Sci-Fi RP Mysteries of the Far Beyond. (Lord Sesshomaru)

as Lee teased Alexi, she would also be able to get her work done with out issues.
"Oh come now, such a young beauty like yourself, you need to enjoy life some more. besides I might be old, but i still like to have fun you know. "
saying this playfully, the old well maintained woman who looked worlds younger then her age should allow. thanks to the treatments she had done in the past. her and
nataly had quiet the look to them, despite their age, and appearance. more then that, if Lee was this playful then how would Nataly be if she felt playful, it would leave these
unwanted and yet exciting thoughts to linger in the back of alexi's mind. however once the device would beep, and reveal it was completely, safe, and harmless of a material, this would be
the moment of excitement for both women. as Lee would look on at the device with a big smile.

"well then would you like to do the test or should I?"
stepping back, as Lee began to set up the recording devices. with a mischievous smirk, the older maiden would look to her lead.

"alright we will make sure to record everything from this point, the beginning of the hands on examination. "
as she said this, Lee would be prepared to head into the smaller lab room, so that it would give the sense of privacy for Alexi, unless she requested the seductive
assistant to remain here with her. however once it was all started, and the recording began, she would need to give a small statement of what she was about to do, and how it
would feel, etc. as Lee would smile, waiting to hear if she wanted lee to remain to record, or leave it all to Alexi alone, as the crystal itself had already began to show impressive cracks all over it,
which originated from the drill hole.
Alexi looked back at Lee. The older woman had no clue what was to happen....she also had little idea what she was toying with when it came to the shy Alexi. She may bite off more than she could handle.

"Stay, if you'd like. We making a great discovery." She offered as the camera behind to cycle on.
Once every thing would be set up, the recording started, Lee would smile, as she was acting as both support, and the camera woman.

"Well then, shall we begin doc? please explain each step of what your doing for this test. "
as she said this, even moving to offer Alexi, a tool which would be like a pair of tweezers but designed to pull away once used. as it would pry open the hole of the crystal
to allow access, to the rest of the material which seemed to endlessly ooze out of the hole. if it was harmless, surely the source would be interesting to see, or would she opt to touch
the exposed fluid like jelly on the outside first. regardless the two ladies would soon discover what this material truly was very soon.
"Well Dr.Lee, ah thank you, we are investigating a potentially new and completely alien organism. We have given it several tests and it is seems completely harmless and in fact, doesn't have any composition alike to anything in out Specter database." She said as she took the tool from her. "I will now be opening the icy outwrshell that is holding out new friend and we will see just what it looks like" She said excitedly as she dug the forceps into the cracks, starting to hook in and pull, starting to pry open the icy shell
as she did this, Lee would move to position the camera for a closer view. however taking a few moments to whistle at alexi, and
zoom in on her butt, then her breast periodically, and playfully pulling the boss's attention away from her research. however once the crystal was pried open.
the shells would fall apart and reveal what could only be described as a small bug like body with tentacle like legs made of a gel. the creature was small and inanimate, however it puslated slowly.
as if a heart beat was still their and active in the tiny creature, no larger then the palm of the ladies.
(XD Lee: I'm gonna mouth boat thos- oh shit we're working-)

"Lee! Look at this the lifeform looks almost like an insectoid. Hm....its pulsing" She said as she leaned closer instinctively, reaching out , her fingers hovering closer abd closer to the creature. "Quickly Lee get a better shot, I will attempt to see if it is fused into the shell." She said as she began probing its tenacle like legs for any roots.
watching this, Lee would set the camera down, while Alexi was distracted, in an angle which would allow her to keep the recording.

However as Alexi began with her tool, and slowly began to remove the oddity from the crystal, she would soon feel the hands of Lee behind her. as they slid along
alexi's arms. until she took hold of the boss's hand, and moved to make her drop the tool.

