Anime RP Off to the Races (lord)

Knowing how beauty was, Sally took it upon herself, even in her condition, to aid in drying and dressing Beauty for the arrival of the vet, who was given every detail. Of course, Sally quickly pulled Bel away, focused on the twins so they could not sense the worry or concern in the room, and focused on being happy babies. Doc went through the usual of taking temp and blood pressure, checking her eyes, and feeling along her chest and stomach for abnormalities. Beauty was good until she sensed a change in the doctor. "Can you just give me some birth control pills and something from the nausea?" she questions him. Doc would look over toward Bel. "I have to check if you are pregnant first, possibly even check your uterus to be sure all healed well," he answers, moving to take out his portable ultrasound machine. Beauty rolled her eyes. "I'm not, and I feel fine. Just give me the pills!" demanding as she snatched his small bag to search for the pills.
as this went on, Sally, was out of the room with Bel and the infant, which meant that nether Bel nor Sally knew what was going on in the room with Beauty and the doc. leaving the man to handle the mare himself. even if it meant he had to use his tranquilizer on her. which would get him a painful beating like the last time he had to use it on mako. however even if he endured that beating, Bel would pay for all the medical bills, and compensate the doc, as the man was over protective of his select mares. which was no secret, but a risk the doc had to take.

in the hall, Bel smiled, as he bounced the one twin, making it giggle happily, as he looked to Sally.
"Be honest, how bad is she? Did I hurt her to much with how Rough I can be?"
asking this, for it was something Sally had endured once long ago, the first time she allowed him to enjoy her, even if it was not vaginal. back then, however little did he understand the real damage was not physical but mental. as Beauty wanted to become like Mako, unable to breed, however this could also be a means for Mako to lose all purpose for Bel, in some ways. even if it did not cause Bel to get rid of Beauty, it could be a means for beauty to try and get rid of Mako?
"Beauty, no," Grabbing his bag from her, "I have to do what is needed to be sure you are okay," he explains, setting the bag down as he lifts up her shirt in an attempt to start the ultrasound, but a smack from her hand made him jump back. "I am fine! Give me the damn pills!" demanding of him but he refused until she let him check her thoroughly. It took much back and forth, but the Doc at last won without needing to sedate her, which allowed him to feel relief. Looking at the screen, he moved the wand over her lower belly; beauty pouted as she stared to the side, waiting to hear when he was done. The vibe changed again making her freeze "Do not tell him" she spoke quietly. "What?" the doc questions as he narrows his eyes to be more certain "Do not tell him!" Beauty shouted, kicking the machine which made a huge racket.

Humming softly to the other twin, Sally would look up when Bel spoke question, which made her sigh. "You did not hurt her," she answered his easier question. "But, I am worried she may hurt herself," she admitted softly. In a matter of seconds after her statement the crashing was heard from the bedroom "What was that!?"
as the two heard this, bel would move quickly yet skillfully with the twin in his one arm. as the baby giggled, and waved it's limbs excitedly, not understanding what was going on at the moment. as the door was opened. Bel would enter asking if everything was alright, this would be, when he could see the ultra sound being picked up, however the instant the twin saw it's mother. reaching out for Beauty, wanting some time with her. Bel would look to the doc, as he moved to be next to Beauty, however it would be up to the doc if he would reveal this to Bel, or aid Sally in her desire this one time, as she had two little ones already to care for.
Sally was right behind Bel, holding the other twin close to her chest. She giggled along with her sibling, thinking this was fun, while Sally thought the worst. She moved to set the one twin in the crib once more while aiding the Doc with the machine. "No, no, you should be resting. I got this," he reassured as he gave the machine a proper look over. Beauty moves to the edge of the bed, taking one of her babies from Bel to cradle close to her. "So Doc said I am all fine; I can go on some birth control," she spoke up, smiling at her little one. Doc shook his head at that statement, the last picture of Beauty's womb still on the screen. "She was demanding I not tell you," he explains, more loyal to Bel than one of his mares.
A serious and unexpected look would come across Bel's face. as he looked to the doc, as he spoke up.
"What am I looking at? how much damage can this do to her at this stage?"

asking these two questions, would reveal to both Sally, and Beauty something unexpected. even the doc would hear the seriousness in his tone, and iron clad glare in his eyes.
If he was about to make the decision, that sally and beauty would both be able to easily assume, it would be like a small part of Bel being killed off by his own actions with in his soul, and heart. However the results of this would come down to the simple answer of how dangerous this could be for Beauty, in her current condition, as she was still a new mother.

