Game RP Psychic Romance (A pokemon Gijinki Rp) (open)

"Very well. Keep him in line." Kara said looking between them. She slid her hands under her sleeves, touching the pokeball that still housed Intranel. She walked away from them, going through the temple to the meditation chambers where the master was waiting. She sat at his feet and bowed to the floating man, still resting in his lotus position, perfectly in balance with the nature of the room.

Kara shifted up on her knees before the grandmaster, the man's eyes unopening but she felt the touch of his attention upon her. "You are troubled." His voice whispered in her mind, the student bracing gently for a moment like he was threatening her. "I must go grow, and heighten my technique." Kara spoke aloud, folding her hands.

"Then why do I sense this unease in your aura, polluting your mind with doubts?" The voice pushed back lightly. Kara swallowed gently. "I...feel unsure if I can lead. And maintain control of my Mon." She admitted, but the presence of the master did not shift or change much beyond its gentle peaceful sensation. "To guide others first, you must master yourself, you will harden your resolve and reach your own enlightenment only outside these walls. And become the Trainer you so wish to be"

Kara let loose her breath she didn't exactly notice she was holding, but she stood up, bowing again before making her way back for her room to check on her Mon.
(XD Zerek: Least i get to check out the show)

The route into the town, Cheri Grove, wasn't that far, a small stop point but often taking by adventuring trainers as the first steps. it had no gym, but small timers hung around for fun and the occasional battle. It also was known for the Cheri Berry Trees that grew to abundantly and made the richest berries in town. It was mostly a human spot, any Mon that were around were normally partnered...or strays.
(He's just gonna make sure he's always the last in the line. And that their loose fitting clothes mysteriously 'go missing' so all they have is tight stuff XD)

Zerek looked at the town. He'd spent a good while messing with newbie trainers in this area, and he did sometimes wonder if there was a poster about it... He instinctively shifted his appearance, to an Eevee boy, just in case.
(XD Kara: Phantoma! Start choking until he finds my ribes)

Kara glanced at him as he shifted his form. "You better behave yourself here.' Sge said simply as they passed a bulletin board that listed a notice of 'Shapechangers in town' and how they should be kept a look out for, even saying it should be kept to one form. And a bunch of listings...frim a glance a bunch of descriptions of Zerek.

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