"come now, let us touch this together hhmm? we can share a special first together no?"
as she asked this, leading Alexi to proceed to touch the thing bare fingered, unaware that the body warm would be enough to awaken it.
however this moment Alexi would feel how her college's bust pressed into her back. as she breathed against her neck.

if she didn't pay enough attention, then the creature could come to life, while she was distracted, and get two playthings for the price of one, however
if she noticed in time, Alexi could push lee away in time so only she would be caught by it pouncing onto her chest. and extending it's gel like tendrils to coil all around her bust
cock, arms, and legs.
"Lee-you are so-" she cut herself off as her attention dialed in with the faintest motion of the alien. It's coiling limbs, it trying to swing up, such moves to any other human woukd have been lightning fast but she sensed ot right away. "Move!" She said twisting snd shoving her lab partner away valiantly. If she survived getting mauled to death....the selfish Amazite part of her mind expected atleast some head. She felt the monster clutch her abd she tried to struggle, gasping as it started wrapping around her and trying to fondle her. Her eyes widened as ut felts her bust and wrapped around her crotch. Oh no.
The bulking segment which was it's main body snuggled between her breast. as the sensation could be felt. two thin tendrils tightly coiling around the base of Alexi's breast, and snaking up to assault her nipples. another two moving up to her shoulders, and down her arms, to aim snake between her fingers.

all the while an odd one formed as it slithered down from her belly around her lower back, and back to the front to snag her cock. as it felt like the tendrils troked it, while the tip began to expand and swallow her cock slowly. another one moving to invade her womanly, and dark star puckering entrance. while binding her legs.

as this was going on, Lee would seem to be in shock. her eyes almost in a haze like state. as if a mixture of hormones, and panic mixed. being a artificially enhanced being, Alexi would be able to tell almost instantly this creature had some kind of psychic paralysis for it's prey. meaning once it was done with her, it planned to move onto lee.
However as the assault began, her body would feel incredible pleasure, even if unwanted. more then that, she would need to try and pull Lee out of her stupor, before this thing managed to adapt a new appendage and move to gag the scientist.
As the tendril tore into her uniform, trying to violate her, Tearing away at her uniform pants to free her body for its ends. Her cock was enveloped, larger than a nonenhanced male. As it filled her slit and dove into her dark star, making her yelp. "L-Lee! LEE!" She tried to scream out for help, trying to snap her out of it.
It did not take long before Alexi was completely nude, her body fully exposed to every one. as the tendrils snaked all along her frame, and more so.
assaulting all her tender area. as Lee came to hearing Alexi scream, she would rush over to try and begin to full the core of this creature off her boss.
as she pulled at it's core. each time, causing the tendrils which were invading Alexi's tender entrance, and back side. while it thickened with out remorse, forming
a mix of ridges, with one, and feelers, or thorns with the other as it was barbing up. the increase in sensation could be felt, however Alexi would be the first to notice
how a new tendril was forming. one which would seem to grow small tendril like appendages on the edge, before shape shifting into a mask like face piece.
however it would not go for Alexi, but instead Lee. this thing was doing all it could to enjoy and breed with these women, however it was unknown that as Lee
pulled and struggled. it was enough to cause the creature's hold on one of Alexi's arms to loosen.
Alexi saw the mask form, her body despite its assault, running with pleasure, forcing her voice to rise up with moans abd cries. Sge felt her arm freeing up. She moved her hand, catching the tendril before it could latch into Lee's face, twisting it around it in her fist abd started to struggle to try to pry the monster off of her. "G-get it off-me- Lee!"she cried out in between breathy, hot moans that Lee probably would hear in her dreams for weeks.
Alexi moving her now free arm quick to take action. the head scientist would manage to redirect the mask from Lee only for it to suddenly engulf her face. forming a wicked, and thick cock like tongue in the core of it. the thing would
force itself deep down into Alexi's throat. as it was quick to release it's thick wild fluid. an almost hot like gel was forced down her throat, as this odd venom was meant for Lee originally. however into the enhanced body which was Alexi
it would have a different effect then on a normal victim. it would act like a drug to make the body far more accepting, and needy to lewd desires. while it was meant to subdue it's prey and make them helpless seed bed for the alien, but in
Alexi's case, it would cause her mind to become like a sexual predator, needing prey for a short while.

