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Fantasy RP In the Heart of the Pridelands (Rhys)

Local Time:
12:02 AM
Nov 10, 2022
Therin felt Cylvie step forward and pull him back slightly, his eyes looking down at her frame in a moment of confusion. Hearing what came out of her mouth next, he..was..happy in a sense to have her defend him when no one else was saying anything- too scared to mention it.

The pride leader- gave a low growl as he was still in his lion form, but he shifted to a tall man, filled out strong with many, many scars. He looked down at Cylvie and he smirked a little, Marcus was amused. This tiny thing was threatening him? Like she could do anything. But then he felt the gaze of the elders and he looked over his shoulders.

“Well,” he looked back to her, “me being disloyal? Honestly..I’m just choosing what is best for my pride and those like you and him- are making it harder to keep the pride safe.” He looked towards the rogue male that had been killed by Therin.

That was it. Therin couldn’t take it anymore and he growled lowly to Cylvie, “You better be prepared,” and he pulled from her hand, taking his own hand and pushing back Marcus, his eyes level with the man he once called a friend.

“Choosing best for your pride..you’re dividing it-“ he snarled, and the two males were definitely about to start fighting, and Cylvie could see that. But Therin was already injured- yet he didn’t care.

Marcus looked at Therin and snarled in reply, “You know, I was going to spare her- but I think she’ll be the first to go instead,” and Therin didn’t want that to happen- and Cylvie would see Therin’s form flash, before in his lion form again and suddenly pinned down the pride leader- and everyone was tense now, some supporters of the pride leader were getting restless, but they knew this was a fight of power now. Whoever won..their loyalties would either shift or stay the same.
Local Time:
2:02 AM
Dec 15, 2023
Cyilvie gasps, feeling Thornclaw slip from her grasp. She didn't want to see another fight, but, she supposed this one was nessicary.

Though, once the leader made a threat against her, she knew that if she was in her lioness form, her hackles would have raised. She wondered if the leader actually though his height shared her, because it didn't, it just made her more pissed off that he thought he could cow her by towering over her.

She gasped sharply when Thornclaw lunged forward, shifting her form as well and backing away. She crouches low, growling deep in her throat. She tenses, wanting to stop Thornclaw, prevent him from getting hurt. But she felt as if this had been building up for a while, felt as if it needed to happen.
Local Time:
12:02 AM
Nov 10, 2022
The males fought forever it felt, each one getting more injuries- and some supporters of Marcus even tried using Cylvie as bait for Therin- knowing that he would be distracted by her— but he knew she could hold her own for the time being. At least, he hoped.

He eventually pinned down Marcus, and he leaned close, his sharp fangs near the male’s neck. “Now, I don’t want more deaths on my name than I need to, so I’m going to give you a choice-“ he could feel Marcus struggling but he also knew that this was the end for the pride leader, that after this, technically Therin would take that place.

“You either take your supporters with you and leave far away from these lands, or if you choose to fight still, I will kill you and anyone who is loyal to you,” he snarled lowly, almost to where no one could hear. But Cylvie would.

“If you ever decide to come and attack us again I will also kill you then and there..don’t think I’ll forget your fucking ugly face,” Therin threatens yet again and you could hear Marcus laughing, almost in mockery- “It’s a shame father didn’t kill you when you were born..could’ve avoided this,” and with that, Therin looked super confused, shocked even.

But he didn’t let his guard down, knowing that made it all the worse in his mind. “Even if I am related to you- to treat your own flesh and blood like this!” He snarled, digging his claws into Marcus’ shoulders more, and Cylvie would see that Therin wasn’t letting up any time soon.
Local Time:
2:02 AM
Dec 15, 2023
Cyilve snarled at the lions circling in on her,poking at her. Her claws slashed out, swiping away anyone who got too close. She circles around, tail lashing.

She turns towards Thornclaw, padding closer to him, head held high. she stares down at the pride leader, a male she had once thought kind and welcoming. But now saw him for the bitter, selfish male he was.

She gives Thornclaw a sharp look, and then sits down licking her paw. She watches Marcus, licking her maw and yawning. "No one here will. Everyone will remember the lions that tried to control them." Her tail flicks with irritation.

