Sci-Fi RP Mysteries of the Far Beyond. (Lord Sesshomaru)

Now appearing to be struggling, her enlarged belly slowly shrinking down, the seed dribbling out of her, and leaving a trail behind Alexi. as she put on this show, the slower husks would quickly take notice of her condition.
the three beginning to shuffle tours her. However more then that, if she managed to position herself just right, Alexi would end up with ether two cocks in one hole, and the second hole with a single cock or her mouth and both holes

as this was going to happen based on how she presented herself, during the false struggle. The Meal which Alexi was gorging herself in, was also prepping her body to go hog wild on Daphne once she got her paws around the petite giant.
Yet at this point she had three more victims to feed upon, all the while two more potential threats or prey were out and about the hallways. the unknown ceiling crawler, and the one she was trying to avoid, the husk which was her brother, who still possessed
some of his ego.
Alexi sensed them coming, her crawling body slipping lower, as if she was too weak to go on, her body exhausted by getting handled and fucked so relentlessly as she got near the doors. She presented herself to the slow monsters, her abused holes already rejuvenating as her body absorbed the energy and spores. She never felt so powerful, so alive and fiery inside.
managing to present herself like a helpless victim. the maiden would soon find herself grasped, as the wicked creatures pulled her back.
Alexi would discover the largest of the husks pulling her onto his frame, as the fiend was soon falling onto his back with her ontop. Alexi's
back against his chest. as his wicked and vile spear went deep into her lewd back side. as the other two went on to try and force both of their
spears into her well abused, albeit once again tight womanly entrance due to how she was healing. As things went on, a new over whelming spark when
her womanly entrance would be double penetrated, while her back side was occupied. these creatures were as aggressive as they were pleasing to the coy vixen.
Akexi shrieked as she was captured, feeling her backside pushed and spread as she was grappled frim behind, the overwhelming feeling making her womanly parts climax abd start to gush her juices as she fekt both of its clocks force their way back inside of her. She grabbed blindly around at its body, putting up a struggle again.
Now being fully ravaged to the full extent of the husks. Alexi's body would soon seem to stir something new with in her. as images of herself with elongated arms, a powerful tail,
even a monstrous yet alluring form would appear in her mind. as if the infection was showing her the potential of a new form which could be used if she consumed enough power from these alien
foes. as it was her body would feel a new level of pain and pleasure, as the cocks with in her began to swell reform, and feel as if they were growing to new monstrous size, and thickness. the one pumping into her
ass would almost feel as if it was trying to push deep enough to stir the modified vixen's organs. while the two in her depths, would feel as if they were trying to over flow, and destroy her regenerating baby making factory.
the wicked deed grew, however as this happened, Alexi could soon turn from the thrashing and squirming victim into the predator when ever she felt like it, as her body was growing to a new level of strength and mutation, if
she allowed it to happen. however if she continued to play the victim she could endure and feel new sensations of how the husks shifted their forms to pleasure and attempt to break her.
Alexi shrieked and moaned, suffering and madness surging through hee as her eyes started to roll ba c k un her head as the monsters started to grow inside her, threatening to try to break her in two as their members reached deeper. Bit as she screeched out, their members stirring abd bartering her insides, they felt their prey go completely iimp while they fucked her. Was she broken? Reached her limit and blacked out? The monsters knew she wasn't dead. Her body was free to rut into oblivion. The one burying it's spear unti her ass felt it's senses being snapltched up, unable to recognize anything, ots simple minded need to impregnated and violate getting feed too well to feel its essence was already stripped nearly bare to the limits whole Alexis skin was completely purple now, her infection level having reached its cortical mass as sge f I understand herself transforming inti her new alien mutated state.
as her body hit a new level of infectious consumption. the maiden was evolving albeit a form which would not be able to be held for long periods of time.
yet it would allow her to quickly drain, and even enjoy other victims in more enjoyable ways. however she would be lost in the act of being violated, stretched,
filled. her belly began to slowly bulging with each squirt of seed into her depths.