as this was happening so quickly, it would feel like an eternity of being raped by the alien, until Lee finally managed to kill it. piercing the core with her nails, as she ripped it painfully from the grasp it had between Alexi's breast. leaving the odd
almost teeth like marks between the boss's breast. however as the tendrils went limp, the creature died. as it released it's micro spores into the air ways. thus spreading through the ship, unseen and unnoticed. which would give Lee a chance to help
remove Alexi's unwanted face hugging mask. unaware that the venom which would be in her would cause Alexi to see Lee as a fuck toy to sate her unnaturally powerful desire, if she succumbed to it at this point, or if she had the needed self control
to keep herself under control until it passed. only time would tell for the first true victim of the now infected ship.
She dropped to the ground as she coughed, sputtering up as much as the jelly as she could. Her senses were on fire, her ears ringing, she couldn't really focus, couldn't move. It was the only thing keeping her from tackling Lee. "Lee- you-i-" she stammered in a daze. For Lee it was like she was going into some kind of shock, drawing the older woman closer with her weakened state.
as this was going on, Lee was still in a bit of shock and panic. as she moved to run her hands over the exposed Alexi. running her fingers along the elegant frame.
feeling or more so examining her boss for any painful spots from being in the grasp of the creature prior. However in her current state, Lee did not know, her concern would
be opening the door up for the weakened Alexi to get what her body was currently needing and desiring, even if she knew better. for if she gave into this unnaturally powerful
desire, a strange glowing scene would become visible. as if the bite mark between her breast would have faint glowing purple veins spreading through her body to grant the strength
needed to breed any victim. however if she was able to resist it, her body would remain much weaker, as if it was just the way of a normal human would be.
Alexi whimpered as Lee touched her, her chest stinging, feeling the alien venom, it's infection, working through her body. As she was touched she looked uo to Lee, her pupils were dilated like she had just drank a bottle of vodka on her own. But as Lee checked her for injuries, Alexi grabbed the older woman's cheeks and kissed her suddenly. Lee perhaps could assume it was also the emotions running high, being saved, but then Alexi leaned forward slamming her back on the floor as she locked her arms around her with surprising strength. Lee then noticed just how erect her lab partner was, it was like steel rubbing between her legs already.
Now forcefully pinning her fellow scientist against the near by wall, her ass on the floor, as if in a sitting position. Pressing into her, Alexi's rock hard member could be felt pushing deep and quickly into Lee.
who would wrap her arms around Alexi, as she even moved to wrap one of her legs around her boss, and playmate. panting heavily with each powerful thrust.
"Oh, we should really get uh god, out of here first. " the position allowed for an easy assault from the still horny, and very aggressive Alexi. all the more, she would be able to find
how this older woman, who had such a hot and alluring body felt amazingly tight, and welcoming. more then that, the hot molten vice which devoured her cock would be quiet the prize. as lee
whispered between pants, how she was unable to become pregnant due to her body modification, thus they could have all they fun she wanted. it was unknown how long this alien venom in Alexi would
last, let alone the fact that the futa would now, always possess a predatorial need to breed after this alien incident.
Alexi didn't speak, she barely was paying attention to Lee's words. It was like a feral spirit had possessed her, eating her up more and more by the moment. At her pants abd urging, Alexi came to focus as she admitted her modifications to keep herself from getting pregnant. She drew back a bit, some spoke through her, the primordial thing that was puppeting her by her election. "I'll test that." She practically purred. Then she rose up, Lee feeling the dainty hand of Alexi....pull her up like she was a doll. She dragged Lee out of the room, into another side lab, one that was fir medical tests...but Alexi put Lee on the medical table and started in on her again, latching her mouth to hers in another carnal rage. She pinned the woman's arms down, her cock grinding against her again, already angling to ram her full
As this rough treatment went on, unaware of the infectious desire in Alexi, being a new internal drive to dominate the futa body when in need.
Alexi could do nothing more then fall prey, and enjoy every moment of being dominated, as her own modified body would be unable to last long enough for
this second round. Now going at lee with full force, each thrust making her body slide against the table. her breast bouncing wildly, as her lips were muffled by
alexi's assailing lips. it would be while this was going on, that Nataly finally began to come to. unaware that Lee would soon be completely defenseless with her
strength being fucked out of her body completely. meaning she would be able to do noting but lay their if alexi caught sight of nataly, or if she was to distracted by
lee's seductive frame.
(XD I think you made a whoopsie in your opening paragraph. )

As Nataly walked in on the scene, Alexi thrusting away like a absolute animal, not even a human futanari anymore, too busy mixing up Lee's insides with her cock and leaving her marks on her with her teeth. Alexi theusted into the woman again panting like a wild dog as she started pumping her load inti her again, making her belly bloat further and further. She pulled out as she looked at Lee, her seed ravaging around inside her. Then her eyes fell on her other lab partner m, walking to her slowly, her sensual walk only intensifying her shining skin, her curves, hypnoticly walking to her new available womb.

