Kara gripped the bed. "Ah!ah! Shut up!" She pants as she voiced her hands out and covered his mouth , pushingvher hips against his as shevtrembled a bit, starting to cum on top of him.
Zerek smirked under her hands, before pulling her off his cock and burying himself in her ass to finish, cumming hard inside that hole "Ahn... That... That's... it..." He moaned, kissing her full on the lips.
Kara writhed to herself as he came inside of her her second hole, her hands gripping the bedding as he kissed her full on. But she kissed him back, moaning against his lips.
"Mm...you're still my maid boy" She teased playfully, taking a soft nip at the Mon's ear abd pulling it "No getting cocky" She teased as she kept petting him, letting Zerek get comfortable with her.
Zerek raised an eyebrow as she nipped his ear, turning his head slightly "You just wait till I evolve..." He smirked, nipping hers in return "You'll be mine instead..." He moved his head to nestle between her breasts, resting there.
"Oh? You think that I won't grow stronger after what happened with Intranel? I plan on never letting that happen so easily again." She said smirking as he got between her breasts, the luxurious fun bags practically surrounding his head. "Besides, seeing you so obedient makes me want to do all sorts of things" She said smirking.
"Ah, but he's another Psychic... I'm a sneaky little Dark type... Psychic powers don't effect me..." He teased, nipping one of her nipples as she spoke of him being obedient "And when I evolve... I might not be such a good boy..."
"Mmm, you forget something else. This thus a temple for the monastic arts ..ill get a nice burly fighting type to handle you' she said as he nipped at her nipples, making her grip his hair gently. "Then you'll remember what's proper positioning."
Zerek laughed softly to her words "Mmm... Well, aslong as they've got tits like yours, they can 'handle' me all day long..." He teased, one of his hands dropping to squeeze her ass "Or maybe just an ass like this..."
"Pft, only you can get manhandled by a girl and make yourself all horny" she said laughing as she left Zerek feel up gee toned body. "Maybe she'll want to bottom you twice as hard and she'll be bending you over"
"Mmm... I mean, when you've got this much soft girl pushing against you... who wouldn't love it?" He asked softly, shaking his head as she spoke of him getting bottomed "Mhm? You tried to bottom me, and I topped you, didn't I?" He teased "And from the sounds, you were loving it."
She pet his head with a finger as he settled in, she put her arms behind her head as he teased her one last time. She'd allow it...for now. As she stared at the ultra ball, thinking of all that strength, how powerless she had been fir the most part, she scowled to herself. She wouldn't surrender to another Mon again. Student or captured, she would be the trainer.
Kara sighed to herself. She would have to leave the monastery again...but this time for a pilgrimage, to battle and make her Mon respect her. It wouldn't be for glory or fame, but for her. She looked at Zerek briefly. Thinking of how he defended her, and sighed. Zerek did seem to atleast respect her...in his own way, but she knew it would be for the best to make certain.
But was heading out with a team consisting of a rebellious Kirlia and a sneaky little shit of a Zorua really that good an idea? She probably needed another Mon, to keep them in check... A fighting Type, perhaps, to better keep Zerek behaving.
(XD Intranel gets out and just goes "So...you wanna do it again?")
Kara knew what she could do, capture...or get a volunteer from sme I'd the fighting pokemon around the temple, to keep Zerek in line. She'd have to speak to a few minks, to try to gather unpaired fighting types
(That, or he has to be a good boy because she actually caught him. Also, I like the idea that it's a 3 way spiral. Zerek beats up Intranel, who dominates the Fighting Type, who just pulps Zerek)
She knew of three fighting types unpaired. A Machop, a Medicham and a Marshadow. All three were female, and from what she could remember, as her mind was on it... All three had something that Zerek would have begged for.
(XD Zerek: Aw yeah they're all hot *cuts to Zerek getting choked out but somehow still erect*)
Kara looked between the the three pokemon that were built almost exactly like her underneath her robes. She eyed them all thoughtfully. But looked to the Marshadow. She could likely, woth time and training be able to fight both of the two rebellious Mon She had in her team.at the very least make Intranels thoughts of power into a bit more of up front slapping match. "Ehat is your name?"
Also Zerek: *Choked out by thighs, giving a thumbs up*)
The Marshadow looked at Kara, cracking her neck "Phantoma." She replied, her voice a soft whisper, a sound that you wouldn't have expected from such a well built individual "You are Kara... Do you wish to take me as your partner?"
Phantoma nodded to Kara's words "I shall attend your room in the morning, once I have prepared my things." She bowed her head, before heading to her small room.
"Damn she really does have my ass too" she thought, she Blushed to herself as she turned away from her mental image of her and phantom getting a bit too familiar with eachother. Well. She was to break Zerek after all.
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