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Fantasy RP Our Fate Wasn’t A Choice (Lux)

Local Time:
1:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
In the year 2050 - there was a tightly armored and protected city, large, armored walls surrounded the city and shielded its residents from the horrors of the outside world. In this city there was a community of werewolves and vampires, along with a few humans here and there— living day in and day out. Ever since the virus outbreak, life had never been the same.

The virus.

At first, human scientists were experimenting genetic modification on a vampire subject, until one day the testing went horribly wrong- and this vampire subject became subject 0. The first carrier of this ‘virus’.

This virus, made this subject zero a very murderous entity, and it killed anything and everything in its path. Their eyes were pupil-less white, like they had gone completely blind- but that didn’t mean their scent of smell was off at all. Their fangs became a row of razor sharp teeth, and any hair that they did had on top of their head fell out and gave them a bald look. Not only that, but their skin color became a sickly grey, their ears long and pointed— almost as if they were the folklore stories of wendigos, their long, black sharp nails to prove that as well.

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The first two humans to be infected and turned by subject zero were the two scientists who were experimenting on the vampire in the first place. But unlike their normal counterparts, these infected could not travel by daylight anymore, but had to be confined to shadows once more, and it took awhile before the virus spread—and word got out.

Zaria remembered exactly when the news hit, she was only 22 at the time, and she was at a small cafe in her hometown, with her best friend and her boyfriend— all three had looked on in horror at the tv screen as this outbreak was reaching their city. Zaria didn’t know what to do, and she was mostly panicking. She had to get her family out— any way possible, but her boyfriend- Grayson- was telling her it would be fine and that she didn’t have to worry. They were in a city that supposedly was ‘safe’ that the virus wouldn’t reach here.

How wrong he had been.

Zaria had came across her little brother’s lifeless body, and had to burn the rest of her family’s house, or else that virus her mother carried would be transferred to her. She had never forgave Grayson, screaming and yelling and sobbing out to him that he told her things would have been fine- that everything would have been fine. She didn’t want to see him again, and she told him to leave before she decided to light him on fire too at that moment.

It was then when she was being consoled by her best friend when two vampires and a werewolf approached them, and of course Zaria was wary— for they were dressed in combat gear, with several weapons they carried and they looked very serious. They told the pair that they needed more recruits- more of those willing to fight back against the virus— these infected.. and both decided it would be better- they would have a better chance of surviving the nights..

And so they accepted this fate that was thrust upon them.

And now in that armored city she resided in- Zaria and her best friend had been on the hunt for at least 10 years since being turned- 11 years since the outbreak. They had over 1000 kills combined and more, knowing that even though through their efforts and every one else’s— it still wasn’t enough. Their only hope was that there were rumors about a cure being found, but how to procure it would be a different story.

With that squadron from earlier and much more, Zaria was living underneath the buzzing city- her and these other soldiers were the ones who protected and kept the city safe- by any means possible.



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Local Time:
1:58 PM
May 21, 2024
"Alright. What's on your mind?" Reyes inquires as he places a tray of food down from the mess hall. Even with it being military food it was quite alright.

It had been quite awhile since Zaria and he got there. And a lot had happened. Seeing people die left and right, you become desensitized to a lot of it. Now killing those that are turned ended up coming easy to him, there was this sort of inate sense to kill them. But in those years he had found himself worrying about his friend. Even though he shouldn't he does.

He then sits across from her with a small huff, waiting for her to awnser him or he'd continue to nag her like he usually does.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She used the fork in her hand to pick around her mostly raw food, her eyes seeing past the tray- as she was currently lost in thought. The minute she heard the food tray being placed down, her thoughts were snapped like a cold rubber band- and broken all too easily.


He would see her glance up, and she leaned back slightly where she sat. “It’s..about the antidote,” she murmured, knowing to keep her voice hushed. She didn’t want the wrong person to listen in as most didn’t know about that information, but he and her were some of the elites…and..they had been debriefed about it.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
May 21, 2024
"Right... that.." He mumbles softly as he rests his elbows on the table and leans in closer. "Let's not think about that right now, ok? We're on break..." Reyes adds as he grabs his own fork and takes a piece of mainly raw meat from her plate and puts it in his mouth.

