Game RP Psychic Romance (A pokemon Gijinki Rp) (open)

XD man found a pokemon scp)

"Ooo that's nothing to worry about hm! I love this place, everyone has been so happy since I came!" She said as she grabbed his hand...thin, boney fingers under the glove locked around his hand with a death grip fueled by a crippling need for approval."Everyone loves seeing a pikechu!" She said as she pulled him to a empty table. A dusty tea table and rundown chair set. One of a few dotted around. "Please! Take a seat! I'm sure your thirsty ~pika~"
(TFW She ends up tryna fuck him, but he sees under her costume so she just tries to murder him instead)

"I... Yeah, I'd love a drink" He spoke with a forced happy tone as she pushed him down into the chair, feeling it creak and groan underneath him, as she bustled around 'Oh fuck me, what have I gotten into...' he thought to himself, biting the inside of his lip as he watched her.
(XD "Look at these THINGS jiggling Double G titties "What sicko would want me-")

"REALLY!" She yelped, sudden beside him, her Pikachu head knelt so it was 'looking' at him while she was looking up ti him. "That's my favorite tea too! We must be kindred spirits!" A glove stroked his knee gently
As he put tye peices together...he was in a Mimikyus den. A dangerous Mon...not merely in the way most could be considered. They were lonely creatures....isolated. But if set off, they were not simply upset, they were vengeful, obsessed. Some even saying that humans and mon have died from looking at them underneath the cloth from shock. The mimic pokemon hummed a song as she set the kettle up...her song willowy and eerie like a haunted lullaby .
The Mimikyu set a plate in front if him suddenly...a nice scent touching his nose. Bread. Fresh. Berries? As he'd open his eyes, she had set out some fresh rolls and berries and cream on the table. "On the house for you hm?" She said...though he couldn't see it he could tell by her tone she was probably giving a smile and wink to him under the disguise. "You're my first customer today! "
"Oh me?~" she giggled, her hands curling up under her chest...well her chin. Something moved underneath the disguises cloak and dress...two big somethings. But then they loweredas she huffed. "Well~ unfortunately, this Pikachu hasn't been picked- nobody seems to stay long. After they pay I never see then again...I don't know why "

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