As this new form was taking shape her more lustful mind would begin to see images of the two girls which were ripe for the taking, the one which ran and hid, and the one
which she had rescued, allowing her body to be captured to ensure the freedom of. however once these three would be done with her, the real question would be, if she would remain
in her new form, or revert once her attackers were fully turned into her nutrition.
As the visions touched on Alexi's mind, her mind, her being seeing through the network of Alien nodes and vectors briefly while her transformation took hold. A dazzling ghostly pale beauty, a temptress, a bit taller than even her natural height. She had lithe, deceptive muscles, power that would be all the grand, her curled out underneath her as her transformed body moaned out in warped passion that would drive the Husks mad in their dark desires.
now in such an alluring state, it would not last long before the feral husks milked themselves dry in her freshly acquired state.
once the three were all drained, her body consuming the nutrients, as well as seed from their very life force and infectious fluid.

now with them in and on her, lifeless, and dead weight. the bestial beauty form which was Alexi could easily remove them remaining in this
form, or reverting back to her natural form if she so desired. However little did Alexi realize that outside of the room, was two more bites for her
body to consume, even if one of them was a target she had no desire to touch or consume by any means.
now in this newly intoxicated form, Alexi would find herself walking into the hall, only for her form to suddenly begin to shrink. as her body began to revert
as her body changed back to the human one. Alexi would find her form having reverted but her new kind of vision, and senses for hunting were fully intact from this form.
as she had reverted, it would soon be revealed as to why. the creature above her suddenly dropped upon Alexi. a husk like mutation which had many arms attached to it's body.
a spider like monster made from many collected husk parts, as the creature dropped upon her. planning to pin, and mate with this maiden, as it had a unique aura or psychokinetic wave
which was what reverted her form. meaning once this thing was taken care of, she could shift freely, as long as she had enough strength from her meals left in her to use.

as this was going on, the familiar husk in the distance could be seen moving. it was the one which would be the only one she did not want to touch or feed upon yet, he would look
to her, with a sad, almost teary eyed look, before trying to shuffle out of the hall way, and into a room with a broken door. which would reveal that he was under the manipulation of the beast now
trying to pin, and enjoy her at this moment.
Alexi's even further heightened sensory abilities made her move before she even could fully understand what was happening. Alien instincts made her snap into a roll as the spider landed where she had been standing only seconds before. She landed low to the ground like a Predator in the mood to pounce, her eyes on the new challenger that had blocked her ascended state. She eyed it carefully, seeming less of a unwilling target and more as if she was sizing it up, sniffing at it to sense its purity.
Eyeing her current foe, Alexi would be able to notice the core of this creature's body was a much smaller male. one which would be well known, as it was the cranky midget which was
always making the best sweets for her back in the cafeteria. as he had stitched limbs from failed husks to make his body into this spider like one. however more then that, he moved like a truly wild beast.

As he skittered side way almost like a crab, watching her, looking for an opening to rush in, and try to pin Alexi to have his fun. the beast did not know that if he did manage to fill her, Alexi's body would
be able to drain his unique infectious essence, and empower her new form to be able to resist such abilities in the future. but for now she appeared like a normal defenseless woman to this beast.
"Zane?" Alexi said squinting at the small male, wel what was left of him. She watched him skuttle around, trying to face him, moving around him. Her beast felt subdued, but she still felt the hungry very faintly. She probably wouldn't feel full until she absorbed every spore on the ship. She backed up slightly, instinctively, her eyes welling with slow nervousness, curious if she could trick the creature into making the first move
as she began to move away from the beast, it moved tours her cautiously, as the once small man was now a mighty beast before her eyes.
More then that, as it moved tours Alexi she would soon notice something a bit unexpected. as it began to grow aroused by her scent. not one but
three different shape, size, and girthy cocks began to grow erect from it's fleshy pelvis. as only one of them was the natural one. but the other two were
modified appendages for pleasuring need to subdue prey.

