Sci-Fi RP Mysteries of the Far Beyond. (Lord Sesshomaru)

as she spoke in such playful shock, the medical lead would begin to crawl onto the table, as her nails gingerly scraped along the inside of alexi's legs.

"Oh come now, you know we modified women can easily be far stronger then a normal body could handle. besides being 120 years old, I know a few tricks. care
to experience them?" saying this, the wicked little woman, known as sasha would reveal how she got the nickname, the immortal mad scientist with her age reveal, in such a playfully aggressive manor.
"well then, if that is the case, let me do something fun for us both?"
moving to get her into position, Alexi would soon feel how the tiny sasha slowly started to push into her depths.
the head spreading her womanly slit slowly. as the process began, Alexi would feel a new sensation, despite not being a virgin.
due to how deep little sasha reached with in her. it would cause entirely new, and some what exciting and alien sensation for the powerful
scientist to enjoy at the moment.
hugging the tiny woman into her frame, as she felt Sasha's long spear deep inside of her. more so then any one ever reached before. the way the head kissed the back of her very depths.
the movements beginning to pick up in pace. as Sasha did not hesitate to move and clamp her own mouth onto one of Alexi's massive, and bountiful breast. as her one hand slid between the women, and
began to stroke Alexi. as she fucked her fellow futa with out remorse.

the pleasure would begin to build up.
as things continued to ramp up, the pleasure began to hit new heights. however something a bit unexpected would be felt. as if something was poking at
Alexi's tight ass. wanting to invade her, and double pen the beautiful Futa. all the more her body could feel how the tiny hand grasping her girthy rod was
stroking viciously along her shaft. It would not be visible at first, however the sensation would feel as if Alexi's partner was up to something. perhaps the experiments
she mentioned prior were causing these new enjoyable sensations.
"Mm-doctor- what was-thar-" age moaned out as she getting stroked. Sasha's vicous pace and rabid thrusting gad pushed Akexi into getting hard. Sasha's petite fingers were spread further, in weight and thickness, Alex was as wide aa a man's wrist, and nearly as long as Sasha's. No wonder she was hesitant to try it out. It drummed hungrily in her grip. Sasha knew a few things from her check ups until recently Alexi has no sexual partners, she had been completely celibate for months on end, stewing and saving up some of the most potential cocktail of her seed....if she was honest and poured all that baby batter into Lee, why was she so hard? Her hips bucked against Sasha's own, her lower body slamming aha the other futas hotly.
FInally getting more and more into the act, Sasha would pull her tiny body away from Alexi's bust. leaving some teeth marks around her one tit.
However more then that. She would begin to thrust wildly, and very visciously into the larger seductive maiden. all the while Alexi would feel as
if her ass was being penetrated at the same time as her womanly entrance. all the while, before her eyes. Sasha's back would seem to change.
as several tendrils formed. suddenly forming two with maws. which moved to latch onto her two breast. another morphed into a strange flower like tip as
it aimed to force it's stem down into her mouth with gusto. as sasha asked if her experiment felt good. as she took a strong hold on both of Alexi's thighs.
As She spoke her question, Alexi was filled with cold horror amongst the pleasures that were inflicted on her. Her face had gonna a tad pale, as the tendrils gathered together and latched onto her. Her head started to ache, her scar in the middle of her chest too. The stem lashed for her mouth and she pushed on Sasha, all her enhanced strength kicking into overdrive to hurl the mutant off if her.
Causing her mind to panic suddenly, Alexi would push sasha off of her, only to feel how her womanly entranced, was suddenly feeling empty. as sasha would hit the ground with a painful thud.
It would be at this moment, that she would see that sasha was just like her, and the odd sensation of tendrils, and monsterization was all in her mind. most likely some kind of truama
from when the alien assaulted her prior. despite how it felt, the only evidence of her body being penetrated in her womanly entrance, as well as her one breast only having marks from sasha's actual teeth.

