Game RP Psychic Romance (A pokemon Gijinki Rp) (open)

(XD well Intranel did try to use one last psychic order to warp hee brain)

As she revised it, taking control of her submissive Pet, she wondered if the urge and rush she got as all her own. Ofcourse she was acting upon what she liked, and believed would get Zerek to behave, but was it truly all her own need. She pushed her toes into her pets nouth, weighing the possibility that either she had been affected by Zerek, or she merely was just as bad asher partner and they only complimented the others sexual appetites .
Zerek was a dark type, after all. It was certainly possible he was having an on her, but then… Intranel had tried to get inside her head and change things there. If anything was responsible, it was likely that… and perhaps she needed to make herself act differently to Zerek to clear that semi control the Kirlia had left on her.
She looked down at Zerek as she thought on this, that she would have to work against her control, even if it was merely preying upon her own desire and making her act out. She knew however that such lack of control was a shame in the face if her training and her monastery. Kara pulled her foot back slowly from his lips, folding her legs slowly in front of him. "I think that's enough, for now." She said
She chewed her lip as he asked if she was sure, but she folded her arms, trying to compose herself. "Yes, i- I think I've had enough, we should stop." She said rather than teasing or pressing his button. "I, need to take a bath- and meditate. I haven't done so since we left."
(XD Zerek: furiously whacking it the second he sees her in the bath)

As she watched him leave she stood up. Walking to the bathroom to turn on the tub. She would have to settle herself, washing up and looking to center her emotions to see if she could undo the mental hold upon herself. She stripped herself of her ribes and started to step into the water, to settle inside.
As the door cracked gently, He saw Kara, not even much of her as the Tubs sides were high and she was nestled inside. The mist and steam wisped from the gentle crack in the door, puffing out in front of him. The water she was in had to be sweltering hot, making her look flushed all over her feet were set up on the rim, legs crossed. The soft scents of incense, soap, and salts clung to the air while his mistress and trainer was reclining lower into the water, so calm so at peace, it would seem that she had already drifted to sleep.
He remained still, watching her as she relaxed in the warmth, his mind imagining the heat flush as how she felt around him, her attraction to him. Of course, it probably wasn't, but he was willing to dream, even as he moved to his tiptoes, trying to get a better look at her through the gap in the doorway, every instinct he had wanting to slip inside... And to a Psychic, the presence of someone like that might well tickle their senses...
As the presence of Zerek crept closer, Kara twitched as she sensed him. "Zerek" She said almost instantly, before he could even put his hands upon the door. Her brief meditation already sharpening her senses. "Stay out." She said as she picked up on his intent and feelings.
Kara blinked as she saw him close the door, half expecting him to actually put up a bit more of a fuss. But before he got too far, he heard the door creak open slightly behind him again. "Keep your mind clear. No stroking anything either." She said in his mind, though he could feel her eyes rolling like she was chasing to humor him for all his sulking.
He nodded to her, opening the door further so he could step in before closing it behind himself, leaving it cracked as she wanted before he finally turned, looking down at her as she relaxed. His mouth remained closed, and the only thing on his mind was just 'She's so pretty', over and over again, whilst his lower head would be raising up in appreciation of her whilst he waited there for her to give him instructions, if she desired.
Kara flushed a bit darker. "I heard you the first time." She said aloud as she listened to his repeated thought. She reached out and pulled a handful of bath salts from the care pouch, sprinkling it into the water. "Mm. If you can focus, come here and sit by me. I'll show you how to relax your mind."
"Okay...close your eyes and I want you imagine something." She started as he awaited her guidance "You are in a space. A comfortable one. " She whispered as the Tap babbled gently into the tub, warmth and mist dancing around them. "I want you to focus on the feeling of that place, not physically, nor emotionally....but fall into it become one with it. Breathe in" she whispered before taking a deep breath. " and slowly release it....all your thoughts...all distractions... are pushed away."
He did as she said, closing his eyes and focusing into a place of comfort. An embrace with her, but even as that image crossed his mind he took that deep breath and sank into the image, turning it into simply a warm, comfortable feeling as his mind was cleared of distractions. His breathing slowed, deep in, deep out as he continued to follow her instructions.
(XD Zerek: imagining his face first in her cleavage)

As he sunk into the feeling, he heard her voice faintly, getting further away. "Good...good. with every breath, you are not merely in your comforts. Fall further...deeper...into stillness of mind." She instructed. "There is everything around you...but also nothing, feel your connection to all things..."
Every breath took him deeper into the trance, away from her voice and away from the image of her his mind had conjured, his still form kneeling beside the bathtub next to her. His eyes were open, but he wasn't seeing her now as he meditated there. She could feel how still his mind was, and how calm everything within it was.

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