Fantasy RP Our Fate Wasn’t A Choice (Lux)

She watched him intently, wondering if he was…

No, there wouldn’t be a chance.

If he truly had feelings for her, he wouldn’t have gotten himself a girlfriend all of a sudden back there, and practically blindsided her.

Something about letting her ‘heal’ from her past relationship with Greyson..but she was healing in an sense, with Reyes by her side and with him she..had felt better than she had before, she had completely fallen in love with him- and Reyes didn’t understand how she had felt about Greyson- that what he thought she was healing from it was..not that.

Zaria glanced to his neck again, before she leaned forward and kissed the puncture wounds, licking them slowly with her tongue, cleaning up the blood. His wound would soon heal, and be gone—

She wanted to bite on him again— all he needed to do was to hold her to him like he had so many times before- his hands acting like he didn’t want to let her go.
Reyes let out a small hum as she kissed the wound. The hum trailed to a shaky moan, he was really enjoying this.

It had been awhile and he had forgotten what it was like to feel shivers down his spine from a partner. Her teeth in his skin, drinking from him. He loved it.

"God.... I'm so hard right now..." He trails of with a chuckle as the hand on her thigh raises up to the small of her back, his hips bucking up.
She heard his moan, the shakiness in his honestly excites her more than it should’ve honestly..she knew..this wasn’t fair to his girlfriend.

But something about him… she..wished that he didn’t have a girlfriend, she..wished..

She could be in that place.

At the sound of his next words, her eyes only deepened in their color, and she bit her lip lightly as he bucked his hips, causing her to move forward just a bit, her soft chest was pressed up against his toned one. Although she was wearing a baggy shirt, Reyes would be able to feel her there, and her currently erect nipples as well.

“Reyes..we—we shouldn’t..” she murmured out next—why..was he..acting this way, when he had a girlfriend?
"I don't fucking care." He groans softly as he shifts the positioning.

Pressing her back to the bed he stayed over her. "Admit it Zaria... You want this too." Reyes whispers softly, one hand on her hips to keep them in place as he rolls his own into her's.

He was aching now.

He couldn't go back to his girlfriend like this, no. He had to put it down, and honestly he'd have sex with Zaria any day over his own girlfriend.

His other hand moved under her shirt pulling it up slightly as he gently cups one of her boobs, rolling his thumb over her already hard nipple.
She was laid back on the bed, his words..

She looked up at him, and Zaria felt him press back into her, and she couldn’t help but press back against him, she..was aching too. The feeling of him in between her legs once more—he was right, she did want it. She wanted him, and she didn’t want him to be with anyone else but her.

Her shorts fell down her thighs, and they were pretty loose, so if he wanted to pull them off…she would let him. She was..wanting him too, honestly.

As he moved his hand underneath her shirt and touched on one of her breasts, she couldn’t help but give a soft moan, her pale pink nipple was practically ice cold to the touch.

If he used her for just sex at this point..she’d be happy regardless, even if she wasn’t going to be in a relationship with Reyes. And Zaria, as she laid there, decided.

She wanted him.

So she nodded up to him slightly, her lips parting as she spoke, “Yes.. I— I want you,” she admitted finally to him, those emotions from earlier fluttering in her chest again.
Reyes hummed as he continued to push his hand up until it rested on her neck bring the shirt with it. With the shirt now up and her breasts both bare he leaned down and took one nipple into his mouth.

Her cold skin was a harsh contrast to his warm mouth. He sucked and tugged and pulled at the pale pink bud.

Reyes knew his feelings for Zaria would over take him soon. He knew that he'd get into it. But he was fully ready to embrace it.

He loved her. He did.... but was she and himself truly ready for an actual relationship.
Zaria felt him move her shirt up, to expose both of her breasts to him- and she watched as he leant down and took one bud into his mouth, the feeling of his warmth always made her moan— and this time was no different. She leaned her head back slightly as one hand reached up and tangled in his hair, grasping his hair slightly as he suckled, her moans would be oh so sweet to his ears.