She notices the look on Thornclaw's face and then growls, pressing her nose into his uninjured shoulder, carefully pushing him off the defeated male. "You have tens seconds to flee this camp before I start chasing you down. If I catch you before You've left the territory, you'll see first hand how I hunt." She crouches low, muscles rippling and tensing.

"And that I don't need someone to protect me."
Local Time:
12:02 AM
Nov 10, 2022
Therin was snarling still, but the moment Cylvie came and pushed him off, he let her. He then turned to face her, his own form crouching low, letting her do as she pleased. He watched Marcus as he got up and look between both Therin and Cylvie.

The others who did support Marcus were few and far between. Some elders, other younger warriors- but they all left sulking low and out of the pride lands, and Therin made the order for Cylvie to make sure they get out of their territory.

He went after Cylvie, the whole rest of the pride could finally breathe- as that tension was over.

Therin wasn’t worried about Cylvie’s safety, as he was distracted with making sure Marcus’ scent was gone from these lands as soon as possible.

It wasn’t until much later he had returned, and as he padded into the clearing, the remaining pride members bowed their heads to him, showing respect.

He didn’t want this, but if it was true that he was related to Marcus- no matter how he hated it— he would have to be both shaman and pride leader for now, until he could have an apprentice for the shaman role.
Local Time:
2:02 AM
Dec 15, 2023
Cyilve launched forward after the ten seconds ran out, shifting into her human form. Smaller, though slightly longer legs made her faster in this form. She didn't really know how it worked, because almost every other lion-shifter she met had been faster when in their animal form. Yet, she was faster on her two feet.

The thrill of the chase, he blood pumping, heart racing and breath even in her chest. It made her feel alive, and she let out a shout of pleasure as she chased the ex-pride mates from the territory. She ran a few steps past the border before shifting into her lioness and padding back into the safety of the invisible barrier of scent.

She watches Thornclaw remark the borders, her tail swaying slowly side to side. She followed him for a few moments before turning and running back to the camp. She pants softly, tossing her head slightly.

She purrs softly when Thornclaw makes it back, sitting in the center and keeping her tail tucked close, "You don't have to have the burden alone, you know?"
Local Time:
12:02 AM
Nov 10, 2022
Therin padded towards her, dipping his head in thanks. “I know, and-“ he looked up at her, his sharp green eyes falling on hers- “I truly appreciate it,” he says and turns to look at who were remaining- which was quite a few to be honest.

“From this day forward, Lighting Pride’s ideals will change- no longer are we here to be the strongest or as ‘quick as lightning strikes’-“ he scanned the crowd’s faces before continuing- “but we will become a light in the darkness for anyone who needs it,” his mane bristled out slightly as he roared out, “As the moon shines to guide you in the darkest of nights- so will we! We are Moonlit Pride!”

Therin roared with the others of his pride- now renamed- he knew the other sigil- pride allegiance on their arms would change because of the pride leader.

It was a crescent moon with claw mark over it, and he knew this was magic based so he was very thankful they didn’t have to worry about the other sigil.

Therin also made it so where anyone could use whatever name they preferred- be it pride name or their human form name- no one was confided to one set name at all.

At the end of the day he eventually retired to the den where they all shared, but he didn’t mind sleeping where Marcus had. He had mentioned that in the morning he would choose his deputy as the one they did have went with Marcus as they left.
Local Time:
2:02 AM
Dec 15, 2023
Cyilve sits down and licks her side. She looks over to the rabbit she had caught, thankful it still remained in one piece. She picks it up and after a long moment takes it to the elders den, dipping her head to the few remaining behind. "I. . . Thought you guys would appreciate this. And maybe share it with the birthing mothers."

She purrs softly, lifting her chin slightly. After a moment, she turns and pads after Thornclaw, "So, I guess that is decided. . ." She stretches, "I think I'm going to go hunt a little bit more, then comeback for the night."

She tilts his head and then leaves the camp in a few bounds, trotting across the land in each of prey.
Local Time:
12:02 AM
Nov 10, 2022
Thornclaw watched her pad away and he eventually went to lay down, curling up in the center of everyone who decided to turn in for the night, knowing those who were on watch duty would make sure nothing would come to harm the new pride.


