Game RP Psychic Romance (A pokemon Gijinki Rp) (open)

Intranel gave her a soft smile, before sitting next to her and gently humming a quiet song he'd been taught.

Zerek was outside, head in his hands as he just couldn't decide what to do. On one hand, he wanted to do nothing but hug and kiss Kara until she was better. On the other, he wanted to beat her into a pulp for being so... stupid in going into the cave in the first place. He growled at himself, before stalking off towards the entrance to the Pokecenter, needing fresh air to clear his head...
As Intranel started to sing to her, she would close her eyes, stroking his soft green hair with her fingers, gently bobbing her head. The trainer caressing him softly.

Outside the center, the day was still eerily hazed and gloomy, people and mon were out and about, but it was almost like figures dancing just out if sight in the mist and fog in the streets.
As Zerek stalked through the misty streets, his mind was elsewhere, still angry at both himself and Kara "Damned idiot, why... why did you shout... she deserved it! Deserved it for putting us in that situation..." He muttered at himself, shaking his head "Stupid Stupid Stupid..." It was about now that he found himself infront of a small, unremarkable cafe... But for some reason, he felt a pull towards it, and so he stepped inside...
(XD OH-)

The Pikachu cloaked figure turned around slowly behind the counter. The false head of her outfit was a stitched together face, a rough image of a smiling pikachu...luckily the material wasn't fur or leather. Her gloved hands clapped together gently, bouncing on her toes lightly. Two small holes were cut underneath the Pikachu heads chin. "Yes Pika~ we are open!" She chirped as she stepped around the counter, seeming eerily chipper in this gloomy town.
"Oh, good... Thought I'd just walked into a closed store..." Zerek replied easily, even whilst his brain was screaming at him about the figure he was conversing with, having to actively try not to look down at the two small holes, focusing on the lifeless stitched in eyes "So... a Pikachu running a Cafe, huh? Wouldn't have thought a 'Mon like you would have been in a town like this..."

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