Survival or Passion

As time finally passed long enough, Awakening to the pain of hunger, the sound of her own growling stomach. Liz would find herself in this nightmarishly dark room.
the light dimly flickering as it kicked on. the sound of her old man heading tours the door soon could be heard echoing step after step.

As this was going on, the fact remained, Liz would know well her new mate, and lover would be out their seeking her location. however her father was well versed with
hiding his tracks. meaning it would not be as easy to find her, as one might think, However the fact remained, she would have to find her own way to endure, or escape back
tours the den of her new lover.
Waking up to this nightmare was no fun, her body tensing by the mere sound of her father coming toward the door of her dark room that currently reveal a dim light. She felt so tired still, barley able to move from her spot to attempt in hiding or getting as far away from him as possible. Then felt her stomach growl, rumbling but she could care less, she would refuse any food he offered her hoping that starvation will be a better pain but she was with child, luckily he did not know so may not press her to eat.
Cracking the door, as he entered in to place a tray of hot fresh food, all of which would smell mouth watering. However now Liz knew well.
her old man's food always had some kind of heat inducing drugs laced in the seasoning. However it was nothing life threatening, yet it was also like another
form of torture. as her hungering system demanded the food, even more so with the life growing with in her.

"Eat or not, I will return once I am done with the choirs, and we will enjoy ourselves again. so take a bit of time, and prepare yourself my cute little doe. "
saying this to her with a wink, the wicked man would leave her once again in the room, with her food, however, the tray was of a soft plastic, no silver ware, meaning she would
need to eat with her hands. the drink in a little kid's kid of cup. showing he had taken the care to ensure nothing could be used for liz to harm herself with.
Swallowing as he entered not even looking his direction she was still as a statue until he left, looking over to the food where she found no fork or knife not even a real plate. She glares toward the door hating how her father outwitted her in this aspect but he did not seem to care whether she ate or not, maybe starving would aid in her blacking out during these sessions. Kicking the plate onto the floor creating a mess as she crawls back to the corner of the mattress to hide under as many blankets as possible.
having chosen to try and starve herself, Little did Liz know this would cause her old man to decide to force feed her once this was discovered. However for the next few hours her hunger would grow stronger, her stomach pain. more then that she could at least keep her body hidden under the blanket.

Little did Liz realize that her choice of refusing the meal would only end up all the worse for her now. however her old man would return with in the hour to start the next round of fun, as he would still abuse her. more then that, the discovering of what she did with her meal would only cause this session to be more punishing then pleasuring, at least for her to endure.
Almost dozing off she perked up hearing the footsteps returning to the door of her cage, curling up into a tight ball as if attempting to hide herself once he entered soon realizing he was quite pissed off by her tossing his food like that. His laced meals were not all the worrying since thanks to Seth she was immune for some time but her stomach was aching in pain for food, her child having already sapped up most of what she needed for herself.
Closing the door behind him, taking a deep breath, only to kneel down for a moment. carefully plucking some of the spilled food up, the small portion which was still on the tray. with a small hand full of food, the wicked man began to move tours his daughter, already planning for force some of this into her system. even if he had to chew it up, and force it into her mouth via a kissing method, however little did she know, he planned to forcefully enjoy her orally, and now anally as well. thinking her back side would still be tight, and unused, so it would be a good way to punish her for his own pleasure. but unaware that anything he could think of. She had enjoyed with her lover to an extent, in a more passionate way, despite this, the fact remained this would be a crueler , and rougher session. as he would first try to force feed her from his hand, after pinning liz. if this failed, he would chew a small portion up and force it into her mouth, when he locked his lips to her own.
Hearing the door close behind him she sensed his annoyance then his weight on the mattress as he made his way to her, ripping away her blankets to pin her down while one hand as the other held the food she refused to eat "I am not hungry!" snapping at him. She even attempted to wiggle away from him or bite at his hand hoping to make him cease is trying to force feed her hoping it was him seeking control not ensuring the health of his developing child.
"Little one, you eat some damn food, or I will feed you another way. " as he shouted this forcefully, Little did Liz realize, that very soon she would annoy her old man enough.
as he would begin to act out in a twisted, almost porn movie or hentai manor. going to go from force feeding her some food, to forcing her to give oral, and swallow every load.
however giving her an option like this, it would seem he wanted to ensure her strength was kept up for the amusing squirming, and struggling when he violated his daughter. loving the struggle, as it led to his sick powerplay of control.
Pausing she stares blankly up to him by his forceful shouting, eyeing the food he held in his hand then his face knowing he very well meant it just simply his demeanor. Slowly she opens her mouth for the food, cringing once it hit her tongue knowing it made her stomach churn before she chewed and swallowed it down "happy?" she hisses out to him.
"Much better, now with that done, I guess this means some one earned the right to endure a less painful session this time. so make sure to choose carefully. "
as he spoke with a wicked tone, an a truly evil looking smirk. Liz's father would whisper to her, that she can ether enjoy the classic way, or the reverse penetration, as he would allow
her to choose to take it, while on her back or in his lap this time around.
She gulps down the food hearing him mention session, shaking her head to such a thought even his options she refused to choose as she did not want to look at him to feel his touch in anyway. Attempting to scramble away from him pinning her down "can't I digest my food, first?" requesting he be patient. But had a feeling he had been more than patient for how ever long she was asleep, wanting to have her once more even though she refused, rejected him in every way now.
As she tried to reject her old man, he would move to grasp Liz. suddenly moving to force her into position. before she could really argue or resist. the wicked man moved to shove himself into her mouth. as he spoke up while doing this.

