her master. as the man pinched and kicked the fake girl smirked, and tossed the tall man aside. her one arm shifting to a massive mallet like claw. as she walked tours the massive muscular brute. a single eye with a glowing, pink flame leaving a light trail as she moved. all the while, Fallon was beating on the other two, who one was already taken out by his own dagger, the other injured by the bat but not out.

as it would be quiet the show, if She wanted to watch, or enjoy her partner. Maeve would find the real body of Adonis moving behind her. his hands gently wrapping around her. one hand moving to gently play with her like he originally did with jackal as his puppet. this time it was his own hand. his lips moving to kiss her neck playfully. as he asked if she wanted to see any kind of special adjustment to the sight of her double beating on them?

asking this, in a gentle and playful manor, the double would even attack Fallon once the other's were taken care of, but would take a short bit of time, as the strongest fighter of the group stood, even if injured to deal with the monster maeve, and fallon. all the while the dungeon boss, rubbed himself against Maeve, asking if she felt like a bit of excitement. nothing was as fun as making passionate love with the risk of being caught, teasing her like this. It was clear he would not take her, with out consent, yet his teasing would seem to only play on the sensation she felt, the words he used, and feed to the idea which was once a weaker idea when this first started. the idea of turning this demon into a true and gentle man to live with outside of the dungeon, as his curse had made a fleeting momentary thought into something far more lewd, and enjoyable.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 18, 2022
At the last second, Maeve flinched but then felt a warmth around her that revealed she was safely moved to a location hidden from view as the monster copy of her took out the ones that dared an attempt to touch Adonis's dear partner. As she watched the show unfold, she was not a fan of gore, but these men deserved it. Soon enough, she felt Adonis behind her, this time, finding his touch welcoming, craving even as she felt his lips upon her neck. She presses her body back into his frame, allowing herself to keep his growing excitement from seeing her sexy attire along with possibly sensing her arousal. "I am quite wanting right now" she would admit in a whisper, a cute grin on her face.

Currently, she was more focused on Adonis, no longer watching as now Fallon was being attacked by monster Maeve, defending herself and aiming killer blows any chance she had. Fallon knew this was a trick, fake, as no one could ever turn these two sisters against each other.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as the fight continued, Fallon would find each blow of the bestial sister did not have any intent to kill or harm behind it. but was more of a show, however the fact remained, as this happened the injured members of the party which did not fall yet. would move to try and help Fallon fight this thing. despite how his one arm had been shattered, hanging limp at the shoulder. unlike his men which had become dead weight, or corpses. this was the only one which showed some restraint, unlike the rest. as he had his skillful movement with his weapon, in one arm.

"I will help you, we need to escape Fallon. The portal is still their, do you know how to escape from deeper floors, or can you get ahold of the crystal from the tank's satchel?"
saying this, as he rushed in to parry the attack aimed for fallon. unlike when it struck fallon, the hits on the injured warrior, took harder hits, making it appear to this adventurer that Fallon was far stronger then she actually was, with how she easily dealt with the attacks. giving her a choice, as to turn on the last member, or help this one, escape, as the ones which attacked her sister, and even lacked proper respect had been dealt with.


hearing her words, a playful sensation would soon be felt, as a shadow chair was formed. thus allowing Adonis to pull Maeve into his lap, as she suddenly felt his thick monstrous member dig completely into her in one go. however as her belly bulged visibly from the outline of this piercing sensation, she had her lips locked in a kiss right before the penetration, thus silencing any potential scream with a passionate, and loving kiss. however once the sensation would subside enough enough, the kiss would break, as it revealed how he extended his neck like a snake.

"Oh my, I think we might need to stay still, once you feel ready, comfortable enough to move." saying this, the taking of her innocence had finalized the curse with in Maeve. now having been successfully and fully claimed by adonis, she was now permanently his, even though he claimed that he was hers, even with how he set up the protection. the fact remained, in truth she was now property to this devil, despite how he treated her like a lover.
Unaware of it, nether of them knew, that the thought of him making Maeve a woman, would be even more of a trigger for Fallon, but to try and attack adonis, or to try and free her quicker, and get into a worse scenario?
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Finding these attacks were more staged than meant for harm, she felt the shift in atmosphere when the last crew member remained standing, which was unexpected but also not helpful. She eyes the portal doubting she would be able to backtrack if caught by that damn boss again; he had pure intent of knocking her up and using her as a cock sleeve. The thought made her shiver and freeze up for a moment; she would never get in there blind again. Using the Maeve monster to deliver a blind blow when he was distracted, stabbing an arrow into his throat and slicing it so he would bleed out. "Sorry, I got other plans," she said, the last words he would ever hear.