Zaria knew she had been ready to be in a relationship with Reyes ages ago..even before they had turned. But would telling him at this point make a difference?
Who would know if telling how they feel to each other would change how they were now.

Moving to the other boob Reyes gave the other the same attention, only this time he began to roll his hips into her's one more. Creating enough friction for Reyes to groan gently into her skin.

"So pretty.... so good." He mumbled, his voice low and gentle.
At that, Zaria couldn’t help but moan more- loving how he gave her this attention. She had closed her eyes, and when he mentioned about her being pretty and..tasting good, she couldn’t help but let out a soft breath- a soft smile forming on her lips. “Why…don’t you bite me there then too?” She asked, knowing he has before, she had loved when he bit her in her sensitive areas and also drank from her. She knew werewolves really didn’t need to like she did- theirs were more of a supplement than anything..but Reyes..

She rubbed her hand against his head, taking in small breaths. If he did bite down, he would find sweet, chilled blood waiting for him, almost tasting like the finest of wines, or the sweetest of candy.
Taking one last lick to her nipple Reyes chuckled softly.

Looking up at her with half lidded eyes he slowly made his way down her body. From stomach to naval he threw her shorts to the corner of the room somewhere when he kissed her inner thigh. Gently giving it a lick before bitting down and gently pierced the skin, drinking.

Her blood tasted like his favorite wine, chilled and sweet, but slightly bitter. He had forgotten how he liked to drink from her as well.
Zaria looked at him and as he began to move down her body, she felt him take her shorts off- and she had helped him for the most part. It wasn’t until he kissed her inner thigh- that she felt him give it a lick and then he bit down.

That made Zaria gasp out, and made her moan as well, the feeling of his bite- how he drank from her..she could already feel his venom begin to course through her body, and it made her feel warm..

She had arched her back a little, and he could hear her ‘breathing’ shaking a bit. She wondered if his mouth would go somewhere else— maybe to the black underwear she wore.
As he continued to drink from her Reyes moved his eyes to look at the black underwear. Moving a hand to shift the piece of clothing to the side while still having it on he softly rubbed his thumb on her clit.

A low chuckle escaped him as he parted from her thigh and kissed the bite mark. Moving his hand he softly pushes a finger in as his mouth moved to her clit. He licked and sucked as he slowly moved his finger in and out of her.
Zaria wasn’t expecting him to rub on her clit, let alone moving his hand to finger her- and soon feeling his mouth on her clit. She gasped out in a surprised moan, figuring at the kiss on her bite mark he would continue to mark her, like he preferred— his bites stayed a bit longer and took a bit to heal, but she didn’t mind, she loved having his bite marks all over her body. She loved the high that it gave her.

But she wasn’t complaining.

Her hand reached out again and touched on his head once more- tangling her fingers there in the strands of his hair, curling them a bit.
He looked up at her, deep low chuckles rumbled against her clit. "A little different this time, hm?" Reyes says against her, adding another finger. He made a motion to press the pad of his fingers into a stop that would give her upmost pleasure.

While normally he'd bite her nearly ever where he wanted to try something different. Going more of a 'get straight into it vibe' rather than his 'love you sweetly' vibe.

He was sexually deprived from good sex. Like actual good sex.

"Don't worry Zaria... I'll make sure every inch of you has my mark." He purred lowly into her skin as he continues his efforts on her clit.
She had raised her head to look at him, the way his chuckle rumbled and felt like vibrations against her clit—she let her mouth open and she moaned out again, her eyes trained on his face. When he added another finger, he would be able to feel her depths squeeze around it, tightening them against the fingers he had inserted.

The way he told her he would make sure every inch of her skin was covered in his marks..she couldn’t help but feel some sort of.. pride— to be the one to showcase his marks..turned her on further.

When he continued his efforts on her clit, he could feel it hardening and swelling up from his actions, the bud throbbed lightly for Zaria, making her whine out gently, pressing her clit up into his mouth as she bucked her hips slightly.