Alexi jumped to grab her, to drag her into the lab.
Laying their on the medical table, her tender womanly entrance with the seed oozing out of her. the bulging belly was quiet the site, however her body was well
abused. her face lolled with rolled back eyes, tongue hanging out, as she couldn't do much more then release lustfully sated mumbles. as Lee was well used at this point, her body
even if it is unable to be impregnated was more then enjoyable for the needs of her assailant, who was now upon a new victim.

Nataly still in her lab coat, and having seen the mess had come to look for Alexi, and Lee. unaware of what she would find, however the instant she stumbled upon the futa ravaging her fellow lab worker.
the elderly maiden would scream, only to be snatched, and pulled into an almost hypnotic state, from the view of the swaying hips moving tours her, unaware that this was the influence of the unique evolution alexi
had. the one to help hunt down victims for her carnal needs.
Alexi put Nataly against the table, pinning her over top of the dazed Lee. She may have been unbreedable....but Akexi was a scientist. Even in her carnal madness, if Lee brought it up, she more than likely would make a work around. Nataly's coat was ripped off her back and the futanari grabbed her nano suit, pulling it, the suit meant to absorb laser fire being torn apart by the woman's hands. "You next-you're breedable!" She grunts as her forced her over, handling one if her legs, raising it. She forced Nataly closer to her beaten friend, the futa thrusting into her brazenly to run rampant over her next.
struggling under the assault of Alexi's mighty hold, and pressure of her breeding assault. Nataly would only seem to squirm under Alexi's horny, and aggressive pressure.
her ass wiggling, her legs kicking out as they were unable to touch anything. her arms pinned under her own weight, however all her thrashing and struggling would only cause
more pleasure for Alexi, who pushed into her with out mercy. filling her victim, and beginning to sate her other worldly desire. Little did any of them know, this would become a normal thing
where Alexi's mind would black out, and her body bred victims. However for right now, she had broken the horny Gild known as Doctor Lee, and now she was beginning the process of ruining
ms. Nataly already. the two maidens were more then eye candy at this point. However none of them would know the true horror which this ship would go through let alone, what they would
be bringing back to the space station in the coming days.
Alexi let her thrash, ther squirming only making her thrust hard, she seized Nataly by her hair roughly, pulling it as sge took what she wanted. The poor woman only felt the harsh pace, drumming deep inside hee, beating deep inside her tapping her most sacred place constantly. "Mm-mine-mine- ha- mine to- ngh- breed-" Alexi mumbled as she moved, her cock was like steel inside hee, ravaging away. The Futanari almost felt like she would never finish, that she'd pound Nataly unto a broken mess and still keep going.
Having given into the mind frame of the alien parasitic influence. Alexi had taken not one but two strong maidens. breaking them both to quiet the pleasuring desire. as they would both end up unconscious, however
her own needs drove her body to destroy, and use them until she was sated. as some time would pass.

Alexi would later begin to come to, all nude, and in her personal room's bed. but on ether side of her would be Lee, and nataly. both with bulging bellys, as their arms wrapped around her.
snuggled into the frame of Alexi. but she would not remember much more then small glimpses of her taking them. as the memories were fragments at best. however she would be the first one to awaken.
Alexi grunted as she opened her eyes, wincing as she sat up. The noticed sge wasn't alone. She covered her mouth with her hands, gasping to herself. What happened? When did this happen?! She touched her head as just trying ti thunk made her dizzy. She laid back down, whimpering. Her hips were sore too, her body felt drained like she had been working out all day long. She touched her belly, tracing her fingers along to her internal set of bells, pressing in them. Normally she had felt them aching but now she felt normal. Ofcourse that was because she pumped everything inti these two women. "Oh so fired." She mumbled. She had completed taken down two of their senior science officers, and destroyed their research subject.
Finally Nataly and Lee woudl begin to come to. Nataly in a more exhausted state would move to snuggle into Alexi. as Lee moved to sit up. her belly now on full display to Alexi's
eyes. " Oh my, you did quiet the number boss. But I do admit, this was better then any playmate we had before. I think I need to go get myself cleaned up, and perhaps drained. "

as she spoke, referring to getting all the excess seed removed from her in the showering room.

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