Anime RP Off to the Races (lord)

The pressure of his finger suddenly being removed resulted in her trying to lift her head to watch him light a candle, allowing the wax to grow hot before he tilted said candle over her body, making her hiss through her clenched teeth of the burning sensation that also tickled. She pinned back her ears while he continued to speak, his darker side revealing itself to her more by the minute, but ensured she knew that she was forever his personal play toy. Beauty was the public maiden, and she was his true love behind closed doors, at least how she viewed it. Yet his anger behind his kiss and hands was truly felt and mixed with his desire and love for her. This was a long night, but a lesson would be taught. Her biting muffled her cries and screams onto her lips, but moans she happily sounded for him even if he aimed for her cries.

"Well let's distract you," Sally suggested in a quiet voice, keeping her distance as he began speaking about the finding she and Mako made so Beauty was in the loop as to why Mako was being such a pick-me gal currently, then added in from business information about racing and the breeding programs hoping to get Beauty's mind from the twins growing inside her. Over an hour and still Beauty was pacing, her breathing was off, and she was more on edge, so Sally changed tactics. "You seem to like Victor" is straight to the point. Beauty froze in her tracks at such a comment, her ears pinning back as she glared at Sally. "I wouldn't say like," not wanting to admit she loves him, cares for him now. Sally would smirk as she sat at the edge of the bed. "He adores you; never seen him try to be so gentle toward any mare; he was quite rough with Mako when taming her," she informed, looking up to Beauty, who at last was standing still. "He technically bought me so...make sense he likes me" she scoffs, shrugging that off as she moves her hands to massage gently over her stomach.
"once the night passes, and lesson learned, we will decide on a proper course of action my cute little mako. So for tonight try your best to endure. Remember the fun part is the removal of the wax when it's nice and cool later. "
saying this to her, before the wicked man would do something a bit unexpected, but not unwelcomed. he would move upon her, and give Mako a few quick pokes in the womanly entrance. allowing his fingers to dive deeper then before
with three of them at once. however it was only a slight tease for a proper night to come. with that he would move to leave her in the shed, with the door cracked. as the wicked man did leave a fail safe a small radio which would be on
so he could hear everything going on in the shed. so if the worse case scenario ever happened the wicked owner could return and protect what was his.

as he would leave the shed, and head tours the well out front to wash himself up before returning to the ladies waiting in the main mansion for him. unaware of their pleasant chat, let alone how Beauty was still refusing her own growing feelings
for the master at this point in time. however would she deny them with him in private was the real question or would the milf to be, Tsundere beauty give in when alone with her master.
Nodding her head in an understanding fashion, she was growing excited by his teasing, gasping a moan at his knuckle-deep fingers reaching inside her slick walls before he abandoned her in the shed of punishment and torture. At first, she was still on a slight high until she began to wiggle and whine, wanting more while he was washing off at the well before returning to his dear Beauty. She glanced down at the feel of the hot wax hardening along her body, making her smile in anticipation.

Sally would giggle, finding it adorable how she just shrugged off her feelings on Victor's value in money when he couldn't care less. She got what he bought for, but Beauty's value was not even fully evaluated; she has much potential, especially the results for when the twins arrive. "Sure, yes, he likes you, we will say that," shaking her head in disbelief as Victor loves each of them in a unique way. "They settle down?" asked with a small smile to see how Beauty was already settling down into a motherly role, though still quite the firecracker. "Yeah," Beauty answered quietly, "I...I still can't believe I am going to be a mother to twins," she admitted, looking over to Sally. "Is this your first too?" curious if she had any insight. Sally's smile saddened a little for a moment before forcing it back. "Yeah, but don't worry, your body knows what to do, and Victor will be at your side, as will I," reassuring Beauty, who clearly was nervous about giving birth.
Finally returning to the main house, all cleaned up and left Mako to her own suffering for the night, as well as allowing her mind to think on the following actions once the long night of hot dripping and tight bondage
was over for her sensitive frame. as Victor returned, he would smile seeing the two ladies sitting together, as he winked at them both before speaking up.