“Fuck.. I think.. I’m going to cum,” she warned him, knowing how when she squirted.. she could get carried away, and squirt pretty much everywhere.
"Good, cum for me" He hummed against her. Reyes kept up his relentless attack on her clit as his fingers almost continued to press into her.

Slowly thrusting them in and out of her in a slow 'come here' motion. This put even more pressure on spot.

He groaned and moaned into her, the vibration sending shivers down her spine. The unoccupied hand moved to the inner of her thigh once more as he pressed the leg open, preventing it from closing like how she'd inevitably quiver and shake from the incoming orgasm.
Her hand loosened it’s grip on his hair, her eyes closed as she laid her head back moaning out sweetly as he inevitably brought her to an orgasm— the way his fingers were touching and pressing on her gspot— it was sending shivers of pleasure down her spine more and more- and only more so when his groaning and moaning vibrated against her- causing her to gasp out in a satisfied moan, her thighs beginning to quiver and shake like how he expected.

“Fuck—“ she moaned out, arching her back slightly as she was riding out her orgasm, and Reyes would feel her release gush out past his fingers- the cold, milky liquid squirting a few times, her breathing was ragged, as she was trying to catch her breath.
Zaria panted a bit, catching her breath still. As he chuckled, she couldn’t help but feel a little bit shy. It had been so long since he had made her cum Ike that. And the next thing that happened— she wasn’t expecting him to take the hem of her underwear with his teeth. She watched him, blushing ever so faintly— well, as much as she was able to blush. His hands on her hips felt so right, and she didn’t ever want his hands to touch another’s, but she knew she wouldn’t be the only one.
"God I love you body..." He mumbles as he finishes pulling her underwear off with a hand and throws it to the side haphazardly. Reyes's eyes were trained on her body as he looks her up and down, taking in her figure.

With a breath he leans down once more and harshly bites her neck. His teeth sink down and puncture but he doesn't drink, he instead pulls back.

"We match now..." Reyes chuckles playfully.
Zaria felt even more shy as he told her he loved her body. But she didn’t think on that for too much longer— as he leaned down and suddenly bit into her- harshly, she gasped out at first at the sudden feeling, moaning a bit from how his fangs felt in her yet again.

At his words, she gave a soft laugh, “Mm..I guess we do,” she teased back to him.
Reyes hummed softly before moving back to her body. He'd bite and suck into her skin, making hickeys and marks all over her torso. As he made his way down her body Reyes bit into his finger, breaking the skin and making it bleed, and forced the finger into her mouth.

"Suck..." He said, his words practically an order as that point.
At the feeling and sensations of the bites, Zaria couldn't help but moan out from how it felt- it was turning her on more and more by the minute. The moment he forced his finger into her mouth and ordered her to suck-- she didn't have to be told twice, doing as he told her, her eyes looking at him in their seductive manner as she did so, using her tongue to wrap around the finger slowly. She pulled her mouth away from his finger, licking up the side of his finger before kissing it, all while maintaining eye contact with Reyes.
She watched him, and at his motion and telling her to suck on his cock, she gave a soft smirk. “Mm…here?” She asked, as she moved to do so. She sat on her knees, taking her hand and wrapping around his cock next, looking up at his face. She put her other hand on his his chest, and pushed him back further, before she moved to take his tip in her mouth, sucking lightly as she did so.
She blushed as much as she was able to, and she began to go lower on his cock, moaning softly from how big he was. He would be able to feel the scrape of her fangs on his shaft ever so slightly, but nothing would hurt him. She enjoyed the feeling of his hand through her hair, and she wanted to feel more.
As his hand gripped her hair further, she couldn't help but let out a muffled moan- and the way he pushed her head down... shit-- Zaria soon gagged slightly when he thrusted his hips up in accompany to her movements. But she continued bobbing her head up and down, going down on his length as far as she was able to.

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