Anime RP Playing with Fire... (Abused Desires AU, Knight of None)

As he came down on her, the aqua jet spiraling down over her as he saw her lock in, her leg rising up as held her breath. She focused her flames, her heat surging, embers erupting around her in wild flames as she pushed herself to burn hotter and hotter, she launched herself forward rather than dodging, the two colliding at extreme heat and cooling water clashed, blowing out into gusts of mist and steam from the clash of Flame Charge and Aqua Jet.
Jason gave a whistle of appreciation as the pair charged into each other, even as Markus grunted in discomfort from the heat she was putting off, the cloud of steam billowing up even as he increased the energy he was putting into the Aqua Jet, hoping to swamp her outright with it, the steam cloud weakening as the water slowly cooled more of her heat down.
As the two raged, water trying to drown out her fire, the combusken unleashing all the more heat and flame to , the steam pocket between them hissing harder with water colliding, boiling and cooling. The pressure cooked between them more and more. She was pushing her energy just as hard, the chill trying to creep in as the both were blown away as the two powers peaked and threw them aside.
Markus grunted as he tumbled, before crying out as he slammed into a tree and stopped "Ow... Fuck..." He grumbled, before pulling himself to his feet, looking for Bonnie, already preparing another Water Pulse, that he'd launch at her the moment he saw her... Hopefully, before the Combusken could realise what was happening.
Bonnie felt herself land in the dirt, thumping and rolling in the grass, her body luckily not human...otherwise she'd probably have shattered bones. She rolled over, the mist that hung over their battlefield making her keep low, taking the moment to catch her breath. She shifted up silently, trying to look through the mist for Markus, preparing to keep up the fight. She focused herself, knowing she had used up alot of heat and effort to resist him.
Unfortunately for her, Markus was no were near as expended, his natural type advantage having done a good job of protecting him. And as the mists began to clear away, it became a game of cat and mouse as they crept through, both trying not to give themselves away to the other as they hunted. Markus was focusing, holding a hand out to find spots where the temperature increased, whilst still keeping the Water Pulse ready, waiting for even a glimpse of Bonnie to launch it... And as a wind blew through, they'd find themselves nearly face to face when the Mists cleared.
As the mists parted, Bonnie struck, the two of them prepared to attack, his pulse wave swirling out to blast her. She arched her body, the attack slamming into her. It should have ended it outright, her body staggering, swaying, with the momentum and damage. She flowed with it, whirling and stepping into a spinning Reversal kick with her reckless refusal. It was the best technique she could muster until she could heat up again.
Markus swore as she used reversal, her foot slamming into his belly and sending him sprawling to the floor, gasping for breath as he tried to stand back up. Jason moved closer, seeing the pair were basically done he raised his arm "Okay, do you two want to call it here and say it's a draw?" He asked, even as Markus finally returned to his feet, seeing the way Bonnie swayed he shook his head "No... Not until she's out cold!" He retorted, trying to dredge up the strength he needed to finish the fight with one last Aqua Jet before she could respond.
"Ha~fucking can't take a draw? Scared it- means that you might lose next time-" she said as they both clearly were one good hit from collapse. She was starting to warm up, bit by bit again, her feathers puffing faintly as heat rose. "You jump at me- I'll just kick- we both go down anyway if i hit it right" she pressed, shifting to shakily drop into her stance again. "So-don't be a little hatchling and come at me-"
"No... Not scared. Just want to make... sure you know your place." Markus retorted as he looked over at her, watching her drop into her stance and taking a deep breath "Yeah... If I jump, we both lose..." He grinned, knowing there was no way she had the strength to move "But instead... I'll just do this!" He followed the proclamation with a Hydro Pump, straight at her, using everything he could to put her down.
She threw her arms up, her energy still building as the hyrdopump unleashed , her body bursting into flame as she tried to muster the force for a flame charge. But the hydropump only bubbled around her, the heat shield not powerful enough to weather it long. As the blast ended, she was somehow still standing huffing softly, billowing out steam breifly,before they'd realize she was unconscious on her feet. Markus had beaten her, but her fervor was refusing to let her fall.
"Jeez, what does it take to put you out?!" Markus grumbled, starting at the still standing form of Bonnie, before realising she wasn't moving "Hey, Hot Stuff? Bon-Bon? Fuck me... Bonnie?" He finished with her actual name as he approached, reaching out slowly and placing a hand onto her chest, giving her a little nudge and watching as she toppled down "Huh... Guess... Guess I win." He laughed softly, before falling to a knee in exhaustion as Jason walked across, a pair of potions ready to go "Alright, if that's over..." Their trainer sighed, spraying both of the pair and waiting for Bonnie to wake up.
