Survival or Passion

Now rolling them both over, Liz's back on the bed. her legs suddenly being pulled to her side, and up tours her father's shoulder.
the breeding press was being forced upon her, yet he did not fully bend her more then her body seemed to handle. as he began to get
faster and rougher with each powerful thrust. moving to kiss her face, and chest.

"I will ensure no one can ever ruin my beautiful little baby mama."
saying this to reveal he knew, and would enjoy this more then one thought.
Now on her back with father a top, moving her body as he desired while pounding into her even faster and harder than before making her gasp and pant, unable to truly make a sound. She moves her head to avoid him kissing her lips again instead feeling him peck along her face and down her chest while he spoke, his choice of words making her eyes widen. He did know, her heart dropped into her stomach "ru-ruin?" she questions with confusion while continuing to endure his rough sex. Liz tried to pull away from him by sliding up the mattress so he was not as deep inside her, worried he may hurt her with his force.
As she tried to pull herself away a bit, the wicked man pulled his daughter back into his desired position once more.
as he was rough, deep, and filling her with every ounce he could produce.

"Oh do not fear, your body, and our baby will be fine. I plan to ruin that beautiful mind of yours, so no other man or lover could ever sate my cute little angel. "
saying this, as he was moving to keep her in position. if Liz wanted it or not, the mixture of the pain in this position, and the pleasure from him working her with his experience would begin
to mingle. the best thing to allow it to happen would to try and imagine her lover was ontop. but now the true horror was known. he knew, and planned to keep her for himself in more ways then one.

this would truly be a long night, as Poor liz would find herself being used, and enjoyed until her body gave out, or he was sated, and left her to recover in the bed, which ever would come first, as the moon began
to reek from the scent of sex.
She squeals as she was pulled back into his desired position, forcing her to endure his piston of a thrust while he attempted to reassure her that he did not aim to harm her body or the baby, hating how he referred to it as theirs. Slight anger swirled inside her but mostly fear of upsetting him if she continued to fight him as he was in full dominate mode of sating himself for what felt like hours. Eventually she did indeed pass out, at last getting a source of relief, her worries slipping away as she dreamed. When she did wake, she did not feel well resulting in her getting sick on the bed for she was too sore to move, her belly swollen with his seed, her body aching and burning from where he had to yank her body or hold her down. She lets out a soft whimper, curling up under the blankets.
As the next day came, her body screaming at her, reminding liz of all she had gone through, and what she would endure still.
The sound of her old man walking tours the door could soon be heard. as it was a red flag that he would becoming to feed her, and if she refused he would force feed her once more.

"Time to wake up my little doll. Papa brought you a special, nutrient enriched breakfast. so make sure to eat up, or their will be punishment once more. "
as he would say this before entering the room. the fact remained, the horror she endured was enough to keep her father occupied, and as such the traps never got reset.
this would mean if she could keep him occupied again, then he would not think of the traps, and would make seth's next attempt all the easier, but how long would she have to
keep up this horror show. how long till her lover came back for her, which now she knew he would for sure.
Looking out from her blankets she saw the door open to her father bringing in food for her, made her stomach flip as she shook her head not wanting to eat but remembering yesterday she knew that she had too. Very slowly she sat up, wincing as she did so, pressing to the bed frame as she watches him with uncertainty in her eyes "there is no doctor here ya know" she spoke up "How do you know the baby is okay, that I am okay?" questioning him. She was nervous enough at Seth's den about the pregnancy, now she was here with just her father whom she did not trust.
"Oh no worries, we will know for sure once that belly begins to form. More so, if their is any issues, we can take care of it together. after all we will be making lots
of babies. so if we lose a few, it will hurt, but we will survive it together. " saying this with out much emotions, the words would come off cold, and calculating.

however to make things worse, if he angered her enough to act out, then Liz would be punished, and she would know this, yet would she be able to keep herself under some
emotional control, with her old man appearing to be hitting buttons with her, as if wanting a reason.
She stares at him in disbelief by his words, her fear of losing this child being possibly true but that he wanted more even if some died. Liz visibly shook with anger “and if something happens to me!?” Snapping at him. “So many complications come with birth! I am terrified that you put me in this situation!” Shouting at him. “You are meant to protect and keep me safe! I am not safe!” Tears welling in her eyes wishing she was with Seth. “I knew I was pregnant before you kidnapped me! The medic there told me!” Beginning to cry.
as she began to cry, and say this, suddenly the wrists of the girl would be painfully grabbed. as her old man pulled her out of the bed. and began to drag Liz out tours the stream.

