Sci-Fi RP Mysteries of the Far Beyond. (Lord Sesshomaru)

"wasteful or not, it is kinda useless on a sterile old woman, but still feels nice won't deny that. " saying this, Lee would wink at Alexi before taking her leave first.
this left the slumbering Nataly at Alexi's side. which little did Alexi know, Nataly would not be so chill about it, once she awoke, but far more annoying and clingy.

as this went on, the rest of the ship crew had begun to get infected by the spores, released from the death of the new life form they had discovered prior.
yet more then that, Alexi would be unaware that her own body was now infected, and changing internally. as her unique body was perfect for both a seed bed, and
a hive queen / breeder stud. the first glimpse of this was when she took the two lab companions the night prior. yet it was not a bad idea to get cleaned up and ready
for some breakfast. perhaps she would be able to sneak up on Lee, or meet up with another ship mate while in the shower to talk about this discovery, perhaps while leaving the
lewd and erotic parts out of it.
wrapping herself up in a towel, and following, Alexi would find lee already long gone from view, showing ether how fast the older vixen was,
or how slow she was to get up. ether way it was easy to find her. But Alexi would find something a bit unexpected. as one of the male crew mates
had Lee pinned to the shower wall. forcefully kissing and groping her, as she pressed against the man. stating this was wrong, even threatening to call for help
if he did not stop. however the fact remained, this was one of the elite guards of the engine quarters, known to harass medical and scientists quiet often. However
little did this wicked man know that now that Lee had been claimed. If Alexi knew it or not. the instinct inside of her to protect what was hers might stir regardless of her
normally intelligent, and dangerous mind.
As she said this, the bulking man would press into the wall with a grunt from the impact.
"Well then, try to keep your pet in line, or I will enjoy her when you let her go on her own. "
speaking like, this as he saw those of the science, and medical lab as nothing more the pets for the rest of the
crew, with exception of two individuals. Alexi being one of them, as such their was one just like her in the Medical team as well.

as he said this, a strange sensation would be felt By alexi, one which was both familiar and horrible. as it would cause momentary flash backs of
the alien entity which had bound, and raped her in the lab. but this odd sensation would be coming from the man she just ripped away from Lee, who was
visibly shaken, sliding down to sit on the floor, with her knees hugged to her chest. most likely experiencing something similar due to this man in the room.
"You think you can just do whatever you like!" Alexi stepped closer to the man, her hands forming fists as she closed the gap. She threw a punch, slamming her fist square into his bare ribs. She had no idea she was far stronger than she was only a few hours ago. No clue of the dangers she presented to others with her unchecked strength.
knocking the man away from Lee, He would grunt as he looked to Alexi.
"What is wrong with you bitch, this woman is mine, and you are in the wrong hear, just ask the captain if you don't believe me. "
as he said this, making it sound like he paid for the right to abuse Lee, however the fact remained, Alexi had taken her claim the night prior on Lee, and nat.
unaware of this, the man would pull himself back up as he looked over the futa, licking his lips a bit.

"besides that unsightly piece of meat your body is quiet fine as well. so tell you what, we can leave Lee alone if you take her place for me hmm?
"Don't be sad Its bigger." Alexi said ignoring his looks, she braced herself, nit even realizing her own actions really, she got between the man and Lee. Her blood was brimming heavy snd hot in her body, her body ready for a fight. "I'll break you every bone in your body if I see you even breathe near one of mine again."
as she said this, it would be sudden, and taking Alexi by surprise, as the brute would suddenly show strength he should not have. easily taking hold of Alexi by the wrists.
spinning her around, and pressing her right up against the shell shocked lee. pinning her in a way that Alexi's cock would be between Lee's thighs, as she felt the man rubbing up against her own womanly entrance.
while his cock tip poked at her.

"well then, while you take what's yours I'll just take what's mine then how does that sound hmm?"
saying this the body began to enhance already, as the spores effecting the inside of this man began to magnify his body in multiple ways in order to
take what it needed him to do. However this would also leave Alexi in a scenario for needing to get info from the captain if she was selling the right to fuck her
crew mates to other crew mates like a low life slave trader and pirate.
"Who gave you the right!" She hissedvas she was pinned, trapped at the man's mercy as he pushed against her. She wanted to rock back, to slam her head into his nose sbd cave it in. The thought however also scared her. Where did this violence erupt from? The knowledge? It was like she was two different minds, fighting for her reason.
As her head smashed into the brute's face. Alexi's action allowed him to stumble back a bit.
more then that, the wicked brute as he stumbled back would take a viscous grasp of her hair pulling Alexi back.
planning to pull her down and slamming the woman onto the ground as punishment for striking him.

