Game RP Psychic Romance (A pokemon Gijinki Rp) (open)

"Oh- I see-AH!" She yelped as she saw the Mimikyu sway into the room, involuntarily as she twisted at a...horrifying angle, holding a box behind her back. "What's that!" She said standing up, leaning on Zerek some. "Your Zoroa said you weren't feeling well so I brought you something sweets and some tea- I know hospital food is icky!' The Mimikyus said as she set the box on the bed.
"O-Oh, I... Well, that's very kind of you" Zerek smiled, his arm moving to help Kara stand up straight "Oh... Do you need some help there? You seem to be having trouble with your back..." Zerek coughed, trying to politely inform the Mimikyu her costume was breaking without making it obvious they knew she wasn't a Pikachu.
"Oh- my back- oh dear-" Kara said as she leaned on him, but turned so they were face to face, gently kissing his cheek. The two hearing a soft clicking sound as the Mimikyu swiftly adjusted their costume while neither were looking. "Phew~ no no! My back is fine, just a little hunch, I might just need to get better posture-" the Mimikyu said with a nervous laugh.

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