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Magical Siblings

Local Time:
3:06 AM
Nov 18, 2022
His explanation did distract her from his tip moving into position before forcing himself deep within her tight walls making her shove her face into the pillow to quiet her gasping moan. Once he was inside her, turning her head she met his lips into a kiss before he would move down into the crook of her neck. Moving her head to allow him further assess hoping he was not stupid to leave hickies where mom and dad could see them on her.
Local Time:
3:06 AM
Nov 19, 2022
As the process began, the movement slow at first. feeling the tight resistance of his sister's tight inner flesh. as it tightly coiled around his invading heated love spear. as if the depths were both devouring, and struggling against the invasive weapon of carnal pleasure. each motion slowly beginning to rock her body, causing the frame to move slowly against his at first, until the pace picked up. making her belly and breast to jiggle as he got rougher, and faster slower.

now assaulting her neck and shoulder. biting sucking and licking. Bel would seem to move from spot to spot, as to give the playful sensation, while moving around just enough to prevent any hickies from forming, unless one farmed large enough to look more like a rash or irritation due to how he kept moving his maw along her flesh as he took his beloved sister with out remorse.
Local Time:
3:06 AM
Nov 18, 2022
His slow beginning allowed a chance for her to grow use to his length inside her, her walls soaking him in her juices in an offering of lube. Then she could feel his lips and tongue accompanying his teeth along her skin making her wiggle and toss her head as moans would escape past her lips once he picked up the pace. Soon enough railing her to the deepest he could inside her, rocking her body without remorse, everything jiggling bouncing
Local Time:
3:06 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Enjoying every moment of this, Bel would fill his sister with as much as he could. the one hand moving from her one breast under the short to aim and slid into the PJ's. so his fingers could find her sensitive little nub.
As he assaulted her senses, and enjoyed her body with out any regrets or remorse. Bel would lean in moving from her neck to Tylor's ear.

She would feel the thick hot release of her brother's seed, however having been taken so many time snow. Tylor would know all to well that this was but the beginning. as he did not slow down or begin to soften with in her.
However an abnormal surge of pleasure, and well as exhaustion would be felt by the lovely maiden. as she might not realize it as of yet. but each injection of his baby batter would also be a moment when her body would have an equal amount of
mana or magical influence drained out of her.
Local Time:
3:06 AM
Nov 18, 2022
"Oh fuck, Bel" moaning out as he pounded her with his hot rod that would swell and twitch inside her, not slowing down when he would release his seed into her womb, painting her walls and lubing them both of further. She would feel the pleasure of his balls slamming against her entrance when he would bottom inside her mixing her with pleasure while also draining her of mana making her a mewling mess for him to play with. Only allowing one more round she had to call it as she sore and so exhausted she could barely move away from him to pull him out. "it smells of sex in here" she pants out as her eyes roll closed.
Local Time:
3:06 AM
Nov 19, 2022
As she would endure a second round, finally passing out in exhasution. Bel would kiss his sister gently, as he would get up and begin to clean up. even taking the time to use the air freshener. this in tern would cleanse the scent of sex from the room. while giving it a pleasant scent for his sister to enjoy in her slumber. however he also made sure to get two lined buckets near the bed, just encase she would awaken with the need to puke.

" sleep well sis, big bro gonna make something truly special just for you. " saying this to himself, once the cleaning would be done, he would move to his desk in the room. using the mix of his mana, and his sister's stolen mana.
the custom, protective ring would begin to get mana crafted. as he planned to gift it to her once his sister awoke.
Local Time:
3:06 AM
Nov 18, 2022
While she slept she could sense her brother moving around, uncertain what he was doing but she was comfortable in her slumber. It was a short time until she did awaken, hit with the urge to puke almost immediately. To her surprise her brother had prepared with buckets along the bed that she aimed for as she got sick for the second time in this day. Carefully she would sit up, wiping her mouth with utter disgust from all that "Bel?" rubbing her eyes.
Local Time:
3:06 AM
Nov 19, 2022
As she rubbed her eyes, Bel would be just finishing his gift to Tylor. as he smiled turning to face her. showing his sister the odd little ring. as it shimmered in the light.