He grumbles at the food. Not his favorite but it was also encouraged for him to eat raw meet every once and awhile for the wolf side of him. Though he was glad it wasn't really heavily encouraged for him like it was for her.

"Can't have you going all serious on me when I want to not think about work for a second." Reyes hums softly as he playfully waves his fork at her.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She rolled her eyes as he waved his fork at her, and she shakes her head. “I doubt I’ll ever get that serious,” she responded out, she had watched him eat that piece of raw meat off of her plate, and she could tell it still wasn’t his favorite thing in the world.

She gave him a cheeky little grin next, “Especially when I have you around,” she reminded him, knowing that just being beside him made her mood all the more better— it also out her in some other sort of mood, but that train had long passed its station a while ago, after he had found himself a girlfriend.

She had been apart of their squadron at first—a werewolf like himself. She was very pretty, and easy on the eyes. But her personality was..lacking and she had one hell of a bark on her.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
May 21, 2024
He peaks his tongue out at her with an 'eh'. He chuckles to himself before he takes a bite of his own food, mainly protein but with some greens.

Reyes had gotten with his girlfriend for many reasons. At the time he just needed someone to get his mind away from Zaria. He knew she still had open wounds from Greyson, and she needed to heal. He had feelings sure, and they've had sex many times at that point but he didn't want to be a rebound when she's not ready.

"You're so stoic most of the time, especially during work." Reyes tilts his head with a chuckle. "You some of the guys are still scared of you." He comments.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She looked back up from her plate as he mentioned how stoic she was and that most of the guys are still scared of her. She gave a flash of her fangs towards him, as her eyes glowed a bit slightly. “Good,” he would hear her hiss out, but it wasn’t out of anything malicious.

He could tell she was done eating, and she probably was going to go feed on her synthetic blood supply soon— but she knew nothing compared to the real thing..and…her favorite taste was him.

Many of times was an understatement… they had began their little ‘friends with benefits’ thing about two years into this hunt- as it was called in its code—and…

Zaria had wanted to heal, with Reyes being there as support and to get her mind off of things..but he did the opposite of that, he..had left her, for some dumb werewolf whore that had slept around so many times she was surprised she hasn’t gotten an infection yet.

But, not like any of it mattered..

They after all had became friends with just benefits and nothing more.

Local Time:
1:58 PM
May 21, 2024
Reyes laughs. "Come on. Can't be scaring the poor kids, the new recruits are terrified." He lightly hits his hand on the table.

He had taken the food she wouldn't eat and softly chewed.

There had been many times were she had fed on him. She always said it tasted different.

But one thing was for sure, the sex with her was a lot better than with his girlfriend now. Zaria had this appeal he always liked, and still does. Now the girl now she... is alright.

There has been many times he had thought about Zaria when having sex, I mean, Zaria is his first love.

Always was and still is.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
To be honest, Reyes was hers too. But when Greyson had asked her out first..she found out she couldn’t exactly say no— not when everyone else around her were saying how cute of a couple they had been. She had been dying inside. She wished..

And she got extremely lucky, but..in an unfortunate sense.

Her family being killed resulted in them breaking up, and honestly she had never felt so relieved. She was so happy she could finally be with Reyes.

But..things were different.

They hadn’t been together when they had been humans..and so..her first time hadn’t gone as planned.

When she had became a vampire..it repaired everything- almost a little too much. She had been embarrassed to explain that to Reyes all those years ago, but it had been like Greyson had never touched her body at all.

Well, her vampire body at least.

She sighed, shaking her head. “I know I know, I’ll put the fangs away,” she murmured out, getting up from the table. She would go back to her quarters, and feed there. She really didn’t like how the synthetic blood was making her feel sometimes, but never had known that someone was tampering with those blood bags of hers.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
May 21, 2024
Reyes groaned softly. "Gonna leave me? Already?" He whines softly resting his head on the palm of his hand. He liked her around him, she was his friend.

He felt normal around her.

"I thought you'd at least stay until I was done eating..." He trails off as he looks up at her with the infamous puppy eyes.

He was never really good at them before he was turned into a werewolf. But now, oh boy, he's a pro at that.