Even sally knew, that Bel would always make a hard decision for her, but now for Beauty as well? however the fact remained, it was still freshly taken, meaning it would be the safest time for such a thing, however if the doc told him, that their was no danger to Beauty's well being, and physical health, then she would not get the chance to abort it.
A pause of silence was in the room as Sally moved to sit on the bed with Beauty, who was holding her breath as Doc answered the two questions: "She is already pregnant, very early, the size of a mini M&M, and she is perfectly healed from the birth of the twins," looking between them all. "It's early, super early. I can take a pill, and it's gone, right?" Beauty asked, looking at Bel and then at Sally.
As she asked, this Bel would look to the little ones, which seemed so happy and innocent, then tours Beauty and Sally. before taking a serious tone of voice, as he looked to Beauty.
a pain in his voice, as he would speak up, for the three of them to talk, and then let him know what is going on. "

with these words, he would gently kiss the infant in his arms, and move to place the twin in the crib, before silently leaving the room for a change of pace. a side of Bel which only had been seen once before By Sally herself. as it was, now Sally, Beauty, and the Doc would need to speak. as Only Sally could explain the risk of what this could lead into. however this also showed how Valuable Beauty was to him, as it was being allowed for them to talk about it, and decide. a decision which Bel did not want to be apart of at the moment, as if feeling guilty for some reason. However if not for his sudden and odd act, their would usually be no way such a thing would be allowed, as such this could be seen as a one off chance to do such an act, which would have repercussions to be dealt with regardless of the choice.
The absolute shock on Sally and Doc's faces could not be wiped as Bel left the room, clearly finding this choice difficult and a clear one that Beauty wished to make. "Um, does that mean yes?" Beauty asks as she looks toward doc who just shut his mouth leaving this to Sally, who took Beauty's hands "This is a life, your child, Bel's child, it is very early but they are here," She spoke, trying to make Beauty see the actual beauty in this. "made out of passion and love, lust as well but don't you see how much this hurts bel?" she spoke.
"I was in heat, and I told him I did not want more foals," Beauty states clearly with a shrug, which made Sally roll her eyes. "So? Subconsciously, you wanted more foals with him," Sally retorts simply. "I say no, and I overpower you," she huffs, looking at Doc. "I mean, you would still have the side effects of early pregnancy anyways, but you would bleed a lot and become possibly sick for a short time," he explains. Pulling out the anti-nausea medication along with after-birth care products and supplements, he takes his leave.
"Wait, Doc!" Beauty calls out but Sally keeps her from following "And you have to talk to Bel about your thoughts also take very good care of yourself" talking seriously.
As the doc left the room, He would see a sight of Bel outside the room, one which the professional vet would have never thought to see. as Bel was silent, sitting in the hallway, his face looking up tours the ceiling. his eyes closed, as tears could be seen running down the sides of his face. the strongest, and most protective man this vet ever knew, would finally see a sight of weakness, a painful weakness. as it showed he had no desire to allow this, but would not prevent Beauty from this choice, at least this once. as the man could see this as a mistake on his part for making her suffer, so soon, after birthing his beautiful twins.

as this went on, the door would close, allowing Sally, and Beauty to talk about this as much as Sally could get Beauty to do so. Despite the fiery young filly, she did not know the monster this would make, unlike Sally who had an idea, but did not know how bad it could truly be. the supplies, and medication were all their now, the final act would be one which Sally would end up being forced to watch, as she would need to ensure the infants were safe, while their mother put herself into a form of suffering for her own goals.
Exiting the room felt like a weight off his shoulders, but seeing his boss sitting in the hallway as he did reminded the Doc of how much the man cared for his women even when Beauty was still so young and selfish. He continued, not uttering a word as it was not his place. Sally was left with Beauty who was still dead set on this abortion, but she remained firm, not wanting to see Bel change after seeing him so happy. "Please, Sally, I don't want it, please." Beauty would beg with tear-filled eyes. "You do want it; he wants it," Sally explained as she got up, fetching the twins from their crib to lay on the bed with their mother and aunty. "Just lie here with me," patting the open spot beside her and the twins for Beauty to join. Eventually, Beauty joined, and the new mother and her babies fell asleep together, allowing Sally to slip out.