"Stupid bitch, here I was gonna be nice and share, but you want to be rude, then I will punish you accordingly. "
as he shouted this, planning to rape Alexi, the brute had no idea what he was getting himself into, as his natural strength head
on would be no match to her. using his size, and position to pin her prior.
Alexi shrieked as she felt him pull her hair but as she was thrusted to the floor she caught herself, her hands stabilizing her like she was a statue. He couldn't force her further, feeling her starring to push herself back up. She lashed out an elbow, slamming the man in the ribs again. She was trying to hurt him now, her elbow driving into his side, bones cracking as her blow struck him.
Stumbling back, as the hit was very painful, and did remarkable damage considering the size difference.
gasping from the pain and shock of the impact. the bulking beast stumbled back and ended up falling on his ass.

"You stupid bitch, the captain will make sure you regret getting in the way. that whore is suppose to be mine for
the next hour. sharing wouldn't be so bad but you will pay for this. "

spitting his venomous words, the man would be an easy target of Alexi wished to knock him out, or leave him to suffer, and
take the currently shell shocked Lee from the public showering area with her to a more private one. like the labratory wash area, or
even the laborer wash area in the dock, despite how cramped those ones were compared to the public crew shower.
Alexi kicked the man square in the face as he threatened her. Savage, brutal, but she held back...the male was weaker than her, instinctively her soft human side still couldn't bring herself to kill him. She rounded on Lee, pulling her out if the showers and covering her up to lead her away to the private lab showers.
laying their, grasping his now bleeding face, the massive individual could be heard cursing at Alexi as she left with Lee.

as the two maiden's would soon find themselves in the smaller, sanitization wash room of the lab. Alexi would soon begin to feel something.
a strange sensation, however it would be unknown at this moment in time to her, as it was her body adapting to the alien part with in her, and more
then that sensing another infected near by. for now it would seem like they had the peace needed to properly wash up, as Lee remained silent at the moment.
Keeping an eye out for any males to come into the lab area, Alexi would find Lee clinging to her, and wobbly in the legs. which only showed that the brute had roughed her up to a painful state.
however as she would finish with the aid in washing up her partner, and playmate. the midifide woman would soon notice what looked like a little girl from behind, in the lab. one which was now
digging through the drawers. however this would me lady sasha, a petite mad woman, who was in charge of the medical squad on the team. much like Alexi this tiny frame was a modified one.
thus one could see this girl as an immortal scientist. however unaware of it at the moment, Sasha was the one causing Alexi the odd sensations. as she would be looking through tools, mumbling to herself.

Alexi blinked to herself. "Sasha?" She said as she stepped out of the showers, though she didn't cover up...mostly because Sasha was the medical officer, and had seen her practically naked in several check ups to make sure her modified nature could hold up to any strange new worlds on the journey. "Sasha, I need help, some bastard tried ti assault Lee" she said as she approached the petite woman.
Turning to see Alexi, the tiny maiden's eyes seemed to glow like a cat's eyes in the dark. as she smile.
"I see, if that is the care, would you care to get her up on the table? I can do a full check up, but I think you will need to do something as well. "
as she said this licking her lips, the little mad medical scientist would be looking over Alexi. before admitting she would take care of lee first, then the
two could speak of a favor the medical maiden had.
(XD Sasha: My payment is cum. Lots of it all over my insides.)

Alexi noticed her ogling her, the futanari blushing and trying to cover herself wasn't very effective. "Sasha, you've seen it all before, don't leer ar me like its so appealing." She said. Whatever dominant nature drawn out by the xinflict had bled away now that she was sure she wasn't dealing with a threat. She turned around to walk over to Lee, guiding her poor play mate to the table.
"Well then let us take a look here. "
as shed said this, her fingers would skillfully begin to run along Lee's legs, arms, feeling up her tender region. groping her sensitive bust.
as the final spot would be when she pressed her palms down on the belly a bit. a few minor squirts of seed escaping lee, from the pressure, which would
be embarrassing for the scientist.

Sasha would then walk away, and fix a drink, which would put Lee in a short term coma like state in this room. after which she would lock the door, and turn to
Alexi, with a bit more of a serious tone.

