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Love for a Fallen Angel (Knight)

Local Time:
12:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She nodded and then revealed her wings, stretching out to give herself comfort. He would notice that because wings were self actualized on how the angel felt—he would see her perfect white feathers were no longer soft but were in the shape of sharp blades. These weapons on her back could actually do some harm to any holy or non holy being. He would have never seen wings like hers before, hers would be very unique.
Local Time:
3:57 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Lucifer watched her bladed wings open up, his eyes tracking along the surface slowly. He followed them to her face, but he turned silently away from her Visage. To Self actualize, was very easy to do, it had everything to do with your belief, your sense of self becoming what you see. Most lower demons could never get that ability, and only a few demons with a sense of a personality could manage to change themselves in this way. Lucifer, for the most part, was unsure if he still could even if he held his angelic body on the surface world.
Local Time:
3:57 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"My father sees what any father would in his children. The best." Lucifer said simply. It was true, before his rebellion, he had be given a great deal of autonomy, freedom, the desire to question everything. Lucifer had only come so close because his father refused to allow himself to see his son rising against him.
Local Time:
12:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She gave a soft sigh, “If he only sees the best, why…” she began and bit her lip. She didn’t know the true intentions of why Lucifer got sent out, was it for a better reason? It had to be. She looked out to the water, the breeze flowing through her red hair. “I feel like with Suriel, he’ll always be a problem,” she changed what she was going to say. She glanced over to Lucifer.
Local Time:
3:57 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"...you don't have to hold your thought on my account, Cherubim. " Lucifer said as he listened to her try to change paths. The pause was enough for him to guess. "In any case, we all know my brother is...not as perfectly pious as he pretends. Unfortunately the rest of my siblings have nothing to counter with. Father knows best." He said with a shrug. One did not simply wage a war against heaven and get away with a slap on the wrists and a stern talking to. Lucifer's punishment and his kingdom were one and the same.
Local Time:
3:57 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Father moves in mysterious ways." Lucifer said almost automatically. Centuries of that had been drummed into him by his mother as well...before she left her husband throwing one of your sons under the earth and barring him from stepping back through the gates of heaven would strain any relationship. Even still he could say it, and still believe it, God rarely ever spoke directly or even clearly when he was planning up something. It normally had a reason, a goal to change someone...but even God gave people freedom, and people could change for the worse ten times before considering going for better.
Local Time:
12:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
“Well clearly I’m not as old as you,” she reminded him, and gave a soft sigh- clearly frustrated. “And I know he works in mysterious ways- it doesn’t mean I actually like it,” she huffed, crossing her arms next. She wished she had an answer for what was happening right now. Why did Suriel feel like such a threat? He normally never felt this sinister.
Local Time:
3:57 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"He doesn't exactly send me a messenger with his plans, Cherubim....sometimes it takes a while, he gets pulled into his projects." Lucifer said shrugging, his feet slid under the sand, the waves crashing over them. The First of the Fallen had always looked sad, or far far in thought whenever she looked at him from afar, even only a few feet away, Lucifer's dower Visage made him seem like the second most isolated soul to walk the earth.
Local Time:
12:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She settled on that and wrapped her arms around her knees, settling her chin on top of them, looking out to the water. “Tell me truthfully-“ she began, not making eye contact this time, “Do you ever get lonely?” She asked, already knowing the answer but something inside of her wanted to hear him say it.
Local Time:
3:57 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Lucifer turned his head on her like a cobra, even while Lyra kept her eyes on the waves his stare could be felt on the most truly spiritual level. It was like he was staring a hole into solid rock. If she were a mortal she might have felt like she just stepped into a bear trap, or as Demon, perhaps signed up to be scrubbing out the blighted and terrorized penal garrison were the Husks were placed. But as an Angel, Lyra felt his gaze scouring her for any sign of deceit. "What did you just say?"
Local Time:
3:57 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Lucifer kept his stare on her, his eyes trained on hers. His face was hard to get a read on, if he was angry or thinking still. He held it for a few more seconds, but gives a sigh and closed his eyes, his body relaxing a bit. "Yes." He said finally, the single word dropping a weight off of him that he didn't realize he even felt like he was carrying
Local Time:
12:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
“So of all your time down here, you’ve never sought to find a companion?” She asked now, looking away. Surely there had to be a female or a male demon keeping him satisfied— even if there was, there probably wasn’t much Lyra could do in that regard. Now that Lyra mentioned it, there was one female demon in particular, but she just wasn’t what Lucifer wanted- but apparently the demon didn’t put two and two together and kept thinking one day she’d be next to Lucifer as he ‘reigned’ on the throne.
Local Time:
3:57 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Little Cherubim, I broke free of my machinations when I rose against my father. I may be hurled from heaven, but I do as I desire." Lucifer said. The sea crashed before them again, spraying salt water against him as he rose up from the sand. He stepped over to her. "You however, never said it you would."
Local Time:
12:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She looked at him as he rose and stepped over to her. Well, what would he like to do then? Take the opportunity as he saw fit? Perhaps a little nudging? Surely she wasn’t that innocent… but then again, the purity that pulsed off of her body was nearly suffocating for a creature such as Lucifer.

“Well-“ she was at a loss for words at that point. What was this…feeling inside of her chest? She wasn’t fully aware of the enchanted hold she held over him.
Local Time:
3:57 PM
Nov 9, 2022
(XD that's called desire Lyra)

Lucifer looked down to her, drawing himself low, kneeling next ti her. "You haven't git to tell me so soon..." he said, he hand touching underneath her chin. "I merely want you to think on these things" he said as he looked her in the eyes. The intensity, the coldness that he normally had in them wasn't as powerful, Lyra could see something else in them but perhaps she couldn't see what
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