Back in the dark shadows of the room, Maeve felt herself being pulled into the frame of Adonis, only to find her legs parted over his lap to allow his monstrous girth to enter her virgin depths. Her eyes were widened by shock and pain at the sensation of her cherry being popped and her depths stretched out in such a way of being unprepared. Luckily, his deep kiss silenced her scream and squeals of pain, her eyes tearing up a little from it all. When he finally broke the kiss, she grasped her hands on his chest, afraid to move at all with him inside her, unaware of what this officially made her to him. A toy that he had permanent ownership over, yet he would treat her as a bride. Maeve stares at his face. "Th-that...this was a bit unexpected," she admits in a soft voice, not even sure what to do.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"This is the first time for both of us, and it is best to make love to only one proper partner, so once you feel prepared, we can move. However ."
as he said this, moving a faint bit inside of her, as Maeve soon found herself moved, and repositioned slightly to face her sister, however her now demonic husband would vanish from sight. as he would move to make it so that it would appear to Fallon, as if Maeve was sitting alone in the pink vortex, while the double of Maeve would be their in the room. as the make shift floor boss, it could attack fallon some more, or she could ignore it if she wished to try and free her sister from the pink vortex with a simple attack on it. however if she did attack and break the pink window like vortex it would reveal her sister impaled on the demon, and a facial expression of a properly pleased, and passionate maiden turned woman.

however the double of Maeve would move to attack and distract Fallon some more, if she approached the pink vortex. despite how this thing was only as agile, and fast as Maeve was, being the weakness of this shadow puppet. all the while, it would be up to Maeve when she was ready to move, or be moved, after being repositioned carefully in the lap of her dark lord and room companion.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 18, 2022
The news gave Maeve more shock that this was a first for him. He must have known the second he saw her come into the chamber that she was his soulmate, but that made her uncomfortable that her fated soulmate was a demon lord of all people. She whined a little when he shifted her just a bit to be able to face her sister, which did not help the situation of him being inside her. Closing her eyes, she took in a deep breath, moving her hips a little before lifting herself from his lap and then coming back down, which she slowly repeated. Of course, the first few strokes were painful, but soon she would pant out very quiet moans, hoping he would take over when he was ready.

Fallon, on the other hand, was growing annoyed with this meaningless battle until spotting a shift in the pink portal to see her trust sister awaiting her. "Okay, I am done with this," swiping as the fake Maeve tried to make an opening for the portal. Yet some how the damn monster was able to block her each time.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 19, 2022
As the double of Maeve's one arm whipped around, the fingers elongating into impressive whip like tendrils, as they lashed out to disarm Fallon. even aiming to grasp her ankles, and wrists. the mace like hand would move to aim for the mid section to knock the wind out of her. Yet at the same time, it would seem like the clone got rougher, and more serious each time it defended the pink vortex. all the while with in it, Adonis took hold of Maeve by the hips. slowly lifting, and dropping her. as he spoke softly into her ear.

"Make sure to tell me if this becomes to painful, we can stop until you feel more pleasure then pain. "
saying this to her, as he began slowly, and shallow in movements. it was unknown to the duo, however by the time, Maeve would give into the lust completely, and lose herself to the pleasuring act, and passion which was the first session she was sharing with this monster. would be when the shadow copy of her would grow weak enough for her sister to slay, thus acquiring the boss chamber blessing a second time. as this would give her a unique buff which would last until she left the dungeon. Unlike the prior one, which was given on purpose, the sensation of this blessing was unknown. if Fallon didn't find out before hand one could mistake this as the protective blessing she had from adonis prior, despite it being an random one.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Leaning her body against his chest, resting her head on his shoulder as he began to move her at a perfect pace for her virgin body to grow accustomed to, her pants growing to quiet moans beginning to enjoy his monstrous cock inside her. She gripped her hands on the arms of the chair they sat in together, opening her eyes a little to his way, and drew a smile that led her to lean in and kiss him. Maeve never has given herself to another man, mostly due to how overprotective her sister was. While this was happening, her shadow self was beginning to weaken in its strikes and defenses allowing Fallon to at last defeat the beast. Pinning it down under her foot where it instead vanished for it was not dead in a sense, Fallon look up at the pink vortex "maeve!" she calls out.
Local Time:
4:57 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Now getting more and more lost in her first ever sexual interaction, and with a demon at that. Maeve would feel how his hands supported, and teased her elegant yet alluring body so gently. all the more, The healer would begin to feel a new almost alien sensation growing with in her, however the fun would seem to suddenly stop before a proper release could be felt for the first time. as he nipped at her ear, even teasing maeve a bit, as he asked if she wanted to give Fallon a show, or simply put this on pause until they were alone again?

as she called out, Fallon's eyes would catch faint glimpses of what looked to her like shadow tendrils with hands formed on the ends reaching around her. on the outside it would look as if she was about to be assaulted against her will, at least from the outside onlooker. however the truth of what was happening inside the vortex was worlds different then what her mind would think was happening, or perhaps it was closer to what her mind was fearing. as such it would be easy to slash through the vortex, or smash through, to break the illusion, and catch the two in the act, or she could demand they come out to greet her.
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