it all pointed to her mind playing tricks on her, and thus panicking and hurting sasha suddenly out of panic, as the tiny woman was out cold now.
"Sasha-oh no!" She said sitting up and seeing she was out cold. "Oh no! Oh I'm so sorry!" She said as she tried to shake her awake. That damned alien had left its mark, but she hadn't remember much until now. She pulled the doctor up in her arms, hugging her close a moment before putting her on the table to look for injuries.
the injuries were nothing more then a nasty bump on the head. which meant a bit of smelling salt and she could be brought back to the world of the conscious.
however now Alexi would know, she had to be careful when playing with partners, for a bit of trauma like this could cause such an accident, who knows what else could happen.
yet little did she know, that the view of such a vulnerable body would seem to slowly begin to trigger the same side of her, which assaulted, and claimed both Lee, and nat prior.
even if it was more like a dark itch or desire growing in the back of Alexi's mind at the moment.
Alexi bit her lip a moment feeling her chest throb, the scars tingling and her rigid cock jumped slightly as she caught herself looking at Sasha a bit too long. She winced and looked down at her erection,, touch a vein. Huh was that always purple? She thrusted the thought aside to go to the first aid kit to get out the smelling salts.
Taking her time to collect the first aid kit, and thus the smelling salt out of it. while the tiny vixen Sasha was out cold, and defenselessly laid out on the table now.
leaving Alexi to first take care of the mistake she made, then if she was able to resist the growing urge, then to seek out Nataly, as Lee was being treated, however if she
fell prey to her growing predatorial thirst. then Sasha would be an interesting outlet.
Alexi swallowed the long she looked at her Vulnerable shipmate's body. She reached out, her hands trembling as he headache returned, one hand still holding the capsule of smelling salts. The other traced along her neck to her face. "What's going on with me-" she said trying to fight her feelings off still.
as she struggled, Alexi's mind would suddenly go through twisting sensations, one of extreme hunger, and thirst for a partner to sate her growing desire.
the other flashes of tentacles aiming for her. wanting to escape the assault, the twisting mix was a conflict of two extremes. Little did Alexi know, that if she could
over come her truama, then she could truly become so something more amazing, as it would seem like the growing infection with in her, was trying to manipulate the
truama to cause her mind to black out, and give into the desires of the prey before she could fully awaken Sasha from her defenseless state.
Alexi' hands fumbled rhe capsile as she grabbed her head, crumbling to her knees with pain and fear, the flashes hitting her over and over, her senses going crazy as they heightened more and more. Then sge went limp, slumping backwards like a doll as she lost her consciousness ir felt like. Another waking dream taking her over.
Laying their defenseless and vulnerable, the tiny maiden was ripe for the taking as her feet dangled off the metal table.
the door itself was still cracked, as it had not been fully sealed by Alexi, not thinking of it, before the incident began.
as her body began to fall prey, the desire, and hungering drive to breed beginning to over take her once more. the veins in her cock, and through
key parts of her body began to glow, with a faint other worldly hue. the purple veins growing thicker, and more visible, as if enhancing the most important parts
of her modified body.
Alexi rose back up as the veins spread, her body moving on its own her eyes blank and glazed as she was led by her unconscious desires. She grabbed the maiden, her grip, if she had been awake to know it, would have been inhuman in its strength. He spread her legs apart, starting to thrust her way inside of her helpless prey.
As she began to fill her tiny partner, feeling the way the molten fleshy vice devoured, and squeezed the now infected rod for all it was worth.
the tiny body almost seemed to demand more from the sexually aggressive beast of a woman above her. Alexi's mind would soon gain glimpses of what her
body was now doing. instead of awakening Sasha with the medical salt, and continuing their fun properly. her body was raping her playmate, and potentially awakening her
in a much more alarming yet enjoyable state.
(XD Sasha: realizes she's getting forces upon...realizes she's very into it)

Alexi's thrusts were heavy and forceful, her blacked out mind reveling in its diluty, the infection wrapping her blood and un her brain spreading little by little with every shock of enjoyment. Sasha was a Tiny womb, breeding it would be easy and fun. She gripped her tiglghter, not aware of anything else. Her cock was shoving its way deeper, making itself defined under her belly, slamming away into her her. Alexi felt her muscles pulsing all over, her thrusts picking up the pace and power.
Now getting rougher, and carried away. Alexi's almost demonically lustful body pleasured itself with Sasha's tiny frame. however
as her eyes began to flutter open. the tiny lab maiden would cover her mouth with the back of one of her hands. as she would suddenly move to
wrap her legs around Alexi's well toned, and small waist. desperately trying to lick her ankles around the larger woman's build, yet failing due to the height difference, and
thus the length of her legs lacking for this task.

