Anime RP Heroic Endeavours, Villainous Ideas (Fae)

He did exactly as she had asked, and soon the midwife was there with the necessary items to help Chayot with the delivery. She shooed Zach out of the way and prepared Chayot further, administering some painkillers for her contractions to make it easier on her.

Zach remained by Chayot’s side though, letting her squeeze his hand, watching the midwife deliver their child.
The midwife cursed slightly, administering the highest level she could go, knowing it wouldn’t be much of a reprieve but it’ll have to do. The babe’s head could be seen and she then encouraged Chayot to push more.

Zach just squeezed her hand more and began to give her more strength due to his healing capabilities, wanting her to get through this.
The midwife cursed, realizing there were complications. "I'll have to perform a c section on her..." she told Zach quickly, and Zach stopped her, "Fuck that, I'm taking her to the hospital!" he said and picked Chayot up, using his powers to teleport to the hospital lobby and he cried out for help. The nurses were stunned to say the least but they helped Zach immediately, taking Chayot to the emergency room and began the procedure of taking the child out by c section, but this time, with more drugs, and more hands to help. The baby was taken out of Chayot's womb and was tended to instantly while the others sewed Chayot back up, worried about her having so much blood loss. They knew they would have to set up a blood transfusion right away, unless they wanted to lose her.

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