as the thing began to move tours her, while Alexi was backing away and trying to lure the beast into the first move. little did she know at the moment, that her former
brother was being used behind her. as once Alexi was in position, his arms would come around her to force Alexi into a full nelson, thus trapping her arms and upper body, allowing him
to penetrate her back side with out remorse, as his voice would be apologizing, and some what crying for his unwanted actions upon her. as it would be revealed his body was a puppet to the
creature which was once zane. as it would smirk like a wicked devil upon seeing it's trap triggered, or so it believed.
She yelped as her young comrade suddenly jumped on her from behind, feeling his cock suddenly enter her backdoor. "Hnghh-Ah~" she whimpered through her teeth. "Whatever you do-dont-come" she whispered to him. Sge was unsure is she even could let him have his way with her without the torturous end, if she could...she would let him slide.
as she was now captured, the modified beast which was the puppet master of her little brother moved tours Alexi. the space infected beauty would soon be able to feel
how as the creature inched closer. the one using her began to pull her body away slowly despite how it was moving with in her. this would once again show something a bit unexpected.
as the infected were known for sharing prey, but he could have easily invaded her womanly entrance, instead of her tight yet well abused, and welcoming back side. and now how he seemed to be
struggling to move her body away from the real beast of the two around her. However something with in Alexi's mind would begin to snap, or perhaps form, as though with her blocked evo, she would begin
to be informed by something. If her little brother of a monster took her while like this she would end up consuming his life force, however if the spider like one was removed, and she could go into her new seductive
monster form. Perhaps this new form could allow her to take dominance over this partial husk, as a part of her brother still existed in it. thus over writing it's own infection with her infection, much like how she
had infected, and claimed the other girls, but in a slightly different means. however for this to happen, she would ether need to break free, and go for the spider fiend, or get her brother to stop moving so it can latch onto them
and join in, falling prey as it believed to be the predator.

(we want info as images? an unknown alien like whisper in her mind? a sudden thought? choice is yours nyaa :D )
As the distant knowledge crept through her,, the alien DNA that was fused inti her mind abd body opened her human mind to the opportunity, she flinched as sge was dragged backwards. "You-ler me- go-" she hissed as sge started to struggle, putting up the fight with him to push herself free of him for the moment
Now struggling to break free, it caused a burst of unwanted or planned pleasure. as the wicked tool with in her back side thrusted deep and aggressively against her struggles.
However this also stirred the hunger with in her, as if wanting to devour the one who she wanted to reclaim as her own. however it would become painfully obvious she would need to harm
this husk some how to break free. as his once over protective nature still existed to some degree. as the growing aggravated spider like husk moved tours them, only to constantly find it's puppet keep
the prize out of it's grasps.
"Hngg-fucking- take it out-" sge moaned softly to herself. "We can finish-after-" she mumbled as she felt him hanging on tighter, pulling and thrusting inti her. Alexi grit her teeth. "I-Im sorry, little brother-" she said looking at him briefly as she tucked forward, then rocked backwards, measuring her strength out on seconds. She slammed hee captors head against the wall, careful enough not to smash his skull in from the sudden drive from the super powered futa. She'd make it up to him with she cleansed him of that infection.
Managing to knock the partial husk off of her. and back. Alexi would hear how his head banged off the wall, as his body plopped onto the floor.
it looked as if she accidently did more damage then planned. however If Alexi even took a moment to check on him, then the creature would pounce the moment her eyes left it.
as the 8 limbed predator was waiting for the right moment to pound, penetrate, and indulge upon her luscious flesh. however this could also play into Alexi's hands if she used it's
spider like personal to her advantage, as it seemed to be acting much like a common jumping spider would. waiting to pounce at the very right moment.
It would not be long once Alexi began to move tours her comrade, once she went to check on him.
as the wicked hybrid beast suddenly rushed. it's six arms wrapping around her. two of them moved to grasp her breast tightly,
one of them moving between her inner thighs, grasping the upper thigh, another moving to assault her clit, and part of her the remaining
two moving to grasp one of her arms, the other moving to hug her hips, and belly. pulling Alexi into it's assault. as the modified womanly would feel
three cocks entering her with out hesitation. two in one hole, and the largest one in another. ( you can choose which is doubled, and which is giant penetrated nyaa :D )
(XD hmmm)