She joined Bel in the hallway "She didn't do it," she spoke "I know she wants it, I know you want it, but she is broken," she explained "and needs you to be strong for her" hating to see Bel had been crying out here thinking about what in the world was going on in that room.
Now with in reach, Sally would suddenly feel how Bel pulled her into his lap. wrapping his arms around her. as he spoke softly, and even in a tone she had heard only once before.

"I made a mistake, I told her I would be careful, and I slipped up. But I can't let her see this, I am sorry you had to see me like this. "
as he spoke his voice beginning to grow strong once more, Sally could see how Bel was coming back to himself, after hearing that Beauty had not done the deed to rid herself of the infant. However this was also something which the mare would need to keep track of at the moment in time.

This was a risky moment for Sally as well as her master, as he finally spoke up enough to reveal his thought process to Sally, revealing how he had allowed his action to be dominated by his stronger desires breaking his word to Beauty during that last night. however with her in his lap, Sally could easily help pull Bel back to himself completely, as only she, and now Beauty could do, however beauty was the one in need of Bel's support, thus revealing to the pregnant Mare, that her master was in need of her support.
She wrapped her arms around him to hold him close, pressing her head against his as he spoke to her. He admitted he made a mistake and that he wanted to be more careful, but it happened, and they will get over it and continue. "It's okay," Sally whispered in reassurance. You always got me and Beauty. You know how stubborn us mares can be," chuckling a little. She kisses his forehead "And yes, you have a little stallion on the way" taking his hand to rub over her swollen stomach just in time to feel a little kick.
feeling the kick, a smile came across his face. " I see, thank you for always being mine, and supporting me. I need to make sure Beauty is alright with this as well. mistake made or not, I shall have my children grow up strong, and healthy. "

Sally would feel something a bit unexpected, and a bit wrong, due to how the innocent action, and kick which was felt. allowed her to suddenly feel her master growing a bit under her, albeit not a full mass, but the beginning. however the fact remained, he would need to return to Beauty's side, as he spoke, giving a gentle wink to Sally and thanking her once more, before he would gently aid her in getting back up, and cleaning himself up before daring to face Beauty with her infants. not wanting her to see the tear stain face of her master, and lover.
A reminder of how amazing he was as a dad, years ago she could not see it, but now she truly saw it, adored every second of it, and could not wait for him to be doting on his son. She got back to her feet with his help, shuffling away to continue her work while he handled things with Beauty, the mare he desired to be, his baby mama who came with so many strings. The twins were cooing in their sleep, peaceful and sweet, with their mom curled around them, sound asleep herself. On the nightstand remained her medication and supplements, the Doc prepared for her to begin prep for the new addition on the way as it sounded Sally would not accept an abortion either.
Entering the room, with the scent of Sally on him, but faintly. Bel would move to gently and carefully get into the bed, as he would ensure to have the little ones between him and beauty, as well as her elegant little frame in a position to have her in his embrace as well. in a soft whisper, he would speak to Beauty.

"I made a mistake last night, but we will get through this together, we will ensure our little ones are safe, you are safe, my beauty, my beautiful little beauty. " speaking in a gentle, soothing, and love filled tone. not aware if her mind, and ears could register what he spoke in her sleeping state. however the fact remained, he would take care of her with the best of his abilities.
Beauty would stir a little when feeling his embrace, his scent filling her nose as the twins became silent in her slumber, sweet smiles on their faces. Her ears twitched upon hearing his words, filled with such devotion and love, which made her chest ache as her eyes fluttered open. Staring down at the twins, she knew they would be okay, but she was uncertain of herself and what of Mako; that crazy mare may not like Beauty already being knocked up. That means her event with him was not enough yesterday, and he had another go with Beauty. "thank you," she whispers with a smile, knowing he will be more careful from now on.
holding her the family could safely sleep together in this bed now. as the room itself would keep mako out, as only sally, and Bel had the code for this room. however it was locked to Beauty via her palm or finger print now. with this seemingly settled for the moment in time, leaving Sally to be free to go and find the recovering mako.

