He did exactly that, kissing her as he fucked her faster and faster, his thick length spreading her slit apart as he knew she'd be loving it "So... Faerwynn... How does it feel?" He asked, muffled into the kiss.
"Incredible," she murmured into their exchanged kiss- her moans evident as he began to move faster. Elebron would feel her depths tighten around him as she began to release her first orgasm- but she could tell from his thrusts he wouldn't be done just yet.
Elebron felt her orgasm, but that didn't slow him as he continued "That's good... Now... I hope your ready to moan... a lot..." He teased, nipping her ear as he reached his base finally.
She let out a soft gasp, her eyes closing in pleasure as he continued to move. And he was right, she did began to moan more- his name falling sweetly off of her lips.
She moaned as he told her to do so, her body pressed up against his. She flushed at his comments, but touched his head gently and pressed it into her breasts. “I’m glad you think so,” she moaned out softly.
He continued to move inside her her as she pushed his face into her breasts, his tongue running out to lick her soft, sweet skin ""I don't just... think so... I know so..." He murmured, one hand gently gripping her ass and squeezing it, not hard.
She blushed more from his words, the feeling he was giving her was incredible and she enjoyed every minute they shared. When she felt him squeeze her ass, she blushed more, moaning at the action. “I-“ she cut off as another moan passed her sweet lips.
His movements got faster as she moaned more "Tha... That's it... louder, Faer... Let me... hear you... reach the edge..." He teased, pinching her ass this time as he could feel her slit squeezing him.
He continued to move inside her, needing more to reach his own climax as he fucked her harder "Near... Nearly there..." He moaned into her ear, before pulling out with a gasp as he started to cum, coating her thighs in it.
She blushed deeply as his cum coated her thighs, sticking to her skin. She panted and caught her breath, her cheeks flushing after what they just did. She briefly thought about being the new matriarch to their race but that thought faded quickly as she knew it was probably foolish to want such a thing, especially how things were as of right in this moment.
He looked down at her flushing face, catching the hint of something in her eyes and giving a frown "Faerwynn... what is it, love? What's bothering you?"
She flushed a bit as he picked up on her expression, and more importantly when he called her love. “I-Uh,” she flushed more. “It’s just…you produced so much,” she commented on his cum, wondering what he would say in return.
He smiled at her deeper blush, patting her head "And that's what's gotten you so red? I don't believe that... Come on, tell me..." he pressed her for more information, even as she'd note he was still stiff.
She noticed his hard on still and blushed even deeper. “I-I was just thinking…if we’re the only ones left of our race-“ she began with a soft swallow. She didn’t know how to word it.
"A-Ah." He flushed deeply in mirror of her, pulling away "I... see, what you mean..." He murmured, biting his lip softly "And... if we are the last, perhaps... it's our duty to begin again..."
She rubbed her arm slowly, "We-We don't have to do so.." she spoke softly, knowing how he had acted before she knew he loved her, so she was mostly unsure of herself.
He nodded to her words, even as he ran his hand gently over her soft curves “I understand.” He murmured, moving to kiss her gently “If you change your mind… I’m here…”
He was off in another part of the ship, something the sound of metal clanging on metal would allude too. He must've been working on the engines, or something similar.
When she found him, she'd find him shirtless, sweating and hammering rivets into place on the engine cowling "The... There we go. Finally... Should be good to go..." He murmured to himself, before turning and blinking as he saw her stood there.
He nodded, wiping sweat from his brow "Mhm. All good. The Engines should function now, so we can get heading to the nearest world... Find somewhere to settle in for a bit..."
She gave a small sigh of relief. “I’d enjoy somewhere else than a ship for once,” she spoke and looked to him. “Would you like anything to drink?” She noticed the sweat on his brow.
She nodded and let him follow her, as she went around and went to the cockpit, soon disappearing and reappearing with a cold glass of water for him. “Here,” she spoke, handing it to him.
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