It wasn’t until newleaf (spring), and Therin had decided to just remain ‘Therin,’ he didn’t mind that others still called him Thornclaw- well, now ThornStar, given his pride leader name. He still felt it was all too soon for him.

And he had eventually gotten an apprentice, thankfully they were old enough to easily have Therin transition over the position come late greenleaf/leaffall (summer/winter).

He had made Cylvie his deputy and he was very relieved to have someone like her to help him out, for he was worried that all of this was too much, but things had become easier when he finally was able to put his shaman duties behind him and just focus on being the pride’s leader.

Now- it was spring time, and for lionesses— it was their heat season. And Therin definitely didn’t have his shortage on choosing- for the males that had remained in the pride already had mates of their own at that point, and he was very open to the idea of increasing numbers with other males rather than just being him like a traditional pride leader would. And everyone was fine with this, surprisingly enough.

Therin during the later hours of the day was down by Moonlit Falls (renamed from lightning strike falls) and he was taking in the cool water as a drink from the heat of the day- for this new leaf was hotter than most, and he was worried about wildfires come green leaf- but their den was protected high up on the hill of the ravine, so they should be alright- along with their escape route he had made in the den as well.

He heard Cylvie approach and he turned to greet her, “Good afternoon, Cylvie-“ he purred deeply, flicking his tail gently behind him, despite his efforts of not— he had begun to actually have a fondness for the lioness before him.
Local Time:
2:02 AM
Dec 15, 2023
Cyilvie had yet to choose a mate herself, trying to keep herself open to finding someone she would spend her life with. Tell her secrets, have a family, be the rock in the every rushing river of life.

Being deputy was. . . Very different. A large step up from the outcasted hunteress she had been. She'd made friends, went on hunts with others, organized the pride.

While turning at times, she enjoyed the work, even took on her first apprentice (as Theron put it; she needed to learn to teach one kit before guiding a whole pride).

Eventually, spring came, a long with it, more hunting and birth of new kits. As well as more females getting ready to try and move to the mother's den. Cyilvie, while she had spent spring with other makes before, found it had to try and find one for this cycle.

She needed space and made her way to the falls, hoping to get a cool dink and clear her mind, and body, of any thoughts and feelings. Though, she was pleased when she found Therin there.

She jumps down a few rocks, purring, "How is our oh, so, benevolent leader today?" She teases, leaning down to lap at the pool of chilled water.
Local Time:
12:02 AM
Nov 10, 2022
He gave a soft chuckle in reply and rolled his eyes slightly, “Me? Benevolent?” He shakes his head, “I think you are far too kind with your words,” he teased back to her, and he stretched.

When she was done lapping at the water he greeted her like he did everyone else in his pride, with a bunt of his head against hers, purring deeply. Their pride had definitely flourished after last leaf-bare, and he couldn’t have been happier.

Although this bunt of affection wasn’t just ‘pride leader to pride member’ type, one could easily see how his affection and fondness had grown for Cylvie, even if he didn’t outright admit it.

“And how have you been, oh wise deputy of our pride?” He teased her back with a soft growl, wondering if she would catch on to his teasing nature.
Local Time:
2:02 AM
Dec 15, 2023
Cyilve lifts her head and lets out a laugh, gently bunting back against Therin. She purrs slowly, closing her eyes for a moment. "I think you are very benevolent. Much more so than I am wise."

She looks up at him, sitting down and pulling her tail close. Deciding to play along for a moment, "But ,oh, maybe I am blinded by your secret cruelties and horrors."

If she was in her human form, she knew she would be smirking, but for now, her tail was just curling slightly with amusement.
Local Time:
12:02 AM
Nov 10, 2022
Cylvie would see him give out his own laugh, and he shakes his mane, soon looking to her face as she saw him crouch slightly. “And what horrors and cruelties do you possibly mean?” He asked, still in that playful tone of his- Cylvie knew that crouch- he often play fought with the younger cubs in the pride, usually showing them a fun way to learn fighting skills.

