She is Forbidden

Whimpering as he moved away she took a deep breath to collect herself before following him out of the carriage to meet her lord who was quite pleased at their arrival before sunset "Ah yes! So glad you enjoyed your tour" Lord spoke as he gestured for Sierra to come to him. "We see you tomorrow?" he questions as he clips a leash onto the Red Fox, normally she was not fazed but this time her ears pinned back.
Seeing how pleased the Prince seemed the Lord was quite happy "yes, dinner tomorrow" he agrees leading his Red Fox inside though she was staring at Collin resulting in a tug on her leash. She hurried inside, ordered to take a bath and aid with any cleaning before bed. Sierra was quick to her room, peeking out her window in hopes to at least see Collin off for the night.
Up all night Sierra was surrounded by books as she slept in her bed once morning arrived, riders all around spreading the word. A servant received the letter, giving it to Lord who hums with interest of this news. He would have to discuss the verbal agreement between him and Collin for strolling around with Sierra may not be good for the Prince’s reputation.

“Is she up yet?” He would snap at a servant who jumped and shook their head “wake her! She mist eat and look her best when he arrived” ordering immediately.

“Sierra!” A servant hanged on her door “you are late for breakfast, hurry up!” Which was word that Lord awaited her.

Sierra groans as she stirred awake from the ruckus only to turn over and curl back up not wishing to get up. Plus not feeling the best from drinking and partying yesterday, she has no idea of the news just yet.
A servant would answer the door escorting the Prince to the dinning hall “Lord, Prince Collin has arrived” informing the man. Lord would sigh clearly annoyed by Sierra being late “I apologize your majesry for Sierra being late but congratulations on your betrothal” rising to bow.

Sierra remained curled up in bed sound asleep which she did in the nude, some books covering her here and there.
Understanding the arrangement was for status and merging of kingdoms more than love and passion but they would have a heir regardless, now he further knew why Collin was so set on learning more of their kingdom. "You can try, she may not be feel well if she has not risen yet" admitting with some concern, gesturing a servant to come forth and ordered to call the doctor just encase.
The knock was softer than the banging before, the voice far more kind as she flicks her ears before her eyes open to find Collin in her doorway which was a surprise, a big one. She smiles as she slowly sat up, rubbing her eyes "Good morning" she would yawn and stretch out in a very adorable fashion that revealed her body to him. "Pretty early for you isn't it?" she hums seeming quite exhausted.
Bending down to pick up some of the book she lets out a squeak as he smacks her ass, her cheeks jiggling in reaction as she blushes "Something to tell me?" she questions as she makes a spot for them both to sit. "Are you returning home?" thinking that could be the only possible worse news he could give her in this present time.
The shake of his head confused her keeping her attention on him as he explained the news he told her personally while the rest of the kingdom found out through letters, she could not help her heart plummeting as her ears pin down "Oh..." clearly upset by this new knowledge that he was to be married. "I am sure she will have to bear an heir with a way it is love..." she spoke softly like he came to tell her as seeking comfort of some sort.
She blinks in shock of what he may be saying, he must marry the Princess but would not pursue love with her when he met someone else "Collin" saying his name softly as she moves to sit in his lap. She reaches up running her fingers through his hair "I doubt you will be able to free me, especially if I am expecting, Lord would never let me go and would hold it over your head forever" reminding him that she was owned. Only thing she could think of is Collin reveal how much trust and friendship he has put into Sierra that possibly Lord may offer her as a gift for the Prince and his Princess. Quite a short window they had though.
As though he was reading her mind brought a smile to her lips "You can try, he will be owed by a prince of the Kingdom, someday you will be King, he is a patient man" tilting her head a little as she felt his lips on her neck. Luckily her rooms were secluded in the lower level of the mansions, servants were forbidden down here less given permission, she was a fox after all needing her own den once she earned her Lords trust which took much time. "So what plans do we have today?" humming with a giggle unaware a doctor was on the way to check on her due to still being in bed.
She pouts as slides off his lap once he moved to get up deciding it was her day to choose, more like she was the resident in these parts "I will meet you at the stable" telling him as she rose to her feet, hurrying to her closet. Picking out a riding dress she finally gets herself ready before heading upstairs to find Lord awaiting her "breakfast before you go" he orders pointing to the dining room. Sierra paused, her nose took in the smells of food waiting for her but she felt her stomach flip to the thought of eating "I will have a big lunch" reassuring Lord as she hurries past him.
He heads to the stables and was petting a horse while he waited for her. Things were still rocky and uncertain between them but he enjoyed spending time with her. The major problem was convincing the Lord to give sierra to him. The Lord surely knows that Collin has had sex with several furries so he may be under the impression he has a fetish.

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