"You had all the time you needed to eat, and digest. now this will be your punishment for not eating properly or choosing. as he said this moving to forcefully throat, or face fuck his daughter with out remorse. wanting to enjoy himself, as well as make her regret not accepting his kindness in the form of the meal, and peaceful chance to eat and digest.
She screams out as he forces her so he could shove his cock into her mouth making her gang and cough as he throat fucked her in a form of punishment for refusing his kindness in the form of food. Tightly shutting her eyes as tears streamed down wanting to fight him but at this point she knew it would make it worse with him face fucking her.
His hands grasping Liz's hair, as the wicked older man slammed his pelvis into her face, his sack smacking her chin. as he pulled her head into each thrust. the throbbing rob piercing into her throat, bulging the young lady's throat a bit. not caring if she passed out from this or not, the wicked father would continue. as it would not take long for the warm sensation of her tongue, the tightness of liz's throat, followed with the sensation of her own teeth scraping his cock with each thrust. the vile man would erupt, and forcefully feed her his wicked baby batter. giving his daughter a thick dose of protein to say the least. however this would not the end of this twisted session, as he still planned to use her back side. but he was now feeding her in a different way, as a form of punishment.

as this was going on, the faint sounds of outside traps being triggered could be heard. Vic was not worried about it, as he was to lost in the pleasure he was enjoying. However to the troubled Mind of liz, the sound of these wicked traps was both hopeful and dreadful. as only one creature would be braving her old man's blood stained territory, it had to be seth trying to get to her. however this also meant she would need to endure, but for how long until rescue finally got to her.
Muffled grunts and whimpers sounded from her as her mouth was fucked in a hard and painful fashion, trying to get free by attempting to bite or toss her head but he had such a firm grasp and was thrusting so hard she had no chance of release. Tear filled eyes looked up to him begging for him to stop but could feel his thick cock beginning to swell and pulse inside her mouth making her freeze up just as he unloaded a thick wave of his seed down her throat. She tightly closes her eyes trying to swallows down what she could to prevent from choking, so busy with remaining awake and alert she did not even hear the snapping traps outside, Seth trying his best to reach her.
Once he finished unloading that horrible thick load into his daughter. the wicked man took his time to pull out of her mouth, and throat. only to toss liz onto the bed, on her back. it would be this moment when she could hear the alien clicking, and painful hissing from some where outside. along with the sound of the traps. Meaning this would be a rare chance for her to distract her father, and perhaps help her lover get to her with the distraction of her old man.

