Game RP Psychic Romance (A pokemon Gijinki Rp) (open)

"Zerek! hey! you don't know what..." Kara sighed. "Phantoma, lets go." She grunted as Zerek rushed off and walked after him. He got to the lake side as a trainer was leaving the Mart. "Alright that should be enough cash" The youngster said as he started to tuck his wallet away.
The boy started to put his wallet away when he saw a girl huddled up on the side of the r of the building, laying on her side. 'Hey-hey!" He said gently walking over to her, squatting to her level. "Are you okay?" He asked but she barely moved. He jumped up abd ran fir the mart, rushing back inside for something. Minutes later he came back with a bag, probably food, abd tried to offer it over...but seeing her struggle for a moment he sat next to her and started trying to feed her.
The Monclifted her head to sip some of the water and rested her head on the boys shoulder, seeming to be whispering something. The boy looks over quickly, seeking sad and started to stand up. The Mon took his hands thankfully, no doubt crying or something to make whatever she said look goodm
The boy helped her up and started to take her away from the scene..where they going to his home maybe? Was she pulling something bigger than a lift job? She took the bags of food, walking with the boy. Zerek could hear her voice. 'Thank you so much, you're so kind' snd likely all kinds of liesm
As he followed after them, Zerek saw the girl still stuffing her face, and whipping her eyes of tears. The house was a standard one, small, yet nice for a little family of humans. The boy turns to the Mon he guided her to a lawn bench abd gestured for her to wait abd he vanished into the house.
As he slicked closer, she rose up on her tip toes, her back arching a bit, pushing her ass out...but he realized she was looking at a curtain? "There you've been following me around all this time...I thought you were shy" she said as her gaze was fixed on the reflection of him coming closer.

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