"It's finished the perfect protective ring for my cute little sister. " as he said this, she would be able to tell one thing at least, he had worked hard while she was asleep. fore now the room smelled of the cleaner,
fresh lavendar, which was only recently messed up by the scent of her fresh vomit. However as this was going on, the two of them would hear the sound of their parents returning, or at least their mother.
however it would be as if her brother was being the usual over protective, and caring goof he had always been tours his sister. making a magical item for her to protect, and help her, despite his lack in magical skill.
this would only show how much he worked to help and care for his sister. However in truth this ring was meant to allow her to go any where, in the nude or dressed, as her body would always appear in the prime shape, even once
her baby belly formed.
Local Time:
3:06 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Looking over toward his desk in wonder as a shining ring was held out to show his workmanship which was surprising indeed, his spells were meant for hunting and battle than crafting. Barely processing that the ring meant she got distracted by mother returning home, her gaze snapping down to the buck of fresh puke. "And what is that for?" she questions her brother, hoping he held a good reasoning for using a ton of his mana on a ring.
Local Time:
3:06 AM
Nov 19, 2022
before giving her an answer, Bel would move to sit next to Tylor, as he placed the ring on her finger.
It would not be much of an improvement, but she would indeed feel better with it on her hand. as he leaned in to whisper to her.

"Besides the protection of body, this will allow you to be in the nude, and any one which sees you, will only see this beautiful prime of your shape. But the baby belly will be for our eyes only, unless you remove the ring sis. "
saying this, she would quickly realize he wanted not just to hide her baby belly which had yet to begin to form. but also to ensure she could feel as safe, and comfortable as possible. albeit impossible with his skill level to
make an actual ring of protection. but this one was a unique one made just for her. Which also meant now that he had placed it on her finger himself. Tylor would feel how some of her brother's limited
mana flowed into her, through the ring, which signaled the same thing as having been magically wed to some one. however this side effect was unknown to Bel. as he knew nothing of these arts, unlike Tylor herself.
Local Time:
3:06 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Watching him come sit by her, taking her hand to set the ring upon making her spook a little as she felt the mana within begin its works on her body. She stared up to him while he explained the craft he created just for her but this far more than he knew but currently she did not wish to get upon it. Enough has happened the last few days, she needed a breather. Getting up she cleans up her mess while thanking him for his hard work. Also since her parents did not know they may ask her to perform tasks a pregnant girl could be injured doing but she could no refuse without good reason. "Taylor! Get down here and help with dinner!" their mother would demand from the base of the stair case.
Local Time:
3:06 AM
Nov 19, 2022
As they could hear their mother, Bel would stop Tylor.

"Take care of yourself sis. I will help mother, and bring you a portion once it's ready if your up for it. "
as he said this winking at her. grabbing one of the two buckets of Bile. showing her why he had set up two buckets when one was all that was needed.
he planned for this ahead of time. kissing her on the forehead, stating for tylor to stay in his room for now. although she did not need to, he was merely making a request

before heading down stairs, to dump the bucket, and tell their mother she wasn't feeling well, as such he would help her in sister's stead.
Local Time:
3:06 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Ready to pull her weight in the house Taylor was halted by her brother requested she remained up here, resting while he handled mothers demand making her confused. She would glance over to the bed and buckets as he kissed her forehead finding it a surprise how caring and sweet he was towards her "um okay" murmuring as she moves to find his tv remote.

"Oh?" mother would question her son as he came down in taylors stead "Hopefully she did not catch anything when you two went camping" huffing with annoyance
Local Time:
3:06 AM
Nov 19, 2022
" Oh I am sure she will be fine in time. Right now, seems like a minor bug, at least with how her symptons look. Remember when I was sick like that, sis took care of me. Now it's my turn. "
saying this to his mother, with a bright beaming smile. it would make the mature woman both annoyed, and feel oddly proud, with how close her kids were. However the worse and best of it would be
now her so called hunting star in training would need to concentrate more on house hold choirs in order to keep up with tylor's end of things. which he had no issues with, but would later annoy the father
who was his mentor, and trainer.

However as things were, Bel would ask his mother for some home remedies, perhaps soup recipes. as the mother would know well her boy did not know much about actual cooking. but wanting to learn
in order to care for his sister. it would finally give the mother a chance for some one on one time with her boy, which was often solely what her husband got with their son.
Local Time:
3:06 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Setting the tv to low volume music Taylor allowed herself to relax unaware of just how lucky she was with her brother being the father of this child that he would aim upon caring for her so she could focus on developing their child. While their parents were kept off the scent for sometime until the twins could figure out how to not be kicked out.

