Game RP Psychic Romance (A pokemon Gijinki Rp) (open)

"Damn look at that thing!" The sportier muttered as she looked over next. "Smother me mommt" she mutters to herself like she could read Zerek's thoughts. Kara leaned over next, almost resting her body iver Phantoma '. Lucky ghost probably could feel Kara's tits on her back. "Hey! Hey!" Thevsquielrtle said pulling Zereks arm. "You listening? It's this way!" Sge said in confusion
(XD idk why I almost want that to be Zerek daydreaming and Theyvarevjust standing around like 'want some soda?")

As he was lead away from the more interesting sight, he was taken over to a small shrine, where a few monks were said in contemplation,, Others were mid training, or praying to the God Arceus. But something felt slightly off.
She nods alot as sge looked to the monks...well eying a particular huge looking Machchoke who was lifting boulders and breaking them with his fists. "Oh-mt-" she muttered with a Gilpin.

The bunneary stalked around the brush, stopping on a young monk, pretty young, pretty fresh looking, and she ducked lower, masking her shifting into a Machop

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