Sci-Fi RP ~Lux in Tenebris~ (Brit)

Chione realized what had happened in a few moments, and rage filled his gaze. He landed his eyes on Ruevan and then went pale. No fucking way…the man his mom had warned him about was still alive?!

Suvi grunted softly as he grabbed her arm and she went to go jab him in the stomach with her free elbow, hoping that would work.
As Chione realised, Eris choked her tears back, knowing Ruevan was probably getting off to it. Why else would he have kept his cock out? Well, unless he was planning to actively fuck her infront of Chione.

Darius grunted, falling a step back "Damn... Felt that one..." He laughed, having let go "Good work. Doesn't matter how much muscle someone has, a good elbow to the soft parts is gonna hurt."
He looked and locked eyes with Chione. “You-“ he pointed and made and smirked as he knew what he was going to do. “See her?” He points to Eris and Chione worried what he was going to say next. “She’s going to strip you of your virginity-“ he spoke, apparently not realizing Eris was a virgin too. Chione swallowed nervously and glanced between him, Eris and Ruevan. What the actual fuck?

She looked concerned as she actually landed a blow on him, “Are you okay?” She asked worriedly, Suvi glanced him over.
Eris shook her head vigorously as Reuvan spoke, doing her best to crawl away from Chione a little. Of course, all this would do would be get herself another punishment for misbehaving. Still her, body would make Ruevan a good concubine, even if she didn't fuck Chione.

Darius nodded "Fine, thank you..." He murmured, before he launched another attack, getting behind her and trapping both her arms "Now how are you getting out?"
A dark look passed his face and he stood, coming over to Eris. He then glanced at Chione and grinned, “There’s two holes..” he began thoughtfully. In their weakened state, he made Chione sit upright, removing his trousers, and picked Eris up, forcing her on her hands and knees, her face coming close to Chione’s soft member. “Use your mouth on him,” Ruevan commanded to Eris, even as she would feel his stiff member press against her ass again.

Suvi grunted slightly as he trapped her, and she thought a moment, using her legs- she attempted to kick back at Darius.
Clearly he'd forgotten the gag he'd had shoved into her mouth, stopping her from speaking to him earlier, now it denied him the pleasure of forcing the pair to fuck against their will. He'd need to remove it, even as she shot a nervous glance backwards.

Darius grunted, but didn't let go, his grip solid but unhurting onto her "Have to do better than that..."
Ruevan moved and took the gag off, forcing Eris’ head down on Chione’s member, her mouth had no other choice but to obey.

Suvi gave a soft grunt as his grip was unwavering. She then moved so she could hit him with the back of her head, aiming for his nose next. It probably would hurt, but it wouldn’t break his nose.
(Dunno why, but I've got this weird image of Ruevan making Eris a concubine and Chione his Heir or something)

Eris choked as she was forced down onto Chione, her soft lips more than enough to make him stiffen, even as she whined unhappily, feeling Ruevan still rubbing against her ass.

Darius grunted, letting go and falling backwards, holding his unbroken nose "Grah... Good... Very good..." He muttered to himself, before standing back up "What else did you want to learn?"
(Oh. I mean, that could go down, but I’d prefer if Eris was Chione’s servant or something, like he takes a liking to the boy eventually and thinks what a way to mess with Faerwyn is to turn her own son against her…?)

Ruevan smirked and watched Chione’s face twist a little from the sudden feeling, he didn’t want to moan, to give that bastard satisfaction but he had to admit…her mouth did feel amazing..

Ruevan on the other hand pushed into her ass once more, even as an idea began to turn into his head…for the boy to go along with it, some magic had be played..

She blinked as he stumbled back, and she was about to go over to him, concern in her gaze once more. “Oh! I didn’t break your nose, did I?” She asked nervously, then she heard a her name being called by her twin brother and she winced, clearly unhappy to go. “I-I’m sorry, I have to go now,” she said quickly and suddenly turned, following the male voice, knowing her brother was a very jealous man, especially when it came to his sister.
(Oh yeah, totally. But like, Ruevan should totally turn Chione into a bastard like him)

Eris choked again as she felt her ass being abused once more, tears falling from her eyes in response. If it wasn't for Chione's cock, she'd have wailing and spitting insults.