At first annoyed by understanding the desire to step up in the stead of his siter a favor but grew more excited of the venture of cooking with her son. She was blindly set into showing him remedies of symptoms that may pop up during the pregnancy along with soups and simple bland meals that Taylor could still get down without getting sick.
Local Time:
3:06 AM
Nov 19, 2022
As the two began to cook together, This would be a rare chance for the mother. more then just that, This would be the chance for her to try and solo get her boy to become
the mama's boy she wanted. when he was always so loyal and one sided to his father's side of things. Yet more then that, she would see how he fumbled with simple tasks of cooking.
more then that, burning his hands, but not giving up. as he thanked her, and even complimented how skilled his mother was with such things. thanking her profusely for the lessons and help.

little did any of them know, that this would go on for some time. as Bel would step up, care for his sister, as well as the way he kept her in his room to such an odd degree. even prepping her clothing, and bring to her.
it would look to the parents, of how he was the usual over protective brother, and more so how caring he was of their unthankful daughter. unaware that the unique relationship between the siblings was more mutual then the
parents could ever know at this point.

( feel free to set up our time skip as far or short as you want nyaa : D )
Local Time:
3:06 AM
Nov 18, 2022
A week passed until Taylor could handle school without getting sickness and so weak she could barely get out of bed. Her best friend Layla had been worried sick about her, gossiping in the bathroom about all Taylor has missed. After currently a week and a half being pregnant she had the tiniest bump forming to reveal she possibly was pregnant or ate too much. As she washing her hand Layla took notice of the ring gasping as she wigged out "Are you engaged? No way!" taking a closer look at the object as Taylor hurried them out to the lunch room as her face turned red "n-no! I am not" shaking her head as she sat down with a lunch her brother made her so she was less queasy and able to eat. "Well do was it? Chase, Owne, Dexter? Come on!" trying to get answers out of her friend.
Local Time:
3:06 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as the group of high end sports player, and mages entered the cafeteria. Tylor was always a well sought after girl from the schools. however none of these boys ever even got close to her. ether due to
their own personalities. or due to the strict way her brother always viewed every one which even tried to ask her out.

sitting their as her friend asked all these questions. Tylor would see some of the boys mentioned along with her brother. as they were once again teasing him for his weakness in magic, and mana control.
yet they could not compare in physical skill, and strength. thus he was a caveman in a world of mages as they called him. but Bel was proud, for he was his own man, and could do things his way. which was almost comical with
how often they would seem to fall silent, when he said such things, and insulted their lack of skill, due to being specialized in only one thing themselves, when he was more of a jack of all trades. making quiet the show for Tylor,
and her friends.
Local Time:
3:06 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Looking over to a crowd of guys making a ton of noise Taylor spotted her brother among the middle of it, as always making her sigh as she shook her head. "Geez, has to be a great guy to get past your brother" layla would huff as she scanned for any of the guys looking toward Taylor. "Who made your lunch?" Layla would question seeing the saltine crackers before gasping "did your fiancée make it for you?" giggling as a guy named Drake would sit down "Oh? Am I like the lucky guy?" he chuckles.
Local Time:
3:06 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Seeing this, but occupied with many other men, who wanted his sister. and teasing him. It was more comical as it went on. however now one could ask, how drake was able to slip past the protective brother's
cruel, and dominating test. as horror stories were told of how strict bel was, for any male to even get close to his sister. even those who were friends, knew to avoid Bel's bad side. as he would do anything he saw
as needed to protect her, long before they secretly crossed the line.

Now with drake next to her, he could play out, the lies to make it appear like he was the one who gave her the ring, or was dating her, even if it was a lie. Perhaps Tylor could use drake as a cover for what her, and her brother
had going on in secret.
Local Time:
3:06 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Layla squeals when the top boy in the school sat with them teasing about Taylor's lunch who sat back with a roll of her head "taken" slipping that out without another thought. Drake took her hand with a smirk "By me, clearly" purring as he kissed her knuckles noticing the ring. His brow rose a moment but Taylor's giggle made him not question it "You have not been feeling well do better keep to teh simple stuff than lot you up with sweets" speaking gently to where Layla swooned.
Local Time:
3:06 AM
Nov 19, 2022
As this began to happen, Drake would suddenly feel his hair pulled. As Bel walked right past him, grasping the boy and dragging him away from his sister with out even a second thought or word.
as it was, the kiss on the hand had been what triggered the brother, as it was truly comical for the other kids, and even some of the staff to see. however this would not change the fact, Bel would be sent to the office with
drake, and his if not both his parents would be called in to have a chat with Bel.