As he began to notice the sound of the traps. the wicked man would look tours the boarded up windows, as he smirked, saying they might have a guest he would need to see to. a rare chance but a dangerous one. if Her father left, and found her lover weakened by a trap, then all hope would be lost. however would she have it in her, to distract the wicked man before her, to ether allow her lover to escape, recover and come back for her, or be to lost in her own despair to realize the chance she had to ensure her own future freedom before her at this moment.
Not even sucking on his cock as he slowly pulled himself out to look at the work of her spewing his cum onto the bed as she was still choking to get air, that was traumatic to say the least. Heaving between coughs it took her several minutes to get her bearings and to breath properly as she noticed her father wandering to close to investigating what in the world was going on outside, by the clicking and hissing she knew it was seth. " your....done now?" she questions him, her red tear stained face looking up to him.
hearing her words, the wicked older man would speak up.

"shush woman, I hear a potential threat, we can have more fun once I kill this vermin, or is some one finally feeling the need to be properly abused, and filled up by her old man hmm?"

as he spoke, looking tours the door, it was a clear window for Liz to paint an ideal opening. even if it went against her own desires. it would seem she would need to play the role of needy, and
desperate girl for papa's dick. or he would end up moving to go and try to find, and kill her lover before the rescue could be a thing. it was indeed a double edged sword, however if Seth escaped
he would be able to recover, and return, learning from his failed attempts. as the creature had proven to Liz how dedicated, and adaptive it was with how it cared for her thus far. but now it was a rare chance for the young lover to take one for the sake of a better future or rescue so to speak.
Blinking with slight shock by how he snapped at her for silence while explaining he desired to kill whatever dared to set off his traps while enjoying his torture upon his daughter. She swallows down her fears, her nerves by his question for she hated him, she despised him with all her being for what he had done to her, hell he may have purposely made them crash here away from their original life. Internally shaking her head, not allowing herself to think such things as this window presented itself, she just hoped Seth understood she was doing this to protect him and also that she hated any intimacy with her father. Wiping her mouth from any more cum on her lips she looks up to her father "you are gonna leave me just when we begun our session?" she purrs with a small smile as she crawls to the edge of the bed for him to come back.
Noticing the sudden change in action, the old man was easily seduced when it came to his cute little angel of a daughter , at least in his mind.
Easily losing his thoughts the massive brute of a father would move to suddenly press his daughter into his frame. as he moved to enjoy this.

"well if that is the case, you better tell papa how you want. If your beginning to come around, then papa bear will make it feel very good for his little girl. "
with a wicked thought, he would use and abuse her till the late night or until she passed out. but if Liz was willing then her old man would move to make it more enjoyable
for them both at least.
Forcing her body not to tense or cringe away from him as she came back to her freeing Seth to continue his way to her even if he only made it half way, least she knew that he was trying to rescue her. Reaching her hand up to trace up and down her father's chest trying to think of something she could enjoy and control but did not wish to ride him as she did with Seth, she could imagine she was with her mate though. Licking her lips before seductively biting on her bottom lip she grins "Can I practice riding you, daddy?" asking him in a soft voice.
"As long as you promise to give papa a good time then of course. "
as he said this, the wicked man would lean in to nibble at her Neck, before pushing Liz onto the bed. and crawling into it, next to her.
as he moved to roll over, pulling his little girl ontop of him. however his arms moving to grasp her palms once she was on him. to ensure a proper hold, however
he had the room locked up, and only could get out himself. making sure that everything would be more ideal this way. However with her request, Liz would be able to be the one
in a more dominating position for now. thus allowing her to try and get some pleasure out of it, despite how little it might be, with all things considered. however in her mind with the idea of
seth being the one under her. the night could be more enjoyable then it should be naturally.
Biting harder upon her lip by him leaning into nibble on her neck, gasping in surprise as he pushed her down onto the bed once more, taking charge in settling himself underneath her while quick to ensure a secure hold of her. Honestly she did not like how intimate him holding her hands felt forcing her to lean closer to him than she would enjoy. Hovering over his cock, her legs spread on either side of his lap she glances down her body glad she would be able to secure this session, afraid he may hurt the baby while how lost he gets in the pleasure. But he did not know, so many factors of telling him and also not telling him. For now she had to keep him distracted and already knew he always had a good time with her, whether she was enjoying it or not. Looking up at the wall to try and imagine Seth as she lowered herself down onto his cock gasping to the slight soreness from last night but covers it with a forced more. He was not as thick and smooth as Seth was but in the end she was doing her part. Lowering down to his base she takes a second to gather her strength, leaning over him even more so her breasts were almost in his face, rolling here hips a few times before beginning to bounce, her ass cheeks smacking into his lap with even down thrust. "Ah...yes daddy!" moaning out such words she hated to speak as she rolls her eyes closed.
Now starting to move on her own, Liz would feel the difference in her lover, and her father. to her horror or perhaps surprise. the size difference and texture difference would make this much easier to endure and take.
Her body would feel a kind of pleasure, even if it was truly unaware. but more then that, with her breast in his face. the wicked man moved to latch his maw upon her breast.