unable to control this sensation, under lewd whimpers, the tiny maiden would complain how it was suppose to be her turn first, before being pounded. realizing she did not dislike this,
however alexi would not be in the right state of mind to respond to the offer of being pounded once she was done doing the pounded, or perhaps her lustful side might want this after all.
as this would be a way to sample a new kind of infection manor, besides spreading her infected seed into woman she wants to claim. but perhaps as this one is a futa, taking her seed, would allow
her to infect the tiny woman's cock, and make it an extension of her own pleasure as well?
Alexi grunted and panted, pounding away like a wild animal, Sasha had no real idea if this was Alexi's wild side, that under that shyness, she would put a woman to sleep if she had the chance to fuck her. Alexi grabbed the petite woman's wrist pining it over her head as she rutted against her. Her infection thrilled through her, sensing the infections in her fellow futa. She wanted to breed her, perhaps they woukd breed each other and lay a clutch of monstrous spawn.
Now getting more and more into the action, having come to, the tiny woman was unable to make much more then grunts, and moaning sounds. however more then that,
her toes extended and curled over and over again. her hands now reaching up to try and grasp Alexi's impressive bust. as the eyes looked into the infected maiden being so rough upon

"tch, so rough, so hard. " struggling to get these words out, however the fact remained, her molten depths like a love suckling vice. as the flesh seemed to be trying to desperately
milk the taller lab maiden upon her.
Alexi squeezed Sasha trapped wrist, her eyes glazed over and empty of all but the most primal, base lasts that was being beaten between Sasha's thighs. Alexi fekt hand a hand on her breast, her soft bountiful tits bigger than the petite woman's hands, making her have plenty to grab. The feral scientist suddenly hutched her hips, changing her pace and angle as she forced Sasha's hips to go higher, raising them as she was rooting about to dominate her sift spots within.
as the currently lust over run Alexi ravaged the tiny Sasha. the mad medical maiden would soon move and twisting her body with an impressive motion.
this would cause alexi's body to suddenly lose balance. as the two ended up on the floor. both on their sides. while the one hand was still in the grasp of Alexi,
the other and now under the tiny vixen's body. as she was moving still, enjoying this sensation. her own hand which was originally playing with Alexi's one
impressive bust moved to take hold of her rapist's chin and move to kiss her deeply. this would be when the glowing purple veins began to form around Sasha's
lips, and through her cheeks slowly. as the infection was now spreading even faster. however this would seem to cause Alexi to come back to her sense, albeit for a short bit.
as it would appear to her, as if Sasha was the one raping her, as her mind would not recall being the one to start this. However this momentary laps of mental stability would not
last long with her body enjoying such a lewd and shared action.

(how long our Alexi remains herself, or if she succumbs right away again is up to you. but thought we give her a glimpse of heaven as well. for fragmented memories for later wink wink. )
Alexi's mind came back online, making out with Sasha on the floor, balls deep inside of her...well figuratively, Alexi's approximation for such an organ was internal. Regardless, she wasn't sure what was going on, she had blacked out abd now Sasha was up it seemed, and apparently happy to continue getting her desired orgasm. Apparently more than willing to try out Alexi's cock if she had to do so. She grabbed the petite woman's breast, her hips were moving, almost like she had no control over them. "Sasha-" he muffled her words, groaning lowly as her purple veins spread between them, absorbing more of the futas spores. She felt dizzy...but God her dick was almost too hard, like she could go all day long with her, and honestly it was too busy feeling good to have her think straight.
"hmm, so what you say, once you nut, I take a turn, and we can see how out last who, taking turns hmm?"
saying this with broken, and panting between words. the tiny sasha had already been inside of Alexi but not able to enjoy it for
long due to truama, however perhaps with this new situation they could have even more fun. as Alexi's current mental condition would last for
who knew how long. would she be able to continue being alert long enough to change turns? or would she end up losing to her alien influenced lust.

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