"Their are minor fracture's in her legs, from the ankle to the knee, both of them, as well as wrists to the elbows. I will have her in a recovery like coma, and we can
get her into a healing pod. But I will need your help carrying her, for if she was attacked by a man. then we should avoid letting any near her until she is healed. "
as she said this in a dark, yet concerning tone. little did Alexi realize, that Sasha had her own desires as well, once the patient was out cold, and in the pod, she would make
her own moves for a desired reward.
"I should have kicked the bastard harder." Alexi said as she listened to the report. She should have never held back, knowing now just how monstrous he had been. Then glanced at Lee. "Did he do anything else to her?" She said as she picked up her senior, taking her to the healing pod to set her inside.
To be honest, the excess we removed from her. I can not tell with out a dna test, but I assume the two of you had your fun prior? which could be from you or from her assailant. "
as she said this, it would be a bit embarrassing, however it would be needed, and had to be revealed. for if Alexi did not reveal that she over flowed Lee, then it would be seen as the excess cum
removed from her was from a rape. not a scene of over whelming passion. yet if Alexi remained silent about it, then this would go down, as the brute having injured, and raped Lee before being
rescued by alexi.
"I see, if that is the case, then we only need to report the physical violence, we can keep quiet about the sexual findings, as long as it was consensual. "
as she said this with a smile, sasha would begin to close the pod, as Lee suddenly began to come to, for a few moments, due to the medical drink still not taking full effect.
she would place her palms against the inside of the pod, only to see alexi, with panicked eyes. as if wanting alexi to get her out of the pod.

sasha would begin to count down from 10, once the numbers were all done, Lee finally passed out completely. despite the momentary panick in her eyes.
Alexi would know well enough this was needed to heal her internal injuries, and to ensure she would be healthy enough for more fun in the future.

" well then, with our patient taken care off, I first need to thank you. it has been so boring for so long. no one evers speaks with me, any more. however with that said. "
as she spoke up, stripping herself, Sasha's body would be alot like Alexi, just no where near as well endowed. her own meaty spear was impressive for her body size, but at the
same time, it was thinner, yet longer then Alexi's own.

"you have any idea how hard it is to find a good girl who doesn't run at the sight of this. you were truly lucky." as she spoke, now in the nude her self. her small yet perky breast
bouncing with each step. as she moved around the medical room. taking the time to take out several smaller tools, and toys so to speak. she looked to Alexi.

"so do you want to help me with a bit of an issue I have myself? or would you prefer to help me find a different volunteer?"
saying this, her eyes would suddenly change colors, into that of an amber color.
Alexi blushed as Sasha stripped in front of her. "Uh-wait-you wan-want to-" she stammered as she watched her pull out tools abd toys. "You want to have sex? With me?" She said as she took a deep breath to compose herself. The Amazite walked towards her shipmate. She looked down between them, the two spears facing off, though it was clear Alexia had more girth to hers.
"SO what you say, a little fun? we could even take turns, see who can endure the longest?"
asking this with a playfully evil smirk. the tiny maiden was longer, and alexi was girthier indeed.
however it would be the first, time where Alexi was being asked to allow one to fuck her first, then return the favor, and
take turns. however another thing would be all the different ways they could play together. what Alexi did not know as it was
would be the fact once some fun began, the true horror show would begin for her. as sasha was infected with spores, much like herself.
but on a different scale, as was every one in this ship.
Alexi bit her lip. "Uhhh I don't know Sasha, you're kinda....little?" She said as she looked down to the petite girl. "I don't know if it'll fit in there if I go all the way up" She said gently. She was trying to spare the mad doctor it seemed, but ofcourse that didn't mean she wasn't interested in the idea.
"SO then how about I take you first then? see how well you endure my little spear before I take yours hmm?"
asking this, as she smiled with a wicked, and playful look, the petite maiden was not going to be turned down.
However the fact remained, her body build was indeed much smaller then one would normally be comfortable with, when
dealing with a size like Alexi's. yet this little woman was much like herself, and like the scientist. a modified woman who was far older
then she appeared. It would be sudden and a bit surprise, however the short stack would suddenly take hold of Alexi by the hips, and
forcefully toss her onto the table, where she would be laying at an ideal height. the fact her tiny body had this much strength could be
ether a turn on or a red flag. as her tiny hands began to run along Alexi's inner legs with a wicked smile.
(XD Alexi: how Is the this 4 foot girl si str-eye rolling orgasming noises)

"Sasha you might pop som-whoa!" Alexi yelped as she was laid down so forcibly. ""You're stronger than you look-" she said with a bit of a moan as she was felt up by the smaller woman. She was taken aback, unsure if her strength was modified. "Hey-hands- " she said flushing as she tried to stop her.

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