Anime RP Heroic Endeavours, Villainous Ideas (Fae)

By the time she’d finish his hand print on her ass was perfectly defined, even as he gently prodded it to see her reaction to the pain “Mmm… you seemed to enjoy your punishment too much, my pet… I think you need another.” This time the strikes were a leather riding crop, and we’re significantly harder.
He grinned, giving her one last teasing lick before moving out of her reach, the leash holding her back “Mmm… delicious. Now, you be a good girl and think of all the ways you can please me for when I get back, yes?” He told her, before leaving the room.

Chayot yawned as she woke up, sitting and having to take a moment to remember both why she was still in her work uniform and why her hips were aching.
She whined when he left, but that's all he would hear from her for the time being, until he returned.

Zach was surprised she woke up, and he sat up straight. "Chay-" he began remembering what had happened, Ares..Orion- and Artemis. He hated how they as superhumans abused the common folk - and other superhumans as well who were weaker. He hated mainly Ares- unaware of his devious and ill intentions.
XD Derp alright, I know it's been a bit, brain fuzzy)

Zach nodded, relieved to see her alright, "I'm fine..I've just been worried about you since I took you from the hospital, and you've been out cold since we got home," he reminded her gently, holding her. He would have removed her clothes and put her in something more comfortable, but he was worried about hurting her further.

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