"Well with business taken care off, would my beautiful ladies like something fresh, a drink, a meal?"
as he spoke up, offering this, knowing both of them were with his children growing in them, and more then that, the way Victor spoke and acted tours both beauty and sally showed both ladies. he
would be treasuring them more so then one might originally think. However Unlike sally, Beauty was the one still learning more about her place here, yet now beauty would see a rare chance to enjoy her new side of
master, or even let him have a night with sally, if she wanted to see how he would treat one who was not a fuck toy like mako. even though she would be an obvious objective for his affection, as much as sally.
Both turned their attention to the doorway as Victor appeared, which surprised them both as he seemed pretty pissed off with dear Mako, thinking he would be gone all night, but he had punishment plans currently in effect on the naughty mare. Beauty withdrew to the pillows at the top of the bed while Sally rose to her feet with a smile. "That would be wonderful." she was glad to see him back so soon, able to tell he even cleaned up before coming to them, which she knew was for beauty's sake. "I am sure some herbal tea and fruits will be perfect for us." He suggested some food to either send for or fetch himself.

On the bed, Beauty curled up under a blanket as the cramps returned once more, though she attempted to hide them, seeing how protective Victor was about their health, surely his pregnant gals. She glances over while Sally answers his question about bringing some food and drink their way while she swallows down her feelings for him, not yet ready to show the others how she has fallen for him. "yes, that sounds like a yummy snack, maybe take a water bath as well" Beauty suggested wanting to rid these cramps in some fashion, not minding to share the tub with Sally.
"Well then, would you ladies like me to set up a nice warm bubble bath for you to share? or prefer to do it yourself while I prepare some
fresh snacks and drinks?" as he spoke up saying this in a gentle, and oddly alluring yet exciting tone for both the mare's to pick up on. Sally who knew
their master better then Beauty would know the idea of the two of them in the tub together most likely was getting victor all excited, and with out Mako to
deal with his pent up desires. it would be a safe bet, one of these ladies might need to deal with him later, however in a much gentler manor, due to how he handled them.

as this was going on, It could easily be Beauty to decide before sally could speak up if she wanted to, however it would be Sally which could ether fill beauty in or leave the master's
growing state as a surprise for her younger counter part to learn about the hard way.
Sally perked right up hearing such a suggestion from Beauty, finally she was settling into her role even if Victor hasn't filled Sally in yet of what it was. With a warm smile Sally walks over to the bed, offering her hand “yes, we can draw the bath” answering Victor. But a shake of the head was given by Beauty, her body wincing from the twins continuously wrestling for space in her womb. “Ah…” sally turned back to their man “you fetch those snacks then carry beauty to the bathtub, the twins are lil terrors” heading to the bathroom. She would strip down as she went, Beauty fianlly getting a real look at the beautiful and elegant Sally. That was when she noticed a brand on Sallys hip, it had burned the fur white to ensure it forever was seen. Hating to do such, Beauty thought back to Mako, realizing the mare also held a brand on the left side of her chest. Both mares were branded by Victor to ensure if they were ever stolen or in trouble their true owner was and will forever be Victor. Unable stop herself from shooting a glance toward Victor in wonder of why he never mentioned such an importance of her safety; and insurance of being returned to him if anything happened to her.

Sally turning the facent on, squirting in two pumps of lavender soap to allow the room to fill with steam and the water with bubbles. Opening a cupboard she added a toss of rose petals before settling into the water herself. A light moan rose up her throat, resting her head against the rim of the tub finding this relaxing.
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Finding herself much more comfortable now, settling into the freshly prepped bath. Sally had yet to realize how Beauty noticed her, and mako's brands. However unknown to beauty, the two mares had been asked to accept such brands. as a way of looking at it. it was a kin to Victor proposing to the women, and them accepting his unique brand, was a kind of morbid version of a wedding band versus a slave mark.

Yet it was unknown to Beauty about this little detail, as it was easily something nether Sally, or mako would dwell on much at this point in their life. however the brand served multiple purposes, but it was offered, in a proposal like manor. as to which Beauty had yet to receive, most likely due to victor wanting to finalize a proper bond, and relationship with her prior to this, much as to how he built up his relationship with Sally prior, unlike mako who was more or less branded off the bat against her will at first, due to her wild nature back then.

as victor smiled, moving to sit next to beauty. his hand gently move to rub along her belly, and the other her arm. as he looked into her eyes with a gentle and loving gaze.
"Once your body is up for it, let me know, and we will carry my little princess to be to her proper bath this day no?" saying this in a playfully cute manor. the man seemed to be playing a gentle and passionate game with Beauty. despite his obvious hormones, hitting all her senses, and telling Beauty that Victor was in a state where his body was giving off signs to just jumping her bones at any instant, the man was working to try and comfort her a bit, despite how little he could due, as the twins with in her were the ones causing this discomfort. yet more then that, he would gladly carry and set her in the massive tub where sally was now relaxing and waiting for her companion to join her. as Victor would even take special requests if beauty wanted anything specific to nibble on.
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Diverting her gaze to Victor as he joined her space, touching her belly that instantly calmed the twins, her ears flicking back in some annoyance. She cant have him all the time, the twins need to settle on their own. “I’m ready” sitting up, reaching her arms out for him to lift her into his arms. Her head rested on his chest once in his arms, his heart beating brought her bliss “I wish you could always be at my side” she murmurs quietly. “Also…can I gave some strawberries and grapes” she suggests