if nothing else to explain to Mako how she would need to keep distance from Beauty and the fouls for now, if she wanted to share the risk of the birthing mother's current mental state or not was up to sally. However if nothing else, she could always entice mako with promise of helping with her little stud which was developing albeit slowly, yet very strong, and healthy for her.
Teasing little Mako was always a joyful pass time for Sally, but after the shit she had to deal with, being near Mako was not worth the mind fuck of manipulation plus, no one knew Bel offered Mako multiple times to give her the ability to bare his children. The time of being his toy was coming to an end, and Beauty would not allow her anywhere near the foals, no matter how much Mako adored them. When the dear finally woke, she was done playing with the doll. Reaching down, she revealed the key she always kept, unlocking herself from the bed to allow a good stretch. She cleaned up all the mess, changed the sheets, and sterilized everything before departing for a beautiful bath. Believing she was free for the time being Mako fell into old habits of smoking and taking a few pills she stashed around the house. Master would be busy with his new family; it hurt Mako a lot, so doing this numbed the pain for her.

Sally was staying off her feet doing work on the computer or in paperwork, taking calls, and setting up meetings with Bel though many were inquiring about Beauty for breeding purposes. She was a pretty mare and set a record on her first race, so of course, she was sought out, but Sally turned down every single offer. Unaware of such a thing would put a target on Beauty's back.

Beauty remained awake in the room, so much was running through her mind of having another foal while meeting her twins. She stared up at Bel, wishing she could understand why he left the room and why Sally forced her hand to keep the foal.
noticing the way she looked at him for a moment, Bel would smile gently, and speak up to Beauty, as he would say something which would not be forgotten by beauty.
"I need to always remain strong for my beauty, I will always be your armor my love. "
saying this, it would paint an odd picture, but one which would also give the young mother reassurance, that this man, and sally would always be in her corner, however the fact she was forced to keep the infant, and now the words of remaining strong. it would paint a picture of momentary weakness, a weakness he did not want her to see, however would this change anything for the beautiful filly with how her mind and heart seemed to react to Bel.

in this room, Mako would never be able to access, however she would be able to find Sally if she desired info on finding beauty and the little ones, as they would no longer be in the rooms she knew.
She dropped her gaze the moment Bel noticed, her ears lowered back as he spoke. She always found his voice a comfort, and even his words, though hinting at weakness, she knew he stayed strong for her. She curls up with the twins, and this small movement wakes them to find they are quite hungry by now.

Currently, high Mako would skip and stumble from room to room and find no beauty or babies. Finally, she came to Sally, who glared at the mare. As last she checked, Mako was locked up. "The fuck" she grumbled, knowing full well Bel won't be happy. "Where are the foals?" Mako questions leaning in the doorway. "Not my business to tell you," Sally answers with a scoff. "Better get back to your room before Bel sees you," warning her. "He is where ever they are so I am fine" Mako laughs
Now with the mare in a High state like this, Mako would be able to see Sally, in her pregnant state. if the mentally weakened state of this mare did anything that could endanger the growing child in sally's belly. even if not at fault due to her drug of choice effecting her mind. Mako could end up getting the worse kind of punishment from Bel. one where she would be bound on a display rack for the over sized stallions to use her for all to see. which had only been done to mako once before. the one time she injured Sally, long ago. But with her current state, she could make that mistake again, seeking the info about Beauty, and the babies location.

as the infants grew hungry and began to cry for feeding. Bel would move to gently get up, as he asked if Beauty wanted to breast feed, or have him make some formula, as he asked this, giving her a choice. it was unknown to Bel if beauty had begun to breast feed or not. however the option was their for her, if the mare allowed them to suckle it would allow her to remain in the bed with him, if she desired the formula, he could go and fix two bottles with in this very room, but she would endure the hungry babe's until the food was ready.
Setting down the lid of the laptop, Sally settles her gaze upon Mako taking in her current state "You are high; Bel will be pissed just knowing that, let alone you escaped your chains before he allowed you freedom," she explains. Unaware Bel may have kept Mako locked away like the feral beast she was for a reason: to protect Sally. Protect the twins? Still, it was unsettling to see Mako like this; she had been sober for a long time, so why choose now to mess it all up?

"He is with his babies, his foals, and his baby maker; he will forgive me in due time." Mako easily shrugged this off, thinking she was the top tier of the three when Bel could have lied to her to get himself off while feral. "I will be caring for them soon enough, and Miss Beauty will be put back in her tower," he hummed with a smile.

Sally smirked as she informed Mako that Beauty was currently pregnant again, which made Mako tense up. Her hands balled into fists as things clicked in her head with timing and all. Mako was going on a bender as she stalked away, emptying another stash on her way to attempt to find where Beauty was being housed.