"You lie, their are no Medics on this world, only monsters. if you truly think that, then I shall show you. come with me. if things get complicated, who do you think did the C section, and medical procedure for your mother hmm?"
as he spoke in a scolding tone, revealing to liz how he broke her mother originally like he was gonna try to do to her next. as horrifying as it was, her comment had angered him enough to drag her out, and toss his daughter into
a near by bush of tendrils. a plant which was like a living toy of bondage. as a punishment. who knew what all he had experimented with sense he was alone for some time, but she would discover very soon one of such alien life forms her old man figured out, how to use to his advantage.
Gasping in surprise expecting punishment, she instead was taken a back as he dragged her from the barricaded room to the outside, the sunlight, the fresh air, the trap everywhere littering the yard. She looks ahead to the stream where he taught her to fish and they would bathe at times, he was clearly very angry with her, upset that she did not trust nor believe in his skills. Screaming as she was swung into the air landing into a bush that was quick to snatch her limbs and spread her out like a star while she struggled. "How was I supposed to know? You were a normal father until we landed...well crashed here, mother never hinted you were insane! That you were abusive" snapping at him as she attempted to free herself but the binds only grew tighter as one vine wrapped around her throat to quiet her.
"Oh this is a very nice plant I found and tested out myself. Enjoy this little reward my sweet little angel. it will make you feel great, and give such an addictive pleasuring nectar. "
as he spoke this, the wicked man watched as the one tendril like vine snaked around her throat, as the tip of it was soon before Liz's eyes. as the tip split, and pulled back revealing a phallic looking
tip which oozed an addictive natural aphrodesiac like nectar. something which even the immunity cocktail Seth gave her would not protect against. as it was much more potent then some herbs.

as he smirked, two thicker tendrils began to rub against his daughter's back side, as they threatened to double penetrate her at any moment. the wicked man knew this plant would not harm her, nor the baby.
as it fed on the pleasuring fluids of the victim regardless of the gender. however two of the tendrils moved to coil around her breast, tightly squeezing them, from base to tip. as the tips of these vines began to split, and feel
almost like small, moist, and warm suckers, to latch upon her erect, and lactating nipples. as this would go on, Liz would see her old man standing their, pulling out his own meat to jerk off, as he would stand close. to enjoy this show.
once her body would become laced and ready he would join in, penetrating her womanly entrance, as this wicked vegetation would violate her back door, and mouth once it really began.
Glaring toward him with unmeasured hatred she would continue her struggles until seeing the tip of the vine that tightened around her throat splitting open to reveal a tip that aimed to dose her in it's nectar forcing her to enjoy every second of this torture. She jerks her head about but every movement resulted in the vines pulled on her limbs to spread wider while she felt a pressure on her breasts followed by a suckling sensation. "Hey!" shouting to reveal she disliked it mainly cause the milk was meant for the baby. But opening her mouth allowed entry, the tendril shoving down her throat to spray it's pleasure inducing nectar. Liz's eyes widen being forced to drink this down while she watched her father jerking off to the sight of this before approaching her tethered body to push himself up inside her womanly entrance that was soaking wet in her juices. At the same time feeling a sharp pressure through her back door making her kick her legs and let out muffled whimpers.
Loving the way she squirmed and kicked so helplessly, all the while, each motion of her kicking legs made the depths feel all the more amazing. her father got rougher, and faster with each powerful thrust. as the wicked vine throat fucked her, and pumped more of it's nectar into her system. all the while, a second vine like cock began to slowly push into her back side, as the first one was still ravaging her. releasing it's wicked fluids which would allow her inner flesh to heal as quickly as it was damaged by the very plant like creature. this was becoming quiet the horror show, and pleasuring sight for any one or thing to see. However with her mouth muffled, and her old man now punishing her once more. this new punishment so much worse then the prior one. However she would discover this lust drug produced by this monster plant, doubled like a healing potion from the old games, or syfy stories. thus it would heal her internally as quickly as it made her body want more of the abuse. unaware the plant did this, so it could cause it's prey to release sexual fluids in high quantity, so it could feed, with out losing a food source. the local wild life would come to it for relief, from it's nectar, or healing and in return fed it. her old man was using this odd monster like plant to punish his girl in a way he could enjoy all the more.
She knew by his expression and power of his thrusts that he was enjoying every movement, every second of this torture for her that she refused to give into by her mind while her body was at the plants mercy of filling her with its nectar and sapping up her sexual fluids along with her fathers, Her muffled cries were only met with the plant shoving itself further down her throat with each thrust while the cock in her ass was plunging deeper with a friend soon following making her shriek in pain at first. Already she felt her injuries healing each passing moment but did not mean she liked how her father was using this to punish her. But she was outside, maybe Seth was somewhere near by! Blinking away the tears in her eyes to look around wishing she could scream for him but this plant was hogging her mouth for the time being and if father knew someone was on the search for her then who knows what would happen. Instead she endured this torture until she passed out from energy exhaustion.
As she passed out, the wicked man would finish up his own enjoyment, before leaving her body to be enjoyed, and used by the plant. once it was sated, her body would slide limply out of the grasp. and fold onto the cold ground like wet tissue paper. however it would not be over for her exhausted, and sore body, despite all potential injuries, and wounds no longer existing, not even scratches, or bruises, thanks to this plant's abuse.