Sally would look toward the door wondering what was taking so long, she was getting lonely. Shifting in the water she loudly sighs to reveal her impatience.
as she began to grow impatient, and bored, waiting for them, Soon enough Sally would hear the sound of victor and beauty coming to join her. as
the business woman, now like a pampered, and spoiled girl with how she was treated by victor. she would see the sight of how he carried beauty, which would put images
of how he did this to her as well any chance she gave him. the images would flash in her mind, as now he had two mares to gently handle, and play with, instead of Sally herself.
However as he was soon up near the side of the massive tub. the wicked eyes of the loving master would look at sally with a smile.

"I, leave her in your care, so we can prepare an enjoyable snack to share. "
saying this, he would begin to slowly lower beauty into the warm fruit, and lavender scented bubbly water. It would paint a chance for both girls to let out a more playful side if they
wanted to pull him into the tub with them, or leave him be. as the choice would be theirs to make, regardless he still needed to go and make the snacks for them, as Beauty wanted her fruit, yet
he planned to make Sally her favorite as he often did.
Perking her ears up she smirks seeing the pair at last arriving, along with the dazed look Beauty wore while in his arms. Sally couldnt help grinning from ear to ear, Beauty was clearly in love with him. “Must you go now?” Sally whined with Beauty sitting beside her, submerging herself into the water, at least her cramps ceased. Rising back up both mares reached up and yanked Victor into the tub.

“I need to work up an appetite” Sally laughed, quick to straddle herself into Victors lap. Of course this startled Beauty, having not seen such a side to Sally. She blinked as she looked between the two curious if he would indulge Sally or focus on Beauty.
Now with sally ontop of her master, Victor was giving into the offer of pleasure, however to beauty's surprise. he would move to pull her into this scenario as well.

"Well then, we all should do this together, hmm? "
saying this, as his hand reach out for Beauty as well, showing how he was planning to have both girls instead of just one right now.
As Sally was the one ontop of him, this would give beauty the option of being orally assaulted, and physically teased by sally as victor seemed to desire to taste her.

the wicked man was as playfully bold as he was dominating when the chance showed itself. however Sally would be unable to deny the massive and raging little friend which was ripe to ruin her
depths once more. more then that, this was a rare chance for Beauty to be involved in her first threesome, and with a gentle partner who would be more then enjoyable unlike the studs prior
which wanted her, or how forcefully aggressive mako was tours her.
Feeling herself be pulled into the situation creating a potential threesome between them, glancing down to Sally rolling her hips into Victors lap. She clearly knew what to do to get him going but he was looking at Beauty who seemed nervous. Not rejecting it out right but was indeed curious of where this was going.

Sally reached down stroking his cock before angling her entrance upon his tip “ready for some fun?” She purrs as she peppers kisses along his neck and chest. Slowly her hips went down, taking in his massive love rod into her depths “why not make out with Beauty, love to see that” Sally suggests, glancing over to see a beautys face flash red with surprise.
it did not take much to convince victor to act out in such a desired show, As sally soon found herself pulled into her master, and lover.
Victor's lips moving along her frame, as his hands slid along her flesh, preparing to position Beauty to grant access to her, and keep her body more comfortable.
as it would be up to the mare herself, if she would have her lips assaulted, or her nether region based on if she fully accepted his positioning or squirmed thus forcing
a different position then originally desired., all the while sally was now riding the master, and father of her growing child. the three in the bath would be making quiet the mess
of the pleasant looking tile room. the scent of their bodies masked by the mix of lavender, and other floral scents from the suds.
Settling his love rod deep in Sallys depths she rests a moment to adjust to his size while watching him play with Beauty. Of course Sally was somewhat in charge she knew Beauty could reject or accept this threesome. It took Sally some time to accept Mako since the mare was literally glued to Victor dick once she fell for him.

