Game RP Psychic Romance (A pokemon Gijinki Rp) (open)

"The Nurse Joys probably have one on staff" Kara said as she gently pulled on Zerek to bring her closer, trying to get a feel for the spirit. "So-so What is your name?" She asked the Mimikyu, know it might help prevent them from slipping up if they could just name her. "Stormy" The Mimikyu said after a pause, sliding the box to the foot of the bed. "Ah-Nice name for a Pikachu." Kara said nodding
Stormie shook her head. "Oooh- it's okay- you rushed to get to your trainer. I see why now- you aren't just partners." She said "It's a shame though, I could eat you with a spoon-Ah! No offense!" she said, swiveling to Kara, though she laughed authentically. "Oh no no! I understand he's a cutie. He has a way of wiggling his way into your heart like a caterpie"

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