It would be the cold water which would jolt her used, and abused body back to reality. as her wrists would be bound behind her back by a severed vine. a collar on her neck, with a chain in her father's hand, well more so wrapped around his wrist. the wicked man taking his time to clean her body up completely. if she remained in a state, where she would see no risk of her running, perhaps Liz could get her old man to let his guard down long enough to call out for help, or even try to make a weak attempt at running tours the woods away from him. However as it was, she would now be getting proper cleaning and oddly soothing touches, as he cleaned her up. speaking to himself not knowing if she had come to or not. commenting how he enjoyed this show, but was asking her not to force this again. as he doesn't like sharing her, but this punishment was the safest way to get his point across. as they would need to be a big happy family sooner then later. even commenting how he would ensure no creatures would get to her again. however if she played possum long enough, the sound of Seth searching for her would become noticeable, at least to one who knew them. as the faint clicking, and hissing sounds would echo, mixing with the natural wild life sounds in the back ground.
A cold wet sensation jolted her away to shiver as she awoke, barely opening her eyes to see her father holding a chain connecting to a new collar she wore, shifting subtly to find her hands were tightly bound behind her back forcing her to need his aid to remain properly sitting up. She listens to him mumbling to himself or mostly her unconscious body about not wishing this event once more that they should be a happy family sooner or later. Made her sick that he wanted babies death or alive and trusted his skilled enough to at least keep her in one piece. Before reacting she twitches her head slightly when sensing the clicking of Seth that she knew quite well at this point. Her father's guard was down in a point of an ambush, he was more concerned of her making a run for it or fighting back. But his hands beginning to thoroughly clean her caused her to jolt away from his touch, eyes opening to reveal she was awake "Unbind me, I can clean myself" whining as she did not want him touching her any longer than she must endure.
"tch, you have not earned that kind of trust yet. This was a punishment, once I know I can trust you again, we will come out to wash up together and you free of bindings. "
as he spoke, giving orders to her, however it would not be long before Liz would find her father's handling of her almost done. However it would require a bit of timing and effort to get
an ideal opening for Seth to get her out of this safely. however as it was, this would not present itself right away, unless Liz came up with some kind of tactic, or actions to get
her old man to at least remove the chain from his wrist, or perhaps lead him some how to the other side of the stream where the sounds were coming from, that she alone would recognize.
Clearly upset by him announcing she was being punished still after all she has already endured from him. She glares at his face for a few seconds before looking away to notice the clicking was coming from the other side of the stream. She shifting her legs a little to try and figure out her balance, eyeing the chain in his hand "Why the chain and collar, I am not a dog" scoffing with a huff. Maybe just talking and asking question would slow him down of cleaning her until she figures a better method to get to the other side.
"Simple, we both know your a fiery girl, and I know you might try to run, hell even locking me out of the house, and arming yourself. to many risks, with how you rebelled against your loving father. "
as he spoke like this, moving to touch her cheek gently with his one had. as it seemed her plan was working to some degree. however the fact remained, the hand which had the chain around it's wrist was now
gently caressing her cheek. as the other hand had finally stopped touching her in the lower region, as it slid along frame, running his finger along her belly button, and moving to caress up to her shoulder.