Grinding slowly Sally let out pleasant moans while lightly lifting her body and lowering it on his cock. Her head tilted back, rolling her eyes with pleasure as she felt him flexing inside her walls.

Beauty was still shocked by this change especially in Victor as he was quick to take her, positioning her as he saw fit. She was quick to splash in the water so she was sitting up right, not wanting to be eaten out. But happily she kissed Victors lips, smiling against them as her eyes fell shit already melting into him. He truly had snatched her heart but she was still stubborn in some aspects.
once the kiss broke, his hands slid from behind her head, and through her hair. the other hand gently along her frame, which also painted a chance for Sally to reach around, and play with
Beauty's impressive bust if she so wanted to. as the man was as gentle as he was aggressive with Beauty. both girls with him, and on him, were the ones he was gentle with. as he moved from her lips
to her cheeks, neck, and slowly tours her chest. peppering enjoyable kisses along her sensitive frame. causing a sensation of pleasure even if the filly wanted to deny it.

all this while Sally was indulging on her own reward so to speak. her core feeling the twitching and swelling with in her, as if her moist tight coils could barely hold the wicked rod with in her
tender entrapping tunnel of love. all the more this mare, knew well, that with out mako around, they could indulge in a gentler, and more passionate side of their master. as the wild fuck doll of a mare would have ruined the mood, but sense this was a rare chance before them. sally having started it, she could even whisper lewd things for Beauty to try if she wanted to make the filly flush with thoughts of things the soon to be milf of a tsunder mare to try or say to their master.
A moan sounded from Beauty when the kiss broke, feeling his hands brush through her hair then along her body as his lips peppered kisses upon her skin. Didnt even occur to her when Sally reached around and cupped her breasts, kneading them and pinching the nipples gently. Then a soft chuckle sounded near her ear “someone already has milk I see” Sally spoke as the white liquid leaked from Beauty. The younger milf blushed heavily as her eyes popped open to see Sally and Victor playing her but she actually was enjoying it. She could feel victor cock moving inside Sally as the mare bounced in his lap, grinding against Beautys body in the process. “You like this” Sally pointed out, kissing Beautys neck gently as she continues to milk the filly for their master to enjoy her nectar.

Sally picked up the pace of her bouncing hoping to get him off enough to satisfy him until he take Mako again. A thought popped in her head wondering if this could be a chance to really see the relationship of Victor and Beauty. “So, love birds, whens the branding ceremony?” She purrs, staring into Victors eyes as she nips Beauty ear in a teasing fashion.
hearing this, their would be no doubts, or even concern in his voice, as Victor pulled away his lips from the mare he was enjoying the taste of.
"that is for my cute little beauty to decide, much like yourself Sally. I can not and will not force one I love to be branded, but when the time is right, the offer will always
extend. " saying this, the kind of answer would not be expected, at least not the kind of answer one such as beauty would expect. but he was giving beauty the very same and equally
rare choice, exactly as he did to sally prior. as it was sally's choice to be branded, thus she could have chosen back then to remain unbranded, and still be his. meaning that this rare option was
presented to Beauty as well. even mako never had a choice in the branding ceremony.

however as he moved to gently assault beauty, looking into her eyes, as he would lean in to give the younger mare a deep, and passionate kiss. it would be in the middle of this kiss, the first thick
hot load would erupt filling sally's core, yet no where near soft or complete. as the kiss broke, he would speak softly, "once you feel ready to fully accept it all, I will always take you, as I always take my sally here as well. " saying this, in such a lewd yet gentle tone. it was up to sally if she wanted to explain, or leave beauty's imagination to run wild at this point in time.
Such a question was unexpected, was Sally watching her earlier when she was staring at the brand? Either way his answer was all that mattered and he continued to give her choice and free will of her decisions. She barely had a chance to goance toward Sally when he grasped her into a passion kiss that left her breathless, her heart racing in her chest. Behind her, Sally slams down into his lap as he explodes his thick seed inside her though was just the first round. Dealing with Mako and not truly having his way must have riled him up sexually. Sally would ride out her own orgasm until pulling herself from his lap, sitting next to the pair, running her fingers along Beautys side. Already she saw it in the young mares eyes, she wanted to be branded, belong officially to Victor.