He was waiting to pounce on her, wanting to tease her further so they could play fight. He definitely enjoyed doing so- now that Marcus had been gone it lead to Therin to have a more playful nature than his former self, and he was much more approachable to say the least.
Local Time:
2:02 AM
Dec 15, 2023
Cyilve rolled her eyes, "Oh, batting the cubs around, working us all to the bone." She shifts her front paws forward, shifting her body to somewhere between sitting and laying down.

"Never getting a moment of rest-" She holds in her laughter, green eyes glittering as she stares at Therin.

She knew what he was thinking, and she was more than welcome to join into the rough housing the male had planned. Her lean muscles tenses and flexed slightly, preparing for the other to pounce
Local Time:
12:02 AM
Nov 10, 2022
Therin gave a soft chuckle and his tail was flicking side to side as he carefully looked over her body. “Mm..then you should be prepared….” He trailed off before he pounced on her-

“For anything!” He lightly roared out, easily dwarfing Cylvie as he pounced- but he knew how quick and nimble she was compared to him- even if he had been the same in his own way. He aimed to roll her over so he could pin her down to the ground.
Local Time:
2:02 AM
Dec 15, 2023
Cyilvie laughs, rising and twisting, aiming to push her paws into Therin's chest. But she overestimated his size and missed, his body collided with her's.

They rolled, Cyilve letting out a playful yowl. She pawed at Therin's fur as they tumbles, kicking at his soft underbelly. But he was bigger, and stronger, managing to pin her under him.

She huffs, batting her paw at his face, snapping her teeth at him.
Local Time:
12:02 AM
Nov 10, 2022
Therin pinned her beneath him and he looked down and gave her a playful nip of her ears- “What- you’re giving up this easily?” He teased, letting up on her slightly so his full body weight wouldn’t be crushing her- but he didn’t realize he left an opportunity open for Cylvie— she could easily push him up and flip the situation around so to speak.
Local Time:
2:02 AM
Dec 15, 2023
Cyilvie purrs, "No, I'm not." She bats at his face again, tail lashing through the dirt as her purr turns into a playful growl.

She leverages her hind legs under Therin, giving a powerful kick and flipping him. She places her paws on his shoulders, pushing him into the dirt and flicks his nose with her tail.

"I never give up."
Local Time:
12:02 AM
Nov 10, 2022
He blinked as he realized she flipped him around, and as he hit the dirt underneath him- he gave a soft grunt in response- laughing as she flicked his nose with her tail.

“Okay okay- you win,” he purred out in a low tone, his eyes shining up at her- he soon shifted back to his human form and smirked once she was no longer pinning him down and he slipped away, and he attempted to tackle her back down once again- hoping to have the element of surprise.
Local Time:
2:02 AM
Dec 15, 2023
Cyilvie purrs when he admits defeat, letting off him slightly. She lets out a "Murp" of surprise when he slips away. She shifts back into her human form, turning to try and find him.

She yelps in surprise when he tackles her from behind, stumbling forward, causing both of them to splash into the water.

She lets out a shriek as the cold water envelopes her, laughing and pushing at Therin, "No fair! You said I won!"
Local Time:
12:02 AM
Nov 10, 2022
He was laughing after they had stumbled into the water, and he looked to her once she pushed him back- "Ha! I told you to be ready for anything-" he teased and splashed more water towards her for a bit. His laugh was infectious and playful all at the same time. He then aimed to grab her from behind once more, trying to pull her down into the water with him.
Local Time:
2:02 AM
Dec 15, 2023
She huffs, "Still not fair! I won fair and square, you sneaky jerk!" She splashes at him, making her way back towards the land.

She squeaks when he grabs her and squirms, "You-" She gasps, flicking him in the forehead and scowling.

"Asshat. . ." She mumbles, flicking water at him.
Local Time:
12:02 AM
Nov 10, 2022
He couldn't help but give her that charming smirk of his again, as she flicked water at him and she would see him give a pout in defiance, "What? I thought we were having fun.." he complained in a teasing tone next but stopped playing with her, resting within the water now, floating on his back slightly.