" so tell papa, how do you plan to earn the right to come out here with out bindings hmm? we know you refuse to eat, you refuse to listen properly, it will not be a single night of being a good girl to earn this level
of trust again. " speaking to her, as if the only one who did anything wrong was Liz. even if she wanted assault him verbally, for her plan to work, the young lady would have to suffer his point of view at least for a little while,
however if she slipped up, be it a physical action or verbal one. he could drag her back to the house, before her mate could get ahold of Liz.
He was not wrong with his assumptions based on past actions, she was a flight risk and he had much more than just her in mind now that she was with his child that she may not allow him to even touch if she was to remain here when it was born. Liz was snapped from such future thoughts by his touch on her cheek, her body tensing up as to expect the worst when he spoke such wrongful views of how she was blame for not earning his trust. He should be earning hers to ever see or hold his child. But he was slowing down, poking her buttons to see if she would lie down and earn his trust like a good girl or continue to lash out and reject him. "I doubt I am as smart as you believe me to be, papa" bashfully speaking "I...I would not want to harm you or myself" adding on as she leans her head into his touch praying Seth was near.
Hearing this, the wicked man would begin to let his ego show, as he moved to pull his daughter closer. so her head could rest on his lap. However not planning to force her to suck or anything. but so he could play with her hair, and talk of memories of good times. thinking she might enjoy some good memories, and understand his point of view some. However this was both troublesome for Liz, as well as rewarding. if she could endure this long enough, perhaps as he moved to caress her. a momentary chance would show it self for her to pull the chain from his wrist. even if bound still. but if she did this, and remained on his lap long enough to seem like she was enjoying it. then an ideal chance for her and seth would present itself. however this was more painful for liz then her lover might realize. as their would be some damage, which could show itself with how dependant, and desiring she could be tours her alien lover once they were together again. as if her father's plan to make her his doll was slowly turning her into that but for Seth, as the creature only showed her compassion and love.
In reaction of being moved to lie her head in his lap she tensed up forcing herself to just go with the motion, finding he simply wished to play with her hair and talk memories she had no interest in hearing. He broke her mentally and was keeping her hostage from her true soulmate that must be trying to get her back, she hoped, she prayed he was near to take her home. She was so scared of what would become of her if she remained with her father any longer, what would become of her child if they were born into this hell. Looking out to the forest trying to see if she could spot Seth, hopefully he can kill her father free her from the worry of his return to kidnapping her back if she were to get free.
as things played out like this, her mind failing the young lady, as if accepting her fate to belong to her father alone as the hours passed.
The land began to darken, the faint red in the sky from the setting suns, however it would be once it was dark enough, even if all things seemed hopeless. that a movement would be heard.
before long, her father could be heard screaming in pain, before her body was lifted, and carried off into the darkness.