Beauty touches her fingers on his face not paying any attention to Sally in the moment “I want to be branded” she told in a soft yet serious tone. Then Beauty was whisked from his lap, right into Sallys, their breasts pressed together. Sally hold Beauty by cupping the pretty milfs ass in her hands “now thats settled, lets get Master off in a way he has never seen” speaking in a seductive voice. Never has Sally shown interest in another mare, not even mako has had the honor of being scissor sisters with her. Removing from hand from Beautys ass to touch her chin to make the filly look at her “Trust me?” She hums, running her tongue over Beautys lips. Beauty eyes were wide but she nodded her head just before Sally pressed their lips together into a deep kiss.
Now with the new show beginning, the two ladies would soon share a sensation with one another, however if they wanted to, the duo could scissor each other, with the rod
of their master between them, or just upon one another. ether way this show would cause a new level of excitement for Victory. as Sally would be able to tell almost instantly, this image
would paint a new world of pleasure, and even excitement for their master to contemplate. as this would begin, he would desire to join them once they got into the act.
The kiss grew deeper as Sally explored Beautys body for herself, teasing some as she ran her fingers over her entrance a few times. Soon taling Beautys hand, guiding it over so they both began to stroke his cock that still remained hard. Sally finally broke the kiss to let Beauty breath, the filly was panting with her tongue hanging out. Then a gasp sounded as Sally at last insterted two fingers inside her. Already being on edge and quite horny it was easy to feel her slick juices coating Sallys fingers. Wasn’t long until Beauty came to Sallys fingering, inly to watch Sally remove her fingers to lick and suck them of Beautys juices. At any point Victor easily could take over, have beauty to himself with Sally still having fun or take sally once more. Neither mare would object as this point, high off pleasure.
Now getting a moment to catch her breath, It would not last long for Beauty, as she was soon pulled into position, and felt her master filling her.
his erect love spear, slipping easily into her moist depths. filling and moving with in her slowly. as the younger of the two mare's was being given a turn on the
meat rod. Sally would soon feel herself being grabbed next, as Victor would assault her with his lips. the mare would be able to squirm herself into a position of her
own choosing if she so desired. however now with the three of them getting fully lost in the deed. the work out to build up an appetite was indeed one which was going well.
as Victor had more then enough pent up to share with them both multiple times.
Surprised he was able to hold back from snatching one of them Sally giggles to Beauty getting pulled upon his erect love meat. Beauty would gasp out a koan, mewling softly as he filled her, moving inside her tight depths “oh Master” she moans out, loving him inside her. While Sally would tease Victor with bites on his lips and neck, making him work to keep her still for his desires. A whine would soon sound from Beauty who wanted to cum again, clearly on edge already. “Someone wants a pounding” Sally purrs with a smirk.
An almost evil smirk coming across victor's face, as he heard Sally's comment, about how Beauty needed her turn with some pounding.
Taking a moment, Victory would speak up, as he looked to Sally. " I Think we should change into a more enjoyable position hmm?"
saying this, he would whisper to Sally, to have her suckle, and assault Beauty's lips and breast. all the more then that, she would have sally assault
Beauty's upper body, so he could take hold of the younger milf's hips, and give her a much rougher, albeit gentle assault, which would grow rougher
in a slower pace, as to avoid getting to rough to quickly. wanting to make both his women purr, and scream in pleasure. if she followed with his idea, Beauty would
get a real fun ride, while sally could assault her, allowing Victor to fill the younger with his meat, while eating out the older babe before him.
Knowing full well he would enjoy such a suggestion, Sally was happy to move at his whims, retaking hold of Beauty's lips, which spooked the younger mare, her eyes widening in reaction. But soon, her eyes rolled back in pleasure as Victor began his more profound assault within her slick depths; he felt terrific inside her. Both mares were moaning against each other's lips, cumming every so often. Sally could, of course, last far longer, but Beauty broke the kiss, heavily panting. She looked woozy as well, letting out a soft whimper, "I'm tired," admitting she could not continue with this fun that began over an hour ago. Sally glances over Beauty's face with concern before looking down into the water, realizing the young milf is bleeding. "Victor! Victor!?" Sally would shout quickly to move Beauty, who was almost dead weight.
as this had gone from pleasant to nightmarish almost instant. as the blood was noticed. the mood changed almost instantly. as Victor would be quick to pull out of Beauty, and moving to carefully get out of the water with
Beauty in his arms. as he looked to sally.

