Sci-Fi RP ~Lux in Tenebris~ (Brit)

Tenebris loved to hear her moan, and he dug his tongue in a bit further, tasting her more and more. He pulled back, flicking his tongue against her clit now, sucking on it gently.

Suvi paused, “Hm, only my twin brother, but he wouldn’t even think of hurting me.” That’s not how her reaction was before, how hastily she had left Darius the first time they had met. Was the call for her from her brother?
As he pushed his tongue deeper, he was rewarded with a sweeter taste, before he pulled back to tease her clit, the gentle tug drawing a cry of pleasure from her lips as she came over his face.

Darius didn’t quite buy it, but he didn’t say anything to her. Sooner than either would want though, her tasks would be done, and she would have to head home, where her brother Arion would be waiting.
Tenebris moaned out as she came over his face, and he pulled back with a satisfied grin, rubbing his mouth gently with the back of his hand. “Are you alright love?” He asked softly.

She said goodbye to Darius, but if Darius was smart, he would stick around to see exactly what would happen when she got home. She dropped the food off, and then proceeded to walk into their home, and then walked back out with Arion, they had to go collect firewood next. Trailing into the forest, Darius would see just how rough Arion was with his sister per say. And as he was being rough, it seemed like whatever magic had been held over her broke- and her eyes widened at the realization. “A-Arion.. don’t do this-“ she begged, and he gripped her breast tightly in his hand. “Or what?” He taunted, grinning as he saw her uncomfortable look on her face.
Tenebris moved and gently wiped her brow, “Now…would you enjoy some more?” He asked her next, kissing her cheek gently.

Arion turned and made a face, “And who might you be?” He asked, noting the sword. He glanced to Suvi and gave a small smirk, “Wait, you’re not telling me this is the man you’ve been spending time with…”
(I’ve just had a thought. Should’ve named Iris Lux. Then we could have had the title in reverse

“N-No thank you… not right now… I’m not sure I could manage it.” She giggled, her head falling back to the pillow.

“My Name is Darius. And I said take your hands off her!” He angled the blade towards Arion, noting with some displeasure the fact he was still squeezing.
(:0 true but I guess you could say she’s the…light in his life?)

He laughed and laid with her, kissing her cheek gently, “Alright love just rest then,” he tells her softly.

Arion let go of Suvi and raised his hands, backing up before his hands started to glow. “I’m sure you’ll hate it if your sword melted..!” He said and went to grab the blade but Suvi suddenly stepped in front, feeling her brother’s hand on her forearm. She cried out as he burned her flesh. But ultimately shot him back with her own magic, making him fall back. She turned to Darius. “Get out of here!” She tells him now, worry lacing her pretty features.
Arion spit out to the ground, standing and readjusting himself. He forged a blade of magic and he brandished it. “Fucking knights, I wish you all to hell!” He yelled as he raised his sword and went in for the first strike.

Suvi was surprised nonetheless, but backed up at a safe distance while holding her scalded arm, watching the fight begin to unfold.
Suvi watched intently and then though quick on her feet, creating a blade out of magic for Darius. “Darius…! Take this!” She yelled for his attention, and he would feel his blade be replaced by the magic one she created.

Arion snarled at his sister, “You stay out of this you wench!” He went to strike in on Darius again, leaving a piece of his shoulder open for attack.
“What about him?” She asked, noting her unconscious brother laying on the ground still. She wondered what Darius would do with that.

And she stopped walking after he said to take her home. “Can…can I actually go to your place? It’s mother has been so caught up with my baby brother I just don’t want to put more stress on them than needed..” she said softly.
Once there, she sat upon his bed, letting him bandage the wound for her- dressing it in healing salve that she told him to get. Once the bandages were on, she touched it gently with her hand. “I-“ she paused, looking to his face. “Thank you,” she murmured and shifted to stand. But she felt woozy and wobbled slightly as she stood.

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