Though leaking milk from her nipples, Beauty had little motivation to breastfeed the twins; she did not even move from her curled position around the wailing babes. Completely fine with the fact Bel would fetch the formula and feed them, anyone else she would do it herself in a heart beat.
as she did not want to feed the infants naturally, Bel would get up, gently moving to kiss Beauty, as he asked her to endure the little ones while he got their food mixed together. unaware of the drugged up mako, who would be pushing the very limits of his patients, and rules all to soon. however right now Beauty, Sally, and the babes were his concern. however the sight of how he moved to make the formula, and care for his, would be quiet the sight for Beauty. this master, this owner which fucked her like a beast in many aspects, even if it was more passionate after the first time. he was indeed a man to stay strong for her and the little ones. However little did Bel realize, that Mako's own actions would Help Beauty with her own desire to have mako removed even if not completely, but a severe punishment which would make Mako a sex toy for the studs who needed satisfaction. as Mako would be able to get ahold of one of the numbers which Sally would have turned away, for the demand to use Beauty as a breeding mare for a powerful race star stud.
By now, Sally had taken to bed; her feet were hurting and swollen, and she also had a headache from having to explain why Beauty was not on the market for breeding. She was knocked out in the bedroom, curled up in one of Bel's shirts. Mako made her way to the office hoping to find a note for Sally about where the hell Beauty and the twins were. Instead, she found notepads writing out a no-call list for beauty prospects. This intrigued her to give them a call and understand what was so special about beauty. Of course, she may not be doing this for long as Sally keeps Bel in the loop, informing him through a servant that Mako is free of her cabin and on a bender.

A grumbling response was given when pecked by Bel as he rose up to mix some formula for the twins; Beauty knew she would have to nurse sooner or later as her breasts were filled to the brim with milk. She did not stir until a signal through a flashing light near the front door went off; only servants did that, as Sally knew the code, and Mako had no clue of this place. Beauty offered a somewhat confused expression to Bel for the meaning of this, unaware this servant held information about dear Mako being a naughty girl.
"As this went on, Bel would move back to the bed, and carefully helped Beauty into position so she could feed the children. as he looked to her, telling the mare how this was a signal of a servant having something serious to share. as he would stay in the room, but would need to hear what was going on, as such he would body block the servant, and view of Beauty. unless she told him that it could wait, unaware of the issue which would soon be caused by Mako's condition and mistake with numbers to call.
Beauty saw no concern with the servant speaking with Bel; it may be an essential matter about work or Sally's condition; she was happy to set up one of the twins in her arms to begin bottle feeding; of course, eavesdropping as she did. The servant bowed their head in greeting when Bel allowed entry to only speak with him. "Miss Sally sent me as she is currently on bed rest. It appears Mako freed herself from her cabin, currently very high on some drugs, and is causing chaos in the mansion as we speak," informing Bel in a calm manner.
"Tch, I will have to deal with her later, for now, the small box in my office. Code 34, 46, 0, 0, 19. take the tranq gun, and use it on her. then lock her in room 19, one with only the water and food dispenser, and bedding. I will deal with her later. " as he said this, a serious and almost evil tone in his voice, as this man gave the order for the servant to tranq, and lock Mako up, unaware of how truly troublesome the next day would be, for now she had sold Mako to a few racing studs, for breeding, as her drugged up state would think of how this could give her so many stronger studs, and even give her master the time to be with her, while the breeding mare made her children.
This was not unheard of, but it had been some time since Mako reacted like this; she was upset with Bel and possibly Beauty as well, so she was throwing a fit, which resulted in a pair of stronger servants using the tranq on her, carrying her to room 19 as instructed. Mako would have water at her disposal and food periodically through a dispenser; she would begin to lose her high before she even woke.
Beauty heard all of this, her eyes wide as she stared at Bel "what the hell is going on?" she questioned, holding her daughter close to her chest.
once the servant left, he would move to close, and seal the door behind him. moving to come and sit next to Beauty.
"An idiot, being an idiot, getting herself high. so it will be dealt with later. subdue, lock up and let it work through her system. "
as he spoke telling beauty this, it was very clear now, that he did not seem to worried about it, as the situation was now taken care of, or so he believed. as he moved to gently run his hand through Beauty's hair, apologizing for ruining her peaceful moment. as he would move to take one of the twins from her, and smile gently.

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