"please get us some towels, and fresh clean hot water. " as he said this, moving to quickly get Beauty to a near by room with a bed, not caring about any kind of damage this could cause to the floor, bed, etc. his mind now racing. as he was moving to take care of his woman as best as he could at this point. having lost himself a bit to much, in the fun the three of them were having. however they had no idea what was going on with the blood, but fear was clearly etched on his face. scared he could lose his unborn children or worse his young beauty, who was a first time mother to be.
Sally stayed back in the tub to begin draining it while Victor rushed Beauty out of the water, hurrying her to the bedroom. She was quick after the pair wrapped in a towel and plenty in her hands, not having a clue what could happen; all the worse could be happening, from a miscarriage to simply pushing Beauty too far. "Honey, we need you to stay awake," Sally spoke, careful in her approach to Beauty as she knew Victor would protect her. "I'm tired," Beauty would repeat, shaking her head as her eyes struggled to stay open before they rolled back for a few moments; Sally was quick to pat Beauty on the face. "Stay awake, dammit!" shouting with complete fear in her voice. Perking up a little, Beauty groaned, her hand rubbing over her stomach. "They're making a fuss," she whined softly as she tried to sit up and get more comfortable. Sally would look up to Victor, trying to think back to their breeding mares when they had situations like this, whether it was a miscarriage or possibly early labor. "I know, honey, it's okay," trying to keep Beauty reassured and calm. Moving away she picks up the house phone, calling the vet to get out right away while suddenly Beauty demanded to get up and walk around to try and calm the twins.
As things began to change quickly before sally's eyes, she knew well the way things like this often went. hoping for the best, however it never hurt to try and prepare mentally for the worse.
as victor did all he could in his power to ensure beauty's comfort, and safety at this moment. he would look to her, for her aid, support, and more then that. trust. as his eyes showed a true sense of urgency,
and worry. the best they could do was support, comfort, and try to keep beauty alert until the vet got here. as he was called for the emergency situation, as Victor would ask if Sally could do anything to help him keep
this from becoming potentially worse. it was as warming as it was terrifying to see a situation like this, yet with a master this caring and concern, when a normal one would just chuck them to a stable and leave it to nature.
this would only prove a reminder, of how unique her master was, with his care for Mako, beauty, and yes even Sally herself.
Hanging up the phone, Sally returned to the pair, insisting Beauty stays lying down for now. "He will be here in twenty minutes," informed them both as she piled up some pillows to aid Beauty in sitting up more comfortably. She knew Victor was frightened; she knew how much he cared for not only the twins but Beauty as well since most mares were just put to their stable for nature to take its course, but Beauty was special. "Tell us what you feel, okay?" petting Beauty's hair to find she was sweating up a storm, not in the form of fever but exhaustion. "Do you feel waves of pain or sharp pains?" Sally had delivered many foals with their breeding stock, but also, this was not her first foal with Victor; their history started quite some time before Mako came into the picture. Hell, the whole reason Mako existed was so Victor would never put Sally into such a dire situation again as he did when he lost control of his darkness.

Sally had only been pregnant a few weeks when a good deal went bad, and Victor lost stock and money, coming home angry and needing release. Such a condition left Sally's body unable to take his full force, resulting in her having a miscarriage that same night; by the next day, Mako was purchased from the lowest of the low auction houses. He focused on taming Mako while Sally recovered and healed, knowing full well he never meant to harm her but precautions had to be made.

"Waves," Beauty answered in a soft groan, turning onto her side. "It's too early," she whined with fear she would lose the twins. Sally grasps her hand. "Hey, don't think like that," Sally reassured her quickly. "Your genetics clearly show your body develops much faster; we could have just triggered an early but safe labor," trying to keep giving in the room with them. Beauty looks over to Victor, clearly scared and already very tired, as she reaches out to him. "I'm gonna be okay, right?" she asked him.
as she reached for him, Victor did not hesitate to take hold of her, pulling Beauty against his frame. as he held her in a more comforting manor.
doing his best to sooth, and assure her.

"I know this is painful, we will get through this together, you will be fine. our twins will be fine. Just stay with me, stay alert, and we will get through this together.
we also got sally with us, she is an expert in things like this. " as he spoke being as assuring and comforting as he could be, Victor did not hesitate to also reveal his own
weakness, and how he depending on sally for knowledge, and guidance, here, yet remaining strong, supportive, and holding Beauty as best as he could. while wanting to
comfort her, before wanting her to lay back and rest, her body, as he would remain at here side, and in her reach until she was ready to let go and rest.

saying this, he would move to kiss her gently, all the while, Sally would be the one to hear the approaching vehicle before the two before her. However as this was happening Sally would know
with this scare, he would have the vet look over sally once beauty was taken care of, just to be on the safe side.

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