Her body would feel the difference, and how the her old man filled her. the young lady would discover that after being with her lover. she could out last the old dog Victor, as long as his hands didn't
add to her experience with him. yet the pleasure she felt would be made all the more enjoyable with the thoughts of her lover, doing this to her instead of old victor.
A few bounces and she got into a steady groove of pleasure with him inside her, keeping him entertained from the sounds of his traps setting off outside. She could still hear a few here and there, hoping seth was getting out of the way and not injured. She was snapped back to reality when felt father's mouth latch onto one of her nipples making her gasp and squirm on top of him. Taking a moment to focus back on seth, beginning to pick up the pace as she was unaware her father would find she was starting to produce milk. If no fool he would be for certain knowing she was pregnant with his child, unknown if she knew, use it to hold power over her or find out she did know and punish her for not telling him. Rocking her body with her faster pace her breasts jiggling against his face as he played with her nipples which were sensitive. Eyes kept closed imagining her dear mate lead to her moans being more true while riding him.
As things got more and more heated for Liz, her old man began to buck under her. causing each bounce to feel more of an impact. his sack slapping into her body.
as he began to really, and greedily milk the breast his maw was latched up. with realizing she was with his child now. the wicked man would enjoy this all the more, while keeping
quiet for now.

It would be quiet the new experience, as the action he took would seem to become more gentle, yet still aggressive upon her frame. his one hand moving to grope, and message her ass cheek, as the other remained locked
palm to palm with her.
Clenching her jaw as he began to buck into her bounced, pushing himself deeper inside her while he began to get more rough with his mouth and one hand freed to grope her ass. She lets out a gasp, panting moans to force herself to continue on with riding him, her hand forced to grip down onto his. Unaware she was leaking milk into his mouth already giving her condition away to him. 'Oh fuck..." whining out as she was close already. Leaning her head up as she perfectly met his bucking thrusts to get her over the edge, cumming over his cock and into his lap
As he would pull his maw from her one breast, the wicked man would kiss along her bust to his daughter's lips. wanting to force her to orgasm, as he released in her
while they kissed. yet once she hit her release he would move to dominate her as the energy her body needed would hopefully be used up. knowing she was pregnant now.
the wicked man wanted to keep at it, but in more playful postitions in his mind. positions like on her side, with his belly to her back. or a more breeding press like one. where he could play
and tease her body as he took her. planning to break his daughter right away, wanting a loyal broken fuck doll, and baby factory over the strong willed beauty before him.
When his lips broke from her nipple she could feel the sweet fluid leaking down her breast while his kisses traced up her chest making her head lift up from him but easily he forced her down into a kiss while her energy was becoming more spent, her bounces slowing with less power in them. She whines into the kiss feeling him explode his seed inside her, her body shaking with pleasure while she was losing her stamina more quickly that she expected. Breaking the kiss she aimed to talk him down but she could see in his expression something changed, he wanted more, she squeaks as he took her control away returning to being the dominate in this relationship. Allowing her to move her one free hand to wipe her lips then touch on her breast realizing she was leaking milk, her cheeks flushes a deep red. Did he know?

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