Darius shook his head "No, I'm fin... Oh." He watched her leaving, tilting his head as she went. How odd, that she was called away like that.
(Mmmmm maybe)

Chione just laid there as Eris was working on him and Ruevan was working on Eris. In the meantime, Ruevan had motioned to some servants, who went away after what he told them to bring, two potions, bubbling black. Chione’s mind began to ring alarm bells and he looked to Eris, knowing that wasn’t anything good.

Time, on this planet, worked very differently than when Chione and Eris was. To them a mere hour was 1 day back home.

Faerwyn was out, calling for her son, heavily pregnant still. She hadn’t seen him come home and she had begun to worry.

(Don’t worry, I’ll progress things with Darius and Suvi soon enough)
Eris whimpered more as Ruevan continued to fuck her, the motions of his thrusts making her move back and forth on Chione. She didn't see the potions being brought in, her eyes shut tightly closed as she cried.

Elebron was with Faerwyn, also calling out for his son. He thought he knew where they'd gone, but the more the pair looked, the more worried he became.
Faerwyn moved around, coming across the brush and seeing an arrow. She picked it up, furnishing in her hand, and the tip of the arrow cut her finger tip ever so slightly. “Ouch-“ she said softly and looked to Elebron with wide worried eyes, even as they came across hunting gear.

Eris would feel Chione move a bit, struggling for whatever it was, and if she opened her eyes, she would see him being forced to drink the potion, coughing and trying his best to spit it out. But it was useless. He continued to cough, the markings on his face only became more sinister and his eyes began to turn a dark red.
Elebron looked at the arrow in concern, looking around and finding the hunting gear. Chione and Eris' hunting gear. "Oh no..." He breathed, picking it up and staring at it.

Eris stared up at his face, wanting to pull away, to escape this nightmare, but she was trapped between Ruevan and him, and now she could see that second potion... Was it destined for her throat, to chase down Chiones cum?
“I only know of one man who takes slaves from other planets…” she murmured worriedly, and she began to feel a bit woozy. Sure the toxin on the arrow wasn’t as strong as it had been, but it still could make her very very ill.

As Chione moved, and his head filled with different memories, he looked to Eris, and Eris would be forced to drink it next, her mind going to a state of, she was Chione’s bride to be but Ruevan’s concubine.

Ruevan looked at the boy and smirked. “Tenebris..” he called, and Chione responded. “You’re the prince of darkness..”
Elebron watched her start to wobble and gently caught her before she could fall "I know, I know... We can only hope they escape..." He nearly sobed.

Eris tried to spit out the drink, but she couldn't stop it and the memories settled into place, making her look up at her husband to be, Tenebris. She glanced back at Ruevan, noting he was still fucking her ass, but that was alright. She was his concubine after all.
Faerwyn panted softly, closing her eyes. “M-My love-“ he would hear her voice and then see her water breaking, dripping onto the ground in a small puddle.

Ruevan finished inside of Eris, and pulled out. A satisfied grin on his face. “Tenebris, I’m so sorry we had to chain you but you know how-“ he paused and Tenebris looked to his ‘father’ “I know father, I don’t mind,” he said, his voice was deeper than before. He looked to Eris with a nicer smile than his father. Although a bastard and a murderer- he actually was very fond of Eris, treating her nicer than anyone else.
Elebron's eyes widened and he swept her up in his grasp, running for the ship, so the medical bay could save her and the child.

Eris lay where Ruevan had effectively discarded her, but looked up at the pair nonetheless, waiting to be given an order of some kind from either her master, or the prince she was to marry. But as she lay there, her mind would lose track of her name, and Ruevan would know she'd need a new one...
The hours dragged on by as the medical bay began to work on her, and Elebron would find himself pacing, wondering what would happen next. A robot came over to Elebron. “She is weakened, but the baby has been successfully delivered,” it spoke in its synthetic voice to Elebron, letting him see her.