"Come here Romeo. Your not cleared to be that close to my lil sis yet. " saying this as he sounded serious and cold. but this was not out of character for Bel, who was nicknamed, the
Gatekeeper of Tylor. which was only a part of why so many boys wanted her, the whole forbidden fruit taste best ideaology.
Local Time:
3:06 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Standing up when Drake was yanked by the hair away from the table by her over protective brother Taylor had to follow to stand up for him against the principle and their parents while drake was just there to pout about his hair. On her way following up to the office she felt unwell, hurrying to the bathroom with Layla in tow. Puking in a toilet right there, coughing as she tried to gather herself "Tay, are you good?" her friend would ask.
Local Time:
3:06 AM
Nov 19, 2022
once in the bathroom, It would not be long before Bel's mother would be the only one to arrive. as once again the father was to busy to come, which seemed to be the norm with such issues. as this would not be the first time nor the last.

As drake whined about his hair, Bel would give him a softer but still annoyingly painful hit in the back of the head, only to get scolded by the principle. as he was silenced for scolding drake for kissing his sister with out consent.
however this could be taken out of context, as he all he did was kiss her hand. however the way he worded it would sound as if drake tried to force her lips into a lock with his. yet the fact remained. drake was the big boy in campus, even he
was not safe from the scorn of this over protective brother.
Local Time:
3:06 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Sitting back she wipes her mouth "y-yeah...too much excitement I guess" rubbing her hand over her stomach as she was hidden in the stall, lifting up her shirt a little she could feel little movement of the baby. "I'mma be a minute okay" telling her which only told Layla to wait outside the office for Bel to get out here. While their mother was super utterly pissed as she entered the office ready for explaining. She knew of Bel reputation at school but this drake got further than any of the others so she did side with her son
Local Time:
3:06 AM
Nov 19, 2022
As he would suddenly hit drake once more, this time telling the fool one more warning to keep proper distance from his sister or else next time it will be more then just his hair. this last moment would be enough to cause even the principle let alone the mother to let a giggle escape. as it was not every day a much smaller man would bully the largest, and most well built sports player in the entire school. yet the fact remained, he would nod silently tours Bel. as the brother looked to the principle.

"We been through this enough, we both know regardless of the punishment, I will accept it, and as long as people like him keep after my sister, we will keep meeting. "
saying this with an annoyed, and yet honest tone. the fact remained, even the way Bel carried himself would make his mother proud, albeit pissed due to how unyeilding he was even with the school's rules. but he took after his father
in such a mind state. as his father was the same with with her, that Bel was with his sister.
Local Time:
3:06 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Due to being that of physical assault Bel got three day expulsion while Drake would get a week for assaulting a girl. He would apologize for wasting the mother’s time and excuse them from his office. Once outside Layla was waiting to speak with Bel telling him that Taylor had locked herself in the bathroom. She wasnt feeling well.
Local Time:
3:06 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Rubbing the back of his head, the young man would look to Layla, sighing as he did.

"please lead me to the restroom she is in. if their are other girl's in their, please get them out before I enter it."

saying this to Layla, it would also paint the fun picture of her, and a few of the other girls, getting a rare chance to play with Bel,
as he was going to go right into the bathroom to get his sister, and take her home like this. as this would be an interesting yet odd sight for their mother to
see. however at the same time, she would know unless she wanted to deal with her rebellious daughter, this could be left to Bel.
Local Time:
3:06 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Once the bathroom was the one before him. Bel would enter the bathroom, while Layla remained outside. needing to keep others from entering. unaware that very soon, a few teachers would be heading tours this restroom, which would cause even more trouble for bel. Let alone Layla if she tried to keep them out.

in the restroom, entering it, Bel would be walking to the one sealed stall. as he knocked on the fragile door.
"Sis you alright? you need your big bro to take ya home?"
speaking in the playfully over dramatic voice, which he often used to make her laugh, when Tylor wasn't feeling well. however unknown to ether of them.
if Layla didnt risk herself getting punished. Bel could end up having to hide in the stall with his sister, to keep from getting into trouble, which would have to be Tylor's idea, if it were to happen. as Bel was
never one to care about himself getting into any kind of trouble when it came to her.
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