He didn't want her to leave just yet, not when he felt the itching sensation of his girlfriend's eyes on him. She was watching. He didn't really like the feeling of her eyes on him.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She paused and Zaria looked down at Reyes, before giving a small huff of defeat, and sitting back down. “Fine. You win,” she tells him leaning her arms on the table. She too could feel his girlfriend’s eyes on them.

“I didn’t want to really feed on those blood bags anyways,” she admitted to him, making a slight face of disgust.

Reyes knew about her difficulty to feed properly in the last couple of months.

Did they really taste that bad to her?
Local Time:
1:58 PM
May 21, 2024
Reyes smiled triumphantly as he went back to eating.

He paused for a second as he got an idea. "How about you feed from me tonight?" He suggests as he leans in closer and lowers his voice.

While it wasn't unusual to have the vampires feed from people, he still had to keep it down low from his girlfriend. She'd freak and do who knows what if she caught wind of what he had just suggested.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
If she could blush, she would have. From his mere suggestion alone, she had to refrain from dropping her mouth in shock. “Reyes..” he would hear her begin, and then she murmured in reply- “Are you sure you can…take the time to do so?” She asked, wanting to know if he knew the risks.

He was right, it wasn’t unusual but..

It had been a bit since the last time she had fed from him. Quite a while actually.

And every time she did feed on him..her..arousal would be noticeable for him.. the thing was, she didn’t want to get him into any trouble with his girlfriend, no matter how much she disliked the woman.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
May 21, 2024
"I'm on patrol today, so I can swing by." Reyes points out as he puts more food in his mouth.

There were times when he was on patrol and had free time away from his girlfriend. That time was when he had more freedom to do what he wanted.

"She doesn't really bother me, and what she doesn't know won't kill her." He adds softly with a shrug.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Her eyes trained on his face as he spoke, the soft blues wondering exactly what he was thinking, but decided against asking. She then looked around briefly, and he would tell easily she had been on edge because of his girlfriend.

“Alright then. Just swing by later, you know where,” she mentioned to him next, it was her quarters she was talking about but just she didn’t want anyone to suspect anything— so she talked in this manner.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
There was that wide, warm smile from him again, and it made her barely beating heart almost skip a beat once more— and..she had to refrain herself from thinking in that way. She got up once again, stretching this time. “I’ll see you later then,” she tells him next, moving to head back to her sleeping quarters.

When she had returned, she had made sure by the time Reyes would come back around, she’d be in a more comfortable outfit than earlier, and that consisted of loose shorts, an oversized shirt and her hair up in a quick ponytail.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
May 21, 2024
Soon patrol for Reyes was put upon him. He didn't hate it, he was able to ensure safety to the people in this underground city. That included his sister.

Anything he can do he'll do it if it were to ensure her safety.

Patrol was long and eventually when he had to switch out he made a beeline straight to Zaria's chambers.

He then popped his head in with a cheeky smile. "Room service." Reyes calls into the room.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Living underneath the armored city had been no easy task, and Reyes had been one of the few people sent on patrol, making sure that this area— underground— wasn’t broken into first. The outside was much harder to break into, there could always have been an attack coming from inside, directly underneath everything.

But for now-

At his words and poking his head into her room, she gave a startled jump, and she shook her head, laughing a bit. “You should have knocked first,” she murmured out to him, sitting on her bed currently. She watched him come in and close and lock the door behind him.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
May 21, 2024
Luckily there were no breaches at the moment so there was nothing to worry about in regards to the infected.

"You knew it was me anyways." Reyes comments with a small huff and point in her direction. "I never knock, why start now?"

He shurgs his shoulder in a carefree way as he walked himself over to her bed and lazily flopped on top of it. He moved to lay on his side to look at her, resting his head on his head as it's proper up on the bed.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She watched him and leaned back a bit, exposing a bit of her stomach as she did. “I know..I just- had been lost in thought..” she tells him but then pushed some hair back behind her ear.

“No matter, just.. can- you come here so I can feed?” She asked, feeling a bit embarrassed to ask, she would feed from his wrist this time— not his neck. She didn’t want her feelings to be clouding her judgement once she began to feed.

She couldn’t do that to him.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
May 21, 2024
Reyes sighed softly. "Right into it...ok." He mumbles under his breath as he moves closer but instead of being normal he pressed a hand to separate her legs and went in between.