As things happened so quickly, and in the blink of an eye. the sensation of blood splattering onto her could easily be missed.
however more then that, the vines were severed, the chain snapped, and her father's hand with the chain still attached left on the ground before the stream which had been used to wash her body up.
By the time everything could be felt, and understood, she was in the injured arms of her mate, the creature known as Seth, as he was moving from tree top to tree top. moving to a new and better hidden den,
deeper in the dark forest.
Amazed she remained awake this whole time that her father spoke of distant forgotten memories of the life they held before this nightmare for her, a heavenly dream for him. As the sunset vanished making her about to speak up abut returning home she was silenced by a scream of her father followed by her being lifted up from the water making her cold to the air. Her arms were free though the skin on her wrists held the evidence still while the collar on her neck remained the chain snapped while she was whisked away. Blinking in utter darkness she could not see a thing but could smell Seth's scent calming her to relax as he carried her through the tree tops. "you came for me" she whispers with a smile.
In her mind, the voice hissed gently and softly to Liz.
"of course you are mine alone, and I am yours alone. I will always protect, and take back what is mine. I can only hope You did not suffer to greatly. "
as the entity spoke softly to her. before long the duo would soon be ontop of the largest tree, showing a beautiful sight of the sunset, and the red sky dimming slowly. however far enough
so that for now, their was no apparent risk of her father spotting them. as he would look to her, before speaking softly into her mind once more.

"New den, better hidden, with defenses this time. Made safer home for us. are you alright with new home with me?"
as he speak softly into her mind, and say this. images of her doing things with her lover to mark, or christen the new home would enter her mind. unaware if this was due to the time with her father,
manifesting in lewd desires to show affection, or if residue from the nectar was to blame, or a bit of both. ether way her mate did not plant to take her or coax her into mating, but would not turn down
some pleasure ether, if she was brave enough once they go to the new under ground den, hidden below the largest natural tree.
Sitting up in his arms she nods her head "I will be happy anywhere with you, Seth" she softly murmurs in a very tired tone as she had been fighting sleep and anxiety this entire day. She was utterly exhausted "I will be okay, you came back for me and the baby is known now, he will be on the search for me" warning him as he spoke of a safer den for them to live. Was reassuring the precautions he took after she warned him before hand but now with a better understand he was properly prepared. "Seth, I am so tired" whimpering.
as she said this, the arms moved to gently touch her forehead, as he spoke softly.

"feel free to fall asleep, I shall get you into our new bed, and cared for. sleep soundly."
saying this, as the wings soon formed, making an oddly musical sound. one which would be oddly soothing for her ears. as it was something
he did not show off before, but it seemed like the beast was trying to calm, and sooth her mind so Liz could rest peacefully, for he would get her into the new den, and safely tucked in,
so when she would come to, they would be in the new flora, and moss filled under ground den. which resided in a large dome like chamber with giant roots protruding out of the walls, however this
would be revealed to her in due time. if liz remained awake long enough to see them getting to the new den, or if she would pass out, and come to later in the den, tucked into some soft furs, in his embrace, only time would tell.
His touch, his voice, knowing she was finally safe did cause her to slip right into sleep until late the following morning. She woke in the plush bed with a soft whine, her body tensing as she wildly looked around trying to sense where her father could be until realizing she was in the new den. Taking a few deep breathes she calms herself "I am safe, I am safe" she whispers in hope to ensure she was safe. "Seth!?" needing to see him.
as she called out, a faint hissing, and clicking could be heard, as a gentle voice was in her mind.

"Follow my voice, and see the entrance to our new home. I think you will enjoy this. "
as the entity said this, he would be at the entrance, standing on the roots of the giant fruit tree, waiting for her to come and find him
waiting their. with a claw waiting to help Liz out of the den. so she could see the natural beauty of this dangerous forest. they were far off from
the old den, and in the opposite direction, as to try and ensure her safety as much as possible. however the fact remained, this was Liz's new home, and
her gentle lover was here to take care of her, and fill all the young soon to be mother's needs. as she had no ideal that her dependancy on another which her father
had been prepping her for, was now in full show, but her attachment, and loyalty was to an alien lover who would take care of her, instead of just use her body for his own pleasure, and desires.
Pausing to face toward his voice in her head she slowly gets to her feet, finding her footing under her shakey feet until grasping his hand which brought her outside to their new world. She gasps unable to recognize anything around them "I am safe" she whispers with a breath of fresh air, turning to look toward Seth "Were you hurt at all?" moving to touch him, missing him s much.

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