“Iris..” Ruevan spoke and motioned her to rise, “Let me undo those chains for both you and Tenebris,” he mentioned and did so, “Now, you remember where the bath rooms are right? Go and clean yourself up there with him,” he mentioned and a servant lead them just in case they had ‘forgotten’.
Elebron let out the stress he felt, gently moving into the operation room and looking to her "My Love... How are you?"

Iris rubbed her head gently, nodding to him "I... Yes, Master." She replied, following the servant and soon cleaning up, redressing in whatever clothes her mind told her were right. Which were exactly what Ruevan wanted her wearing.
Faerwyn held their babe near her breast, letting him suckle. “Tired,” she breathed, the toxins being filtered out from her body. She breathed slowly, wondering if Elebron would want to see their sixth child.

It was very revealing no doubt, but still of royal touch to it. It was extravagant and surprisingly soft and comfortable to wear. Tenebris on the other hand wore his ‘prince’ outfit, showcasing his muscles underneath. He took Iris’ hand and smiled, “Don’t look so gloomy, we’re being wed tomorrow!” He reminded her.
Tenebris smiled a bit more as she told him that. “Soon my love soon, and you’ll have me all to yourself…” he promised her and kissed her gently like he had done so many times before. Even if he was a cold blooded murderer, he was truly sweet to her.

As hour passed with them, days passed down back at their home and coincidentally enough Suvi met up with Darius every other day. Truth be told she was growing fonder of him with each passing day. She saw him and waved happily. “Darius!” She called for him.
Iris flushed a little as he spoke, meeting his kiss "Tene... Shall we go to our room?" She asked, knowing he did sometimes enjoy taking her publicly, but also that he didn't like to share with Ruevan, if he came across them.

Darius turned as she called, a smile on his face "Ah, Suvi. How are you today?" He called back, heading towards her with a spring in his step.
Tenebris nodded, moving and gently touching the small of her back, moving her with him. Once in their room, he turned, “I know we should wait till our wedding night but…do you wish for me to deflower you?” He asked, knowing she was still a virgin. His father was many things, but he had kept his word to keep her a virgin for his son.

Suvi’s markings nearly glittered in the sun as they approached one another, and at his question she gave a small purse of her lips. “Mm, better now that I get to see you.” She spoke, her pretty face gazing up at his. “And what about you?” She asked next.
She flushed a little as he suggested it, but shook her head "N-No... I'd rather not risk Him finding out and being angry..."

Darius smiled back to her "Significantly better than it was. Although, considering it was originally just a patrol and now it's one where I get to see you, I suppose it's just seeing you." He laughed a little, seeing her marks and wondering, if for a moment, if they continued past her clothes.
Tenebris sighed softly, kissing her forehead gently. “I understand,” he murmured and touched her waist gently, “Doesn’t mean I can’t use other methods on you down there..” he suggested next.

As he looked down her body, he would notice one odd thing. A bruise, right slightly above and peeking out of her bodice, clearly somewhere on her chest. Now, it probably wasn’t anything but…where would a bruise like that come from? Suvi of course, didn’t pay attention and hummed slightly, “Will you come with me to the market then? My parents sent me out to bring home some food,” she tells him next.
Iris nodded to his words "That sounds... like a good idea." Her clothes would make his job easy, with easy access to her slit underneath "Well... let's feel it..."

Darius frowned a little at the bruise, but nodded to her words as they walked "I can go there. But what happened to you? Where'd that Bruise come from?"
Tenebris picked her up and placed her on the edge of their plush bed. He moved to where his head went in between her thighs, and she would begin to feel his tongue teasing her virgin slit. He moaned out as he began to taste her, loving how sweet she was.

Suvi surprisingly didn’t feel odd when he asked and she just shrugged, “I’m not sure. I woke up with it,” she said honestly. Now that sounded like a load of bullshit but perhaps if magic had been involved, that also meant whoever was hurting her was making sure she was forgetting the instance.

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