As the monsters cocks rammed there way inside her, the giant spearing it's way inti her pussy, making her cry our as she fekt the others force there way up the back way next. She gripped the st ground as she fekt the monster latching onti her with its arm. ""Unhand me!" She moaned and grabbed at it iver her shoulders.
Now with her ensnared, the arachnoid husk would be playing with Alexi's breast, assaulting her clit, feeling her body up, all the while the maiden could feel two impressively thick
rods deep in her back side. stretching her out like never before. however the most impressive one was the moinstrous one pushing into her womanly entrance. the way this one throbbed, as
well as how it had almost spiked ridges which would be felt every time it pulled out, but felt smooth each time it went back into her. while the smaller ones had one with welts, the other with
small barbs. as if each cock belonged to a difference species. however her belly was misshapen, and bulging each time the three were fully in her. the wicked creature was getting faster and rougher
with each passing moment. as it would be the most extreme partner for alexi thus far. which would begin to push her to the brink of a new level of pleasure long before she could feel her body begin to
absorb it's infection and strength. Unaware that after she would finally milk at least one load from the beast. it's own influence would weaken enough to allow her new form to be used while in mid assault, if
she dared to show if off while being enjoyed by this wicked beast, she once knew.
Alexi staggered with every thrust of the monster, each of its girthy twisted cocks forcing their way into her, spreading her, abd testing the strength of her regeneration. Her knee quaked as the next thrusts weakened her more abd more, bringing her to the ground as her holes were abused and battered fir the enjoyment of the horror. She failed, trying to keep struggling, her holes clenching as she fekt herself climax suddenly from the raw pressure abd speed the monstrosity was pumping against her. She gasped out, her cock shooting a bit of its cum across the floor.
Now it was almost like a bad adult comedy. with how Alexi could move slowly and struggled, every step met by more powerful thrusts. until she would fall to her knees. panting, the sensation of how the beast filled her harder,
and faster then any thing prior. her own seed being shot out of pleasure, which her body was being over whelmed by. The beast would eventually lean in, as the husk like spider sank it's newly formed fangs into the crook of Alexi's
neck. feeling as if it was feeding on her, yet at the same time causing a new sense of pleasure to course through her body. revealing much like ticks, this thing released a kind of venom into the prey which it fed on, but instead of a
numbing agent, it was more like an over powering aphrodisiacal. however by doing so the creature had no idea it's assault and increasing the hunger of her own body had sealed it's own fate. as the strength her body began to drain from this
assault would slowly allow Alexi to begin to release her new form once she felt ready to become the dominant playmate, as she was a simple fuck hole, and cuddle doll for this thing to grope and abuse at the moment in time.
Alexi cried out as the spider sunk its fangs into her, the venom making her head spin as it was in the midst of enjoying itself. As her body passively absorbed its strength, every thrust makkng her feel stronger and stronger as it sacrificed its infection little by little. Alexi felt her breathing getting more and more intense, her nails growing a little as she felt her alien genetics creeping up woth power.
As her body seemed to be falling prey to this beast. it did not realize the truth of the fact at the moment. as it's two arms extended as they released their abusive hold on Alexi. moving to grasp the wall, and force
the victim into a more desirable position for the beast. as it continued to assault her clit, and breast while over stuffing her. the fangs finally removing from her neck, as it moved to lick the trickling blood. before the tongue began to
elongate, thicken and change forms. as it moved around from licking her neck to aiming to fill the maiden's mouth, and throat fuck her with out remorse. the creature began to swell and pulsate with in her pussy, as the thickest cock
began to swell and become more segmented. their would be no mistaking this sensation. the cock was not a cock like the two in her ass. the one in Alexi's cunt was a fallopian tube, as it prepared to force it's unique eggs into her womb. unaware
that these infectious eggs would be more like an emergency supply of infectious power for Alexi. as her body could keep them in her, like a normal victim but absorb them slowly as needed, if she were to try this in her new almost alien like seductress form.
(Lol the amount of glee these monsters must get put if bllelieving they are going to successfully propagate their infection only for it to be basically just become their genetic dead end is so funny to me for some reason)

Alexi moaned out as she felt the Beasts fangs pull out her her neck. "You-you fo-" she vegan but was muffler as hits tongue jumped into her mouth. Inside she felt its member swelling, her eyes widening as she realized what the monsters aims were. "MMMFG!??!MM!" She couldn't even speak or yell, her throat alleging around the monsters tingue, her body trapped at its mercy. She kicked her legs out weakly, helplessly as it rutted away unti her, it felt her body shifting little by little, though would it truly change its intentions to feel its targeted egg nest getting curiver? Jer hips widening, her ass abd her breasts bouncing more as they grew and her body felt all the more lower to the touch.

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