Softly kissing the exposed skin of her stomach he eventually moved up to be face to face with her, his hands placed on either side of her hips.

He then gave her a cheeky smile. He always liked it when she was more expressive with him, where it be embarrassment or literally any other emotion. It ment it was the Zaria he knew, not the harden solder both of them had become.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She gave him a look as he moved, and then as he moved to separate her legs— she let him. Then came the kiss and the flutter of emotions she felt next as he moved up and gave her that cheeky grin, and he would see her glance away in embarrassment.

“Reyes..” he could tell she was flustered. “Just..give me your wrist..” she murmured out softly, she didn’t want to bite from his neck..she would give into emotions she shouldn’t.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
May 21, 2024
"It's been a bit.. right?" He whispers softly, his voice low as he leans closer. "I... You know I don't mind when you bite my neck." He adds with a small chuckle.

He didn't want her to feed from his wrist, he felt disconnected. Reyes felt frustrated. They've been disconnected for quite awhile and his girlfriend was only making it worse. He wanted to break up but every time he tried she had always switched it on him, crying and whining.

Reyes still has feelings for Zaria and moments like these are when he can finally giving to himself. Finally feel as if they were an actual couple.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Biting her lip gently, at the sound of him telling her he didn’t mind when she bit from his neck…gods. That wasn’t helping her in the slightest. And she could scent it, his blood there- just underneath the surface of his skin. Zaria couldn’t help but feel her fangs lengthen on instinct.

Her eyes turned to those ruby reds of hers, she looked back to him. She knew what he meant by it had been a bit.

“Reyes…” she began. His girlfriend was a werewolf, she would be able to scent Zaria all over him if he wasn’t careful. “Are..you certain you want me to drink from your neck?” She asked, her eyes searching his.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022

She hated how easily he could make her melt, and she gave a soft little sigh, before moving to straddle his lap, his hands touching his chest lightly, idly pulling at his shirt with her fingers.

There was an ever so faint blush on her cheeks, and she looked to him. She usually sat like this on him when she fed, and he would hold her in his arms. They hadn’t done this in over about a..few years? She had lost track of time.

Zaria moved her hands to the bottom of his shirt before pulling it over his head and tossing it to the side of the bed. She leaned forward and wrapped her arms around his neck first, and she looked down to his neck next. “Alright..I—“ she paused, like she was internally fighting something.

She moved her head forward and down, her lips on his very warm skin, her cool touch from her mouth could be felt— and a kiss at first ensued before her fangs gently pressed down and pierced his skin. They lengthened as she began to drink, and she couldn’t help but moan from his taste.

Reyes had always told her that her bite..had been pleasurable for him too— and she knew whenever he bit her in return..she always enjoyed how his venom felt throughout her body.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
May 21, 2024
Reyes let out a small chuckle before she bites into him, enlisting a soft moan from him.

He doesn't know why or how but for some reason the way she bites and feeds from him always felt nice. And it's only with her. His girlfriend had bitten him once or twice before and it didn't really feel good, but with Zaria. It was different.

"Fuck..." He draws the word out as one hand rests on her thigh and the other is placed behind him to support him. Ever so slightly Reyes's hips bucked up in pleasure.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(I’m gonna eat dinner so brb)

Zaria felt him move and heard him curse, and that only encouraged her to bite deeper, but not so much to where it would hurt for him. She continued to feed for a few more moments before she slowly pulled away from him. She was panting softly as if she was trying to contain herself.

She pulled her head back to look at him, her lips were stained slightly with his blood. Her eyes were a beautiful ruby red.

“Reyes..” she murmured out his name softly, wondering what he was thinking.
Local Time:
1:58 PM
May 21, 2024
Reyes was planting softly, biting his lip to try and and muffle any moans or groans that so happened to escape him. He was never afraid to be vocal with Zaria.

He then slightly tilted his head back a bit. "F-Forgot how nice that feels." He stutters out softly with a chuckle ending his words.

He pulls his head back up and slightly leans it on his shoulder with a soft smirk. He kept the area of his neck that she bit into still open to her, it was red and the two puncture wounds were still prominent. His eyes were half lidded as he chuckled lowly.
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