Therin always wondered if he should have been apart of the the River Pride he had heard of, since he felt the most at home within water- but then he thought about his mane getting wet on the daily and how heavy that would be...

Cylvie would see him lost in thought now, not really paying attention to what she would do next.
Local Time:
2:02 AM
Dec 15, 2023
She huffs, rolling his eyes, "We were. . . Until you pushed me into the water." She pulls her hair over her shoulder, twisting it to ring the water out.

She watches Therin for a long moment, watching him float on his back. She grumbles, not liking the lapse in attention and jumps forward, tackling him into the water and going down under.

She holds her breath, staring at Therin through the crystal water, before pushing up to the surface, throwing her head back to keep her hair from her face, laughing.
Local Time:
12:02 AM
Nov 10, 2022
Therin wasn't expecting that though, and with one swift motion they were both underneath the water. He couldn't fight the blush that rose to his cheeks as she stared at him through the water, and once she pushed up to the surface, he followed.

He gasped for air and he gave a push of his hair back on his head, "Damn- okay okay, I yield," he tells her now, raising his hands to show her he was done.
Local Time:
2:02 AM
Dec 15, 2023
She grins fiendishly at Therin, smirking. "Good." She absently reached out, taking one of the braids in the other's hair between her fingers.

"Do you do these every morning, or is it just- there?" She laughs softly, letting go of the braid and floating backwards.

She watches him though, tense and ready for any other possible trickery from the male.
Local Time:
12:02 AM
Nov 10, 2022
Therin wasn't expecting her to touch his hair, but he didn't mind. "Well, I manage to do them every day because without doing so, I fear my lustrous locks would be too unruly to manage," he joked about, the lion ears on top of his head ficking slightly as he carefully listened for anything around them. But for a male lion- he definitely kept his appearances up. "You know I could always braid your hair too like mine as well if you want," he offered, knowing how tangled her hair could get at times, but now with the group grooming they partook in every now and then, he had noticed it wasn't as tangled as of late.
Local Time:
2:02 AM
Dec 15, 2023
She hums, "Lustrous locks? They would be more 'lustrous' if we got human soap for them." She snickers, covering her mouth with the back of her hand. She wasn't too fond of humans, them being loud and obnoxious, but she wouldn't deny they had a few good things.

She blinks and peers at him, dropping her hand. "I suppose I could let you partake in a solo grooming session, if you really want to." She grins and flicks a few more drops at him.
Last edited:
Local Time:
12:02 AM
Nov 10, 2022
He looked partially offended, and Cylvie would notice how his hair was abnormally soft. "You...do know we have soap of our own, right?" He asked- knowing that she was probably just teasing him but nevertheless he raised his eyebrow, he had made a few due to his resources when as a shaman, he had to keep things clean and sterile no doubt- it wasn't that hard to make in his opinion. And ever since things changed around here, pride hygiene had been up and sickness had been down as of late, to which he was thankful for.

He gave a scent of the air and smirked slightly, "I can tell which one you used too," he mentioned, he had made several, some had hints of lavender, vanilla, rose - and for the males it was more bergamont, mint- muskier ones. How he had come across these ingredients in the middle of bum fuck nowhere- and africa of all things...he'd never tell, unless you were his apprentice.

Hearing her tell him about partaking in a solo session he grinned and swam towards her, thankfully when he had changed earlier before coming out here to the falls, he had chose to wear light, just in case he wanted a dip in the water. His strong muscles were exposed for Cylvie to see- and not like she wasn't used to them either, but something about the water droplets falling down on his skin in that particular way...
Local Time:
2:02 AM
Dec 15, 2023
Cyilvie rolled her eyes, "I know, I know. I know better than to prance around reeking like a bile of shit, thank you." She crosses her arms, a petulant pout on her lips.

She was partial to using both the vanilla and lavender, finding the mix of both smells sweet and relaxing. She wondered for a brief moment of anyone else found the scents pleasing.

She watches him, her pout slowly fading as she took an unconscious step back. "You-" she huffs, keeping her arms crossed over her chest.

A thin shirt and light pants, not one for shorts, or hell, skirts. The fabric soaked through with the chilly water, and maybe a little see through.
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