The wait was a few minutes...the combusken sizzling and naturally drying as she was revitalized. She winced, opening her eyes as she came to. She shifted up, rubbing her face....then looked at Markus. "Coward." She grunted as she stood up, rather quickly, shaking grass and drying dirt off her. "You knew you couldn't take it with a physical fight." She said as she looked around for her bag.
Markus smirked, shoving her bag into her arms "Yup. I knew. Hence why I didn't walk into the trap. Unlike someone I could talk about. Now, what did we agree were the terms again? I get to call you whatever you want? Right, Bon-Bon? Or was it... something else?" He leant in, dropping his voice so only she could hear "Something to do with Worshipping a certain 'Fish Face'?"
"I don't worship cowardice." She said coldly to him, taking her bag abd putting it on her back, seemingly right back to where she had started with him. Though she grabbed his hand, her grip rather rough. She wasn't simply salty about a bet, nor a fight, she was fuming. Seeing his attack as a complete lack of spirit. "Call me whatever stupid thing you need." She grumped.
He squeezed her hand as she grabbed his, smirking at how riled up she was "Awww, Alright Bon-Bon." He smirked, even as he wondered how heated he could get her "Besides, if using my head is cowardice, I guess you'd be the bravest bitch around, not using yours at all like you did." He taunted her more "Shame those clothes are heatproof though... Because I bet underneath you really are Hot Stuff."
His words....certainly were raising her body heat, the water that had soaked her briefly was drying into steam she was rapidly rising beyond passive hear. "I am." She said rather than flustered this time, looking over at him. "I'm burning up all the time, especially when I'm thinking about how....oh nevermind-" she said looking away.
"Damn, Guess that makes sense. She was pretty hot..." Markus responded in turn, playing along "Yeah, Fish that beat you, Chicky." He laughed and licked his lips "Wouldn't have guessed someone like you would be into being dommed like that Donny did to you. Pounded into the ground like your nothing. Kinda glad I avoided it, broken pelvis is not something I was looking for."
"Fish was too afraid to play with me in case he had to stop calling Me names." She said shrugging. "I just prefer real contact I suppose, feeling something hard against me while I wrestle them reminds me of a real Mon." She said "maybe I'll fight her again, I've got ideas for how I can turn the tables on her, and I'll make them squeal-"
"Hmm. Would love to see that." He replied with easy confidence, seemingly unconcerned with how she was talking "Still though. Awfully cocky considering said Fish beat you twice." He shrugged a bit "And the first time, I did it face to face with an Aqua Jet, so I guess that meets your 'Real Contact' clause there." He gave her hand another squeeze as he did so, trying to catch her eye and use Attract on her, hoping this time it might make her less... 'reluctant' to tell him the 'truth'.
As he tried to attract her, she lurched him with a pull, wrapping him in a headlock suddenly. "How about I use you to test it out- you have a big fucking head and squeezable neck" she said smirking as she avoided the manipulation. He had used it a bit too much, not able to height it any further. She pushed his fist into his hair, bullying him a bit with a ruffling hand. "I bet you can use Roll Out with it-" she said smirking. "I can see if I can fit my legs around it'
He yelped as she turned the tables on him, hearing her words and trying to struggle out of the headlock she was holding him in "Don... Don't know... Rollout... And I'd rather see... your legs around my waist... where we can both enjoy the feeling..." He replied through the headlock, one of his hands prying her arm off whilst the other tried to stop her ruffling his hair "Betcha... you'd love that physical contact!"
Her arm rippled, the strength she had on him letting her hang on. "Oh? So you want me to break your pelvis? Fine- " she said as they wrestled about, her leg hooking, snatching his from underneath him to slam him onto the ground to keep up the wrestling match. "I've busted rocks to gravel, but if you're not going to cower again-"
He grunted as he was slammed into the ground, looking up at her even as he wriggled to find a way to get ontop "Well, maybe not break it..." He replied in that cocky manner again, before Jason coughed from the side "Ahem. We do have another town to get to, here." He sighed, even as he recalled the pair, trying to figure out what the fuck to do with the pair...

(Aaaaaand, Cock Blocked by the trainer XD)
(XD Jason: puts their pokeballs in a cold shower Gods- what have you given me-)

As the two were ripped apart, the somewhat horrible conclusion that these two weren't even actually fighting but had a very different way of flirting all together was sinking in, Jason would have to find out how to solve this...would it even help them chill out? Would it be just a weird dance they would do? He could keep them balled....or one balled without the other. Dipp them in ice?

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